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Random thought of the night how much does a character strength or weakness effect your decision on playing them? 



I feel like I know the answer seeing most of everybody's choice seems to be whoever they think looks cool.  I'm not playing for money so I pick who I like. I also don't shame people who just play top tiers.


Can't forget this gem..


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I’m trying to launch SF4 now and I’m getting nothing but black screen. Hopefully it’s a simple fix.


@Illwill88i play who I like that isn’t total garbage. If I’m just fucking around I’ll use anyone but say I’m picking up a new game I usually avoid low tier characters.


Mind you I don’t do this on purpose. But playing a few games or looking through the roster you definitely get a sense of who is at least decent and who is bad. The low tier characters usually feel like dogshit and it makes me not want to use them. 

So I’m like half a tier whore I guess. As long as a chat doesn’t feel bottom of the barrel compared to the rest and l like them I’ll use them with no issue.

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14 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

Random thought of the night how much does a character strength or weakness effect your decision on playing them? 

I'm enough of a "special snowflake" player that I usually shy away from popular characters because I like seeing more variety. 


However I'm also with Vhozite in that playing low tier characters usually feels bad, so if a character is really in the dumpster or has prevalent agonizing match ups I'm likely to keep looking.


Its like 60/40 form vs function. FGs have always been primarily about how cool shit looks for me so I start with that and go from there.

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17 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

Random thought of the night how much does a character strength or weakness effect your decision on playing them? 

I typically prefer someone in the upper-mid to lower-mid range.


I prefer not playing top tier or low tier, but I also need to play a character i really like, so while I’ll try to stick with my mid-tier parameters, I’ll go outside of that if needed.

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Netcode thoughts of the night...


It’s a good patch. For me, the netcode has been considerably worse since the update at the beginning of the year, and now it feels like how it was before, but maybe even a little better. So, while it may the best I’ve ever seen it (maybe), it could still be better. I’m happy enough that I’ll play this game regularly again though, which i havent done since that patch in Jan/Feb.


edit to add: not that i’m giving up on Mk11, 3S, or ST, but I’m happy being able to play this again

Edited by Mattatsu
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I decide purely on how cool the character looks or how fun they look to play. I like rush down, so I usually gravitate towards those criteria. Could really care less how good or bad they are. 


It's hard for me in a team game like DBFZ, because I try to find a compromise of characters I like that also benefit each other synergistically. I'm constantly switching teams in that game. 

Edited by M A R T I A N
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39 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

Random thought of the night how much does a character strength or weakness effect your decision on playing them? 

It depends from game to game, at the end of the day, i play with the char that gives me more wins while i feel right to play with.

Which is funny, because i mained Tager on BB since CT, and he sucked ass on BBCT, and in general, lol

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2 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

Bro, I would have had you for a Millia main for sure.  

Dude she’s does absolutely nothing for me and her play style doesn’t look interesting to me. Her redesign in Xrd/Strive is the closest I’ll ever get to finding her interesting. Contrary to popular belief having a vagina and blond hair doesn’t make me wanna play a character......





it helps though 


2 hours ago, Jocelot said:

Mmmmmmm, Nagoriyuki. I bet his dick is gigantic


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Random thought of the night how much does a character strength or weakness effect your decision on playing them? 



Pretty much never. I always look for a character based on their personality/design and if I like their play style, I try to stick with them. 

Of course this means I usually end up with characters that are trash competitively. The number of times I stuck with a good character can probably be counted on one hand.

Edited by BornWinner
Failed to quote Will correctly
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Ggs everyone. Netcode was actually really good for me tonight, big ups on SFV. Tonight was the most “fighting games” I’ve played in a minute and it was great. 

honda is a bully and I love him very much. I really don’t care enough to get good at SFV so if anyone I played tonight wants to give me pointers, anything past “don’t butt slam so much” will probably be ignored. Peace, love, and goodnight.  

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I'm another who mainly plays who I like. Jill was my point throughout MVC3 for cryin out loud.


Even if the character is balls, I do what I can to make them work.


Now some characters just won't cut it. For example, I like Kyosuke in CVS2, but everyone collectively agrees that character is bottom of the barrel gutter trash. Knowing how I am, I'd still try to make the most of him.

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1 hour ago, BornWinner said:

Random thought of the night how much does a character strength or weakness effect your decision on playing them? 



Pretty much never. I always look for a character based on their personality/design and if I like their play style, I try to stick with them. 

Of course this means I usually end up with characters that are trash competitively. The number of times I stuck with a good character can probably be counted on one hand.

I play characters that I find fun. That's my chief concern. 


@TWINBLADES_SRK, @Bea_Iankwanted me to give you message about your thoughts on grapplers. Let me stand aside for second....


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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5 hours ago, M A R T I A N said:

Tager sucked for awhile. Like, up until the 3rd most recent version of the game or something like that. 


Lots of dudes in that community seem to forget that when they go on their tirades about how broken Tager is.... 

Mostly scrubs.

Tager as a char has only had 2 games where he didnt suck.

And even on those, he stil has stupidly loopsided matches against him.


I never really cared much about it, but to pretend that he hasnt been subpar in the majority of the series is hilarious.

Edited by Hecatom
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6 hours ago, Illwill88 said:

Random thought of the night how much does a character strength or weakness effect your decision on playing them? 



I feel like I know the answer seeing most of everybody's choice seems to be whoever they think looks cool.  I'm not playing for money so I pick who I like. I also don't shame people who just play top tiers.


Can't forget this gem..



I just pick whoever I like the most.

Luckly most of my picks end up being my type of gameplay too.

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Current SF5 Netcode Review


by GetTheTables


Webster's dictionary defines netcode as: "that thing what lets us punch each other over the internet". After playing 10-15 matches yesterday with Capcom's most recent patch tweaking that netcode, I wanted to give impressions for anyone curious.


For reference I'm playing out of northern MD, and I have pretty good internet (the test I just ran clocked at 450 down/250 up).


Games against Darc: All rock solid. Not super surprising as we've played before with good connections, and from what I remember he isn't too terribly far from where I am.


Games against Tubb: 95% rock solid. Which is pretty good from here to where he is at if it is indeed Ohio. There was one hiccup in a later game but I'm going to chalk that up to him downloading the latest Pokeprincxss/Digitalprincxss release in the background.


Games against Mattatsu: Really...consistent? I'm not sure how to describe this. The games were very playable, but there were a lot of little rollbacks happening on my side, mostly with whatever Sagat was doing at the time. None of them were really big - nothing near the infamous Cody v. Ibuki clip - nor affected the game play, but it was really noticeable. We've played a lot of SF5 over the years and it has slowly gotten worse, so this was a marked improvement. It seemed like instead of it running well for a bit then just throwing up, it was spreading that out over the whole match.


The thing that still bugs me is that in every other game we've played, the connections have been really good (including games like Rev 2 and T7 which aren't known for fantastic netcode). So while this is an improvement over what we had before, it still feels like something is fundamentally busted with SF5's netcode implementation. 


Final Thoughts: this update is more of "smoothing out the curve" than any noteworthy changes. If you had a good connection to someone before, seems like it'll still be good. If you had a bad connection before, will probably still be bad. However it does seem like the rollbacks are less spiky and more prevalent throughout the match, so you'll know right away if it is going to be a thing and can sort of adjust to it depending on how bad it is. Versus before where things would run fine for a little bit and then everyone becomes VT1 Bison.


It is a small improvement over how things were before, but if the online in this game drove you nuts or if you consistently had bad connections with people I don't think that is going to change.

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9 hours ago, KingTubb said:

Ggs everyone. Netcode was actually really good for me tonight, big ups on SFV. Tonight was the most “fighting games” I’ve played in a minute and it was great. 

honda is a bully and I love him very much. I really don’t care enough to get good at SFV so if anyone I played tonight wants to give me pointers, anything past “don’t butt slam so much” will probably be ignored. Peace, love, and goodnight.  

Double posting just to say: actually quite the opposite.


That one round where you did like 15 L Butt Slams back to back was so effective and overwhelming I thought the game was going to break. 

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@GetTheTablesthat’s how I feel too. There were a few skips in animation, but it didn’t seem to effect the flow too much, but in some cases, there were a good bit of them (nothing overwhelming and it was certainly playable) but it’s not like it was smooth as butter the whole way (which was the case for our games in MK11 the night before)


as far as SFV standards go, the patch is great (possibly better than it’s ever been), but it’s still SFV and improvements can be made, especially when compared to its peers.


Edited by Mattatsu
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16 minutes ago, GetTheTables said:

where he is at if it is indeed Ohio

Indeed, I am a buckeye to my core. 


And holy shit at your internet speeds! I was running 170 down and 50 up last night which is faster than normal. 

16 minutes ago, GetTheTables said:

him downloading the latest Pokeprincxss/Digitalprincxss release in the background

its always sunny in philadelphia shut up GIF

Edited by KingTubb
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10 minutes ago, GetTheTables said:

Double posting just to say: actually quite the opposite.


That one round where you did like 15 L Butt Slams back to back was so effective and overwhelming I thought the game was going to break. 

Double posting just to say:

cute valentines day GIF


Anyone that says more buttslams is automatically good people in my book 

Edited by KingTubb
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