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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Somehow, tragically... it is only just now that I'm discovering the existence of this movie, The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires....


Of course being an obscure thing I've already found the whole thing posted on youtube....I found it by browsing yet another channel that had the entire "House" movie.

Anyway, I haven't watched the whole thing yet but I already like the concept here.  If I were one of the suits in Hollywood production companies, looking for yet another thing to reboot, this is prime material right here.  Imagine this with today's level of special effects tech and choreography.  

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i cant believe

youve never seen that kung fu movie. like wtf dude? i thought EVERYONE has seen that movie by now. i been seen that movie as a lil kid bro. smdfh. like how have u not seen that in all this time?


thats one of the mandatory to watch kung fu flicks that exists. its like u sayin i never seen kid with the golden arms n shit. 


i just checked for you, sadly, the 7 golden vamps aint on amazon. region unavailable. damn. i myself wanna watch the flag of iron, which is another classic shaw bros masterpiece but also unavailable in our region. sucks. oh i see u found the whole movieon yt. ok cool

Edited by VirginDefiler
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Yeah I wasn't much into that genre as a I've only ever seen a few of them.  Usually they'd be on regular network tv around Saturday afternoon, but by that time I was either out somewhere like the arcade of a mall, at a movie theater, or playing outside or playing video games.  TV on a typical Saturday for me was all about the morning cartoons, not much else...then later on when we had cable tv, prime time was when HBO would premiere their latest big-name movie... oh and Tales from the Darkside would be on Saturday night as well, I think.


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8 hours ago, J-ride said:

People are acting as though the Queen is an absolute monarch and not largely a ceremonial figurehead.  She's unable to do much more than ask nicely, though I believe she can sieze power in certain situations but I'm unfamiliar with what those situations would entail.

She was the Head of State of many nations across the world (now Charles), including Canada. Technically, Canada is not a sovereign nation. The Prime Minister needs to confirm with the Governor General who then confirms with the Crown that a law or order can be passed.


It's mostly ceremonial, but I think it does beg the question why we need to keep doing this or what atrocities could have been averted (or ignored) by the Crown. Most recently, the role of the Canadian government with residential schools that is fresh in many of our minds. I could only imagine what the concerns would be in less developed Commonwealth nations that have to follow this same process.

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10 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

TLDR: "Because load racist trolls say fucked up it shit everyone that hates Rings of Power is now racist. Also we are being review bombed on Rotten Tomatoes. People can't accept a fantasy show with a diverse cast."

I honestly don't even know what anyone is complaining about. There's literally one black hobbit and an elf who could maybe pass for black. Is it because the black elf ends up a slave?

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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

I honestly don't even know what anyone is complaining about. There's literally one black hobbit and an elf who could maybe pass for black. Is it because the black elf ends up a slave?

There are a lot of criticisms being leveled at the show. However instead of addresses or refuting them, they've decided to go with the classic and tired everyone is (insert pejorative here). I'm not huge into Tolkien lore. I'm not invested enough to personally keep trudging through the show. So I won't speak on anything beyond the first episode. It didn't hook me enough to press on. Been too busy, thoroughly enjoying Yakuza 7. Wish I'd spent the time I wasted on the RoP playing Yakuza 7. Of course now I'm apparently a racist and woman hating white man that lives in my mother's basement, since I didn't care for the show. 🙄 Of course my mom doesn't have a basement, lives 5 hours away from me, and I'm not white. Nonsense like this gives me no incentive to tune back in and see if it gets better. There are too many options to fill my free time to continue to be a party to this type of bullshit. Amazon can tap me on the shoulder when Reacher season 2 launches. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

There are a lot of criticisms being leveled at the show. However instead of addresses or refuting them, they've decided to go with the classic and tired everyone is (insert pejorative here). I'm not huge into Tolkien lore. I'm not invested enough to personally keep trudging through the show. So I won't speak on anything beyond the first episode. It didn't hook me enough to press on. Been too busy, thoroughly enjoying Yakuza 7. Wish I'd spent the time I wasted on the RoP playing Yakuza 7. Of course now I'm apparently a racist and woman hating white man that lives in my mother's basement, since I didn't care for the show. 🙄 Of course my mom doesn't have a basement, lives 5 hours away from me, and I'm not white. Nonsense like this gives me no incentive to tune back in and see if it gets better. There are too many options to fill my free time to continue to be a party to this type of bullshit. Amazon can tap me on the shoulder when Reacher season 2 launches. 

Edited 1 hour ago by Darc_Requiem

Ahh, it's another one of those loud minority on social media situations that create the whole, "If you don't like it that means you're racist" type deals. Why can't people just accept that some folks just aren't going to like what you're selling, and others are?


Anyway, I'm digging the show big time. There's some pacing issues, but I'm really enjoying seeing Elendil and his sons (including Isildur), and how it's setting up the fall of Numenor and Elindil going to Middle Earth and founding Gondor and Anor, and befriending the elf king Gil-galad to form the last alliance of men and elves, and how Elrond is getting the Dwarves to assist in forging the Rings of Power, and seeing Sauron's forces creating the realm of Mordor. There's just so much lore that it's bringing to life that we haven't ever been able to see before beyond a flashback in Fellowship or in the appendices of the books. I'm intrigued to watch how it all plays out even though we already know the ultimate outcome and how the Second Age ends and the Third Age begins.

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30 minutes ago, Chadouken said:





Lost Boys is one of my favorite 80s movies, but this shit had me rolling 😂😂

I met this dude a few months July I was doing security for a Cabaret show, he was one if the acts. That guy rides that moment in Lost Boys like the wheels fell off. It's clearly his most famous moment because it's all over his poster and his routine was that moment from the movie. 


Was a pretty nice guy, talked to him while he broke down his set up and loaded his car. 

Edited by RSG3
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11 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

There are a lot of criticisms being leveled at the show. However instead of addresses or refuting them, they've decided to go with the classic and tired everyone is (insert pejorative here). I'm not huge into Tolkien lore. I'm not invested enough to personally keep trudging through the show. So I won't speak on anything beyond the first episode. It didn't hook me enough to press on.

What addressing/refuting though? The show is made. No writer on the show is going to say "yeah, looking back, this part sucks, but this was our thought process...". They can't change anything. The statement they put out isn't going to make any more people watch the show either.


Same thing when Moses Ingram was getting harassed. Some people said they're trying to deflect real criticism with that statement they put out. But what can they do? The show is out and the statement isn't going to make more people watch. It seems like this is what it looks like: them saying fuck off to trolls.

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Yeah but the whole OMG MEAN RACISTS seems a little too manufactured for my tastes, and it's usually coupled with a pretty shitty take on a movie/franchise.  Hollywood out there taking these "brave stands" in Western countries but photoshopping blacks out of their posters to lick Chinese boots.  GTFO with that nonsense. 

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2 hours ago, axeman61 said:

What addressing/refuting though? The show is made. No writer on the show is going to say "yeah, looking back, this part sucks, but this was our thought process...". They can't change anything. The statement they put out isn't going to make any more people watch the show either.


Same thing when Moses Ingram was getting harassed. Some people said they're trying to deflect real criticism with that statement they put out. But what can they do? The show is out and the statement isn't going to make more people watch. It seems like this is what it looks like: them saying fuck off to trolls.

Here's the thing. It's not just the statement. Ever since Ghostbusters 2016, the go to for any huge property that launched and isn't well received is to paint anyone that dislikes with a negative pejorative. Multiple independent outlets start reporting what essentially the same "Toxic fandom" story.  Which is tell-tell sign that the studio is feeding that story to their contacts to cover for the poor reception of the show. You have places like Cinemablend, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, Forbers, etc. saying the exact same thing. This issue in this case is that House of The Dragon blows up the false narrative. Most of the people that don't like RoP aren't racist or sexist. They just don't like the show.


Typically you don't have a Deep Impact/Armageddon situation this type of tactic is employed. Two similar properties launching at near the same time. That being the case. The manure they are shoveling is on front street. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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21 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Here's the thing. It's not just the statement. Ever since Ghostbusters 2016, the go to for any huge property that launched and isn't well received is to paint anyone that dislikes with a negative pejorative. Multiple independent outlets start reporting what essentially the same "Toxic fandom" story.  Which is tell-tell sign that the studio is feeding that story to their contacts to cover for the poor reception of the show. You have places like Cinemablend, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, Forbers, etc. saying the exact same thing. This issue in this case is that House of The Dragon blows up the false narrative. Most of the people that don't like RoP aren't racist or sexist. They just don't like the show.


Typically you don't have a Deep Impact/Armageddon situation this type of tactic is employed. Two similar properties launching at near the same time. That being the case. The manure they are shoveling is on front street. 

1.) I heard about backlash to black characters in ROP since the first trailer some time back. It makes sense that they'd probably have stronger trolls than HOTD (which I saw get little backlash over the black guy who's the head of some house). Also, ROP has the additional pressure of being an almost half-billion dollar show. Bigger budget anything attracts more criticism AND trolls because the potential "fall" is bigger.


2.) I doubt they were fed a narrative. The ROP statement is on Twitter. News articles can see it and run with it. Toxic fandom is still a buzz phrase. So, you see a lot of shit talking about toxic fandom that seems "samey". It's like when one source reports something, and now you have 5 articles reporting the same thing, referring to source 1. Only this is a tweet.


3.)  The statement itself is not saying that everyone who dislikes the show is racist. Even if they were saying it though, it's not like that's going to help anything still.


Off topic:

This loop is perfect (you have to watch on youtube):


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@axeman61 I saw criticism of HotD's diverse cast before RoP. By the same types of outlets/YouTube channels and post launch. The bulk of those people only talk about RoP. The consensus, between fans & critics, is that HotD is a good show. Which is telling to me because HotD had a higher bar to clear because Season 8 of GoT was near universally reviled by fans and critics alike. Yet it's got 85% positive reviews from critics and fans on RT. While RoP has 84% from critics and 39% from fans on the same review platform. 


TLDR: I'll just have to agree to disagree.

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I've seen tons and tons racist takes on ROP online. Constantly denying the racist takes doesn't make them go away. They are out there, and they are quite vocal. It's all over TikTok. 


There are legit reasons to not like Rings of Power like pacing and accuracy and shit but those don't hold a ton of water with me because the movies are pretty inaccurate in a lot respects and they are slow as fuck and almost everyone praises them and calls them master works so I don't buy much of those complaints from very many people. Almost every "legit" complaint I've heard can be level directly at the movies no one has a problem with.


Like anyone bitching the show is inaccurate to the source but doesn't whine the Jackson Trilogy isn't a fucking musical with over 60 fucking songs in it can kinda fuckin miss me with their shit. They don't actually care about accuracy. People bitching at Galadrial being in combat when she's mentioned to be a Warrior in the "historical" texts and was the leader of the rebel army of the Noldor. She had aims of ruling Middle Earth at one point. That's right out of the Silmarillion. 


But she killed an Ice Troll in the show and that's a bridge too far for the most powerful Elf in Middle Earth. Most powerful being in Middle Earth short of the God's themselves. 


The hate for ROP is fucking nuts and majority of it makes little sense. 

Edited by RSG3
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Here’s a cover for @coffinfeedermetal that I’ve been working on and off since April. Far and away the most mental thing I’ve had the pleasure of doing. An absolute joy to combine my love of death metal, 80s action characters, and Easter eggs in album covers…this one has about 80. Thanks so much to Sven @colostomy_phd for trusting me with this. I’ll post zoom ins of details at some point.



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Both shows seem like they are pretty good. I mean it's not like it should terribly surprising GOT is good, it was really good for 7 seasons and everyone knows why season 8 is ass and that problem isn't there anymore. HBO is pretty consistant with the quality of their content. 


With that said I do understand season 8 hit the fanbase really hard. 

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Man after watching one of the many documentaries in the sleuth of 9/11 coverage, it's crazy to think how Rudy Giuliani went from being an inspiring leader to a pathetic little toadie who can't get pat on his shoulder because he cries about "deadly force" or some shit LOL


On another note, in regards to the release of the new Pinocchio adaptation (which I refuse to see) and man, I forgot how much scary shit is in the original 1940 animated film. What gets me the most is that despite Pinocchio escaping Pleasure Island, it's horrifying to think that nothing was done to stop the fucked up shit happening there, since basically the slave labor machine is still running and the fate of all those kids turned into donkeys is left unresolved (unless the novel gives it resolution or something)

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24 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Man after watching one of the many documentaries in the sleuth of 9/11 coverage, it's crazy to think how Rudy Giuliani went from being an inspiring leader to a pathetic little toadie who can't get pat on his shoulder because he cries about "deadly force" or some shit LOL


On another note, in regards to the release of the new Pinocchio adaptation (which I refuse to see) and man, I forgot how much scary shit is in the original 1940 animated film. What gets me the most is that despite Pinocchio escaping Pleasure Island, it's horrifying to think that nothing was done to stop the fucked up shit happening there, since basically the slave labor machine is still running and the fate of all those kids turned into donkeys is left unresolved (unless the novel gives it resolution or something)

Rudy Giuliani had a tepid reputation prior to 9/11 but he handled the situation well. As time went on, he slowly began to show the type of guy he was prior to 9/11. All that said, every time I think he's a rock bottom doesn't something else that makes me think less of him. 

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Ok yeah, I'm seeing why this movie The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires bombed...I love the basic premise here, but damn it's boring.  I'm not even at the halfway point and I had to stop... I might go back to it later.  


I haven't watched tv at all today of course since we all know there's only going to be 2 things being talked about all damn day---either the Queen or the fact that it happens to be the anniversary of 9/11....and yeah I'd rather relax and actually enjoy the day.  It might be time to finally check out "Dr. Sleep" then; I bought it on dvd some months ago (part of a double-pack including The Shining) but still hadn't watched it.

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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

Ok yeah, I'm seeing why this movie The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires bombed...I love the basic premise here, but damn it's boring.  I'm not even at the halfway point and I had to stop... I might go back to it later.  


I haven't watched tv at all today of course since we all know there's only going to be 2 things being talked about all damn day---either the Queen or the fact that it happens to be the anniversary of 9/11....and yeah I'd rather relax and actually enjoy the day.  It might be time to finally check out "Dr. Sleep" then; I bought it on dvd some months ago (part of a double-pack including The Shining) but still hadn't watched it.

7 gold vamps is def not one of the best kung fu flicks ever made. its average. but it is memorable tho. if not for the subject matter of vampires in a hong kong kung fu movie but cuz it has 2 of my fav actors in it. 

its no crippled avengers lol. but its still watchable.


last night i managed t see the flag of iron and it was dope af.



Edited by VirginDefiler
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I've been following this account that translates and follows Russian media on the war in Ukraine. I think I posted one clip way back when they were talking about their superweapon to cause a giant tsunami and drown the entirety of the British Isles under the sea.


The latest developments in the war seems to have left the propagandists positively shook though. Some are coming to the conclusion that what they're doing is just not working. I found the last remarks in particular to be pretty strong.



Edited by Phantom_Miria
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