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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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45 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Yeah Creatine is the only thing my brother uses. Dude puts up 225 like its 135. He complained to me when he "only" put up 35 reps 🤔

Jesus. I'm 147-151 doin 175...but 135 doing 225 is wild. Is he really short? I cant imagine being thst light lifting that much, id figure hed gain more weight from lifting. 


1 hour ago, Camacho said:

I should give creatine a shot. Currently working out every other day, supplementing with L arginine , bcaa 2:1:1 , and protien shakes. Benching 2-3 sets of 10-15 at 235 and 1-2 at 225, would like to get up to 250 soon. Really wanted to get there before 2022, just couldn't.

I take creatine pills.... Its the easiest form of it for me. Just pop a couple and guzzle water and go. Lmfao. 

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28 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Jesus. I'm 147-151 doin 175...but 135 doing 225 is wild. Is he really short? I cant imagine being thst light lifting that much, id figure hed gain more weight from lifting. 

You misunderstood me. My brother puts 225lbs reps like they are 135lbs reps. He's 5'9" 219lbs. He's built more like my dad than I am. My dad was only 5'6 but in shape he was 180lbs. I've fallen off the wagon so I'm back up to 235lb but I'm 6'.

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Thinking about the aliens topic again--- now I'm wondering just what would be the reaction of the average religious person... from various faiths and cultures too... it would be interesting to personally see the results.


One thing probably influencing the decisions behind the scenes was the infamous radio broadcast of War of the Worlds --this was much earlier in 1938 and caused mass panic, basically, since a lot of people thought a real alien invasion was happening.  Perhaps they figured that situation already showed us how the general public would react....and so it would become priority 1 to make sure any reports of UFOs and aliens are explained away as something else, or dismissed and the point where the general sentiment is to just not take it seriously when anyone even brings it up.  Unfortunately, that is the proof that it basically worked.  Even now, all these decades later... a politician's career and aspiration are instantly in trouble if he or she were to speak publicly about that in a serious's why they have to always crack a smile like they're half-joking if they mention spaceships and aliens in any context.


Anyway, it would be interesting to see the reactions of your average southern baptist church-attending person, for example....white, black, hispanic, whatever... or the reaction of a catholic person, or a muslim, jewish person, etc. etc.  Surely this challenges certain beliefs for all of them.  The reactions to all this would be fascinating.


....sheeeitttt, yet another reason I'd love to be immortal... I want a guaranteed front-row seat to be there for whatever happens once the truth of other beings "out there" is finally thrown out on the table for all to see.  Whatever happens from that day going forward, I want to see it.

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

One of the first things that showed me how stupid people are was Hilter, a dark haired and eyed dude, talking about the blonde haired blue eyed "master race". Weren't the Aryans an Asian people that invaded the Indian, as in India, subcontinent anyway?

Bonhoeffer wrote about this in his account of life under Hitler.  It was very disheartening to him to watch his people just be so easily turned toward what was clearly evil.  He refused to follow HItler because if you didn't know at the time he demanded people to sing hymns praising Hitler in place of God and he being a devout Pastor refused to do so.   Eventually he was involved in a conspiracy to assassinate Hitler and he was given a choice between martyrdom or snitching on all his co-conspirators.  He chose the rope, which is a great show of testicular fortitude.

Edited by J-ride
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Well, it shouldn't be a surprise to me... the Devil-possessed character Johnny on Days of Our Lives is weak-sauce so far.  He seems to be more of a mischievous type... just scheming and causing minor trouble.  I've been spoiled by prime-time supernatural shows that would have a character like this outright killing or tormenting the other characters.  The most that "Devil Johnny" has done in the past week on the show has been to magically flip a holy cross upside down that one couple had on the wall.  


...sheeeittt, meanwhile on Lucifer--- Lucifer himself is shown terrorizing the shit out of people when he shows his "true face", and they realize he's the real deal.... then on Supernatural you have Azazel, Crowley and various other assorted demons "wearing" a human to show up in the world and wreak havoc....I should get caught up on that; I didn't see the last few seasons of Supernatural.....oh and of course my favorite vamps from Vampire Diaries and The Originals are shown repeatedly snapping necks, ripping hearts out and beheading people (or fellow supernatural creatures) like it's going out of style. 


C'mon, "Days"....your so-called "Devil-Johnny" character is lacking in comparison to other things in recent years.  They at least have a slightly cool little effect for the eyes and voice.

*ha, the red suit in this scene was a bit on the nose though...

damn I can't get a break from youtube----currently, F&F is about to go live... Angryman just went live again...and Alanah Pearce is premiering a Dying Light 2 vid at the moment.  This is on top of a Tommy Sotomayor vid I still have on another tab....annnd there's another tab I have up on a video about Arcade 1up stuff; the latest announcements.  ha, I think the last time I even played a videogame was some time last week...and yeah it's mostly due to all this youtube-time. (*and that unfortunate thing called a "work".)

Edited by MillionX
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11 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

She said that the Holocaust wasn't about race but actually about man's inhumanity to man. Before actually apologizing, she went on to Colbert's show and doubled down that the Holocaust wasn't about race. I wonder what @DoctaMario thinks about this being Jewish








Americans have a narrow scope of "race" anyway and her take is in line with that. But what can you really expect from someone who took on a Jewish last name was as a stage name because she thought it would endear her to the space laser controllers in Hollywood (and before anyone brings it up, her having German/Jewish heritage was debunked.) 


I'm honestly more bummed that she's yet another celebrity who used to be funny and talented but decided it was better to use the attention she gets now make shitty hot takes and political snipes. There's a part of me that wonders what Bill Hicks would have thought about what's going on and what he'd be like now, but then there's another part of me that's glad he's still dead in case he turned into some snide smug asshole like a lot of other folks seem to have.

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Tonight's episode of Taxi on Decades... Carol Kane is on there!  I didn't know she appeared on this show, actually... she was an underrated cutie from way back, imo....and she still looked good for a long time in life... even as an old woman I thought she could still get the meat anytime anyplace.  In her younger days, as I'm seeing now on the show... she had a nice "1920s girl" look....which always works for me.  

ooh she looks even better in this scene now where she dressed up... yeahhh I'd go back in time and hit that....she's very tiny as well which is also a bonus---only 5'2 according to quick internet research.  


This show also gave us Marilu Henner... one of my first tv crushes from wayyyy back.... likely the origin of my thing for the redheads.

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3 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I'm not sure why my captain just told me he wrote another guy up for being late, another dude's disciplinary status is NONE of my business. That seems like a breach of company policy or protocols but idk 

He might be seeing you as someone he can vent to about shit or confide in about it for some reason. Still a bad look and he shouldnt do that, just offering a different perspective to the flexing theory. My boss at work talks to me about stupid shit t work he should, but he does it because we are reletively the same age while everyone is like 22 or so, im 36 and hes like 40 or so. He thiks because im close to his age i can relate to his issues, and i can, but i dont care to. Hes my boss. Not my friend. I get why he does it tho.


Personally I let him because I dont really bother retain any information i gain about people at work and him venting a little keeps him from being a pain in the ass else where so its kinda worth it. I just dont bother to retain the information he spews at me about others.

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1 minute ago, DangerousJ said:

I thought you were mostly into white hoes.


You diversifying your bonds due to Black History Month?

Nah im into every kind of woman. I just live in Massachusetts so a majority i run into is white. Been seeing a black woman for like 7 months now


Tldr: alot of black woman i liked never gave me a shot/ended up being friends who didnt think of me that way. Ive found black woman outside of mass gave me more of a chance than ones around here. Especially on the dmv area way more black woman who are geeks...anime conventions in the maryland area is just fine ass black woman. 

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I've always enjoyed watching the frustration of black american women when they see a black man who dates other "tribes" of women....and we've all seen the scenario play out dozens of times--- it's typically a guy they weren't giving the time of day previously....but now that he's back in town and seen with "Becky" or perhaps an "Ana Maria"...all of a sudden they have a problem, as if they have natural "ownership" over black men like this was the plantation days again......and they always end up looking quite ridiculous, as usual. This never stops being funny to me.  Oh yeahhh, this is definitely the vindictive, "petty bastard" side of me speaking. 


On another note, yeah I'm attracted to all types of women as well--- there's no category other than the bad stereotypes, like "Memphis Hoodrat Bitch" stereotype, which I'd say is the most repulsive shit on this planet.  It would be great if Thanos would've snapped that category of women out of existence.

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1) One time I was walking in Chicago with my gf at the time and some random black girl, just shouted, "Y'ALL MAKE A CUTE COUPLE"

I just said "Um ok"     This woman was someone I didnt even know which was weird.


2) In my  brief time (6 weeks) in a North Carolina town for my psych rotation, this one 6ft Leslie Jones looking patient came up to me and said 

Baby touch my pussy"  At the time, I was scared bc I didnt want to be accused of doing anything wrong. Nothing happened, but when I told the attending the enxt day, h just laughed. He looked like Sam Jackson as Nick Fury sans eyepatch.

She had said stuff before like"  I came on a bus from Japan to marry Montell Williams" 

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