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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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A tip someone mentioned on reddit that I didn't think much of until now.... make use of that "quick pouch" feature.  It can get you killed to have *all* your most used items and potions on the regular d-pad quick spots... ha, I've played this game for around 100 hours now and JUST started doing this.  I put the horse, some glow item (for lighting up dark caves) and wolf spirit summon on the alternate "pouch" the only options on regular d-pad are the potions.


On another note----holy shit... I decided to put "Terra Magicus" back on my array of spells since I've been using Loretta's Greatbow to snipe... with that boost from Terra, I just sniped a monster for 3,107! Hahah that damage is disgusting.  "Alastor" is level 87 at this point... 70 Intelligence (*boosted by my "Crescent Crown" hat)

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Yea Terra Magicus is a situational spell due to how it works, but if you can stand in it safely then the boost to your spells is definitely significant. I've been using it when I get summoned. Let the tanky host/other summon distract the boss while I set up straight nukes with stuff like Lorettas Magic Bow of the Magic Canon spell. Stack the Cracked Magic Tear on top of that from the Flast of Wonderous Physic and you're just a walking death machine. 

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Alastor has come a long way from being a lowly prisoner.. the moon spell... terra magicus... and now...the legendary Comet Azur spell had been acquired.  


At this point, I'm focusing my extra levels into Mind so I have more "juice" to work with regarding Comet Azur....that spell takes a lot, unsurprisingly....I'm level 90-something at this point; INT = 70!  Both of the big ones---Comet and Moon look insanely cool, btw... Comet is the infamous "Kamehameha" that most fans of sorcery want to get asap because of how potentially busted that shit is... and the "full moon" one looks cool too (*you get this from the fight with Rennala) also packs one hell of a punch, especially if you're boosting it with Terra Magicus.


aha, this guy goes over some of the best ones:


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13 minutes ago, purbeast said:

LMAO General Radahn.  




Da fuck you supposed to do against this fucker?

I summoned every NPC I could along with a live person. The game glitched on the second phase, I couldn't see him, hit him, or be hit by him, bit the summoned person and NPC's could. So I just kept buffing the party until the guest killed him. Pretty shitty to get through it that way, but oh well.

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ha, the lamest way I beat something was that giant "Rune Bear" I think it's called... a thing that's not even a real boss.  One of them got hung up on part of a dungeon entrance... and of course, since he couldn't move... he couldn't do anything about my cheap ranged attacks....funny because he kept shaking around like he was actually caught in a bear trap and desperately trying to break free so he could rip me to pieces.

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I wish more games had the GIF maker thing like My Friend Pedro has in it.  That shit is pretty cool. 



Its not like its really hard to make a gif and it doesn't really take that much time to make one but the in game thing is even easier.   I like gifs so I make them all the time. 


Tried this game yesterday.  Didnt think I'd like it but its pretty fun.


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Elden Ring---the adventure continues!  The Tarnished is triumphant against an old foe?!


Reveling in his ascension to incredible new plateaus of power... Alastor decided to pay a return visit to an especially troublesome old witch he encountered long ago at the Carian Study Hall.  She appeared on the upper floor as always... Preceptor Miriam, the wise and powerful...but arrogant, insufferable, and despised by most anyone.  Little did she know, things had changed drastically since the last meeting.  This so-called "Tarnished" one was now equipped with the knowledge of countless other battles, and terrifying magical abilities.  Alastar had fought with and defeated demigods at this point.  His hatred of Miriam endured all this time, eventually leading to this fateful reunion.  


The Preceptor started with her magical arrow "Loretta's Bow", as expected.... but to no avail.  It was strong enough to kill many young warriors in one hit, but today it would repeatedly miss the mark... Alastor's return shots with "Star Shower" magic continued to hit.  Seemingly in desperation, she teleported to the top floor.... only delaying the inevitable.  From the rafters, Alastor lined up a shot with Loretta's Great Bow... a mirror of her own deadly attack.  It would be a fitting end for Preceptor Miriam... "this...this is... impossible!!!" ...she slumped over in shame and disgust, as she faded to nothing.

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Reviews for Stranger of Paradise seem to have hit today.


Perfect Dark's directer leaves The Initiative after being their for 4 years

that doesn't seem good...


Gearbox, EA, and Microsoft send Texas an open letter opposing the anti trans bill

not just them but they were part of a 65 company list that wrote to them about this bill


Hogwarts Legacy will get a State of Play on it's own for 14 minutes



Riot strengthens it's relationship with Arcane studio along with another unannounced project


System Shock 3 is being exclusively worked on by Tencent


Sakurai wins Most Valuable VG Creator in Famitsu,  Confirms he's working on a new project but says it may not have anything to do with game production






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whoah... so I just fought the giant black winged demon looking creature at Bestial Sanctum... I wasn't expecting to win anytime soon but I actually got him after a few tries...and this dude was worth 88,000!!!  

It was quite the dramatic final clash there... he rushed me as I was charging up another cast of Meteor...the spell went off and hit him for that last bit of damage, but I got hit too....and so both of us had that fading away/disintegrating death scene going on at the same time.  It still counted though and I got that big pack of 88k runes, and Gargoyle's Black Halberd


edit---there was some mini-boss duo I beat and they never had a chance just now... it was like the tables finally turned big time... I set up to go all in since I wasn't quite sure what to expect of these two... and the rock spell hit one of them just 1 time and it was like at least 45% of that one's health was gone! They didn't even get a chance to do anything. 🤣

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On 2/27/2022 at 8:10 PM, OPTIMUS124 said:

Horizon Forbidden West feels like Mass Effect 2 and Monster Hunter: World had a baby. 


On 2/27/2022 at 8:17 PM, RSG3 said:

I agree 100%  There was a very specific moment where i was like "Yo...did this game just turn into Mass Effect?" in the best way possible.

I just finished the game. Yup, that comparison still stands. I'm intrigued as to what'll happen in the third title. I really do appreciate how the side quests actually impact the world around you in the game.


I'll be putting this down for a bit. Maxed out the level cap, killed almost 1K machines, all the side quests are done, I've gotten my loadout ready for most situations. I will come back once a legit NG+ is announced. 




The biggest complaint that I have about the game had a fair bit of minor glitches. Nothing Earth-shattering: collision detection, quests have to be reloaded so characters can move through the flowchart, and AI occasionally going stupid. 


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ha!  after probably 2 hours of fighting, I got lucky against Starscourge.  I hit with Meteor which did huge damage of course...and one time it dazed him just before he was going to kill me!  I switched out to Rock sling and 2 more casts of that got him.  


Really.. I've never fought a boss where it's that difficult just getting to the area where you can fight him.

Edited by MillionX
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6 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

I just finished the game. Yup, that comparison still stands. I'm intrigued as to what'll happen in the third title. I really do appreciate how the side quests actually impact the world around you in the game.


I'll be putting this down for a bit. Maxed out the level cap, killed almost 1K machines, all the side quests are done, I've gotten my loadout ready for most situations. I will come back once a legit NG+ is announced. 

I'm still slow tracking it. I just blew up the Bulwark and did a couple side quests in the area there last night. About to head back for the Kulrut.


I just took a new job so my evening gaming sessions are cut even shorter now. 

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15 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I'm still slow tracking it. I just blew up the Bulwark and did a couple side quests in the area there last night. About to head back for the Kulrut.


I just took a new job so my evening gaming sessions are cut even shorter now. 

Being at level 50 with some of the gear made the end of the game relatively easy. Most of the fodder was one shot with a certain technique. 


I keep saying I want to put it down, but some of the armors I'd like to upgrade. I did look ahead at the remaining hidden trophies. I'm only 3 out 🤣. I may take the weekend and just wrap things up. None of them are really that difficult at this point. 


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10 hours ago, iStu X said:

I love how we both know how on brand due to us both doing lengthy tours with the company 

Its more frustrating the more you think about it cause you'd think a company wouldn't have that level of arrogance to not hear someone like him out but GS wanted to prove differently.  They had a WHOLE ASS former NoA president on the board who also worked for MTV back in the day and has shown his success and you don't even want to hear him out? 

Edited by Sonichuman
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I remember that newer Perfect Dark in launch-era Xbox 360 was hilariously awful, imo...  it was a shame though, considering the potential of what that franchise could've been.


On a random note of nostalgia--- cleaning out some old stuff, I noticed some old game manuals I still had saved... I forgot they still had those during a lot of the 360 era... I have the manuals for Gears of War 2, Conker Live & Reloaded and Sacred 2... right next to some truly ancient ones like the Atari 2600 version of Crystal Castles, Jungle Hunt, Ms. Pacman and Kangaroo.  They're in good condition as well, since they were sealed in a ziploc bag.  I miss that... it's an unfortunate loss there, once gaming companies realized there was no point in spending the money to print those anymore.  I still have a ton more of them---like Dracula's Curse, Double Dragon II, Bad Dudes, and a ton more from the 8-bit era.  I'd say the golden era of that was when they went that extra mile to print the manuals in full color, with plenty of character/world art in there.  This is a lost art now; it's never coming back, sadly.

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Given how the day was going I have two fairly low effort trophies left to plat Horizon FW. Also finished all of the Arena challenges. The most badass kill that I had was the one with the Bellowbacks and Shellsnapper. The time crunch for that one is silly because the Shellsnapper will do the burrowing attack. 9 seconds before the clock ran out, the thing did the launch attack. It's possibly the one time where you can hit that critical weak point. LIteral reflex response, I threw the Skykiller explosive spike dead on and killed it on impact. 


I have never been so upset that I wasn't recording 🤣.

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Elden Ring---- the next impossible challenge... fighting the Godskin Apostle.  I spent most of yesterday morning and late night trying to beat this no avail.  I have very little hope of winning with anything other than pure luck, really.  The luck factor is when the wolf spirts get him caught up in one of the corners of the room... THEN I have to hope that the random meteors I cast actually hit.... I still only have the inferior version of the meteor spell where they go in random directions.  When they do hit though... the damage is ridiculous.  Closest I got to defeating him was once or twice where I got him down to about 25 or 30% health remaining.  It would be amazing if I could get away with casting the meteors successfully from the Terra Magicus sigil, since that is such a huge boost to magic.  He seems resistant to Comet Azur... it's also bad since he's a humanoid enemy that can move quickly anyway.


ah...another good one... I had him down to 30% that time.  I'm seeing others on reddit saying he's one of the most difficult bosses in the game... so far I'd agree with that for sure.   There was a good moment in that last battle where he was dazed, and I casted meteor close up... if that was the other meteor spell where they are focused....he would've been SO dead right there.  I had the boost from Wonderous Physick going on too... it takes a miracle just to get this dude's health down to 50%.

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ha, just killed "Godfrey"....a "greater foe" that was worth 80,000!  I'm trying to get that upgraded meteor spell, and of course there's all these hoops to jump through to get it.  Well, thanks to that 80 grand in runes I just leveled again... up to level 105 now; 77 Intelligence though an item is boosting it to 80.  

So far, I'm noticing that the true God-level shit with sorcery is the meteor and "rock sling" spells.  With that staff that boosts it, you get a bit more use out of it from what I've're hitting a larger area for ridiculous damage.  Comet Azur is easily dodged by most enemies in the game, unless they're so big they can't help but get hit.  Meteor and Rock Sling also can easily stagger the enemies.


It will be amusing if a certain someone I know gets this game, actually... I don't think he would be ready for what Elden Ring brings to the table, in terms of how unbelievably harsh so many things are.  It would ultimately be a waste of his money if he got this... he'd play it exactly 2 or 3 times and give up...never giving the game another chance.


and BOOM, another one down!  "Margot" is one HELL of a cool ass fight, man....goddamn they went all out with the cool shit in that.  That last battle was so epic... I hit him with the "Shackle" right at the start, which bound him long enough to get popped with some meteors, while wolf spirits were on the field!  Oh yeah I clipped that battle for sure......oooh and 90,000 runes for that one!!

Excited Ric Flair GIF

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Well, when you put out complete games that actually play well for years showing fans you actually care about putting out quality products , these are the results you tend to get.


Hope these other companies throwing out half assed games take notice, if big sales won't motivate them idk what will 🤷🏾‍♂️


One would hope, but then there is also a cultural factor in play, companies like EA and Ubisoft are, ironically, held back by how big they are when it comes to learning and applying the lessons.

Outside some studios with enough freedom, most teams on those companies need to adhere to corporate mandates, culture and goals, not to mention that end having most of their decisions being made by committee, which probably are supervised by another committee an so on.


Plus, their real customer are the shareholders, which are most of the time, the reason why they have mandates like annualization of the franchises, everything being monetizable live services, etc.


The goal is not to make a good game, but to make a profitable platform.


Seeing for example, how on EA they really weren't prepared for Anthems failure and were take a by surprise by how negative the reception was just to repeat the same mistakes and have the same response with BF2042 shows how ill equipped are for learning.

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