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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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5 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Triple post

On the subject of twitter.

I am finding funny how many idiots are jumping from twitter to mastodon because the Elon buyout, and are starting to freakout because on mastodon no one are taking their shit, since mastodon is decentralized and is more like old school internet, where they don't take shit from anyone, even less people like them, lol


A friend of mine who owns a mastodon server is laughing at so many people that migrated from twitter are reporting users to deplatform them for their posts they don't like, thinking it will be like on twitter.


As rule of thumb on mastodon, if is not illegal, then is gucci.

Those people were given a level of power they never should have had.  I've had people doxxed and reported to me when I worked in management.  You know how little of a shit I gave about edgy jokes?  Twittertards hurt fee fees can stay hurt for all I care.  I'm not reprimanding someone over dumbass shit on the web unless they are posting shit in their work uniform.

Edited by J-ride
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You know how you have probably heard that George Soros is using his vast wealth to influence politics in America? I just found out his "Latino Media Network", run by Democrats, bought 18 of the few conservative radio media in Spanish. Bought probably the oldest conservative local radio station that I sometimes listen to while driving.

It's a little shocking when it happens in your area 🤔 Mutherfucker is intent on getting his way.


Edited by AriesWarlock
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31 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I mean fuck Ethan Klein, but Elon immediatly getting butthurt at people poking fun at him with name changes and right away banning people for making fun of him is peak elite loser bahivor and i laugh at him and anyone who defends him and the Disasterpiece that has been the last week or so of Twitter nonsense.


That was not the issue at hand here.

Ethan  and the other clowns changed their names and profile pics to what Elon uses on twitter, since they are verified, they can easily be confused with the real account.

Then started to post heinous shit as a "joke".


What they did has gotten other people banned since forever.


They are trying to claim that they were "parody" accounts, but to fall under that, they need explicitly said it on their bio AND name, otherwise can be considered as an attempt of impersonation.

This is not a new rule, and the way that is enforced is as usual per twitter.


They would have gotten banned regardless if it was about Elon, or anyone else, since twitter has been very strict with that from the start, specially when it involves verified accounts doing it to other verified accounts.


There are other people following the rules, to identify the account as parody, joke, etc that are also posing as Elon and have not gotten banned.

Edited by Hecatom
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37 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I mean fuck Ethan Klein, but Elon immediatly getting butthurt at people poking fun at him with name changes and right away banning people for making fun of him is peak elite loser bahivor and i laugh at him and anyone who defends him and the Disasterpiece that has been the last week or so of Twitter nonsense.

I mean he didn't change the rules about parody accounts. They are the same as they were before he bought the company. So if they didn't read them, its on them. This the same shit that happened with Helena Taylor. People don't like the someone, Kamiya in that case, and were quick to jump on the hate brigade. This one is worse though, because you can immediately look at the rules and see that they broke them. There is plenty of shit that you can roast Elon on. No need to make shit up. His dumbass comments on Ukraine, going balls deep in Amber Heard, Tesla's build quality, Tesla repeated missing vehicle launch dates. This situation though, it aint it. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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15 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

That was not the issue at hand here.

I didn't say it was. I said fuck Ethan then I moved on to the subject of what a fucking goofy loser Elon is. 


And it's not just this by the way. It's just this on top of everything else, all the stuff Darq mentioned, his pay wall schemes, it's just the way the mountain grows larger by the second. It's truly something to behold. 

Edited by RSG3
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Just now, RSG3 said:

I didn't say it was. I said fuck Ethan then I moved on to the subject of what a fucking goofy loser Elon is. 

I am going by what you posted here


"but Elon immediatly getting butthurt at people poking fun at him with name changes and right away banning people for making fun of him is peak elite loser bahivor"


Like I said, plenty of people are mocking him, and even doing the "parody" schtick without getting banned.

They were banned not because they mocked him, but because they were stupid enough to try to pass as him without reading the rules.

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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

You know how you have probably heard that George Soros is using his vast wealth to influence politics in America? I just found out his "Latino Media Network", run by Democrats, bought 18 of the few conservative radio media in Spanish. Bought probably the oldest conservative local radio station that I someones listen to while driving.

Wait until you hear about Rupert Murdoch.

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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Bro it said their actual Twitter handle right under the name change no one wa fooled. I don't even use Twitter and I know this.


The rule is old as fuck, and the way that is applied has been like that since the beginning.

Is a 0 tolerance policy, where any account caught doing it is immediately terminated.


6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

The whole fucking thing is a shit show.


Is only a shitshow because they want to 🤷‍♂️

For me is entertainment though.


This is me right now, seeing twitter and meta burn


Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live

Edited by Hecatom
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Yea, you seem to be under the mistaken impression I'm not laughing at the entire fucking thing. It's all so fucking dumb and funny and everyone's being so hilariously goofy. It's just funniest from Musk because it's costing him so much money. It's so stupid. Watched a so called genius con himself into buy a company that makes 0 profit for waaaaaay too much money. It's all so fucking retarded. 

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Musk's recent post where he recommends Americans to vote Republican to stop the concentration of power in government is absolutely absurd coming from him. He literally just concentrated all Twitter power within himself. 


What he really means to say is "please vote for a government gridlock so that my billionaire friends and I can continue to get away with murder".

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This weather out here is brutal on birds. Been seeing dead pigeons around the base. I was told it's not uncommon to see after long power outages or after dust storms. They mainly get water from the AC run off. So if ACs aren't dripping. And the weather is too bad for them to fly in? They can't seek water and the heat takes them out. 😭 


I asked why can't we just put out water dishes or bird baths? They did, but the birds would get violent and territorial over them and fight each other over it. 

Edited by BB_Hoody
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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Elon Musk buying twitter amounts to a Smasher having bought SRK in 2008 and suddenly being amazed at what happened.


Who spends 44 billion dollars to mod the shittiest half forum ever?



A narcissist. I'm sure their is an exception, but most of these billionaires seem to be narcissistic. It's part of what gets them their fortune.

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3 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

LOOOL where have I heard this before? Technical difficulties???




Except that's not what happened. Powerball requires all of 48 states that participate to tally their sales before doing the drawing. One of the states was still counting ticket sales so they pushed back the drawing. I mean it's damn near 2 billion dollars. Pretty sure ticket sales are far higher than the norm. Not the first time this has happened before, for similar reasons. But then again, it's Twitter. You can make shit up and no one has the wherewithal to check the validity of what you are saying.


Edit: Arizona is the state in question. They don't have Daylight Savings time, so they lost an hour to get their shit together before the drawing.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Elon Musk buying twitter amounts to a Smasher having bought SRK in 2008 and suddenly being amazed at what happened.


Who spends 44 billion dollars to mod the shittiest half forum ever?



From what I've read, it was a leveraged buyout, which means the company is basically used as collateral. He didn't use his own money to buy the company.


And hey at least it wasn't Reddit. That Geocities ass site probably only has the value it does because of the ease at which stuff can be astroturfed on it 😆

Edited by DoctaMario
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49 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

A voice of reason in all of the Twitter discussion.


I made a silly twitter account some time back just to farm Gio tech for strive. TBH, using twitter sucks. It isn't pleasent, doesn't have a dark theme, likes showing me random shit that I don't want to see.


Even with some of the stuff he may talk about in that vid, Twitter is literally like having a whole platform where the only thing you do is read youtube comments. And as somebody who is an avid reader of youtube comments because of how stupid they are...LMAO that is just a terrible idea.


Only person I know who uses twitter productively is Reticently.  After that, I can now use it as a clip hosting site. So there...all of 2 people.

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Twitter is fine. I really like it, tbh. Not to say it doesn’t have issues cause it does. But I use it for gaming news, comic book news and to follow my favorite writers and artists. I couldn’t stay in loop with so many things I hobby without tbh. So I have no issues with it.

It also helps that I don’t invest any real time, thought  or energy to it . I don’t have any kind of presence on there, either. Nor do I try to make one. It’s a lot easier that way. 

also, Twitter does have a dark mode. It has for years. 😂 

Edited by iStu X
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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

A voice of reason in all of the Twitter discussion.




The whole blue check thing is stupid. Don't expect positive feedback when you are asking money for something you used to give for free. The value just isn't there. 

Imo it's a smart move asking people to pay considering how seriously especially people with blue checks take the site. If anything, it asks that people who get the most benefit from the site to also help subsidize it. 

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I never really got into it bc I didn't have an account. People on here started posting lots of jokes or interesting things so that piqued my interest.


In the last few months, I mostly use it to browse brief news snippets and funny jokes. 

I made an account a few months ago but have only replied to 1-2 others posts.


I find it best not to get too bogged down in it since I'm not a artist/businessman. Also, I don't want to get upset over arguing  back and forth since going online is mostly recreation for me.


I wonder when Muskrat will reinstate his homie Trump -1 or 2 weeks or not for a few months?

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