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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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6 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

Just end's not nowhere near the same as it once was and never will be again...

They’re just going the comic books route with it. Retconning so it makes more sense for modern audiences 

like how Frank Castle went from Vietnam, to Desert Storm and how Fury went from Nam, to Desert Storm to Iraq war. 

they did the same with Flash Thomson 

Edited by iStu X
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12 minutes ago, Lantis said:

They always kept retconning the Simpsons' backstories. Hell it seems like ages ago when Homer and Marge were teens during the 70s.

This is the first time I've seen a major retcon to their childhood. Retconning in general is fine it's just so weird because of what Bart meant for the 90s. Like some schools banned having Bart shirts that said "don't have a cow" 

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1 minute ago, iStu X said:

They’re just going the comic books route with it. Retconning so it makes more sense. 

like how Frank Castle went from Vietnam, to Desert Storm and how Fury went from Nam, to Desert Storm to Iraq war. 

That doesn't mean I have to like it...


I'd be more fine with this if say the show ended  and came back 2 years later revamped. 

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11 hours ago, MillionX said:

Some of the shit my friends like to eat is incredibly disgusting to me... dude mentioned "rag baloney", and right away it sounded gross; I had to look that shit up online and yeahhhh that's another no for me, dawg.


I did eat regular balogna sandwiches way back in elementary school, on occasion...then at some point it just became pointless when I discovered so many other things that were far superior.  Even worse though was liverwurst ...I actually liked that when I was a kid, then tried it again later on and couldn't believe that was something I once ate on a regular basis... it was repulsive.... I couldn't stand more than 1 bite of that nonsense.


*on another note--I was checking out this thread recently on people's character ideas for VtM...some interesting ones in there: 

i hear ya.  Once I started making my own money, bologna never again was allowed in my home.  I do remember seeing it once or twice on the ship, but I avoided it then too.  Haven't tried it since possibly the mid-90s and I don't feel like digging up that part of the past.  You know, now that I've thought about it for this long I might have to sacrifice a pizza to the stomach gods in order to quell their anger.

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45 minutes ago, Maxx said:

This is the first time I've seen a major retcon to their childhood. Retconning in general is fine it's just so weird because of what Bart meant for the 90s. Like some schools banned having Bart shirts that said "don't have a cow" 

Haha this reminded me that I had a Bart Simpson shirt back then, actually... it was just Bart posing next to a sleek red sports car and he's saying "U Can't Touch This".  The 90s flavor on that was strong😆  

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7 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

American Cartoon  (for as much as that means anything since 90% of toons/anime are animated in Korea anyway).

That sparked an interesting debate between me and a friend about that with The Boondocks. Is anime a style and is it dependent upon who created it? 


Someone compiled examples of how the show "borrowed" a few moments



Edited by OPTIMUS124
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Just now, OPTIMUS124 said:

That sparked an interesting debate between me and a friend about that with The Boondocks. Is anime a style and is it dependent upon who created it? 


Someone compiled examples of how the show "borrowed" a few moments



I consider it purely a region thing because it's more then art, it's also a writing style and particular tropes and cliches that tend to be specific to a region. 


You can look like Anime but aren't Anime and vice versa. Japanese people don't write, block and "animate" cartoons the same way Americans do. 



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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

SRK1 has been in read only mode for 2 weeks.

Is inkblot preparing last rites with the aid of a Catholic priest? 



Honestly it's past time to put that horse out to pasture. There's been like two previous end of SRKs where people came back and did their farewells. The second time there were way less people doing that and by now, forget it, very few people are going to come back or even care.

Anyone that cares at all is probably here.

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2 minutes ago, Serpent said:

Honestly it's past time to put that horse out to pasture. There's been like two previous end of SRKs where people came back and did their farewells. The second time there were way less people doing that and by now, forget it, very few people are going to come back or even care.

Anyone that cares at all is probably here.

If it goes beyond a month, they may as well hang it up. That's practically the amount of time necessary to break a habit. 

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39 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:


If it goes beyond a month, they may as well hang it up. That's practically the amount of time necessary to break a habit. 

SRK has been replaced by eventhubs and youtube, as well as twitter I guess.


I don't know who BrianF is, but I've seen him linked twice recently (once by AYO, and then on reddit). I think that's the type of person that kind of represents the FGC and is the gateway to the community now.


SRK was fun back in the day but it's been a looooong time. It's been so long the '09ers now think they're OGs and moved on themselves. Does SRK really need to exist in a world where the new FGC players are furries and mostly just want to play Smash?

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22 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Yeah, a cam had me out of work for any entire week with splitting head the entire time and caused me to lose 12lbs. A scam causes me to get suddenly fatigued around 2pm every day despite no longer having it. The same fatigue that other people in my office get that were over your "scam" before I even got it. I'd call you braindead ignoramus but that would be giving you too much credit. If you catch COVID you'll get no sympathy from me. People like you are why that shit hasn't nipped in the bud yet. I don't mind people being idiots when it only affects them. I do mind when their stupidity affects others. :tldr:


TLDR; As someone that has had COVID. you sheer lack of sentient intelligence is astounding.

Can you please repost this in its entirety so that I might "Like" it again?


It deserves it.

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Well, there's my brother who's also a covid denier. He would always question the CDC/World Health Organization and overconfident on his over analysis on the virus, which is ironic, because he didn't do so well in more logical fields pertaining to science in college, so he went with Graphic Designing and graduated. So, I don't understand why would he and others would be in the position to question and reject facts, when they have no credentials to show for. He has asthma and if he catches the virus, he's in trouble and that's on him. People with that mentality have died or lived to tell about their regret of not taking this seriously.


Just because people are pandemic fatigued, doesn't mean they should be given a pass for ignorance. 

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1 hour ago, Emptyeyes said:

Well, there's my brother who's also a covid denier. He would always question the CDC/World Health Organization and overconfident on his over analysis on the virus, which is ironic, because he didn't do so well in more logical fields pertaining to science in college, so he went with Graphic Designing and graduated. So, I don't understand why would he and others would be in the position to question and reject facts, when they have no credentials to show for. He has asthma and if he catches the virus, he's in trouble and that's on him. People with that mentality have died or lived to tell about their regret of not taking this seriously.


Just because people are pandemic fatigued, doesn't mean they should be given a pass for ignorance. 

Yeah that's the thing. These people are generally low education and low income, and definitely not science experts. Yet, it's amazing how they can spin stuff. All scientists and governments are in on some scheme and some random nutty youtuber or rightwing website tells the truth. Just crazy. In the past we'd laugh at these people as tin-foil hats, but there are so many of them now and they have too many platforms to spread their misinformation.


There was this false claim that the truth speaks louder than lies, but that's utter BS. Lies and misinformation have always spread easier. While it's true the government and elites often engage in propaganda and misinformation campaigns, the things these people choose to oppose are seldom challangable on the grounds they claim.


The only thing you can really do is buffer yourself as best as you can and engage in healthy habits. Quite honestly that generally requires at least a certain income level and amount of space and personal freedom. If you're stuck in an area of high misinformation there's not too much chance you have. Such is how the world works. Maybe this belongs in Unpopular Opinions.

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haha, for a brief moment, seeing "Dodge.." I was thinking it would be about the Dodge Magnum since that car seems to be owned and driven 99% of the time by black folks, but nah... it's the damn Charger. 😆 


One thing that annoys me is when people drive cars that look too much like police vehicles at adistance... like a white Charger.... or a white Impala, or white Crown Victoria, etc.  ...then these dopes probably wonder why others always slow down around them. 🙄

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I seem to need much less sleep. I'm tired of being awake too long. I need to keep myself busy to prevent boredom since I am mostly awake throughout the day now. I started playing USFIV on PS4 again. I just never get tired of SFIV. It's still fun to me. How do you look up your rank in that game? Like a rank list?


My username on PSN is LordSeth369. When I play ranked matches I keep on getting matched with high ranking people. Does that mean I am at the same level as them? These guys have a lot of points and are usually B and above, up to A+.  Wait, when I put same rank, I get C+ people. I usually put fight request on "any" so I get challenge by anybody. I often get challenged by high ranking players like B and above, and I tend to beat them. There was a South Korean player who was grand master who kept on challenging me. I never beat him. I use Seth and Lord Vega. 

Edited by Lord Vega
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14 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

That doesn't mean I have to like it...


I'd be more fine with this if say the show ended  and came back 2 years later revamped. 

Haven't people been wanting The Simpsons to end for like...over 10 years now? LOL


My wife still likes to watch it, but going through the seasons again in Disney+....yeah, the later episodes are just lame. I think my wife subconsciously knows that too, as she slowed down her binge watching to a halt somewhere between seasons 20 - 25.


Can't believe they're actually considering a movie sequel. This horse has been beat to an unrecognizable state.

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5 hours ago, Lord Vega said:

Maybe I will pretend to be a "sane" guy and post "normal" things because I get too much pushback. Many of things I say will never be believed no matter how much I try to prove them. Arguing is a waste of time anyway. 

I wouldn't give yourself a hard time, but know this. While I believe no one is the same, I think there is a difference between putting so much effort into being different where it isn't authentic and it's a chore to preserve (I'm not saying you), than having it come naturally through the trials and tribulations of one's life. 

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9 hours ago, Emptyeyes said:

Well, there's my brother who's also a covid denier. He would always question the CDC/World Health Organization and overconfident on his over analysis on the virus, which is ironic, because he didn't do so well in more logical fields pertaining to science in college, so he went with Graphic Designing and graduated. So, I don't understand why would he and others would be in the position to question and reject facts, when they have no credentials to show for. He has asthma and if he catches the virus, he's in trouble and that's on him. People with that mentality have died or lived to tell about their regret of not taking this seriously.


Just because people are pandemic fatigued, doesn't mean they should be given a pass for ignorance. 

I don't know about covid but AIDS is something im skeptic about. I think it's a lie just to promote condoms, which Atheists want so they can push their agenda of eliminating real men. 

Back then during medieval times and such, they never used condoms.. and they def had sex a lot if you watched Spartacus. No one got aids. I used to go to brothels all the time after church when I was young. I would pretend to suit up, and the minute the girl turns around, i'd take it off and WHAM. No aids. 

I think this is also why SRK is dying. They talk so much about who is going to jerk off in that lounge thread and not passing on what HE normally taught us which is men should never wear condoms because condoms are for girls. 

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Tomorrow morning, I'm going to my mom's house with copies of her death certificate to mail them out to every spot (except the power company; still deciding what to do with the house) where she had bills.


Some of these places she had debts were collection companies though. If I mail these out to them, will they start to come after me for her debt (even though I know I'm not legally liable for it)? Has anyone had experience with this?

Edited by axeman61
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On 3/12/2021 at 4:29 AM, Emptyeyes said:

I wouldn't give yourself a hard time, but know this. While I believe no one is the same, I think there is a difference between putting so much effort into being different where it isn't authentic and it's a chore to preserve (I'm not saying you), than having it come naturally through the trials and tribulations of one's life. 

Thanks. I've been hated on by these SRK people for years and I usually don't give a shit. I just try to ignore them now. They have dogpiled on me with their lame hate. These lamers just want me to conform. It's what usually happens when you are being your authentic self. I don't try to be different, yes, you said I don't do that, just saying. You will naturally attract haters and admires especially when you have a big personality that speak controversial topics. "Haters gonna hate". 

Edited by Lord Vega
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5 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Tomorrow morning, I'm going to my mom's house with copies of her death certificate to mail them out to every spot (except the power company) where she had bills.


Some of these places she had debts were collection companies though. If I mail these out to them, will they start to come after me for her debt (even though I know I'm not legally liable for it)? Has anyone had experience with this?

What an emotionally triggered post, but I can't relate to a deceased relative's debt transferred to myself. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss. Loving mothers should be honored and cherished. You're post had me to reflect on how tragic her last breath was in the hospital 15 years ago, but remembering who she was prior, I wish that she was here with me. 

Edited by Emptyeyes
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10 hours ago, JHDK said:

Can you please repost this in its entirety so that I might "Like" it again?


It deserves it.

Yeah, a scam had me out of work for any entire week with splitting head the entire time and caused me to lose 12lbs. A scam causes me to get suddenly fatigued around 2pm every day despite no longer having it. The same fatigue that other people in my office get that were over your "scam" before I even got it. I'd call you braindead ignoramus but that would be giving you too much credit. If you catch COVID you'll get no sympathy from me. People like you are why that shit hasn't been nipped in the bud yet. I don't mind people being idiots when it only affects them. I do mind when their stupidity affects others. :tldr:


TLDR; As someone that has had COVID. you sheer lack of sentient intelligence is astounding.


Whoops, how'd this happen. 😉

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1 hour ago, weneedhim said:

I don't know about covid but AIDS is something im skeptic about. I think it's a lie just to promote condoms, which Atheists want so they can push their agenda of eliminating real men. 

Back then during medieval times and such, they never used condoms.. and they def had sex a lot if you watched Spartacus. No one got aids. I used to go to brothels all the time after church when I was young. I would pretend to suit up, and the minute the girl turns around, i'd take it off and WHAM. No aids. 

I think this is also why SRK is dying. They talk so much about who is going to jerk off in that lounge thread and not passing on what HE normally taught us which is men should never wear condoms because condoms are for girls. 

Wow, what a far-out-there response. I kind of understand on why iStu X looped me, you, and Deadly Raver together. Though, it's always refreshing to see interesting characters here.

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