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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

That's because I really don't think its near as hard as people make it out to be. I think its an excuse people lean on to excuse the consistently bad decisions they make when it comes to choosing partners. I was picky about who i asked out and then even more picky about who i chose to be long term with. It was difficult sure, but its not that hard either, you just have to accept that getting your dick wet isn't the most important thing in the world. You have to learn how to be comfortable being by yourself, being alone. It gives you the spine needed to not let someone manipulate you with the relationship because you have the foundation to leave and not be needy and desperate.


As the great Bill Burr once said "Rub one out, its the champaign of victory."


I don't have nearly the hostile and negative opinion of women a lot of people on the internet do because I'm comfortable with myself and it gives me the strength to be picky about the people I allow to be a part of my life because if you're garbage for it you can go away, i don't need you, I'm fine being with myself. That goes for everyone male or female. I don't let them stick around and poison my world views with their shitty behavior.


It seems to me to be less that's it hard but that most of these people aren't half as strong as they think they are.

I think it's good you're in that headspace, it's healthy. But what I mean is that men have been seen as "the providers" for thousands of years of human history, and so simply saying "get over it" in regards to something that people have had pushed to them in the media and they many of them have grown up with and expecting it to change instantly is a heavy lift.

Edited by DoctaMario
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9 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I think it's good you're in that headspace, it's healthy. But what I mean is that men have been seen as "the providers" for thousands of years of human history, and so simply saying "get over it" in regards to something that people have had pushed to them in the media and they many of them have grown up with and expecting it to change instantly is a heavy lift.

I don't expect them to change instantly, and it's not easy, it's just not impossibly hard, which is what most people, especially these goofy love guru losers seem to push. That we can't somehow over come our evolution when that's the whole point of evolution. Time to evolve and move past this shit that hasn't been working for the 30 years I've been paying attention at the very least. 

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

My dad always told me, you never know who you are dealing with. Dude fucked around with Harry Potter and found out.



.Damn man's got sent to the shadow realm

.Lost his soul to the seal of orichalcos

.Had his soul removed like Pain did Tsunade's personal aide

.Lookin like Hulk after the original sorcerer Supreme knocked it out of him

.Dropped like a toy in Toy Story when humans show up

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Women’s Soccer Team Chases Down And Brutally Assaults Referee For Not Rewarding Penalty

Players from the Congolese women’s soccer club DC Motema Pembe chased down a referee and brutally assaulted him in protest of a non-penalty call.


The women of DC Motema Pembe were losing to Mazembe women 5-1 in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The referee did not call a questionable foul inside the penalty box.


Out of anger, the players on Motemba Pember chased the official off the pitch, and once he made his way toward a shelter, they attacked him. Players began to slug him before bystanders separated the angry athletes, and shortly after, the official was rushed down a tunnel.


A few of the Motema Pembe players chased the official down the tunnel and were out of sight of the video.


The women on Mazembe stayed on the pitch as they watched their opponents aggressively charge the referee.


According to GhanaWeb, the DR Congo Football Association suspended some players on Motema Pembe for their actions.

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

The car cut him off Mario. That was an illigal turn by the car.

I'm unclear on how is making a left turn like that in England is illegal, but I've only driven in Ireland. Either way, guy on the bike was quite a ways away from the car, car had his turn signal on that the cyclist could clearly see, but rather than move it along and slow down &  let the guy make the turn, he chose to be an asshole about it and uphold the city cyclist stereotype. Even if the cyclist is right traffic law wise, he's still wrong to be this much of a dick even after the guy apologized.

Edited by DoctaMario
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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

Honestly bike lanes should be above or below the road.  It’s just too dangerous to have them intermingle the way they do in most cities.

Car drivers need to accept that bicycles are traffic that has to be watched for like every single other vehicle on the road. Bicycles are legal road vehicles and car drivers need to get that through their heads. 


That's a lot of infrastructure for no reason other then the majority of car drivers are really really bad at driving their cars. 


32 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I'm unclear on how is making a left turn like that in England is illegal, but I've only driven in Ireland. Either way, guy on the bike was quite a ways away from the car, car had his turn signal on that the cyclist could clearly see, but rather than move it along and slow down &  let the guy make the turn, he chose to be an asshole about it and uphold the city cyclist stereotype. Even if the cyclist is right traffic law wise, he's still wrong to be this much of a dick even after the guy apologized.

He doesn't have to stop, he is traffic just like the car is. This is tantamount to demanding all traffic on the left stop so you can make a left turn. That's nonsense. He's traffic, the one making the turn has to yield to the rest of traffic. Traffic doesn't stop for the person making the turn. 


I really don't get how he's the asshole when the one with the obligation to make way for all traffic on the road is the one disrupting it by making a left. It's pretty inexcusable to pass the cyclist on your left and then make said left and not even yeild for a second for the cyclist you just fucking passed on your left. 


Imagine almost hitting someone with your car you saw, passed, and then cut off right after passing them and then having the audacity to call them the asshole. Just wow. 

Edited by RSG3
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46 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Car drivers need to accept that bicycles are traffic that has to be watched for like every single other vehicle on the road. Bicycles are legal road vehicles and car drivers need to get that through their heads. 


That's a lot of infrastructure for no reason other then the majority of car drivers are really really bad at driving their cars. 


He doesn't have to stop, he is traffic just like the car is. This is tantamount to demanding all traffic on the left stop so you can make a left turn. That's nonsense. He's traffic, the one making the turn has to yield to the rest of traffic. Traffic doesn't stop for the person making the turn. 


I really don't get how he's the asshole when the one with the obligation to make way for all traffic on the road is the one disrupting it by making a left. It's pretty inexcusable to pass the cyclist on your left and then make said left and not even yeild for a second for the cyclist you just fucking passed on your left. 


Imagine almost hitting someone with your car you saw, passed, and then cut off right after passing them and then having the audacity to call them the asshole. Just wow. 

Imagine nearly plowing into a car you saw turning from a ways away on purpose so you can be "right." 


Imagine being the kind of guy who rides around with a GoPro camera on your helmet.


Imagine putting a video of the driver on the internet even after he said he didn't see you and apologized to you, just for likes.


This guy is an asshole for other reasons besides this incident.



Getting cut off in traffic isn't personal, and this guy is making it personal. I don't know what the law is regarding left turns and yielding, but the way he's reacting is little different than the people who draw guns on the highway and threaten to shoot people because they got cut off. It's what idiots and assholes do.

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47 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Imagine nearly plowing into a car you saw turning from a ways away on purpose so you can be "right." 


Imagine being the kind of guy who rides around with a GoPro camera on your helmet.


Imagine putting a video of the driver on the internet even after he said he didn't see you and apologized to you, just for likes.


This guy is an asshole for other reasons besides this incident.



Getting cut off in traffic isn't personal, and this guy is making it personal. I don't know what the law is regarding left turns and yielding, but the way he's reacting is little different than the people who draw guns on the highway and threaten to shoot people because they got cut off. It's what idiots and assholes do.

People go around with GoPros on their helmets because assholes break the road laws and endanger the people around them, then blame other people who did nothing wrong in order dodge accountability for their shit descions on the road. They have to have proof that shitty drivers who lie constantly about their driving ability are actually the ones at fault or else they get done in by people with your mentality, that somehow it's  always the cyclists fault when the majority of car drivers don't know the fucking road laws or how drive. 


Yea cyclist is a bit of an asshole for posting the video online, but at the same time he was almost done in by someone not paying attention to traffic and what's going on around them, and i garantee you, i fucking garantee you its not even remotly close to the first time its happened to him. I remind you they passed the cyclist to make the turn then cut him off after passing him. Thwre was no reason for then to turn that fast, no one was behind them that had to wait on them or anything, they just swung in with 0 regard for the cyclist they just passed. He didn't "nearly plow into them just to be right" either, he slammed on his breaks and managed to stop before hitting the drivers door meaning the car turned too fucking soon. 


People have GoPros on their helmet for the exact same reason people have GoPros on their dashboards, so they can prove who the actual asshole is. We don't have to settle for the words of  lying car drivers anymore. We now have video proof most of you guys shouldn't have drivers licenses.


I like how posting a video online of a minor altercation is the same level of behavior apparantly as pulling a gun on someone. Totally not reaching at all with that huge fucking leap in gap of behavior. A few words and video online is the same as pulling a firearm on someone apparently. 


Edit: FpE2MxMXoAAzh1Y.jpg


Yea, you can't cut off cyclists, it's illigal. The sooner car drivers accept that bicycles are vehicles, the sooner you'll stop breaking the law constantly by acting like they aren't 👍 

Edited by RSG3
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50 minutes ago, RSG3 said:


I likened posting the video with pulling a gun in that they're both the actions of people taking something that isn't personal way too personally. One is aggressive, one is more passive aggressive, but they're both watermarks of asshole behavior in my opinion. But if you weren't able to suss that out, then I don't know what else to tell you.


You notice in that graphic you posted that the bike is ahead of the car? Well the car was ahead of the bike in the video. It's very possible that if the driver was looking for an address, he didn't see the guy when he drove past. And it wasn't like he denied it, he apologized like someone in the wrong should when confronted. And this spoiled asshole still put the video online. He's lucky this guy was nice and that he didn't get his ass beat.


I used to ride when I lived in Atlanta and didn't have a car and even an idiot like me had enough sense not to trust that drivers could always see me. They're driving a several thousand pound metal vehicle, and it's the height of naivety to believe that they can all see at all times and that you're A-ok to just go as you please. That's how people get killed. If this guy is good putting his life in hands of some driver they may or may not see him, that's his business, but I sure as shit wasn't and no cyclist should no matter what the law says.


If this guy wants to be a traffic cop, he should apply for that gig. It isn't his job to ride around catching people committing traffic violations. Sounds to me like he has a lot of free time on his hands that could be put to better use.

Edited by DoctaMario
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26 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:
1 hour ago, RSG3 said:


I likened posting the video with pulling a gun in that they're both the actions of people taking something that isn't personal way too personally. One is aggressive, one is more passive aggressive, but they're both watermarks of asshole behavior in my opinion. But if you weren't able to suss that out, then I don't know what else to tell you.

I can suss it out Mario it's just a bad comparison, thays why I was ridiculous about it, I can't take that comparison remotely seriously because an asshole who pulls a gun on someone is a very different kind of asshole who posts a video of a minor altercation online. They aren't comparable assholes in the slightest and I find it weird your trying to conflate them as remotely the same. 


26 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

You notice in that graphic you posted that the bike is ahead of the car?

Yes I did notice. I also read the graphic where it plainly says you can't cut off cyclists for any reason, they are vehicles like everyone else. Passing them isn't justification for cutting someone off. Would the driver have been in the right if he cut off a bus? No he wouldn't and he's not in the right for doing it to a bike either. 


He's lucky he didn't get assaulted by someone who broke the law? Are you even reading the shit your posting right now Mario? People are now lucky when they don't get physically beat for doing nothing wrong? What absolute fucking nonsense. Pure nonsense. 


26 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I used to ride when I lived in Atlanta and didn't have a car and even an idiot like me had enough sense not to trust that drivers could always see me. They're driving a several thousand pound metal vehicle, and it's the height of naivety to believe that they can all see at all times and that you're A-ok to just go as you please. That's how people get killed. If this guy is good putting his life in hands of some driver they may or may not see him, that's his business, but I sure as shit wasn't and no cyclist should no matter what the law says.

Hence why he has a fucking go pro on his helmet and used his breaks to stop before hitting their car. He doesnt trust any of you either. You know what else gets people killed? Not paying attention to who is around you. Cutting people off to make your turn without recognizing the lane is already occupied and you need to wait. Flow of traffic does not stop so one person can make a turn, they have to wait for an opening. 


Like when has traffic ever had to stop for someone making the turn? If you can't make the turn before the vehicle your turning in front of gets to you then you turned too early, it's as simple as that. Why would the bike have to stop, it's with the traffic flow, the turner is the one interrupting traffic, they have to wait. This fucki g applies to every single vehicle on the road, from Semi truck all the way down to bicycles. It's consistant for all vehicles. Traffic flow does not have to stop for someone turning, they have to wait for an appropriate time to turn. The fact the cyclist would have had to stop means they turned too early. 

Edited by RSG3
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2 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Hence why he has a fucking go pro on his helmet and used his breaks to stop before hitting their car. He doesnt trust any of you either.

You' ve referred to drivers as "you" several times. Care to expand on that? I think we're at an impasse with everything else, but it might help me understand your point of view better if you'd tell me why you seem to regard this as a "you vs us" type of thing. 

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17 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

You' ve referred to drivers as "you" several times

It's just a generality for the majority of car drivers, it's not you specifically if that's what you are asking. I live in numerous places across the country and consistantly in all of them most people demonstrate terrible driving skill and knowledge. I'm a walker and a bike rider and almost every time I go out I almost get killed by someone driving a car, flying through cross walks too fast, speeding around blind corners, using the bike lane as a passing lane, turning right from the center turn lane, the list goes on and on and on. Now don't get me wrong I see shitty cyclists to, and I call them on their shit, but the danger cyclists pose to people compared to danger cars pose to people, and the amount of them on the road, the amount of people killed by cars every year on the road, it's clear as day the real dangerous people on the road are the car drivers, not the cyclists, not by a long shot. I and many other cyclists are sick and fucking tired of being shitty car drivers scape goats for their dog shit driving.  I follow the road law to the letter and yet somehow it's Always my fault they used the bike lane to pass/turn right. It's my fault they cut me off. It's my fault I needed to turn right and used the center lane like I'm allowed to but still get screamed at to get out the road when I'm allowed to be there. 


My beef is they will give any Tom, Dick and Harry a fucking driving license and they don't fucking deserve one.  The driving test in Tucson is a quick spin around the block. No traffic driving, no dealing with lights, not even a fucki g paralleled parking test or 3 point turn test. I was horrified when my gfs daughter passed her driving test in 8 minutes. There in the parking lot just sitting there for 3 of them.


So yea my beef is too many people are shitty drivers but they think they are fucking amazing when they are not. Same kind of delusion as super duper fat chick's demanding everyone find them attractive. Naw your ugly, just like that asshole over there can't fucking drive. Putting the key in the ignition and punting the gas doesn't make you a good driver. 


Driving is a huge personal bear bug for me. I have a lot of issues with how driving is handled in this country (and others) from top to bottom. But yea "you drivers" is a generalization about drivers, it's aimed at no one specific. 

Edited by RSG3
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So...Target finally had the Venger/Dungeon Master combo pack again... I made sure not to miss my chance this time; I finally got it.  I forgot it also comes with 2 dice and a background panel of the intro scene of the cartoon.  Venger has alternate hands with the magic energy blasts, but I'm not a fan of that... energy effects on a figure just tend to look silly, imo... (*because it's a solid sculpted substance of energy)...good thing that's just optional extra pieces.


Oh yeah...and then I finally saw the 4k version of The Lost Boys at Best Buy!!!  Hell yeah you know I had to snatch that up without question.  The selection in that particular location continues to be good for some odd reason.  They also had the 4k version of the movie Black Christmas featuring Margot Kidder so I got that too.... Margot was pretty cute before she got old, imo... I also figure this is one of those older movies that will completely disappear; stuff like that is a priority to get before it becomes impossible to find later.  They also have the original Flatliners there so I suppose that's next if it's still there when I go next time.


*edit---oh yeah---easy DRIVING requirements, you say ---yep, here's how easy it was in that "city" Memphis...

You drive down a street...make a right turn...go into a parking lot to turn around and return to the building.  That's the extent of the driving portion of the test.  I was expecting so much more after all those "teen Driver's Ed" scenarios in various 80s shows and movies.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Reticently said:

Yeah, idk the road rules over there, but if you're going fairly slowly, and somebody up ahead of you is signalling a lane change/turn, it's just weird to get bent out of shape when they go through with it.  Bicycle or no.

The car may have been wrong BUT if I'm a bike, a car's wheels are bigger than mine so even if I'm right, I'm not going to take a chance challenging it. Perfect world everyone's head is on a swivel but I cannot assume those around me are going to be as safe or safer than me. 

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I rode a bike to work for years, after my 5th or 6th close call I just got tired of it and stopped doing it.  It's just not worth being hospitalized to save a few bucks vs driving a car. 


For the longest time I drove across an empty field to work, but once they turned it into a suburb it became a game of Frogger to get to work.

Edited by J-ride
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On 2/17/2023 at 2:46 AM, MillionX said:

It's such a shame what happened with that 2011 Thundercats....I think most know the situation at this point... ratings were good, but the toy sales were not.  

It's not even the usual Cartoon Network BS either, of being shifted around the schedule constantly to sabotage things (e.g. He-man 2002).  I didn't know about the Lego deal affecting things though.  I should've bought it on dvd or blu-ray when I had the chance...perhaps that store I frequent that specializes in old stuff might have it... I did get a collection of the entire original series a few years ago though (I think some Walmarts actually still sell it!).


On streaming---Hulu has it, btw.  


*the other thing that is heartbreaking about this show being killed so fast---- imagine if it went for 2 or 3 seasons... and with a glimpse of Monstar in one of the episodes.....oh yes... a new-era Silverhawks definitely would've been made too....I'll bet they probably already had some ideas for that possibility if the new Thundercats was a big hit on all fronts.

ah yes...I had to look it up again... imagine how hype a newer Silverhawks could have been at the time 

Every weekday afternoon, I was there to see this greatness.

ThunderCats: The Complete Series (DVD-R) [Blu-ray]

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