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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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12 hours ago, iStu X said:

for reference of who he is; he’s been a producer at Capcom for 13 years.  Most recently he’s had hands in producing REmake2, REmake 3, RE7, RE8 and Ghost n’ Goblins: Resurrection

This particular picture makes him look like one of those old helpful guys they introduced in movies that is revealed later on as a bad guy/criminal.

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OUTRIDERS adventures, folks...


So I got back into this with 2 friends actually yesterday... the other dude has been on this game hardcore since day 1 so he's been at tier 15 on the expeditions for a long time he helped me and another guy get through, at least up to 14 now.  The differences in stats and everything is absolutely insane.  My Pyro was just 54 or 55k anomaly power....and right now he's sitting at 145k.  I also have 2 pieces of the Acari set, but sadly the gloves I have only rolled with "Max Health" as the top stat!, unless I want to take a huge hit in anomaly power, I can't really equip that.  Fortunately the helm has anomaly on it so I have that on now... a level 49.  He couldn't get us to 15 though...haha 1 dude can only carry 2 weaker characters so far, of course.  Tier 14 is pure hell-born chaos....this far into endgame, it really is that serious that you have to play things out a certain way, and "best in slot" item picks are most likely mandatory to even have a chance at success.


I finally got a "moaning winds" mod, so that is absolutely going on any gun I intend to use regularly from now least until they tone it down which is probably inevitable... that mod is quite ridiculous... just for reloading your weapon, a blast of wind happens around you that does some crazy damage.... for me on a level 49 gun it's 250k-ish damage!

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11 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

Sega will be opening up theme parks?



Weird but I hope it would be good. NiGHTS should be a trippy VR ride.

Outside of water parks in the summer and the big named theme parks do those even make money? And post COVID are sure you can?

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18 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

Lol at thinking women can't be attractive and strong. Lots of women out there right now can do both. 

Meh, that character looks the way you'd expect a warrior woman like that to look. I think it's goofy to have characters like Lady in DMC or MK11 Kano look like supermodels given who they are as people. 


It's why you wouldn't cast someone who looks like Chris Hemsworth as George Costanza, because it makes the character less believable. No one's saying women can't be strong and attractive (I think calling Aloy "unattractive" is a stretch)  but making every female character look like they should be on a runway is silly, especially when you're bothering to characterize them. It's all part of the package. 


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28 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

No one's saying women can't be strong and attractive (I think calling Aloy "unattractive" is a stretch)  but making every female character look like they should be on a runway is silly, especially when you're bothering to characterize them. It's all part of the package. 

Except that's exactly what the developers said 😂


"The team decided that the original model portraying Aloy would cry if she broke a nail.  By adding weight and masculinity to Aloy's face, they added the look of 'strength' and 'intimidation.'"



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30 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Except that's exactly what the developers said 😂

If I was a publisher, I'd put in the contract that any director, producer, or whatever from the studio making my game would need to take a PR class or sign an NDA. Cause these developers put their foot in their mouths so often. 


1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

I think calling Aloy "unattractive" is a stretch

I agree. I think they just totally fumbled with the reasoning for making her jaw stronger and her face fuller, but she ain't a 0/10 uggo by any means 


These dummies shoulda said something like "After the events of Zero Dawn Aloy began working to put on muscle/weight, building strength for the challenges that lie ahead" or something along those line. 

Disclaimer: I did not play HZD, so I don't know, or really care, if this makes any sense. You could change it to "She had new found prosperity and security after HZD, so she put on weight" IDGAF, but the doofus that said that they made her beefy cause old Aloy didn't convey enough strength must of not played or even looked at the last game. I never once had the thought "she doesn't look stronk enough to do this" 



I just had an idea... Maybe HFW is all about a pilgrimage, so Aloy is putting on weight cause she knows she's gonna lose a ton on the road. And they don't want to drop story spoilers, and by the end of the game she's all gaunt and wirey. 


But again, I don't know anything about HZD, so 🤷‍♀️that would be a cool narrative device tho. Showing her being worn down throughout the game


Edited by KingTubb
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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

Meh, that character looks the way you'd expect a warrior woman like that to look. I think it's goofy to have characters like Lady in DMC or MK11 Kano look like supermodels given who they are as people. 


It's why you wouldn't cast someone who looks like Chris Hemsworth as George Costanza, because it makes the character less believable. No one's saying women can't be strong and attractive (I think calling Aloy "unattractive" is a stretch)  but making every female character look like they should be on a runway is silly, especially when you're bothering to characterize them. It's all part of the package. 


If they didn't want a runaway model than don't cast one to model the character after.

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28 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Except that's exactly what the developers said 😂


"The team decided that the original model portraying Aloy would cry if she broke a nail.  By adding weight and masculinity to Aloy's face, they added the look of 'strength' and 'intimidation.'"



The dev didn't say that, whoever wrote the rest of that post did. All the team said was "we made her look slightly more masculine in places" by giving her characteristics that aren't often thought of as objectively attractive on a woman.  


I think maybe instead of "attractive vs unattractive" we should be talking about "active vs passive." Sonya Blade is a good example of a character who is strong and attractive but wouldn't cry if she broke a nail, hell she probably wouldn't be the type to get her nails done. Passive would be, say, Jessica in Final Fight. Someone who is more of a damsel in distress trope and likely wouldn't be messing up her nails fighting people. 

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13 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

If I was a publisher, I'd put in the contract that any director, producer, or whatever from the studio making my game would need to take a PR class or sign an NDA. Cause these developers put their foot in their mouths so often. 


I agree. I think they just totally fumbled with the reasoning for making her jaw stronger and her face fuller, but she ain't a 0/10 uggo by any means 




The jawline they gave her looks unnatural though, like bad plastic surgery. They could have done a better job than that, unless they're incompetent, which could be plausible.


6 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

If they didn't want a runaway model than don't cast one to model the character after.

Problem is, a lot of companies end up having the models appear as the characters at trade shows or events, and making the characters look like someone you'd want to fuck is important just like it is in the pop music industry. Nobody follows a character that's actually ugly unless the character is so compelling you can't help it, but I don't think most devs are capable of creating a character that good.

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8 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

The dev didn't say that, whoever wrote the rest of that post did.

Oh word, my bad. So they're the ones who said that women can't be attractive and strong. Still, someone said it, as that was the point of the article.


I thought Aloy was attractive enough in the first game, and still looked like a bad bitch I wouldn't want to fuck with. Might be fun to wrestle though. They should have just kept the same look imo.

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1 minute ago, Chadouken said:

Oh word, my bad. So they're the ones who said that women can't be attractive and strong. Still, someone said it, as that was the point of the article.


I thought Aloy was attractive enough in the first game, and still looked like a bad bitch I wouldn't want to fuck with. Might be fun to wrestle though. They should have just kept the same look imo.

Whoever says women can't look strong and attractive hasn't seen Jade Cargill. I used to think the same prior to seeing that muscular goddess 😂

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Whoever says women can't look strong and attractive hasn't seen Jade Cargill. I used to think the same prior to seeing that muscular goddess 😂

*looks up this woman*....Oh....I see what you mean.


She kinda reminds me of having the body build of Maki from Fire Force.

Edited by Sonichuman
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5 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I think it's goofy to have characters like Lady in DMC or MK11 Kano look like supermodels given who they are as people. 

I mean Lady looks perfectly fine within the universe of DMC. She would certainly look odd in Horizon. 


Everyone saying they made Aloy ugly are reminding me that everyone had called her ugly when the first game came out. 


Was she ugly before or is she ugly now? My bet is a big fat negative on either one. 

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I mean Lady looks perfectly fine within the universe of DMC. She would certainly look odd in Horizon. 


Everyone saying they made Aloy ugly are reminding me that everyone had called her ugly when the first game came out. 


Was she ugly before or is she ugly now? My bet is a big fat negative on either one. 

Nah, they clearly made her look less like a woman now.

The change is very noticeable, and it makes her look very odd

Before she wasnt a beauty, but she wasnt ugly either, just a regular gal.


Now she looks like a weird caricature of the character.

Is not as drastic as what they did to Peter Parker that you can-t recognize the char, but the jawline and certain features look like someone used a man filter on instagram on her.

Edited by Hecatom
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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I mean Lady looks perfectly fine within the universe of DMC. She would certainly look odd in Horizon. 


Everyone saying they made Aloy ugly are reminding me that everyone had called her ugly when the first game came out. 


Was she ugly before or is she ugly now? My bet is a big fat negative on either one. 

I thought Aloy looked average in the first game. Not a knockout but definitely not ugly. Child Aloy did look like an abomination. 

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Thinking about it, Alloy looks like she has mumps and some weird allergic reaction to the medicine all at the same time, lol.
I know, because i looked like that when i got it a couple of years ago (i got it very old 😕 ) and the medicine give me some allergy, lol

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Far Cry 6 devs say that the game is political but is not focusing on any one specific thing regarding Cuba


CD Projekt's earnings are down 65%....because you know why


Nintendo wins lawsuit against rom website


2....MILLION...DOLLLARSSSSS.  Nintendo was originally trying to go for 15 mill but the court said "WHOA WHOA WHOA....use lube please!"


First semi look of Lilith in the Borderlands movie is up


I say semi cause it's just a sillouette.


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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Nintendo wins lawsuit against rom website


2....MILLION...DOLLLARSSSSS.  Nintendo was originally trying to go for 15 mill but the court said "WHOA WHOA WHOA....use lube please!"

I noticed not one of these headlines state that the guy was also doing a subscription service as well which makes the 2 million dollars a bit more understandable.


The man apparently went against Nintendo with no lawyer as well. Good thing the courts stepped in before Nintendo disintegrated him into nothing.

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whoah now hold on...


So... Jamie Lee Curtis is Dr. Tannis?!  What the hell is going on here?!  A lot of us love Jamie Lee but come on... the woman is 62 and she finally has that "grandmother" look now.  A qick refresher of what Tannis (one of the most gorgeous Borderlands girls, imo) looks like:

...maybe in some alternate universe where Borderlands was released back in the 80s, and this was mid to late 80s-era Jamie Lee Curtis then it's a good pick but now? Nah, bruh...

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Just now, MillionX said:

whoah now hold on...


So... Jamie Lee Curtis is Dr. Tannis?!  What the hell is going on here?!  A lot of us love Jamie Lee but come on... the woman is 62 and she finally has that "grandmother" look now.  A qick refresher of what Tannis (one of the most gorgeous Borderlands girls, imo) looks like:

...maybe in some alternate universe where Borderlands was released back in the 80s, and this was mid to late 80s-era Jamie Lee Curtis then it's a good pick but now? Nah, bruh...

Kevin Hart is Roland.


Isn't that enough of a tell that this is going to be a dumpster fire of such epic proportions as to make Leguizamo look like an *ahem* Super choice?

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