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The Street Fighter V Thread, vol. 2

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3 hours ago, Volt said:

@sKreetFighteZThis could be a lead to the stuff you were looking for, right?

They have other Street Fighter content that i will be happy to look into later. Thank you very much for thinking about them, however they aren't what i was looking for. 




These are the scans i wanted. I wanted to look at the information so i can see what it says. It's from the Street Fighter Champion Edition Style Guide. I found these on imgur on another forum but unfortunately they only had few character and not the whole cast. But i do appreciate the other scans because i have been interested in the Gamest Stories for Street Fighter. Much appreciated friend  <3.

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Fighting game news for the  ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶g̶a̶m̶e̶ street fighter general.


Melty Blood’s first new character is Dead Apostle Noel.


In Tsukihime, the spear wielding nun, Noel, gets turned into a vampire in one of the routes. The transformation also reverts her age to when she was 14 because  ̶a̶ ̶n̶ ̶I̶ ̶m̶ ̶e̶ that was when she was at her strongest and happiest.


In other news, the rerelease of Persona Arena will not have rollback at launch although they stated it could be added in the future.


Hopefully they do it sooner than later. This is a deal breaker to many people.

Edited by BornWinner
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Getting back into this game after a little bit of time away.  I haven't commentated the Online Local in a while but I still like playing this game with friends when the opportunity presents itself.


I think this game is going to be one of those games where you don't appreciate it enough until it's gone.  USF4 is only recently getting a sustained revival despite how prominent it was before SFV came out, but I think the pandemic has done a lot to make us re-assess why we play these games.  I think SFVCE in its current form has a lot of good stuff to offer but what a complicated legacy it has.  It may very well surpass SF2 as the most profitable SF game of all-time but as the era of simple inputs and autocombos move in full-time, I wonder how much longer it'll be before special commands are thrown out for SF6.



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23 minutes ago, Psychoblue said:

think this game is going to be one of those games where you don't appreciate it enough until it's gone. 


Can't wait to remind people of all he shitty things Rashid, Abigail, Akuma and Urien used to do.


And how all the normals were flaming ass.


And how fireballs didn't really work for most of it.


As soon as SF6 drop, Imma keep a website called "SF5WASFUCKINGSHIT.COM" that'll be a list of all the dumb stuff in this game.

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:


Can't wait to remind people of all he shitty things Rashid, Abigail, Akuma and Urien used to do.


And how all the normals were flaming ass.


And how fireballs didn't really work for most of it.


As soon as SF6 drop, Imma keep a website called "SF5WASFUCKINGSHIT.COM" that'll be a list of all the dumb stuff in this game.

Could be worse, it could be Shit Fighter IV. Any game that causes people to hate Elena is beneath trash.

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the only saving grace of street fighter story is to have a decent reboot point where the ends meet.


A story where SFAlpha and SF3 characters are acknowledge to exist together.


successful characters like Juri are likely to salvage but the rest like the other might be deleted in existence if another group would decide to entirely reboot the the franchise.

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12 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:

the only saving grace of street fighter story is to have a decent reboot point where the ends meet.


A story where SFAlpha and SF3 characters are acknowledge to exist together.


successful characters like Juri are likely to salvage but the rest like the other might be deleted in existence if another group would decide to entirely reboot the the franchise.

The core of SF's story issues lie with SFV.


It's unbelievable that the one game in the franchise with short stories for all characters, a full length in-engine movie, and arcade modes representing every single game in the franchise is this pathetic when it comes to telling anything coherent story-wise.


SF's story doesn't need a reboot, it needs to burn down and rot. Forget about it.

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2 hours ago, Volt said:

SF's story doesn't need a reboot, it needs to burn down and rot. Forget about it.

Agree, im never been in the pro-reboot side


Im more on wanting to make a clear connection on SF3 and with the other past SF 90s games


Reboot is iniviateble at some point because of multiple changing leads inside capcom for SF like now. We have Luke that came instead of Alex being the center stage fora while.


The SF5 multiple arcade mode was fine, the problem was like they aim to fix what was wrong in the cinematic story.


In SF5 multiple arcade mode thats where they begin being careful in writing compare to SFV main story mode where they tried to be cinematic thats were the main problem occured.


The cinematic story was the one that had problems and conflicting ideas because how the way it was written.


The leads now should think long term for street fighter characters instead thinking making a story that is not tailored made for a fighting game like they just hired writers then starts killing characters then in the next game they hire new set writers that would return dead character because of being requested by fans.


Writing a story for a novel is different from a movie and a series. So does a fighting game also.


Edited by Shakunetsu
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48 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

The SF5 multiple arcade mode was fine,

Like hell it was.


Bunch of non-canon trash. Absolutely no point to it whatsoever.

Instead of streamlining everything and making sure the games connected right, they were on some nonsense. Just an useless waste of time.

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1 hour ago, Volt said:

Like hell it was.


Bunch of non-canon trash. Absolutely no point to it whatsoever.


It was the later one where they started to playsafe and corrected the later inconsistency from many previous game stories from various different leads and writers different takes on the franchise instead of making them streamlined.


The sfv arcade mode was more canon because its the recent, tries to connect everything and making complimentary instead of trying to experiment with one shot stories like sfv cinematic mode that is just another shadaloo raid story and ryu vs bison part 2 that everyone are tired all ready.


Juri's SF4 ova is the right way to write an effective fighting game story.


Unpopular opinion SF2am story was meh even i like the artstyle and the bison vs ryu and ken together. But the story of other character were nonsense even some main characters. Fightscenes, artstyle were good but story is messed up.


1 hour ago, Volt said:

Instead of streamlining everything and making sure the games connected right, they were on some nonsense. Just an useless waste of time.

That they should had done long ago streamlining everything and making stories tailored made for fighting games instead of trying to be like NRS when multiverse at alternative timelines doesn't exist and doesnt fit in SF thats why they will always bound to FAIL.


That kind pf NRS stories only work for games like Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite but not SF.




Edited by Shakunetsu
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21 minutes ago, Volt said:

Nash went out SAD.

That wont be his last and probably killed again and bring to life again. Same with Bison.


How Nash died in SFV cinematic mode was entirely retcon in his SFV arcade path. Its just a minor correction but its better than cinematic modein-case they would revived him.


Fang was likely killed in Shadow Fall/Cinematic mode but they know its a mistake that they change it in later stories. That they even add stories of him getting an apprentice of some sort.


While they planned Gen to be killed at first and be replace by a new character they change there plan and didn't completely confirmed it with Akuma SFV stories and leave it open ended for interpretation which is good.


Fighting game characters should be easy for recycling because that is where they make sense to be playable not as fictional characters to increase a stake in a story that fighting game players doesn't really prioritize when a new iteration of the game comes out.


Killing characters only makes future FGs direction and roster in a bad and restrictive situation.



Edited by Shakunetsu
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1 hour ago, Shakunetsu said:

Killing characters only makes future FGs direction and roster in a bad and restrictive situation.


Said this before in the story thread in SRK and people gave me stink faces.


Killing characters is the shittiest thing because you kill their mechanically unique things with them.


Unless it's Bedman. Fuck that guy .

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DNFD  was omega based and I'm buying the game day 1. I did like 100 matches. Won most of mine since I was fighting shitters but ran into a Grappler main that knew what the fuck he was doing and it was pissing me the fuck off. I wasn't really paying attention to frame data until I played this asshole. Grappler having super plus on block strings into command throw was infuriating to deal with. I lost most of my matches against him. But because this game has god like online we ran it back like 20 times before he gave me the GG's because I was getting clapped too much ;_; 


My second good match up was against a Berserker and Jesus fuuuuck. That's all I have to say. I started the beta with Kunoichi but her 4MP was super unsafe on block and I found myself getting annoyed that my "footsies" were getting punished. So I picked Inquisitor and turned off my brain and spammed wheel.


God I love that wheel.


I've been feeling burnt out on fighting games and just haven't felt like really going in on one. But DNF is getting that work. I'm playing all you niggas. The online is god like so you can't dodge me @Volt




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31 minutes ago, TWINBLADES_SRK said:

I've been feeling burnt out on fighting games and just haven't felt like really going in on one. But DNF is getting that work. I'm playing all you niggas. The online is god like so you can't dodge me @Volt

Fukk you mean dodging? I'm on PC fam. 🤣


Lemme know if you get one tho, gonna bless your dome with this holy hammer. 👍

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I spent nine months working on the dialogue and endings of this game.  There's still some typos that didn't translate over the way I expected but I'm ironing those out in my free time.


I joined this project because it was the closest I've ever seen to SFxT 2.  Chain combos, juggle system, being rewarded with powerups (the EX bar/Omega effect) for playing the game correctly, tag cancelling in 2v2 mode.



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21 minutes ago, Psychoblue said:


I spent nine months working on the dialogue and endings of this game.  There's still some typos that didn't translate over the way I expected but I'm ironing those out in my free time.


I joined this project because it was the closest I've ever seen to SFxT 2.  Chain combos, juggle system, being rewarded with powerups (the EX bar/Omega effect) for playing the game correctly, tag cancelling in 2v2 mode.



How can we play this?

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2 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Oml I’m so tired of dealing with these front loaded ass moves online where you absolutely have to react to before it comes out or else you eat shit. Any hint of lag and it feels like I’m just getting fucked by dumb pressure moves.


Which move are you complaining about?

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:


Which move are you complaining about?

I was fighting Pot and trying to deal with 3 frame Garuda impact. In a good connection it’s obviously reactable but our connection to each other was so bad I was even seeing megafist until his fist was inside my chest. In hindsight I down even know why I ran it back against that dude. 

Edit: I typically really enjoy that matchup but I don’t get to fight him a lot

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We had a few toku show here in the 90s when I was a kid this was before Power Rangers. 


Shaider, MaskedRiderBlack, Maskman and Bioman were the recurring and most replayed here before MMPR started


Merry Christmas Guys


I missed horror like toku


The last time  I saw this kind of writing show was from KR The First













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9 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Sorry man, I don’t think so. Despite not doing a Christmas dinner tonight, I’ve been running around and cleaning like an asshole and am wiped (gross pun intended). I think I’m too tried to be very effective tonight and not even sure when I’m free. Tomorrow’s likely a write-off as well. Sorry

Take your time, Mr. Adult Sir. You've got responsibilities that I can't understand, so you've gotta hit on those first. No worries!

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