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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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14 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Article on 100 Most influential Sequences in Animation....Sure I'll read that.


>Grave of the Fireflies is in it.



Yeah, my emotions can't handle anything from that movie, internet. Internet needs to leave the F alone with all that.

I was going to sucker my wife into seeing that with me in the theaters when they were doing their Summer of Ghibli event. It would have been one week after Evo. 


Then her mom passed that July. I think taking her to a movie like that right after would not be the best move.

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9 minutes ago, Reiraku said:

I was going to sucker my wife into seeing that with me in the theaters when they were doing their Summer of Ghibli event. It would have been one week after Evo. 


Then her mom passed that July. I think taking her to a movie like that right after would not be the best move.

 Yea, you're right. 

The correct move would be to take her twice.

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2 hours ago, misterBee said:

Oh.  Ok.  I'll put away my gun.


Please be more clear that it's a quote from somebody else next time so that I don't accidentally do a sleepy drive-by admin execution. 🙂

Oh yeah sorry about that. Pre snap politics got wild.


I like how most of us here are just dads hanging out and whatever 


Yup had in and out and i am pretty satisfied


Filet o fish is the most balanced fish sandwich


Sausage Egg Mcmuffin above all

Edited by DrLariat
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11 hours ago, odin said:

I wonder who are the oldest people here?


I'm 37 in Dec.


I'll be 37 later this month (25th). 

7 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Fun Fact: Her cartoon model was inspired by a stripper one of the animators saw at the club.



I'm surprised that the model wasn't changed to the more traditional sports-bra look. That character was on of the strangest recolors in all of Beast Wars. 

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Thanks @Mattatsu!!


Yeah, I'm really bummed now cause I had fun playing Bloodborne last night and sorta just wanted to stream it over the weekend. I was just starting to get my legs under me. 


Birthday is sorta feeling like:




But whatever🤷‍♀️ Driving down to Nelsonville with my pops next weekend to walk around in the woods and buy some boots, so I'm pretty pumped about that 

Edited by KingTubb
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8 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I turned 40 waaaay back in February. I still had a chance to actually HAVE  a birthday before COVID hit in full force but I squandered it. 😞


Pretty soon we'll be having a SRK Midlife Club where we will be talking about chronic pains and taking our daily pills and shit like that.

I'll start that shit off. I been having a lot of joint pain since I started using a bike to go to work. My knees and inner thighs are fucking killing me right now.

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35 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I turned 40 waaaay back in February. I still had a chance to actually HAVE  a birthday before COVID hit in full force but I squandered it. 😞


Pretty soon we'll be having a SRK Midlife Club where we will be talking about chronic pains and taking our daily pills and shit like that.


Really? Can we!? Because my left wrist is totally shot I have been coming apart at the seams the last couple of years. 👴🏾

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16 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

getting to play Bloodborne without interruption for a few hours was a highlight because we couldn't go anywhere. 

Word, and thanks!

Our guests leave Sunday morning, so I'm going to try to get some hardcore GAMING in as soon as they leave. I streamed a little last night, and it was pretty fun, so I might do that Sunday as well

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