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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

How'd you end up getting all that info out of her?😂

Women seem to volunteer extra information to me despite barely knowing me for some reason. And honestly, the way the react to certain statements tells you alot about a person as well 


When a mfer starts talking bout they're the momma and the dad on Father's Day, I already know what time it is 🤣

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9 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

We all know SRK ain't comin back, mods took that hiatus as their moment to dip out 🤣

Oh 100%. I agree. I wish The Cannons would just announce they’re shutting down $RK. As unfortunate as it is there’s little-to-no point in keeping the site up outside of the Wiki. 

the old posts from that forum, which were equivalent to an fgc gold mine have been long gone due to all the forum host changes over the 20 years it’s been around. 

Edited by iStu X
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9 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

Shall we tier all the ess are Kay mods now?

You’d have to go by the era, IMO.

My favorite mods due to personally knowing them outside of $RK are Dios X, Ronin Chaos and Valaris

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38 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I've known two lawyers that I thought were decent people, but they could have been shitbags in private. I don't have a high opinion of lawyers in general so the idea that a lawyer would take this case isn't a surprise to me. 

You are not wrong.


I have known one.


And I retain him.

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9 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Alright, I'm calling it right here.

This is the BEST heel turn in all of Wrestling history.  Ain't nobody gonna beat this!!  NOBODY!  

I love the meta it brings to the table, regarding the perhaps often nearly squelched, yet still nonetheless ongoing rumblings about the soulless, human-hating whore of an offbrand Satan that Hollywood actually is.


Hollywood is evil.


Full stop.




Cancel people who dislike smoking fags.


Cancel people who don't hate Germany.


Cancel everyone who doesn't see the world in Black and White.


And then cancel everyone who sees the world as binary, in the same breath.


But don't even THINK about fucking with China's evil, imperialist, racist, genocidal nature.


Because THAT'S oppressing billions.



Edited by JHDK
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ha, I kinda wish they were being serious so I could really light into this shit....but yeah, it was pretty funny...especially that run 😆

and sheeeeittttt... the allegedly "nerdy version" of that girl is STILL hot.  I'd eat the hell out of that.


haha, and more from her channel... role reversal time:

the absurdity on display here must be an intended part of the comedy writing, imo 🤣  There's always some dudes eager to grandstand with the subtle brag though like "what's so absurd about that?  I've FZed girls way hotter than her several times before..."  Yeah ok guys, sure. 😆

Edited by MillionX
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have u ever felt that the reason we keep coming back here, is cuz this place, and what old srk useta b, is essentially a old timey gentlemen's club.

like the ones you'd see in movies. late 19th century men only no women allowed hang out place. dudes. smoking cigars. drinking beers. rockin handlebar moustaches.


ever felt like this sorta like that men only place in movies?


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5 hours ago, PussyStuffer said:

have u ever felt that the reason we keep coming back here, is cuz this place, and what old srk useta b, is essentially a old timey gentlemen's club.

like the ones you'd see in movies. late 19th century men only no women allowed hang out place. dudes. smoking cigars. drinking beers. rockin handlebar moustaches.


ever felt like this sorta like that men only place in movies?


I definitely felt that way in the old premium threads.


 A lot of us regulars in the premium Lounge were low key the Illuminati. Inkblot, Ponder, Wiz and Pryde would always ask us how to improve the site, beta test our section for shit before going site wide, get evo perks before everyone else, etc. 

I remember when Wiz emailed both Valaris and I personally saying how fucking mad he was that we got to supreme commander level of rep (the highest at the time) because there was no tier programmed above it yet the forum software would try to make a new rank which would cause $RK to constantly.


So he and Pryde had to program in a bunch of new ranks for the forum software to work correctly. 

Valaris and I surpassed those too. Lol

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18 minutes ago, iStu X said:

I remember when Wiz emailed both Valaris and I personally saying how fucking mad he was that we got to supreme commander level of rep (the highest at the time) because there was no tier programmed above it yet the forum software would try to make a new rank which made crash $RK constantly.

His problem not yours 

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im a lil mad right now.

cuz i just got kicked off the srk sfv discord server, i think its called sus mob or whatever,  by a politically correct fag panty waisted fag over there..

he got mad.

over my racist joke.

can u imagine?


all i said was.....

i wanna legally change my name to Fuk Yu Mang.

and become chinese.

and he was all..."hey man you cant do that"

and i was like nigga i can do whatever i want, this is america. 

and he was like fuck you!

and i was like "no. its proper spelling is Fuk Yu. but close"


can u imagine? job interviews.

me:"hi im here for the position."

boss: "ok, whats your name?"

me: "fuk yu mang"

boss: "excuse me?"

me: "fuk


boss: "hey man, fuck you too!"

me: "thats my cousin. he lives in jersey"


the 21st century is no place for my archie bunker ass. 


Sad GIF by Pokémon



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I think no matter how much I've belittled and revenge antagonized old SRK members in the distant past, even I would have to swallow my protective arrogant pride against them by thanking their sort, because they've served their purpose for me in meeting my satisfaction in versatility from many fighting games. So, I do acknowledge that this community, Pre SRK arcades, and tournaments had forged my talents, despite how dreadfully unpleasant the journey was.


It's a mystery why I keep coming back here.

Edited by Emptyeyes
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