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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 9/23/2022 at 11:02 PM, elliephil said:

It's remarkable. There are 19 year olds entering college and only finding out now about things like the Syrian Civil War. Again, Metal Gear Solid 2 had this figured out decades ago.



The Metal Gear Series was just right for it's time. This conversation between the three of them especially is one of the most memorable and don't even have good memory. LOL.

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17 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

man Aba/Preach just keep churning out vids! 



I think he absolutely should be punished for dipping his pen in the company ink, BUUUUUUUUUTTT I have seen women in power positions pull similar bullshit and skate any punishment.  They pull out the woman secret weapon, "CRY TO GET OFF SCOTT FREE" and then don't even get a reprimand.

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11 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

so ken masters voice actor got fired over tweets? 


11 hours ago, RSG3 said:

We don't know. 

Pretty much what RSG said.  No information really on why he was replaced but I would not be surprised if his Q beliefs have been problematic.


Interestingly enough Langdon did mention about not voicing Ken on his Twitter feed and he seems to imply that there was some disagreement to something...


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His tweets seemed pretty tame to me, but maybe because I had former subordinates get reported for some pretty wild social media posts. My take usually just to warn them if they had something linking them to our company but otherwise I was pretty OK with them posting whatever. Snitching on people's social media is the most bitchmade thing I can imagine doing and I'd never do that to anyone no matter how much I disliked them.  

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Reuben gave a number of questionable public speeches about the Q stuff to. Like he made his position pretty well known.  At the same time I don't know anyone who knows fuck all about Capcoms political positions, they don't really make that kind of content or voice those kinds of opinions so it's still a big ass guess as to why. 


5 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

People are making the assumption. It could be the case but we don't know. Chun Li's voice actor got replaced as well.

Yea exactly Chuns VA changed, a bunch of people's VAs changed. That's pretty normal honestly. Like half the reason Reuben does any voice work for Capcom is because he owns one of the motion capture studios they contract with. It saves time and effort and money to just use him for the whole thing or just say "hey wanna do this while you're here?"


If his company didn't help with SF6 in any capacity or is doing any work with them at all right now then the chances of him being the VO is really narrow as well. Hes not actually a voice actor. Lots of corporate reasons for why he's been replaced with someone else. Shit he's Dantes 3rd VA lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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51 minutes ago, J-ride said:

I think he absolutely should be punished for dipping his pen in the company ink, BUUUUUUUUUTTT I have seen women in power positions pull similar bullshit and skate any punishment.  They pull out the woman secret weapon, "CRY TO GET OFF SCOTT FREE" and then don't even get a reprimand.

I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. The point of contention seems to be that he got punished and his affair partner did not. This relationship is allegedly consensual. If it was a consensual, and their was no coercion they should both be subject to the same disciplinary action. If it wasn't consensual or their was coercion involved their should be criminal charges. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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9 minutes ago, J-ride said:

His tweets seemed pretty tame to me, but maybe because I had former subordinates get reported for some pretty wild social media posts. My take usually just to warn them if they had something linking them to our company but otherwise I was pretty OK with them posting whatever. Snitching on people's social media is the most bitchmade thing I can imagine doing and I'd never do that to anyone no matter how much I disliked them.  

Of course this is just speculation based on the information provided.  We don't know 100% what went on behind closed doors.  Maybe the reason he got replaced wasn't actually due to Q at all and more so a change in the voice direction they wanted for Ken...that Reuben couldn't do for some reason?   Chun clearly got replaced because they wanted someone asian to voice her but considering Ken is half japanese I doubt that was the reason.  So...we don't know I'm going to guess we might not know for some time unless Langdon gets also replaced as Dante.

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2 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Of course this is just speculation based on the information provided.  We don't know 100% what went on behind closed doors.  Maybe the reason he got replaced wasn't actually due to Q at all and more so a change in the voice direction they wanted for Ken...that Reuben couldn't do for some reason?   Chun clearly got replaced because they wanted someone asian to voice her but considering Ken is half japanese I doubt that was the reason.  So...we don't know I'm going to guess we might not know for some time unless Langdon gets also replaced as Dante.

Are we sure that's the case? Ryu and Juri's VAs didn't get changed. Neither Kyle Herbert nor Jessica Straus is Asian.

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7 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I don't think anyone is saying otherwise. The point of contention seems to be that he got punished and his affair partner did not. This relationship is allegedly consensual. If it was a consensual, and their was no coercion they should both be subject tot he same disciplinary action. If it wasn't consensual or their was coercion involved their should be criminal charges. 

I should have been more clear, I think all parties involved should be punished equally.  I think in current year companies are terrified of reprimanding women for anything, because of optics.  My company just had stats come out about MUH SEXISM because 85% of dress code violations are by females but let's think about that second.  Try and go buy some men's clothes that violate the dress code.  Let's also be real about which sex dresses for attention.

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Are we sure that's the case? Ryu and Juri's VAs didn't get changed. Neither Kyle Herbert nor Jessica Straus is Asian.

So I'll also put this as speculation based on info.  Yeah Kyle didn't get replaced and neither did Juri but Laura's replacement being Jennie Kwan seemingly out of nowhere when as far as we know there hasn't been any issues with Laura is sus.  I mean it could be the other way round and Laura told them to get someone asian to replace her (again...speculation but voice actors have been doing that recently so I wouldn't be surprised if it was one way or the other) .  But as stated we don't 100% know what happened behind doors.  Could be something as simple as a scheduling conflict considering how popular Laura is.

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Ohhh here we go... one of my favorite topics... so now Apple has BONNET emojis?!  

smh GIF

It's odd that an old college buddy seems to be in denial that this bonnet bullshit is a "thing"... even though he lives in Hoodrat Central, Memphis....but this is how prevalent it has become---now there's apparently an emoji with a bonnet to win some "representation" points, I guess.  Words can't describe how much I hate how raggedy, ugly, clownish, and worthless this shit makes women look.

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2 hours ago, J-ride said:

The longer you keep your teen daughter away from a cell phone the less likely she is to be a teen mom.  I do think their is a sweet spot as far as parental control goes though, because you definitely have some of these girls that go crazy when they get their first taste of freedom in college.

Had a friend who got fat as fuck because he was never allowed to eat anything that wasn't super healthy then he got his own car and it became a dumping ground for all the food he wasn't supposed to eat. 


There's definitely a sweet spot and that second tweet on the subject ain't it. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

Random, but I'm asking anyone who's upgraded:


Is there any reason to get a Samsung Note phone (high-priced) versus a Galaxy A50 (low-priced; what I have now). I'm fine with the A50, but was curious if the notes and fancy models had advantages I'm not clocking.

i have a galaxy s10e.

the only thing i notice vs a budget phone is just vastly greater memory. other than that i really dont notice anything else. considering its a galaxy note..if u dont take notes or draw with its pen, and if u dont use alotta memory. id say just get the a50

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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

The longer you keep your teen daughter away from a cell phone the less likely she is to be a teen mom.  I do think their is a sweet spot as far as parental control goes though, because you definitely have some of these girls that go crazy when they get their first taste of freedom in college.

gotta find a good balance so they arent ostracized from their friends in school. since kids primarily communicate online you dont wanna make them feel too out of place.

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Had a friend who got far as fuck because he was never allowed to eat anything that wasn't super healthy then he got his own car and it became a dumping ground for all the food he wasn't supposed to eat. 


There's definitely a sweet spot and that second tweet on the subject ain't it. 

Her son is going to be that dude at college that's wildin' the fuck out at all times. All the kids with over strict parents went HAM at college. Now I'm thinking of my very first girlfriend. She was a sweet girl. Her mom was super strict. Wouldn't let her do anything. Hell we broke up because the only way I could see her was sneaking over to see her. I couldn't call the house, I couldn't even write her letters. I had to give them to my cousin and she'd hand them over to her. A few years later, she's a hoe with two kids. Feels bad man. 😔

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