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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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Tried out the SoR4 DLC and all the new characters are pretty damn fun. 


Estel is more or less an all-arounder and has some cool stuff i.e. combo routes off throws, crazy range. Out of the three, she feel like the OG cast the most


Max is king Shit of Fuck mountain when it comes to crowd control. Put 10 dudes in front of him and he fucks everyone up. One on one he kinda gets bopped with his stubby hitboxes and slow as shit walking speed. His jab is a natural AA, which is great for enemies that dive-kick


Shiva is a combo machine and is all about the health management with his special attacks. I actually like playing him the most, which I didn't expect cause Shiva's visual design is lame imho. Biggest bummer with him is he can't access any of the bonus stages if you're playing solo cause he can't pick up a weapon.


They added a ton to the game, a lot of it subtly. Dynamic lighting improvements, visual affects upgrades, sound design improvements. 


Honestly, the DLC is like $7. It 's a total steal.

Edited by KingTubb
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47 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

Shiva is a combo machine and is all about the health management with his special attacks. I actually like playing him the most, which I didn't expect cause Shiva's visual design is lame imho. Biggest bummer with him is he can't access any of the bonus stages if you're playing solo cause he can't pick up a weapon.

I don't make use of his specials much. I can get so much mileage off the launch of his combo ender to go into an air combo. Doing the special when I need the extra damage to finish someone off. 

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At least EA seems to be willing to do single player experiences again.  I'd like to think they saw their own success with Star Wars and also saw Capcom's recent success with RE as a means to come back to this IP.  I'm not keen on what they've been doing but if this remake is actually really good and it sells well then its a chance for EA to further branch out.

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Cris Tales is super good. My only complaints about it so far aren’t even its fault. It’s the compromises they had to make for it to be on the Switch. 

the complaints are

Really long  and frequent loading times 

consistent frame rate dips if you’re on a map with a lot of interactables. 

oh. There is ONE very very minor complaint I have about the game and that’s the fact there isn’t a run button. So Crisbell to me feeling slow plus random frame drips make it very hard to deal with in certain era’s. Nothing major, or any major slowdowns to where the FPS plummets. Just a slight irritation cause I’m impatient 

Edited by iStu X
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Man, I completely forgot about the Streets of Rage 4 DLC dropping. I gotta be careful with my spending ATM. Looking to help my sister get a new house so, I had to lay off my usual mutli-game purchases. It especially hurt this month since Cotton Reboot and Dariusburst Chronicle Another Survivor EX+ (What is with that title?! Looking to get on those Street Fighter name games?) came out. But I got tons of games to fill the void.

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Just got my 4th party member (you start your adventure with 3). The party calls him “K” but his actual name is JKR-721. He’s an Android Ninja that has amnesia. (We did not meet a hallway full of dead mercenaries) 


He’s actually super fucking cool. One of his skills is doing ORAORAORA. He has a heat gauge too so you can’t really spam his super good skills. I’ve barely messed around with him as I’ve been doing a lot of running around finishing side quests but I really like him. 


Edited by iStu X
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I know youo all do VGM Fridays and I never contribute to them.  


But my son has been playing a lot of Minecraft Mario Expansion and I keep hearing Mario 64 music in the background and it's so fantastic.


My favorites from the game that I keep hearing on repeat.





And while this isn't in the game, there is no way I can list Mario 64 music and not put this on here.


The first few seconds of this still give me goosebumps every time I hear it.



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22 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

friday always sucks cause of vgm friday.  shit is flooded with mostly crappy music.



Why don't you contribute the non crappy music? 


And I'm being dead serious on this.  If you believe most of what people post is crappy then you can contribute with what you believe isn't crappy.  I try to make a point to listen to everybody's stuff because honestly there's games that I haven't played with music that I may enjoy.

Edited by Sonichuman
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4 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Cause I feel that game music is only good during the games.  And there is a thread for game music.


edit - also any video you post on friday (or anyone else video posts) get buried by all the music videos.

Friday is generally a slow day for gaming news.  Posts don't go that fast for them to get buried so I can only guess you're just passing and overlooking it when you scroll. 


I can't say anything towards how you feel about game music because your opinion despite me highly disagreeing with it.  If you like nearly any genre of music then there really shouldn't be anything to stop you from listening to that genre regardless of where it comes from.  Good music is good music.

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VGM Friday has been a thing since damn near SRK’s foundation and I’m glad it’s carried over to MS. It’s something fun and harmless. 

the VGM thread is for when soundtracks of games drop on streaming services, or when cover bands drop a new track and, if an original al composer makes a new mix, etc. they’re two totally different beasts. 

VGM has never bothered me because it’s just as easy to scroll right past it. Especially if the tracks are spoilered

Edited by iStu X
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Got another character in Cris Tales named Zas and honestly I think she’s my favorite. One of her first opening lines of dialogue is (paraphrasing) “Your friends sickness isn’t really life or death! Well, it is, but don’t be too worried…but actually be worried cause there’s not a cure! But we’ll find one. Probably.”


her weapon is awesome as it’s a bag of holding but she has no control over what she pulls out. There’s actually only about 5 different things (I think) of what it could be. She also has roulette wheels as spells. So she’s a gambler class character more or less. Just really upbeat and funny. 

Edited by iStu X
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All the issues with Cristales on Switch has me wanting to pass on it there. I haven't looked into it's performance on other Platforms but if it's better on PS4 then I'll get it there. It looks really good and I really want it but I'm not dealing with loading that long on random battles. 

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9 minutes ago, purbeast said:

I don't know anyone who's played RE7 that said it sucked, let alone it sucking because your guy is slow.

Sonicabid.  That foo hates on the game cause you move slow.  I really like it and I'm lookin' forward to Village once I'm done with this one.


I'll probably buy the remake of Dead Space.  I have the original but I've never finished it...not even half way.  Always got too scurry.  I'll play RE games to build up my toughness to scurry games then I"ll be able to play Dead Space from start to finish.

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