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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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5 minutes ago, Jurassic said:

Speaking of free speech, Elon Musk has suspended journalists from Twitter claiming that they violate the new policy of sharing live locations.

That's what sparked this conversation, that once again Elon says one thing, does another, and barely understand the concepts he's talking about or how to apply them even remotely properly. 


He's a fucking moron. 

Edited by RSG3
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Just now, DoctaMario said:


Those agencies are still of the government. There's no reason why they should be contacting Twitter about content unless that content violates some kind of law.

Yea sure, I didn't say they weren't. What exactly are you responding to here man? 

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Been trying to use the open AI to help me build better titles for my content. It's crazy what it can come up with. Having said that, there's still a level of modification that one needs to do to yield what you want. It's understandable it can't do 100%of the work but rather I use it to do 25%of the load for small things I don't like to spend time doing. We'll see if it helps down the line. 

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22 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

just in case megashock were to ever crash or shut down. something. how do we all find each other again? i mean i know darc's steam and such...but whats the back up plan if someday we wake up n megashock aint working? how do we group together again? just wondering.

I will hunt all of you down like a merciless killer and kiss you in your sleep on your gums.

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Besides perusing reddit, is there a good place for recommendations on headsets? Like, some site you guys trust for electronics recommendations, or some spot specifically for headphones? The headset I use at my computer is raggedy after years of use. I'm looking for a new one, but am in no rush. It still works fine. I'm only thinking about it because I have a surplus of extra cash. The one I have now ran about $70, but I can go $100-$300 for the new.


I don't need a shit-ton of features though. Just good for music and good for voice chatting. I'd go for just a new copy of what I have now, but am curious if there's something out there better in ways I didn't anticipate.


In case it matters, this is what I have now.

Edited by axeman61
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1 minute ago, axeman61 said:

Besides perusing reddit, is there a good place for recommendations on headsets? Like, some site you guys trust for electronics recommendations, or some spot specifically for headphones? The headset I use at my computer is raggedy after years of use. I'm looking for a new one, but am in no rush. It still works fine. I'm only thinking about it because I have a surplus of extra cash. The one I have now ran about $70, but I can go $100-$300 for the new. I don't need a shit-ton of features though. Just good for music and good for voice chatting.

You looking for wireless or wired?

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33 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

My bad for not mentioning that. Wireless (bluetooth). My current pair has a wired option with an aux cord, but I like that it's wireless primarily.

I like the Steel Series Nova line. I just picked up the Nova Pro Wireless set and love them. There expensive though, at $350. The Arctis Nova 7s are supposed to be really good too. 


The Nova Pro Wireless set I got lets you connect to two consoles/PC at the same time, plus simultaneous Bluetooth. So I can listen to music while I play, or join a Discord party chat while in PS5 via Bluetooth on my phone. They sound great. Definitely worth looking into that brand.


Here's a review/overview:


Edited by Chadouken
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ok. listen to this guys. its gonna sound crazy or bs or whatev. but just listen.


so as i mentioned my mom has alzhiemers right. like i said to yall before. plus she had a concussion from her fall.

well anyway.

so. ive been giving her nutritious food etc to help her recover from the taxing of her covid infection and her fall, fractured spine and concussion.

so i have known about lions mane mushroom being the only thing, or at least one of just of few things that can actually cause neuroregeneration.

its like a proven scientific thing that it can regrow nerve cells. including in the brain which. i think its the only thing on earth that can do that.


i know from other people's accounts that lion's mane alieviates nerve pain. so theres that.


so i gave my mom. who's short term memory is terrible. her long term is actually good. like she can remember things from the past no problem but anything short term recent memory is real bad. 

so i gave her about...500mg lion's mane mushroom.

to help her regen her damaged nerve cells in her spine, aleviate her back pain, and also treat her alzheimers.

help her heal.

in about 2 hours. my mom said. she felt ...strange.

i asked strange? as in itching or pain in stomach where it might be an allergic reaction? and she said, no. just strange.

now ive taken lions mane myself and it def makes you feel. strange. mostly think strange not so much makes you feel ill. but it def makes you think strange like alotta mushrooms do. not trip balls like shrooming does. but it def affects your mind and thinking process. from my own first hand experience when i rarely take lions mane mushroom.

well anyway. so my mom's ike. "i feel..strange. cant put it in words. just. weird."

and i was like "hmm. okayyy. so you feel, strange. with shrooms, strange is normal. lions mane is a potent shroom. so its normal mom"

but i wanted to know more.

of what she was feeling.

so i asked her.

how does your spinal pain feel?

and she replied. i dont even feel pain at all right now.

and i was like ??? you mean less pain than before? or actually no pain whatsoever?

n she was like "no pain." and i was hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

and i thought to myself "i wonder. obviously the effects of lion's mane numbing nerve pain is kicking in fully. but can her "i feel weird in my mind, thinking differently." mean that her brain's cognition and memory is also kicking in?

so i decided to put her bad memory to the test.

so i asked her.

can you remeber these 3 numbers? i will test you later, see if u remember.

the numbers are 437.

and she repeated the numbers couple times.

and i said. i'll be back later. 

came back after a while. asked her what the 3 numbers were. and she replied. 3,4,7

and i was like !!!

wow. cuz knowing her. and how bad her memory is. she wouldnt have remembered. 90% chance she doesnt remember know her.

so im just like. yunno. cuz its only been 1 freaking day. its impressive it can take all her pain away and improve her focus and memory in just a day.

maybe its just a coincidence. or luck she remembered but considering i know ts kicking in cuz it removed her pain completely for at least a while.

its impressive.

for her at least. and the shroom.

i dont think, knowing her and her memory, that she wouldve remembered the numbers if she wasnt shrooming on lion's mane.

its impressive. but since i knew the effects of the mushroom was kicking in at max with her pain temporarily totally removed by the shroom.

its sorta.

so i told her. your back pain is gone plus you actually remembered what you wouldve normally immediately forgotten. thats the shroom healing you. so if you feel "weird.".........its the shroom doin its job mom. so dont get freaked out by feeling weird. its just the sensation of healing your brain and spine. then she smiled. happily.

i wonder how her memory will be after a year of lion's mane taken daily. hopefully alot better. i hope so.


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6 hours ago, Daemos said:

I've been using Lion's Mane every day since March. Sleep has been deeper. I wake up more rested because of it with much less brain fog throughout the day. My dreams became noticeably more vivid from the first week.

when i take lions mane, which is rarely, i dont notice any improvement in memeory at all. but then again ive always had great memory. the only thing i notice is i think and feel differently, and that the 3D aspect of depth in vision becomes more noticeable. like if im looking at a page of crossword puzzles the letters seem to float above the page in a weird 3D vision sorta way. but thats it. apparently the more damaged your nerve cells the more effect you feel. idk.

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14 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

when i take lions mane, which is rarely, i dont notice any improvement in memeory at all. but then again ive always had great memory. the only thing i notice is i think and feel differently, and that the 3D aspect of depth in vision becomes more noticeable. like if im looking at a page of crossword puzzles the letters seem to float above the page in a weird 3D vision sorta way. but thats it. apparently the more damaged your nerve cells the more effect you feel. idk.

I'm not taking it for memory exactly, except in the sense of a preventative measure since I've seen what neurodegenerative disease did to my dad. I am mostly taking it to improve QoL and manage some leftover symptoms of anxiety/depression (*not a substitute for therapy and medication).


I'm hoping to maintain my brain and repair anything I may have damaged in my whoring 20s. The noticeable increase in REM sleep I imagine is one way it is doing this.

edit- I take 2 500 mg capsules per day with a meal.

Edited by Daemos
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

When people do shit like that, it makes me give zero fucks about what happens to them. That's beyond foul man.

Yeah these people are on demon time. And such people should be avoided and cast from one's life, unless you too are on that type of time. These are the kind of people who bring life or death drama to innocent people who happen to associate with them.

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7 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

When people do shit like that, it makes me give zero fucks about what happens to them. That's beyond foul man.

Men really need to be better and stop getting entangled with women who live for drama.  Getting rid of my social media accounts has overall been the best decision I have ever made as far as personal happiness goes.

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12 hours ago, Daemos said:

I'm not taking it for memory exactly, except in the sense of a preventative measure since I've seen what neurodegenerative disease did to my dad. I am mostly taking it to improve QoL and manage some leftover symptoms of anxiety/depression (*not a substitute for therapy and medication).


I'm hoping to maintain my brain and repair anything I may have damaged in my whoring 20s. The noticeable increase in REM sleep I imagine is one way it is doing this.

edit- I take 2 500 mg capsules per day with a meal.


i gave my mom just 500mg yesterday. with her dinner.

and im gonna keep increasing the dose by 250mg every week.

so this week 7 days. 500mg.

then next week 750mg. 

week after 1000mg. 

then eventually try to get her to 2000mg which is the recommended dose for alzheimers patients.

i dont think she will need over that dose since shes more sensitive to its effects than us with healthy brains.


but right now her covid cough is refusing to leave her completely. she no longer has the covid virus in her system, they tested her before discharging her.

but her "weird" covid cough isnt going away. lessened but still there. due to the lingering inflammatory response from the infection.

i read a covid cough can last up to six months after covid infection. and can cause lung scarring and permanent damage if it lingers too long.

so now i have to focus on giving her garlic and fish oil(omega3) to lower her inflammation in her lungs.

i made garlic bread for her. and the garlic calmed her cough down considerably.

shes sleeping right now. no longer coughing. yea robitussin does help reduce mucus and phlegm but its not much of a anti-inflammatory.

but garlic, aloe vera, and fish oil are pretty damn good at lowering inflammation.


fun fact. aspirin, a known anti-inflammatory, was first made from the white willow tree bark.

how it works is by blocking omega 6 in your body.

omega 6=pro inflammatory response

omega 3=anti-inflammatory response.


its why some plant oils give you inflammation while other plants and fish oils lower inflammation.

its how aspirin works essentially.

its also why if you take fish oil or flaxseed oil you notice inflammation go down while if you take other plant oils like coconut oil it goes up.

unfortunately my mom's allergic to aspirin so i cant give her aspirin at all.


but yea.

now i haveta be mindful of her diet im giving her even more so now.

garlic and fish oil during morning breakfast/lunch.

and lions mane at evenings with dinner.

i dont want the garlic mixing and screwing with the lions mane effects.



Edited by VirginDefiler
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:


Welp that kills my main reason for ever using the platform. BUT before I change anything on my profile...we'll see what the after effects will be. Still twitter isn't dead even with this. until it's literally a ghost town OR the site is offline, it's still here. This is also a reason why for years while most mocked the idea of using alt site, why it's important to always have alternatives. 

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