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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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On 1/6/2023 at 10:59 AM, YourFavGrandpa said:

I'm considering it as well tbh. Dunno if I'll go with a physical copy, since I don't trade games in; but it beats not being able to play until the afternoon of release (unless I go out to Target at 8am to get a physical copy).

I'm probably gonna wait until some point in February to pick it up. I still have quite the backlog of Switch games to get through; so I'm probably safe on waiting to get this. I might get this for completing my 5K, I'm not entirely sure.



Shmup highlights include Twinbee (the very first one), Salamander, and Gradius I & II. I really want to get this, but I may end up getting it digital because of funds being short this next week. I might be able to switch some funds around and get the Classic version, if not just the game cart by itself.

Edited by YourFavGrandpa
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7 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

Most accurate adaption to break the video game adaptation curse by the way.





As expected, people are not happy










I am not even fan of the games, but I know this changes are some bullshit since it removes one of the most iconic things about the setting, and what added tension.



Edited by Hecatom
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I remember saying that smash earlier that Smash people not showering wasn't just a mutually eclusive thing and god damn if I didn't get a reminder of that shit while I was in line for a concert just now.  Whoever the fuck it was that I was downwind of for the time I was in the line clearly has not taken a shower since Magfest started on Thursday because GAAAWD DAMN.  Making my fucking eyes sting with this shit.  I'm surprised I didn't see literal stink lines coming from whoever it was.



Edited by Sonichuman
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4 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I remember saying that smash earlier that Smash people not showering wasn't just a mutually eclusive thing and god damn if I didn't get a reminder of that shit while I was in line for a concert just now.  Whoever the fuck it was that I was downwind of for the time I was in the line clearly has not taken a shower since Magfest started on Thursday because GAAAWD DAMN.  Making my fucking eyes sting with this shit.  I'm surprised I didn't see literal stink lines coming from whoever it was.





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So...I actually saw an Xbox Series X at a store recently...but oddly enough I passed up the opportunity.  I haven't even played my XB1 in quite a while lately, since I've been playing more stuff Switch, PS5 and Steam Deck... almost seems like there's not much of a point in that system right now, at least for me.  One good thing is perhaps that's a sign that things are going back to how it was in the good ol' days when you could just buy a system whenever you feel like it if you have the money to do so..?  I'd hate for it to stay as "the new normal" that you have to hope to get lucky in your hunt for the system you want.


*of course, this would be different if the next Gears of War game were due to be released very soon, but I've heard nothing about that so I assume it's far off into the future... and the next Fable is probably way off as well (*and doubtful it could match the concept potential Kingdoms of Amalur already realized several years ago)....those are the only exclusives of note that would mean something to me.  There's a new Perfect Dark in the works apparently so there's that too, I guess....maybe those exclusives will show up at some point 302 years from now, right after that next Elder Scrolls game...shortly after the Gambit film and Beyond Good & Evil 2 is out.

Edited by MillionX
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On 1/7/2023 at 4:23 PM, Wellman said:

I know it isn't that big of a deal but still funny given his boast.

I'm not big TLOU fan but it's a huge deal.  I mean it's plays into Ellie having to hide her immunity. I mean it's huge tension point in the game. It makes the "zombie show" comment even more humorous in my view because the spores were big thing that separated TLOU from the standard zombie fair. Breathing in the wrong air would seal your doom. Now it doesn't.

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Ah, there is actually 1 reason for me to get a Series X then... I forgot that this is *apparently(?) an exclusive...

...hell yeah I'm looking forward to this... I'd prefer to be on the side of the vamps and cultists though.  That could've been an interesting alternate story-path, though I realize that's a lot of extra writing and development to do... but imagine you start off as one of the regular human cultists, and eventually the vampires reward you and your chapter of the cult with the embrace after proving your worth for a few sidequests... then you become one of them.

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Oh, LRG, in what have you gotten involved now



Kara Lynne, the now-ex community manager of Limited Run, was reportedly fired following complaints from a trans activist on Twitter who had dissected Lynne’s social media history.


Jonathan “Jessica” Blank, a trans-identified male better known in the My Little Pony fan community as Purple Tinker, published a Twitter thread on January 6 accusing Lynne of “transphobia” and tagging Limited Run Games in an apparent effort to have her penalized.

The so-called infractions Blank leveled against Lynne included that she had been following popular conservative social media account Libs of TikTok, and had posted a tweet expressing opposition to self-identification laws in 2016.





Despite Blank’s recent campaign against Lynne for “transphobia,” Blank has been accused of serious infractions by some within the My Little Pony fandom. The accusations include those of racism, sexism, stalking, and doxing.


Blank has even been accused of transphobia himself, and penned an apology in 2013 for threatening to “out” a trans-identified individual he disliked.

Other posts which received backlash include comments made by Blank in 2014 on Tumblr in which he appeared to challenge the “legitimacy” of statutory rape “as a concept,” and other comments he made around the same time defending childhood porn exposure.


Jonathan Blank, the trans-identified male ostensibly responsible for launching the campaign that got Lynne fired, has deactivated his Twitter account since backlash began to accumulate.


In 2014, Blank boasted of coding a redirect targeting a specific IP address he believed belonged to an individual who was visiting his website for “hateful” reasons. Rather than being granted access to his site, the unsuspecting visitor was sent to pages containing My Little Pony rape fantasy art, hardcore pornography, and the website of the pro-pedophile North American Man-Boy Love Association.


Their next couple of tweets from LRG had people calling them out, so they had to disable comments for subsequent tweets.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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30 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

I called them out too


Speaking of which.

The person who got the whole situation rolling, getting the woman fired after searching through 6 years of her tweeter history, is a well documented groomer and has plenty of tweets, many very recent mind you, talking about how 14yo should be allowed to have sex with adults if they want to...









I guess that being exited about Hogwarts Legacy is bad (this whole shit started because the woman fired expressed her hype about the game), but grooming is OK according to LRG 🤣




This person is so toxic that the people working on MLP FiM detest him, since he has harassed staff and voice actors in the past, the majority of the community don't want to get involved with him and his convention at all, since it is the embodiment of all the negative stereotypes that the community is blamed of being.


Then add that most of the victims of his harassment are women.

Was part of the harassment campaign towards a person who ended committing suicide, etc, etc.

Edited by Hecatom
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9 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I didn't need to read that to know he hates all gamers lol.


Mans fueled by hate and the sooner he disappears from the gaming sphere on every level, the better off gaming will be. He's the scumbag he rants about in those tweets.


I am totally with you on that.

I just find humorous how terminally online this dude is and how unhinged he is that he went on 9 hours rant about gamers.

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God damn...LRG landed on one hell of a land mine.  That conversation that jerk had about statutory rape is WHOA.  I mean I disagree with Lynne but if she's not actively going around punching trans people in the face or actively harming someone then firing her is rough.  If the trans woman had actually found evidence that Lynne's was actually doing transphobic stuff or harming people then that would have been one thing cause LRG ain't Disney.   I didn't know who TF this Lynne woman was and her pull on anything is probably minimal at best.  She's not in the limelight and her opinions probably have barely any sway over someone who is a legit person of influence.   And that's before we even finding out that this trans person is a hypocritical asshole which makes everything WAAAAY worse.


Edit:  Yeah after reading the laundry list of stuff above, Jessica is definitely the worse kind of human being possible it looks like.   She's pretty much the reason why conservatives think the venn diagram for pedophilia and and the alphabet mafia is a circle.

Edited by Sonichuman
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

God damn...LRG landed on one hell of a land mine.  That conversation that jerk had about statutory rape is WHOA.  I mean I disagree with Lynne but if she's not actively going around punching trans people in the face or actively harming someone then firing her is rough.  If the trans woman had actually found evidence that Lynne's was actually doing transphobic stuff or harming people then that would have been one thing cause LRG ain't Disney.   I didn't know who TF this Lynne woman was and her pull on anything is probably minimal at best.  She's not in the limelight and her opinions probably have barely any sway over someone who is a legit person of influence.   And that's before we even finding out that this trans person is a hypocritical asshole which makes everything WAAAAY worse.


Edit:  Yeah after reading the laundry list of stuff above, Jessica is definitely the worse kind of human being possible it looks like.   She's pretty much the reason why conservatives think the venn diagram for pedophilia and and the alphabet mafia is a circle.

People like this purple tinker cretin love to pretend that anyone not actively tossing their salad is committing violence against them. We've gone from asking for tolerance and acceptance to demanding unrelenting praise, and millions of bandwagon hoppers are glad to give their wretched campaigns steam.

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4 hours ago, Hecatom said:


Speaking of which.

The person who got the whole situation rolling, getting the woman fired after searching through 6 years of her tweeter history, is a well documented groomer and has plenty of tweets, many very recent mind you, talking about how 14yo should be allowed to have sex with adults if they want to...


[Image Snip]


I guess that being exited about Hogwarts Legacy is bad (this whole shit started because the woman fired expressed her hype about the game), but grooming is OK according to LRG 🤣




This person is so toxic that the people working on MLP FiM detest him, since he has harassed staff and voice actors in the past, the majority of the community don't want to get involved with him and his convention at all, since it is the embodiment of all the negative stereotypes that the community is blamed of being.


Then add that most of the victims of his harassment are women.

Was part of the harassment campaign towards a person who ended committing suicide, etc, etc.

There a reason why now Bronycon is defunked and they are no longer around.

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5 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

God damn...LRG landed on one hell of a land mine.  That conversation that jerk had about statutory rape is WHOA.  I mean I disagree with Lynne but if she's not actively going around punching trans people in the face or actively harming someone then firing her is rough.  If the trans woman had actually found evidence that Lynne's was actually doing transphobic stuff or harming people then that would have been one thing cause LRG ain't Disney.   I didn't know who TF this Lynne woman was and her pull on anything is probably minimal at best.  She's not in the limelight and her opinions probably have barely any sway over someone who is a legit person of influence.   And that's before we even finding out that this trans person is a hypocritical asshole which makes everything WAAAAY worse.


Edit:  Yeah after reading the laundry list of stuff above, Jessica is definitely the worse kind of human being possible it looks like.   She's pretty much the reason why conservatives think the venn diagram for pedophilia and and the alphabet mafia is a circle.

This is the kind of culture that's been created though. It doesn't even matter if the allegations are true, all that has to happen is for them to be made and the company has to do backflips to assure people they aren't murdering choo choo people in the basement.


It's hilariously ironic though that all the people who make these allegations turn out to be uber shitbags. Like when someone makes these types of allegations I'm like

Anticipation Popcorn GIF

waiting to find out what kind of skeletons THEY have going on.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Reviews for The Last of Us HBO series are starting to hit today it seems...the ones that I've skimmed over are VERY POSITVE.  A few of them are saying it's the best VG adaptation put out now.  Whether that's true or not remains to be seen but just throwing that out there in case people want to look around.  Really sucks that they took the spores out.

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