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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I was interested in Jordan Peele's Nope, but all the glowing reviews for it from the social media embargo being lifted worry me. Typically, when a lot of early reviews go too overboard about how awesome something is, that's a sign it's terrible or mid. I don't know how that math works, but the equation has held up recently.

Edited by axeman61
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2 hours ago, J-ride said:

Hulu has a pretty decent selection of anime, tv shows and documentaries.  They have the original dragon ball also which I took the time to watch last year.  My biggest gripe with hulu is the interface, I tend to login on computer and put everything I want to watch in my favorites.  Otherwise it is difficult to navigate compared to its original user interface.  The OG interface was slick, I miss it.

hulu was great when it was free. i stopped using it when it stopped being free.

i stopped crunchyroll when my ad blocker couldnt stop their ads.


that said, i use tubi these days more than netflix nowadays cu it has a ton of old tv shows n movies i grew up watching. netflix is great for new tv shows but tubi is better for old shows like buck rogers all in the family incredible hulk etc.

and theres amazon prime too. 


but u guys should try tubi. its pretty dope regarding movies n tv shows selections they have and free

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One song lyric that always irked me---- from A Thin Line Between Love & Hate: "The sweetest woman in the world...can be the meanest woman in the world....IF YOU MAKE HER THAT WAY!" ---yeah ok, chump....more of the apologist garbage there....women are never to blame for anything, obviously it's always some dude's fault.  It's funny that a lot of guys think this thing about women getting extremely preferential treatment in our society is "new"....nah it's gone back at least several decades....mostly starting with television shows, from what I've seen.  The female character is always going to be written to be far superior to any male character in every possible way...sometimes even in terms of physical attributes which is where things really reach a silly point.  I doubt it will ever change, tbh....well, unless I were to write and produce something.  


Well, anime still tends to be a bit more realistic about male to female comparison; I just remember the hilariously harsh results of what happened when Videl tried to fight that big roid-rage looking freak Sipovitch in the tournament.  That guy almost killed her.  Now imagine if DBZ at that time would've been a Disney production... you know damn well it would not have played out like that 😆 Videl would've easily kicked that guy's ass if that was a Disney or CW property....with no logical explanation as to why she would be capable of that, btw.


Eh, like I mentioned least this kind of shit constantly gives me more absurd things to laugh about, so there's that silver lining.  The next big thing I look forward to is definitely Blade----I can't wait to see what a clown-show that will be.


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Of course AngryJoe and his crew had a look at this latest "thing" they're passing off as Resident Evil


*Specifically on the race and gender-swap thing that's in style these days--- I'd like to be in that role of a creator that owns an IP specifically to shoot down the wacky suggestions I'm sure the casting directors would try with my characters... like "uhhh nope.  She's a great actress but look how I designed that character.  Does she look like her?  No... so you've wasted everyone's time here, you dunce." "Well, technically this character isn't human anyway soooo" " Still a no, bitch. In fact, how 'bout you get the fuck off the set too then."

Edited by MillionX
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zabuza threatens kakashi. with a ginormous sword as big as guts sword from berserk.

kakashi threatens him back, with his dead best friend's eyeball. this show. is sorta nuts in hindsight.

imagine getting threatened by someone's eyeball.

"yo gimmie all your money or i'll show you my eyeball" 




Edited by VirginDefiler
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5 hours ago, MillionX said:

Of course AngryJoe and his crew had a look at this latest "thing" they're passing off as Resident Evil


*Specifically on the race and gender-swap thing that's in style these days--- I'd like to be in that role of a creator that owns an IP specifically to shoot down the wacky suggestions I'm sure the casting directors would try with my characters... like "uhhh nope.  She's a great actress but look how I designed that character.  Does she look like her?  No... so you've wasted everyone's time here, you dunce." "Well, technically this character isn't human anyway soooo" " Still a no, bitch. In fact, how 'bout you get the fuck off the set too then."

Seriously, Blackster is one of the worst race swaps ever. 

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9 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

watching naruto season 1 is giving me mad flashbacks of life in the early 2000s.




pokemon season 1 was incredible too.

Rewatched Indigo league on Netflix. Felt like a kid again. Red, Blue and yellow definitely aged poorly. But damn. There was nothing like being a kid when pokemon first came out. 

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26 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Decided to work an extra day while I'm still in town, best decision I've made this week. We ain't doing shit. Making $319 today doing the bare minimum, easy money 🙌

Had a similar thing happen today. Took a Amazon flex delivery block. Estimated 4hrs for 90 bucks. But due to severe weather. Wherehouse was closed. Called support and they still gave me the pay for it. So free money

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Hopefully he gets the tech issues worked out... AM is about to go roast mode about that broad that tried to sue a guy for 10 grand because of a bad first date....

Getting paid for nothing is always great---there was a time fairly recently where our system was down... so basically we were getting paid to do absolutely nothing... for days on end.  Of course that's even better in this modern "work-from-home" era.  I was watching tv and playing Switch games the whole time.  The last time before that was many years ago when it was down for half a day...ha, that was so long ago I think the portable system I had with me may have been either a GBA or PSP.....heh, so nice to be so spoiled... I've always had some kind of portable gaming system with me at work....from GBA to now with the Switch and Steam Deck.


Edited by MillionX
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^ohhhhhhh yeah you know that will be mine ASAP.  Currently I only have it on dvd.  It will forever be one of my favorites of all time.


ha, there was one time I had Evil's legendary laugh and line "oooOOOOohhhh you're SO cool, Brewster!" as my ringtone on my phone.


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That one with the cop has been making the rounds for like a week or two now, ive seen it multiple places, and its fucking hilarious each time. Can't run, can't shoot, can't issue a citation, even has a fellow officer telling him he cant do what hes trying to do. Total fail on every single level. Dude needs to go back to Basic at the Academy and maybe hit the Gym and do some fucking cardio. Pathetic.

Edited by RSG3
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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

That one with the cop has been making tyhe rounds for like a week or two now, ive seen it multiple places, and its fucking hilarious each time. Can't run, can't shoot, can't issue a citation, even has a fellow officer telling him he cant do what hes trying to do. Total fail on every single level. Dude needs to go back to Basic at the Academy and maybe hit the Gym and do some fucking cardio. Pathetic.

They really do just be hiring anyone with a functioning body and brain to do the job. 

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33 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

They really do just be hiring anyone with a functioning body and brain to do the job. 

No one else wants to be a cop.  Look at how many open spots most police forces have combined with having the lowest pay of just about any state/government employee.  You can get a cushy office job and do jack shit for double the pay as a government employee.

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They don't hire smart people even if they apply anyway. They don't want smart cops. Smart cops can see a fucked up situation and call people on it. They don't want that. They want dumb obedient cops who will authoritate over the common people even if what they are doing is breaking the very laws they are supposed to uphold. 


They don't want smart people to be cops. Smart people recognize tyrany when they see it. They need dummies who will volunteer to be the tyrany. 

Edited by RSG3
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Lol posted a meme about how women should stop faking orgasms and letting dudes know they didnt get off. So they learn how to get better... Now im watching dudes blame vibrators for a poor communication and technique issue. 


In general i think women need to give less of a fuck about feelings so people can get better. Wsy too many dudes walk away thinkin their dick game is impeccable when she just doesn't want to hurt a dudes feelings whether because she doesn't wanna lose someone she likes or feels a possibility she mjght get retaliation physically or mentally. 

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