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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Today's scoops. 




Stinger is actually the NES port of Twin Bee. I hate Twin Bee but it's nice to have in the collection anyway. The later Twin Bee games are way better. 


Ducktales 2 is a no brainer and now I have both of them and the remake of the first on PS3. Score. 


Dragon Spirits another NES Shmup. This one's decent to. Dragon Shmups are always cool. 


And Gradius III The myth. The legend. The slowdown. Haha I like Gradius III SNES but poor Gradius III has a rocky existance. One day I hope to get a cart with the SA-1 Patch on so i can have a physical of Gradius III that plays the way the game was meant to. 


And for a bonus. I didn't buy this one but I found it pretty funny and I miiiiiight go back and scoop it anyway just for the novelty of it. Its just a bit expensive. 




Would really depend on if I can in some way confirm it's the patched version that fixed all the glitch garbage from it's initial release. 

Edited by RSG3
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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I finished watching the 6th episode of Book of Boba Fett and something had caught my eye in the credits so I went back to check.  It's pretty crazy to me that Unreal Engine is now being used in big budget film/tv stuff now. 

Yeah they actually revealed that in the Mandalorian. A lot of the sets are aren't practical but rendered in Unreal.



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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Yeah they actually revealed that in the Mandalorian. A lot of the sets are aren't practical but rendered in Unreal.



I have someone that I'm friends with on FB who helps design a lot of props for films including the Mandalorian and he just clued me in to this when I made a post about it and now I'm looking up something he told me to google called ILM Stagecraft and after reading it and watching the behind the scenes for it I'm instantly wowed.  This shit so much better than blue/green screen that there's no way it doesn't change production in filming moving forward.  I didn't even know they were doing all this and the way how *redacted* looked in Ep 6 of Boba Fett was crazy impressive.



I am truly blown away by what they're doing with this tech.

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This is random, but is Red Dead Redemption 2 worth buying if one has only passing interest? I know how it ends, have watched quite a bit of cutscenes from it, and even follow a youtube channel (Strange Man) talking about secrets from it and other Rockstar games. So this isn't like I've somehow abstained from it all these years. I'm talking from a gameplay perspective.


I'm asking because it's on sale for like 25 bucks in the PSN store right now.

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5 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

This is random, but is Red Dead Redemption 2 worth buying if one has only passing interest? I know how it ends, have watched quite a bit of cutscenes from it, and even follow a youtube channel (Strange Man) talking about secrets from it and other Rockstar games. So this isn't like I've somehow abstained from it all these years. I'm talking from a gameplay perspective.


I'm asking because it's on sale for like 25 bucks in the PSN store right now.

$25 for RDR2 is really good deal and I think really worth it.   I don't know if it's good enough to buy if you're only have a passing interest in it though.  If you think you'll actually play the game then go for it but if you ask yourself honestly if you'd actually really play the game or play the online to get your $25 bucks worth.  If not then the $25 could go to something else.

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12 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Apparently Sonic creators have also been getting hit with bullshit from false claims


There's a whole thread here talking about some other false claims including getting hit for putting the sound of crickets in their video.  Youtube seriously needs to fix their copyright system.

Whenever I used to get copyright claims, it was not even the video game companies/publishers themselves but some random ass company from God knows where. I disputed and won all of them of course because it was BS, but still makes it fuckin annoying.

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Oh yeah---first Street Fighter 2 character that caught my attention was Blanka; of course it would be the "mutated freak" looking character that jumped out to me right away as the coolest looking that fateful day in... I think 1991, Blanka would be the first character I played once it was my turn... heh, that's another thing younger gens probably won't really get.... in the good ol' arcade era, some games like SF2 were so popular that you had to actually stand in line to play it, at least during peak times of course like a typical Saturday at the mall arcade.


Anyway, on another note that was long overdue--- in the XB1 version of Dead Cells, I finally beat 2-cell difficulty a little while ago... I had a really good Brutality build/setup going on... only 22 points in it though so I was concerned that might not be enough, but it was.  I also still had the heart passive's "extra life" effect as well.  On the Switch version, I was already on 4-cell difficulty for quite some time now.  


On the xbox version... I kept a lot of items just on the verge of being unlocked... it's an alternate way of having certain things instantly accessible in a "colorless" version once I noticed that's how they pop up when you spend the cells to unlock them; heh, that worked out pretty well for me there.  The item will also be better if you wait until kinda late in the run, I noticed... getting a powerful weapon in colorless form about midway thru or towards the end of a run is an insane bonus.  Of course you can only do this one time on a save file, and I'd have to utilize the options of "custom mode" later, but it was a fun little thing to do lately.  In the beginning, I started doing that just to keep certain shitty items and weapons out of the loot pool---like the "Spartan Sandals", for example... I'm not sure that crap has ever been good compared to anything else in the game.



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On 2/4/2022 at 8:25 PM, BornWinner said:

It may not have been Nintendo after all. This thread goes into the strikes on why it could not be Nintendo and just some jackoff pretending to be to get rid of people he doesn’t like. The same thing happen to the Kirby Reanimated project where a guy pretended to be Nintendo to get rid of the video. After it was found out, it got put back up. Sadly I doubt GilvaSunner won’t be returning for this. 

So while it is possible that Nintendo just decided to kill Gilva one day, it is not unheard of some guy just wanting to get rid of a channel by pretending to be a company. Bottom of the line, YouTube’s copyright system is ass.

There needs to be some hardcore penalties for false claims 

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13 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Apparently Sonic creators have also been getting hit with bullshit from false claims

I think this is happening off of YouTube as well. There is a website, KHinsider, where you can download music from videogames. Sonic used to be one of the most viewed games on the site. Being listed under ‘Popular Series’  along with several other games. It was also where I downloaded some songs from the series.


Anyway, it seems just recently that the Sonic soundtracks vanished from KHinsder. All of them gone. Searching Sonic will only get you some fan games OSTs. I was confused before but now I can imagine that these same companies got those soundtracks out of the website for some reason because only Sonic was affected and not any other Sega series. This is seriously becoming a pain.

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5 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I finished watching the 6th episode of Book of Boba Fett and something had caught my eye in the credits so I went back to check.  It's pretty crazy to me that Unreal Engine is now being used in big budget film/tv stuff now. 

The Lion King remake was made on Unity, and the technology created for it (camera rigs, etc.) was iterated into the version that they use for The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett with Unreal.








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1 hour ago, BornWinner said:

I think this is happening off of YouTube as well. There is a website, KHinsider, where you can download music from videogames. Sonic used to be one of the most viewed games on the site. Being listed under ‘Popular Series’  along with several other games. It was also where I downloaded some songs from the series.


Anyway, it seems just recently that the Sonic soundtracks vanished from KHinsder. All of them gone. Searching Sonic will only get you some fan games OSTs. I was confused before but now I can imagine that these same companies got those soundtracks out of the website for some reason because only Sonic was affected and not any other Sega series. This is seriously becoming a pain.

I actually mentioned what happened on KHinsider in the VGM thread.   It happened last year and they put up a post that I can't find on the website anymore that as far as they know it was Sega who got into contact with them and told them to take it down.



 founds my post in the VGM thread


Apparently Sega came for KHinsider and told them to remove music relating to their IP's off of the website.  500 albums albums were removed including fan compilation stuff.

You can read the post about it from the Sept. 17th update


Disappointing but understandable since Sega has actually starting putting the music for various IP's up. 


Edited by Sonichuman
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8 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

The Lion King remake was made on Unity, and the technology created for it (camera rigs, etc.) was iterated into the version that they use for The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett with Unreal.








I didn't know they used Unity for Lion King but my facebook friend said that they started using the tech with UE they had now with Jon Favreau's Jungle Book it just ballooned out from there in Mandolorian.

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15 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I didn't know they used Unity for Lion King but my facebook friend said that they started using the tech with UE they had now with Jon Favreau's Jungle Book it just ballooned out from there in Mandolorian.


For what i understand with Jungle Book, they created virtual sets to use during filming.

With The Lion King they created new technology that allowed to use camera rigs on a studio to use it as if they were filming with them inside Unity, allowing to be more quick and effective when composing scenes, since it was essentially filming the action.


On Mando, from what i heard, they are using a combination of both, since it was Favreu who for the lack of a better way to see it, created/pioneered the tech for both The Jungle Book and The Lion King.


I often joke that TLK "died" with the remake in order for us to get the technology to catapult TV production into a whole new level 🤣

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:



Do you like the Castlevania series?

You like a lot of Vampire related media, but I haven't really heard you talk about it much.

Yeah... I haven't played all of them though.  I actually started with Simon's Quest way back in the 8-bit era, then part 3...wasn't until later that I played the first game.  I missed out on a LOT from there though...the next one I played wasn't until that 2nd "Lords of Shadow" game.  I never finished that, but the intro sequence was SO awesome... placing you in the role of Dracula himself, as some pitiful humans run up, trying to be a hero.  No other game at that point was giving me that, aside from Skyrim with the Dawnguard DLC.  Somewhere in the mix I got Symphony of the Night; I was also way late to the game on that one.

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21 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Update regarding the Gilva Sunner situation, Youtube actually joined in the thread that had the copyright claim theory and busted it.

People really need to stop thinking they’re entitled to all these music uploads people are doing. It doesn’t matter if people aren’t profiting off the reuploads. It’s not theirs to reupload. Plain and simple. 


You’re not entitled to anything those companies put out. It’s why they make you pay for it. You know what you deserve for investing so much time and money to these companies? These companies you say you love still getting to exist and creating the content you love. 

Edited by iStu X
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1 minute ago, iStu X said:

People really need to stop thinking they’re entitled to all these music uploads people are doing. It doesn’t matter if people aren’t profiting off the reuploads. It’s not theirs to reupload. Plain and simple. 


Dunno what is it with some Nintendo fans and their naivety on thinking that Nintendo is evil for enforcing their rights, like in this case, or when it shuts down tournaments using emulation of all thing to play Melee, knowing full well the stance of Nintendo regardless emulation.


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