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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Well Memphis is obviously a no-go...I'll always advise people to stay as far away from there as possible.  


More slang I miss from the good ol' days:

Stout = voluptuous; nice curves...e.g.--- "woooo did you see Lori with the tight leggings on at the game last night! Bruh that ho STOUT as a mu'fucka now! I didn't know she had it like THAT."

Tradin' = lying... of course the latest word I keep seeing online is "cap" for lies.  No, I'm not sure how "trade" got around to being a term for "lying".

Redbone = lighter skin black woman (usually descriptive of a good-looking one)

Paper = money... e.g.-- "...I'm all about gettin' that paper." I prefer this to the other big money term "cheddar".

Draws = underwear

Dropped a Deuce = one of the best slang phrases for shitting.

Cold = in context of a competitive thing... someone who's extremely good, e.g.-- "haha you have no chance.  That dude is too cold at this game."


Another bonus from my Dad's generation! the JIVE TURKEY (foolish person or someone who's bullshitting ya, or doesn't know what they're talking about).  This term cracked me up as a little kid whenever I heard it... Dad said this one quite often.  I'm pretty sure this term originated in the 70s.

Edited by MillionX
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18 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Greenburg was stabbed 20 times, 10 in the back of her neck, once in the scalp, eight times in the chest and in the abdomen.

Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


For Real Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

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ive actually heard that these ufo triangle craft with lights under it are air force experimental crafts. more than one source. but i think richard doty was he one that confirmed it. but i dont remember all that well. 




uh. btw, theres a scientist that believes in quantum field theory. he claims that his physics equations allow us to be able to build a time/space bubble drive here and now because he claims he figured out how to warp space/time with current tech and fuel/power source.


to make a long stor short. jack sarfatti claims that we can ..see, the problem we have now to creating a time/space bubble. is the amount of power needed to generate it. cuz according to physics we need about as much energy to power a ship creating a time/space bubble as can be converted from about the mass of jupiter. in other words the energy source is alot.

but sarfatti says you dont need that much energy.

that you can create a very weak time/space warp bubble that gets greatly boosted in strength but a electromagnetic field boosting the gravitational field. therefore making the time/space warp very strong with very little energy requirement.

and seeing the patent issued by us navyman salvatore cezar pais .

is literally doing what sarfatti describes in his theories that hes been working on long before the date of the patent being issued.

cuz the patent is not only creating a time/space bubble but more importantly, its being boosted by a electromagnetic field with very little energy cost. 



Edited by VirginDefiler
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I read something about an investigation regarding human trafficking with him. I'm not sure if anything turned up. Everything just seems so sketchy with that guy. Going to Romania to make millions? Hmm.


I think the only people that think he is cool are incels and children.

Edited by elliephil
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10 minutes ago, Jion_Wansu said:

This was probably already posted but yeah 🙂



I wouldn't be surprised if other government leaders around the world did something worse than what this video showed. I suppose the real issue is how this relates to national security, like the report stated.


It reminds me of the spectacle we had here with Rob Ford, the crack-smoking mayor. These things happen all the time. Only difference is who finds out.

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

His son went to another a country? 

I'll do more digging but long story short. Hunter and Joe Biden aledgedly had some shady dealings going on in Ukraine. With his son being given a C suite position in a company he's laughably unqualified for if I remember correctly. 

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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

I'll do more digging but long story short. Hunter and Joe Biden aledgedly had some shady dealings going on in Ukraine. With his son being given a C suite position in a company he's laughably unqualified for if I remember correctly. 

So nepotism? We are still going on about Junter Biden because Nepotism? 




Sorry just seems like another Hunter Biden Laptop to me. 

Edited by RSG3
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12 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


For Real Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

A mystery on par with Julius Caesar's famous public suicide in the middle of the Roman Senate through 23 self-inflicted stab wounds, with many different knives.

The other senators tried to help him, but alas, it was too late.




In this classic painting you can see the senators trying to help Caesar.

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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

Oh don't forget classics such as his infamous breakfast club interview. Where he stated you ain't black if you don't vote for him in 2020.

So...we got Nepotism and racial cluelessness?


Neither of these things are actually illegal BB..."You ain't black" is like fucking nothing to, it was stupid to say no doubt, but this guy wrote a bill in the 90s calling black people Super Predetors. Him saying "You're voting against your own interests" in the dumbest way possible isn't something you go to court over. 

Edited by RSG3
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52 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

So...we got Nepotism and racial cluelessness?


Neither of these things are actually illegal BB..."You ain't black" is like fucking nothing to, it was stupid to say no doubt, but this guy wrote a bill in the 90s calling black people Super Predetors. Him saying "You're voting against your own interests" in the dumbest way possible isn't something you go to court over. 

From a PR standpoint. That prime Minister just having fun at a party is nothing. Where as not just Biden but leaders before him. Said and did worse from a PR standpoint. That would have you doubting their character and desire to actually do what's in our best intrest.

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yunno what i could never figure out. why corned beef is always canned in square cans with a damn "key" for opening it instead of the can being round so any can opener will fix it?

meanwhile if the key breaks the metal strip youre supposed to twirl..youre fucked. good luck opening it if you break the strip too soon.


one of life's greatest mysteries.

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23 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

From a PR standpoint. That prime Minister just having fun at a party is nothing. Where as not just Biden but leaders before him. Said and did worse from a PR standpoint. That would have you doubting their character and desire to actually do what's in our best intrest.

Like what? What's Biden doing besides getting his kid a job and being terrible with messaging and getting a bunch of beneficial legislation passed recently?


I'm not saying your wrong or even right, I'm just looking for something more concrete then rumors and some shitty messaging. 

Edited by RSG3
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Im no fan of Bidens, I didn't vote for him, but his gaffs overall are pretty minor, like the "You ain't black" thing was dumb but we knew what he meant. He fell over on his bike when his locking shoe wouldn't unlock from the pedal, this happens to pros all the time, and he got his son a job. Like if you have a huge problem with nepotism then let me tell you a story called "The American Experience." 

Edited by RSG3
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Ya keep focusing on Biden. But I did mention twice. Leaders before him as well. Or are we just gonna pretend the image of American politicians for the last decade or two hasnt been a big joke? In which majority has lost respect for them?


This Prime minister enjoying a night of partying. Is truly nothing. And from what i looked up. That's all they got on her. They need to stfu and be thankful they have a leader that carries themselves like she gives a damn about how she makes her country look.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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18 hours ago, MillionX said:

Well Memphis is obviously a no-go...I'll always advise people to stay as far away from there as possible.  


More slang I miss from the good ol' days:

Stout = voluptuous; nice curves...e.g.--- "woooo did you see Lori with the tight leggings on at the game last night! Bruh that ho STOUT as a mu'fucka now! I didn't know she had it like THAT."

Tradin' = lying... of course the latest word I keep seeing online is "cap" for lies.  No, I'm not sure how "trade" got around to being a term for "lying".

Redbone = lighter skin black woman (usually descriptive of a good-looking one)

Paper = money... e.g.-- "...I'm all about gettin' that paper." I prefer this to the other big money term "cheddar".

Draws = underwear

Dropped a Deuce = one of the best slang phrases for shitting.

Cold = in context of a competitive thing... someone who's extremely good, e.g.-- "haha you have no chance.  That dude is too cold at this game."


Another bonus from my Dad's generation! the JIVE TURKEY (foolish person or someone who's bullshitting ya, or doesn't know what they're talking about).  This term cracked me up as a little kid whenever I heard it... Dad said this one quite often.  I'm pretty sure this term originated in the 70s.

These are old, I heard these terms used 20 years ago

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25 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Ya keep focusing on Biden.

Yea, you mentioning him by name is why I started questioning you. He's literally the focal point of our conversation. Of course I'm going to focus on Biden he's the fucking focul point of the discussion man. 


9 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

[B]Than the fuckery Biden[/b] and many presidents before him had going on.

You're the one who brought him up my dude.  What fuckery my dude?


I personally don't give one single fuck what the Finnish PM is doing in her free time. It's not news, it's not a controversy, it's literally nothing....


Which is also just about all anyone's been able to give me on Biden but they still shit on him anyway.  How you gonna sit here and tell us they need to leave the Finnish Prime Minister alone and then immediately turn and attack Biden in the same breath and then when asked to expound all you have is 2 year old nothing burgers and 1 bad message?


Fucking really?

Edited by RSG3
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22 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea, you mentioning him by name is why I started questioning you. He's literally the focal point of our conversation. Of course I'm going to focus on Biden he's the fucking focul point of the discussion man. 


You're the one who brought him up my dude.  What fuckery my dude?


I personally don't give one single fuck what the Finnish PM is doing in her free time. It's not news, it's not a controversy, it's literally nothing....


Which is also just about all anyone's been able to give me on Biden but they still shit on him anyway.  How you gonna sit here and tell us they need to leave the Finnish Prime Minister alone and then immediately turn and attack Biden in the same breath and then when asked to expound all you have is 2 year old nothing burgers and 1 bad message?


Fucking really?

Her "gaf" if we can even classify it as that. It's nothing compared to what goes on in U.S politics. Hence the media shouldn't be even reporting it. 


I did mention him by name because he's the current president. But I also mentioned others before him as to not single him out.


But I don't want to ruin the chat with politics. I'll PM you about my beef with Biden. If you want to know.


Now for something hallarious to lighten the mood.



Edited by BB_Hoody
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8 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Her "gaf" if we can even classify it as that. It's nothing compared to what goes on in U.S politics. Hence the media shouldn't be even reporting it. 


I did mention him by name because he's the current president. But I also mentioned others before him as to not single him out.


But I don't want to ruin the chat with politics. I'll PM you about my beef with Biden. If you want to know.




Some Flat Earther grade Bull Shit here


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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

Her "gaf" if we can even classify it as that. It's nothing compared to what goes on in U.S politics. Hence the media shouldn't be even reporting it. 


I did mention him by name because he's the current president. But I also mentioned others before him as to not single him out.


But I don't want to ruin the chat with politics. I'll PM you about my beef with Biden. If you want to know.


Now for something hallarious to lighten the mood.



I'm legit curious and wanting a real convo. I am not trying g to start a fight and am more then happy to move it to PMs if that's more comfortable for you. 

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Man, it would be so cool if there was a Predator vs. Terminators vs. Aliens game.  I'd get that shit day one.... imagine, it's all 3 factions in a team deathmatch sort of thing...maybe 3 or 4 at least for each group, so about 12 players total in the match.  I'd throw some regular human soldier npcs into the mix as well so it is absolute chaos going on out there.  This would be one of my favorite games of all time, easily...of course there's naturally some room for character creation too; I'd make sure that's in there... players would design how their Terminator, Predator or Alien looks. (*unfortunately I don't think there's much room for different "styles" of Alien though, compared to Terminators who could just look like any human at first until damaged....that's another cool feature too; of course that's a must that more of the "endoskeleton" is visible as they get more damaged.) 


I'd typically be on either the Terminator or Predator faction most of the time.

edit---the closest I can get to this is with that Aliens: Fireteam Elite game, just "pretending" the soldier characters are actually T-800s....with the weapons you get, and the fact that they would look human anyway, it's easy enough for the imagination to fill in the blanks...the only missing component is the Predator there.


*random tv dvd/blu-ray pickups----I went to that store today with all the old stuff.... found Taxi season one (4 bucks!) and season 1 of The Strain on blu-ray!  So now I have all but the 4th season of Strain.  I also checked for season 5 of The Originals but sadly no luck there.  I didn't get that earlier because unfortunately it's just not all that great...but the "collector" side of me wants it just to own the complete series; I have the previous 4 seasons.  

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, zatalcon3 said:

Are flat earthers even real? I think most of them are just trying to get likes or fame. It is impossible to actually be serious about that, i'm skeptical if there are normal-everyday type of people who seriously believe that exist. 

Really dude? From your perspective, if you accept that there are men who believe themselves to be women, how hard would it be to fathom someone believing the Earth is flat?

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