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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I've been waiting for Facebook to die since pretty much soon after its public rollout. I hope it finally dies now. I personally think it's done so much irreparable harm to society, and to see an entire generation grow up with it and see how they've suffered for it, I think it's way beyond time that it was destroyed.


Amazing people are jumping onto Telegram, or Signal. I don't really need either but it's way better for younger people that do.

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3 minutes ago, Angel said:

So how is facebook dying?    


Must of have not been paying attention while I was trolling all these weebs on it 😄



Eh it's not, but they do own Whatsapp and they're demanding to link Whatsapp to Facebook now. When they purchased Whatsapp, they insisted they would not do this, of course they lied.


One reason they may be doing that is younger users typically try to avoid FB, and that's a reason why they also purchased Instagram and a bunch of other companies, mostly to force young people under the FB umbrella.

FB is still doing really well, especially because practically everyone over 35 is on it, and especially Boomers are absolutely addicted to it. I doubt that will change, but apparently these companies feel like they NEED younger users or they will die.


It probably won't die unfortunately though, not anytime soon. Still I can hope.

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all hail the tech overlords! 

57 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I dont have facebook or whatapp. 


I've managed to avoid Facebook in it's entirety. Kinda proud too lmao. 

I'm happy I don't have it and I will do what I can to avoid it as long as possible. I caved to twitter and I still don't...get it...but I have it to spreach my (weak for now) reach. 😄


also everyone enjoy some of Aba/Preach



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the thing that frustrates me with facebook has been the unfortunate reality that the average person can't afford to be honest about certain things on there.  There's the temptation to post whatever and be "real" but you can't really get away with that if you happen to still be a working person, of course....especially regarding those big 2 topics that always reveal the depths of how toxic human nature can get---politics/ideology and religion.  In the era of "wrong-think" police, you must agree with certain things "or else.."...and there's no way around that.  You can't state certain opinions about certain political figures, or about religious beliefs....well, you can but that would be foolish in today's world.... people will make sure you pay for it as hard as possible forever... because the idea of humans having any kind of "tolerance" for different opinions...that is one of the greatest ongoing practical jokes in the history of civilization.


..oh and any kind of "Men vs. Women" topics....can't afford to be honest about that shit either.  This is a bit less dangerous than politics and religion though.  This all kinda goes out the window if you are already super wealthy or just retired.  Heh, there was a short time when I was inclined to be honest about this topic for sure, and I did end up losing 1 facebook friend over it, since she apparently couldn't handle my true opinions about certain things there.  This was of course before I finally realized it's better to just lie to most women about nearly everything on that topic in particular. (*things like most will indeed pick the "Deebo" 100% of the time in their prime years [especially if the other dude is an "Urkel" Poindexter muthafucka]... BUT looks will almost always prevail.  If you happen to look like say... Henry Cavil...chances are you can "get away with" being Mr. Wonderful Chivalry Good Friend....or you could be Asshole Henry; when your looks are of a certain level, that "character/morality" shit hardly matters anymore.  Women tell on themselves all the time about this shit later, of course....but it's ultimately foolish to honestly discuss/argue this shit with them.)

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9 hours ago, KingTubb said:

Nope! Mass is not a requirement for existence. 


Sorta? There's the visible light spectrum, but there's light we cannot see, Ultraviolet light for example. Radio exists, you can't see that, and it has no mass. 


Now you're getting into quantum physics and that's above my head. But accepted conclusion currently is that energy does not require mass, but only if it's moving really really fast, like the speed of light. E=mc^2 only applies to mass at rest. 


Uhhhhh, no, it's not. Since light is not matter, it is not able to be solid, which is a state of matter. 


No we don't. Ghost in a shell, homie. This could be a simulation.


They're something, they just don't have mass 

Mass is a requirement for existing things to be material things. Everything in the material realm has an existence other than the container called space. Space is a special case though. It exist and it doesn't exist. It exist as an empty container, but this container contains nothing unless you count the matter and light within it. As for sound, that exist, too. Anything that can be experienced with the senses has a form of existence. The sound in the silence of empty space is what created light which condensed into earth, wind, fire, water, and heaven. 


Einstein is actually totally wrong. 


Light is matter. What is matter to you? What is matter made out of? It is made out of photons/electrons. You are made out of cells. Cells are composed of molecules. Molecules are made out of atoms. Atoms are made out of electrons therefore your entire being is made out of electrons or light. 


The Ghost in the Shell is Spirit and Spirit is Light. 


We exist and don't exist in the same time. Our material selves exist as material things, but they also exist in the realm of just being ideas in the mental and spiritual realms therefore we are not really here. When the dream ends, we cease to be. Thoughts and matter are thoughts and matter. Creation was created within the mind and within materiality. 



Edited by Lord Vega
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6 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

why is it that the dirty cops who abuse their authority never seem to show up when a karen is involved?  The tazer doesn't get nearly enough use if you ask me.

I hate use the word privilege given how often it's thrown around but female privilege. Back in my club days, girls would get into brawls. Cops would cuff them, sit them on curb for five minutes, and then let them walk. Dude's would get hauled off for a few punches.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, Lord Vega said:

What is matter to you? What is matter made out of?

Philadelphia cream cheese. We’re all made of Philadelphia cream cheese and the universe is a giant bagel that we spread ourselves on. Light is the toaster, and Steve Buscemi is lox, and Oprah is capers. If it has four legs it’s a chair, oranges are actually apples, but NOT vice versa. 

pffft, this guy thinks he know anything about physics, geeze louise. 

once you’re ready to stop being sheep, I have some YouTube videos you should watch 

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1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

Philadelphia cream cheese. We’re all made of Philadelphia cream cheese and the universe is a giant bagel that we spread ourselves on. Light is the toaster, and Steve Buscemi is lox, and Oprah is capers. If it has four legs it’s a chair, oranges are actually apples, but NOT vice versa. 

pffft, this guy thinks he know anything about physics, geeze louise. 

once you’re ready to stop being sheep, I have some YouTube videos you should watch 

No thanks on the videos. I have realized that current quantum theory is wrong after learning from Roger Spurr at Mudfossil University on YouTube and Facebook. 


Quantum theory these days is too convoluted, confused, and complicated. The real thing is actually very simple, but scientists like to make it complicated. It's so simple that even a child can understand it.

Edited by Lord Vega
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On 1/14/2021 at 3:18 PM, DangerousJ said:

You've come a moderate way, Jazz....


(Left)  2021 Studio Series 86   vs 2010  Reveal the Shield .....

There are some figures from the current line that I just don't think really did much to improve. 


The seekers are practically just the oversize deluxes from yesteryear

Generations Springer >>> Siege Springer

Generations Warpath > Kingdom Warpath

RTS Jazz > SS86. 

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6 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I hate use the word privilege given how often it's thrown around but female privilege. Back in my club days, girls would get into brawls. Cops would cuff them, sit them on curb for five minutes, and then let them walk. Dude's would get hauled off for a few punches.


The way privilege generally works is


rich white men--->rich white women---->rich minority men---->all other white women----->all other women=all other white men----->all other minority men


Generally speaking, a group is unwilling to admit privilege exists to any group beneath them. So for instance, rich minority men will insist they have no privilege and are the same as everyone else----but will insist rich white men and women are privileged. Meanwhile they will abuse their privilege over every group beneath them and gaslight them.


As you no doubt noticed, the shared trait of the top three groups is their wealth, which seemingly overrides other distinctions, but those distinctions do take effect tier wised still.

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7 hours ago, Maxx said:

Opening scene to mortal kombat is a 10 min fight between sub zero and scorpion. I don't care if the rest of the movie is garbage.. This is legit all we have asked for, for two decades. The only thing people have wanted.


Let's hope it doesn't parallel the Forest Battle from the second Transformers movie. 

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sheeeitt, I went to a Publix for the first time in well over a year today... I was only in there for a few minutes and of course I saw some insanely hot ass white least 2 or 3 that would rank high on the hotness scale.  Publix continues to be one of those big-time spots for high-quality PAWG scenery.  I was in the area so I stopped by Target as well...and they delivered on that eye candy too.


...unfortunately, I noticed the movie/tv section was reduced even more.  That location only had 1 half aisle + one 4-sided block display as the "New Releases" section.  It's a shame what's happening to physical media out there.  Soon, the internet will be the only hope to find dvds and blu-rays of shows/movies.  I'm already sure that I will have to order "Near Dark" (a must for any serious vampire fan, of course; I had it previously on vhs wayyy back in the day but I have no idea where that is at this point) from the net for sure; I've been looking for that off and on for years at various places.


..I finally picked up some boxing gloves (only 35 bucks; a bit cheaper than I've seen at other places), but didn't feel like also spending more to get a weight bag too... I'll get that later.  


edit---haha, I still laugh to myself about how much of a trainwreck it would've been if I attempted to play a table-top rpg (preferably VTM of course) with a certain friend...because I know that guy would disregard any kind of rules or balance and just make sure his character is a completely invincible god.  We had no chance of playing anything like that back in the day anyway though... black kids weren't too keen on any kind of VTM or DnD stuff, at least in that "city" I grew up was nothing but 1 stereotype after another, and I'm sure any TTRPGs would've been seen as "nerdy ass whiteboy shit" by literally 100% of everyone else. 😄  They'd all be like "man fuck outta here with that where's da MADDEN, bruh?"  ...but yeah, dude would absolutely pull some shit like "ACTUALLY my dude has 9 dots in Fortitude sooo....none of these attacks will do any damage to him.  Also, he has 9 dots in Potence and Celerity so nothing could possibly stop him."

Edited by MillionX
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4 minutes ago, GreyFoxx said:

Gets on FB of course the single female who has struck out on many relationships claims  "Why is it so hard to find a committed relationship in this Hook_up culture?" Goes on a rant about it and echo chamber of those who are in the same boat and claim they are Demi.


Leaving Lets Go GIF by AsmodeeGames

I love when people like that in general go on those rants like it couldn't POSSIBLY be them 😆 


I have an older buddy who once told me, "If you date three crazy chicks in a row, it ain't them, it's you." 

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2 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I love when people like that in general go on those rants like it couldn't POSSIBLY be them 😆 


I have an older buddy who once told me, "If you date three crazy chicks in a row, it ain't them, it's you." 

LOL. Yeah this chick has been the typical got to post those inspirational posts or posts of locations that would be awesome to go with a significant other. Maybe take a step back and see what your doing wrong no one said ever to her.


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2 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:



Seriously though.  They had to literally make a rule against it.


.................and you know which,"it" I'm talking about.


EDIT:  For real though.  My man del went over this long ago.  play the song and heed the words.



That song should be a PSA for the whole smash community, they should be required to memorize it 😂😂😂 

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Philosophies aside, with no due respect, your statements are objectively false, and some of your posts even hold contradictions. Maybe don't discuss physics with people that are clearly more knowledgeable than you, and less so if you have someone with a university level education in the field. That aside, there are points I'd like to attend to lest people look over them and accept them as reality regardless of the source.


On 1/15/2021 at 5:07 PM, Lord Vega said:

Mass is a requirement for existing things to be material things.

Tubb already debunked that.


On 1/15/2021 at 5:07 PM, Lord Vega said:

As for sound, that exist, too. Anything that can be experienced with the senses has a form of existence.

This is true, but don't play around with implications. Things we can't sense exist as well. Radiation is a good example. There is radiation around you right now. Background radiation is a facet of reality you have to accept. But you're smarter than Einstein right? Your internal Geiger counter must be firing off, so I have no doubt you already knew this.


On 1/15/2021 at 5:07 PM, Lord Vega said:

Einstein is actually totally wrong. 


Light is matter. What is matter to you? What is matter made out of? It is made out of photons/electrons.

This is the funniest thing here. It proves you have some form of educational deficiency, and yet you keep pushing. Not only did you say that light is not matter earlier, but now you say it is, that Einstein is wrong, then proceed to present Einstein's own theory and somehow cock that up too. How? Because photons and electrons are not interchangeable words, you blathering donkey. Light is a form of radiation, and photons exist as a way to explain the way that light behaves. Like Tubb said, they're massless.


On 1/15/2021 at 5:07 PM, Lord Vega said:

Atoms are made out of electrons therefore your entire being is made out of electrons or light. 

See how this doesn't make sense now? Of course you don't. Moron.


On 1/15/2021 at 7:03 PM, Lord Vega said:

Quantum theory these days is too convoluted, confused, and complicated. The real thing is actually very simple, but scientists like to make it complicated. It's so simple that even a child can understand it.

This is true. Quantum Theory actually states that you are both retarded and moronic at the same time. 


This is all from  posts on this one page of content. Imagine if I went back one more page. Your arguments have the nuance of a toolbox. I think the most pressing scientific challenge of our age will be figuring out how you worked up the courage to write this stuff down, and in public no less.

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lol I can't believe people respond to him and actually take it seriously.


I wonder if Einstein is wrong about the speed of light though. His theories insist the speed of light is the absolute fastest anything can travel at. This is the one thing I suspect will wind up being wrong when the next major advancement and discoveries are done.

Part of the reason I dispute that idea is, if light travels first, then what was the light illuminating with the Big Bang? Matter exploded out first and then light makes more sense to me.

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Ohooo I should've been keeping tabs; I've only halfway been paying attention to it... now this just popped up in my recommendations

Already sounds like some juicy drama to dig into later....


ohoooo but on another "get ya popcorn ready" note--- I just remembered BATWOMAN season 2 premieres tonight! 


Edited by MillionX
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It's only common sense that your body is made out of literal solid light. Mainstream quantum physics is totally wrong and you guys will find out soon why it's wrong. Much of the scientific and historical facts you learned in school is wrong. School is just for brainwashing especially liberal schools. The only reason why you want to go school is to get a job.


The Liar works heavily in liberal schools. 

Edited by Lord Vega
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I defer to @Angelhere. There's no saving this conversation, so we're moving on.


44 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Already sounds like some juicy drama to dig into later....


ohoooo but on another "get ya popcorn ready" note--- I just remembered BATWOMAN season 2 premieres tonight! 

Drama isn't worth much. How did you enjoy the first season? I've stopped watching capeshit heroics on screen and have limited myself to games and comics, both of which I'm enjoying immensely. As long as people enjoy superhero content, I'm happy, so I was curious about your opinion on it.

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7 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

I defer to @Angelhere. There's no saving this conversation, so we're moving on.


Drama isn't worth much. How did you enjoy the first season? I've stopped watching capeshit heroics on screen and have limited myself to games and comics, both of which I'm enjoying immensely. As long as people enjoy superhero content, I'm happy, so I was curious about your opinion on it.

I didn't watch it directly, but I enjoyed the weekly roast sessions by various youtube channels last season.  The show is pretty ridiculous and low in the ratings even by CW standards....and somehow, someone in power over there I guess force-pushed it to a 2nd season... so the unintended hilarity shall continue.  Apparently some critics are already ragging on how bad the new one is too.


Memorable shit from last season---there was a moment when Batwoman got hit by a truck...but all that did was KO her for a while so she could get captured.  She woked up later and of course was still in good enough condition to kick people's asses.  The great thing might assume when you tell them this that she had her bat-suit on, so that would absorb some damage of being hit by a large vehicle like that....but nope.  She was just in regular clothes on her motorcycle at the time...and she was ok after that. 🤣


I'm betting there isn't any kind of explanation as to why this new girl can easily kick ass like any other "bat-family" least Kate has a military background, so that would lend some legitimacy to a character like that doing well in physical combat situations.  This new girl may just be a "regular" person with no fight training....that we're to believe can easily beat up several armed thugs like it's no problem. 😆

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