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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Playing through Metroid Prime Remastered, damn I really don't remember much about this game, but makes sense since I played it like half my life ago lol.


It's so good and clearly ahead of it's time for the time it came out.  The level design is unreal in the game.  So many perfectly designed spots that you want to get to and try to get to multiple times then realize that it's intentional that you can't get there and that you will have to come back later when you have the right gear to do so.


I just got to a part last night where I got a new visor and have to backtrack a little bit, and that part is kind of annoying and not the most fun, but aside from that, damn I haven't wanted to put the game down.


I will say though, the game isn't very hard like combat/enemy wise.  It's almost like the game is a 3D platformer with enemies thrown in just to get in the way a bit.  I do remember at the time they called it an FPA - first person adventure game and tried to steer clear of calling it an FPS.  And I'd agree with that a bit, especially with how it controlled back in the day.  I'm using dual stick controls right now though and not the OG controls, which seems like it would only make the game harder if dual stick controls are available.

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Oh yeah, I got the Dead Cells Castlevania content earlier today so I'm just getting started there....played around in some new areas and got Alucard's Shield and the bat swarm thing item/ability already and I'm loving it this whole dlc idea; it's perfect for this game....I'm really looking forward to the new character outfits.  I was on a Tactics build for the run earlier today, and ran into "Death" itself for the first time, unfamiliar with all his attack patterns and of course that was the end point of my run.

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The Last of Us season finale is great. The giraffe scene made it in!

The finale used the same ending as the game. A nitpick


I'm disappointed the story Joel told Ellie about the fireflies finding other immune people becoming a lie. In the game in was actually true. When you explore the hospital during Joel's rampage the player can find audio tapes and files of the fireflies finding other immune people and their methods with all of them have failed. It sucks the show removed this. I guess it was so the final scene can hit harder


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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

The finale used the same ending as the game. A nitpick

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I think in the game those audio tapes were about failed experimentation resulting in no viable vaccine. They were testing the cordyceps from infected.  I don't recall them mentioning any other immune people.


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Joel ALWAYS lied, both in the game and in the series.


The audio recordings specifically mentioned that while there were other people who were experimented on, Ellie's case was always "unique" and the first breakthrough towards a real vaccine.


It maintains the dual morality of Joel's choice from the game, which always makes the ending so intriguing to me. There will always be people who sympathize with Joel's choice, and others who will chastise him for the same reason


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So playing again... NOW I know what is wrong with RE4Make...combat is too fast paced now. new controls means old tactics are not viable and that throws me off. I...kind of don't like it. The controls are similar to a CoD now but Cod (and other FPS) are faster paced than RE4make so with that issue To me, Leon is too slow and clunky...but playing the OG copy for a bit when I felt confused, everything felt fine then going back into RE4Make, Leon's movement vs the enemies didn't feel correct. 



This vid kinda explains my issue. Keep in mind I didn't play the RE2/RE3makes. 

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3 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

So playing again... NOW I know what is wrong with RE4Make...combat is too fast paced now. new controls means old tactics are not viable and that throws me off. I...kind of don't like it. The controls are similar to a CoD now but Cod (and other FPS) are faster paced than RE4make so with that issue To me, Leon is too slow and clunky...but playing the OG copy for a bit when I felt confused, everything felt fine then going back into RE4Make, Leon's movement vs the enemies didn't feel correct. 

Even if the pace wasn't changed old tactics wouldn't have worked anyway. The knife can break now so classic tactic of stun, melee and finishing off with the knife won't be viable in the long term. The remake added the defensive mechanic from the first REmake so there are new tools to play with.

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6 hours ago, Lantis said:
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Joel ALWAYS lied, both in the game and in the series.


The audio recordings specifically mentioned that while there were other people who were experimented on, Ellie's case was always "unique" and the first breakthrough towards a real vaccine.


It maintains the dual morality of Joel's choice from the game, which always makes the ending so intriguing to me. There will always be people who sympathize with Joel's choice, and others who will chastise him for the same reason



Yeah I know Joel lied in both the game and the show, I just don't recall the audio recordings ever mentioning anyone else who was immune. To me, the bigger issue leading to the moral ambiguity was the fact that the Fireflies never gave Ellie a chance to make the decision for herself. In the game she was unconscious from almost drowning and they were just gonna kill her without permission. In the show Marlene told Joel they straight up lied to her.


Adding to that is the fact that what Joel did makes him more believable as a character. The guy was completely broken and became a monster after his daughter was murdered in his arms. Ellie changed him. And now he was going to lose her while she didn't even get a choice. Joel was not going to just let that happen.


I don't think the game mentioned anyone else being immune, which is why Ellie was a special case. To have more known immune people would have lessened the significance of who Ellie was both in game and in show.


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5 minutes ago, Chadouken said:
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Yeah I know Joel lied in both the game and the show, I just don't recall the audio recordings ever mentioning anyone else who was immune. To me, the bigger issue leading to the moral ambiguity was the fact that the Fireflies never gave Ellie a chance to make the decision for herself. In the game she was unconscious from almost drowning and they were just gonna kill her without permission. In the show Marlene told Joel they straight up lied to her.


Adding to that is the fact that what Joel did makes him more believable as a character. The guy was completely broken and became a monster after his daughter was murdered in his arms. Ellie changed him. And now he was going to lose her while she didn't even get a choice. Joel was not going to just let that happen.


I don't think the game mentioned anyone else being immune, which is why Ellie was a special case. To have more known immune people would have lessened the significance of who Ellie was both in game and in show.


I thought....


the game did mention other immune. IIRC it implied that what they wanted to do with Ellie had been tried before an failed. Not a TLoU guy, so I could be wrong.


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Some sales at the moment on eshop...

Megaman 11 = 9.99

Dragon's Dogma 9.99

Bioshock = 9.99

Borderlands Collection 9.99

Valfaris/Slain combo! = 3.99 (hell of a deal for both games, imo)


Capcom Fighting Collection = 19.99

Fury Unleashed = 4.99


whoahh I'm just now seeing this one for the first time...  the Switch version is coming soon:

ah, 20 bucks; releases on 03/16 for Switch... it's 12 gigs; yeah I must have it.


Edited by MillionX
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14 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I thought....

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the game did mention other immune. IIRC it implied that what they wanted to do with Ellie had been tried before an failed. Not a TLoU guy, so I could be wrong.



Having recently just played the game alongside the show, I really don't remember any mention of anyone else being immune, but the experiments were all on other recently infected. And that's why Ellie was so significant.


I'm pretty sure the the second game corroborates this with flashbacks of Abby's father telling Abby about how this girl Ellie is immune and offers him a real chance of developing a vaccine.


Edited by Chadouken
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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:
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Yeah I know Joel lied in both the game and the show, I just don't recall the audio recordings ever mentioning anyone else who was immune. To me, the bigger issue leading to the moral ambiguity was the fact that the Fireflies never gave Ellie a chance to make the decision for herself. In the game she was unconscious from almost drowning and they were just gonna kill her without permission. In the show Marlene told Joel they straight up lied to her.


Adding to that is the fact that what Joel did makes him more believable as a character. The guy was completely broken and became a monster after his daughter was murdered in his arms. Ellie changed him. And now he was going to lose her while she didn't even get a choice. Joel was not going to just let that happen.


I don't think the game mentioned anyone else being immune, which is why Ellie was a special case. To have more known immune people would have lessened the significance of who Ellie was both in game and in show.


I could be remembering it wrong. It's been a long time since I played the first game

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46 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I could be remembering it wrong. It's been a long time since I played the first game

I mean, I could be wrong, too. I just remember it differently. But if true, your minor nitpick would probably be resolved.

Edited by Chadouken
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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:
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Yea the issue was that their science was bunk and lead to the deaths of everyone they experimented on. Ellies fate if left with them was guaranteed.




The others weren't immune. I must of just remembered them being scientific hacks that killed everyone else. Thanks for the clarification.


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Watching and reading impressions on the RE4Make Demo has been interesting. Most people really liked it, which I expected, 2 & 3Make where also good (with varying issues). Whats interesting is the people who aren't liking it as much as others specifically because its changed, and almost every single one of their complaints are the ones the OG as fuck RE fans complained about with the original release of 4. 


"This is so different from RE4! They modernized and watered it down for wider audiences! They made it more horror and less action why!?!?!" (I find this one to be funny in a mirror image sort of way). "If Capcom was gonna change stuff why didn't they just make a new game?"


All of these where criticisms leveled at the original RE4 for moving the camera and changing the control scheme, for dialing back the horror and survival elements for a more action oriented approach, a more forgiving difficulty system that dynamically adjusts to your own performance. 


The more things change the more they stay the same. 

Edited by RSG3
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Interestingly enough REmake 4 actually rewards you if you are brave enough to stand still for a moment to take a shot which I don't think was in REmake 2 or 3.  If you think you can stand still long enough for the reticle to get super close together then your shot is stronger is more accurate.  It was one of the things the game mentioned in passing while I was playing that I thought was interesting.  If it gives a reward for being more risky with your shots which I'll probably experiment with because I definitely felt paranoid about sitting still at all once you get spotted by the villagers.


Edit:  I actually managed to get through the demo last night since I forgot you don't actually have to kill everyone, you just have to survive for a set time.  Now I'm gonna try grabbing the shot gun again and have a talk with Mr. Chainsaw before the time limit is up.

Edited by Sonichuman
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8 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Even if the pace wasn't changed old tactics wouldn't have worked anyway. The knife can break now so classic tactic of stun, melee and finishing off with the knife won't be viable in the long term. The remake added the defensive mechanic from the first REmake so there are new tools to play with.

I hate that. It now takes away from what made RE4 unique. 😞 


@Darc_Requiemprettier graphics would have made me happy and that's it. I already have played OG on all platforms it was released on minus PC? Maybe my issue is I love that OG too much that I feel that it's perfect enough that it doesn't need to change/remake but I have said this before. Maybe I'll now just pick up RE4MAKE when it's on a sale. 

Edited by TheInfernoman
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It absolutly doesn't need to be remade but that justifies changing it if they insist on doing it anyway. Like I honestly got kinda bored of the Demons Souls Remake* because it's 98% the same. Aside from the original no longer being online it was also still relevant more or less so the remake felt redundant and perhaps should have changed more. 


Like I agree. It doesn't need a remake. It's not FF7 or something. With that said since they are gonna do it anyway and the original is still a perfectly modern and great experience they might as well do something to change up the experience. OG RE4 is still there and still quite modern and absolutly easy as hell to play. 

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This actually isn't a remake now that I think about it more because of so many changes its a reboot now and even retcons much of the story from the OG game. I guess I was expecting something like the Diablo 2 Remaster which just gave me prettier graphics and LATER added in updates for new ways to play. 


I actually recall having this argument with my old tester team at Activision back when RE5 demo was a thing. Tank controls are what make RE well RE. I haven't played a new RE game since revelations on 3DS as that was the last game to feel like RE. Let me be an old man about this. I'll still play RE4Boot (I'm now calling it that) but on sale now. 😌

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1 hour ago, TheInfernoman said:

I hate that. It now takes away from what made RE4 unique. 😞 


@Darc_Requiemprettier graphics would have made me happy and that's it. I already have played OG on all platforms it was released on minus PC? Maybe my issue is I love that OG too much that I feel that it's perfect enough that it doesn't need to change/remake but I have said this before. Maybe I'll now just pick up RE4MAKE when it's on a sale. 

Hey you like what you like. I could be in the same boat, haven't played it yet. That said, I still have my Gamecube and Wii copies of RE4. So I have access to RE right now. You may want to look into the PC version. There is fan project that is exactly what you want. It's the original RE4 with high quality textures.

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

It absolutly doesn't need to be remade but that justifies changing it if they insist on doing it anyway. Like I honestly got kinda bored of the Demons Souls Remake* because it's 98% the same. Aside from the original no longer being online it was also still relevant more or less so the remake felt redundant and perhaps should have changed more. 


Like I agree. It doesn't need a remake. It's not FF7 or something. With that said since they are gonna do it anyway and the original is still a perfectly modern and great experience they might as well do something to change up the experience. OG RE4 is still there and still quite modern and absolutly easy as hell to play. 

I felt this way with the medieval remake. While I loved the graphical upgrade I was disappointed that it was the same game from 97. No attempt at quality of life was made.

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Tears of the Kingdom will not be a Pax East


There's a harder version of the REmake 4 demo that can either be unlocked by chance or code



As shown by Jigzaw Killer on YouTube, players must go to the main menu in the demo with the “Main Story” choice highlighted. Then, hold L1 and R1 and press up, left, down, right, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, X on PlayStation, or hold LB and RB and press up, left, down, right, X, Y, B, A, A on Xbox. This will bring up the option to select Mad Chainsaw difficulty mode for the playthrough.

If you want to find out what the made chainsaw difficulty is like by itself then don't read that link...because it's not quite the same.


HBO's Last of Us Season 2 will contain a lot more infected


Diablo 4 has no plans to show up on Game Pass currently


HBO's Last of Us last episode brought in 75% more viewers than the first episode


Showrunners are saying Last of Us II has more than a season's worth of content...I'm hoping they don't go splitting Ellie and Abby's stories between 2 different seasons.  I don't like it...but IF they were to choose to do that it could work though it's going to be a rocky and risky choice to do so. 

Pondering Anthony Anderson GIF by BET

Thinking on how it would work and still reach the same impact (read: reaction) that the game had with people would rough.


Ashley Johnson says she's blown away by Bella Ramsey's  Ellie


Big thing out of this article..


Things won't go exactly as expected, however, as showrunner Craig Mazin recently confirmed that Season 2 will sometimes differ from the games.

"[Season 2] will be different just as this season was different," he said. "Sometimes it will be different radically, and sometimes it [won't] be fairly different at all, but it's going to be different. It will be its own thing. It won't be exactly like the game. It will be the show that Neil and I want to make, but we are making it with Bella."

Ya'll better not change what ya'll do to Joel!  I want people to feel what everyone else felt!


NIntendo defends $70 price tag on TotK


"We look at what the game has to offer," Bowser told AP News in a recent interview. "I think fans will find this is an incredibly full, deeply immersive experience. The price point reflects the type of experience that fans can expect when it comes to playing this particular game. This isn’t a price point that we’ll necessarily have on all our titles. It’s actually a fairly common pricing model either here or in Europe or other parts of the world, where the pricing may vary depending on the game itself."


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34 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Big thing out of this article..

Ya'll better not change what ya'll do to Joel!  I want people to feel what everyone else felt!



Imo the problem was never that they killed Joel, since it fits with the world and type of life he had (it is a inevitable conclusion given his history), but the way they did it, where it was pure contrivances and Joel and his brother being out of character to facilitate the scenario.

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