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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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9 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

Since this whole COVID-10 pandemic started, the only sickness I've gotten are colds and they are the worst colds I've ever had.


Likewise, most I've had is my allergies bothering me. Even my dreaded nemesis cigarette smoke affects me way less. I can't explain this phenomenon of why I've barely been sick 


Any insight? 

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15 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Any insight? 


We've spent a year where a good chunk of society has kept their boogers and other nasty things to themselves. The odds of you catching the flu have been incredibly lessened from normal.


That means that after a year of not really catching anything, the moment you do catch something you'll get a better sense of how terrible it actually is for you. Influenza killed a surprisingly high amount of people as is. People just kept underplaying "The Flu" by calling it "The Flu" instead of being honest about how bad it is.


Essentially you're guys getting hit by random respiratory illness and relearning how much they got downplayed.

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This virus wasn't even that big of a threat until they juiced it up......................and then unleashed it upon the world?  




All of the deaths are on their hands.  Period.

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12 minutes ago, Sonero said:


We've spent a year where a good chunk of society has kept their boogers and other nasty things to themselves. The odds of you catching the flu have been incredibly lessened from normal.


That means that after a year of not really catching anything, the moment you do catch something you'll get a better sense of how terrible it actually is for you. Influenza killed a surprisingly high amount of people as is. People just kept underplaying "The Flu" by calling it "The Flu" instead of being honest about how bad it is.


Essentially you're guys getting hit by random respiratory illness and relearning how much they got downplayed.

Well a slight correction, I did catch Covid like in February last year, but no symptoms other than loss of smell/taste. Which only lasted 4 days


But yea other than that nothing besides allergies. I definitely been slippin lately tho so I gotta get back on my A-game to avoid catching anything serious

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So this for recommended to me on YouTube. I've been watching alot of adhd related content but this one really hit home. I've always felt I was super sensitive to rejection even in situations I knew weren't personal but it felt like it hit me like mack truck . I thought something was really wrong with me which led to alotttt of suicidal thoughts when I was younger. This makes so much sense to me. 



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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Well a slight correction, I did catch Covid like in February last year, but no symptoms other than loss of smell/taste. Which only lasted 4 days


Regular ol' influenza is really serious. During August my wife had an oral surgery done to remove two wisdom teeth that overstayed their welcome. That was on a thursday. Unbeknownst to us was that she was in the early stages of influenza, had to take her to an ER at 10 pm that Sunday night.


Her issues with the flu last a good couple of weeks too. That's why all the "We'll its just the flu" clowns were that. Spanish Flu was Influenza. Look how many "just the flu" killed.


Even with the shitty ass US healthcare, people forget just how bad some diseases can be.

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"You are correct, but it makes me uncomfortable so we're just going to ignore it because it feels better for me that way."


That's all you are really saying honestly.


You should probably remember that people from all over the world use this website and your personal standards not being the same in other parts of the world isn't "Dying on a hill" and its hella dismissive. You could easily be calling people he knows and respects pedophiles because our cultural ideas of what is age appropriate are different from the rest of the world. I had to explain this shit in great detail to my French Roomates a few years ago who where here on semester from College cause where they are from 16 is legal age of consent but it isn't in the State of Arizona.

Edited by RSG3
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I'm not even really outraged so much as I think it's just a really dumb ass statement to make regardless of the person involved.  Again if anyone came to my FGC meet ups and someone suddenly came face to face with a white person and just went 'WHOA...Your face is aggressively white' to someone there  that's  a record scratching music stopping moment.  Again..WTF does that even mean? lol

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4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:


With that said Im not really gonna approve of it when its done to others just because people might ignore when its done to me. He may be a comedian but i doubt he was doing a bit when he brought up her race. It may be a joke but its a cheap low hanging one, and he's pretty shit for making it.


And im giving him the benefit of the doubt it was a shitty joke.

Edited by RSG3
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11 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Crowder has a massive case of being an ass-hole. 


Intellectually vapid - Yes


Asian Hate Monger - Not necessarily. 

I'd agree with you. I think he's more of a comedian than a serious thinker and uses politics as the basis for a lot of his comedy but veers into assholeville at times from what little I've seen of him. I wonder if the reaction would have been the same had it been said by someone who's known exclusively as a comedian. 


And I won't lie, I thought Chappelle's "Space Jews" joke was pretty funny in part because it was so dumb 😂


10 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I'm not even really outraged so much as I think it's just a really dumb ass statement to make regardless of the person involved.  Again if anyone came to my FGC meet ups and someone suddenly came face to face with a white person and just went 'WHOA...Your face is aggressively white' to someone there  that's  a record scratching music stopping moment.  Again..WTF does that even mean? lol

I'm going out on a limb, but when someone says something is "white," it's usually meant in a derogatory way, so it would be correct for that to be a record scratch moment. I'm not saying "aggressively Asian" wouldn't be, and maybe I don't get out much, but I've never heard someone use "Asian" the same way as "white" in that context. Tbh I don't really even know WTF "aggressively Asian" even means

Edited by DoctaMario
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42 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I think he's more of a comedian than a serious thinker and uses politics as the basis for a lot of his comedy but veers into assholeville at times from what little I've seen of him.


The guy is doing a real life option select with him being a "comedian". He may have tried a joke, but there wasn't a much of a joke there. He said some random dumb thing thinking it was going to land but it was a plane with no wheels.




Its kind of like if you sucked any type of humor out of south park and then had people pretend they were doing the same thing as south park.


55 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

This is the equivalent of Chappelle's "Space Jews" joke in The Closer. 

Its a joke about Palestine. I'd have to listen to it in context but there were other things going on with it too subtly. 👀

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Toy Galaxy did a video on The Real Ghostbusters

Yeah, I also remember the other "The Ghostbusters" cartoon he was funny being around in that time of "The Real Ghostbusters", then seeing this other Ghostbusters show and being initially confused because the other one had absolutely nothing to do with the super-popular movie franchise we all know....haha I still watched it too though... I even had 2 of the toys (a yellow skeleton dude named "Scared Stiff" and "Ghost Buggy", that old haunted jalopy they drove around in)... unfortunately I don't remember seeing a toy of "Prime Evil", which was a strange design but still interesting.

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5 hours ago, Sonero said:


The guy is doing a real life option select with him being a "comedian". He may have tried a joke, but there wasn't a much of a joke there. He said some random dumb thing thinking it was going to land but it was a plane with no wheels.




Its kind of like if you sucked any type of humor out of south park and then had people pretend they were doing the same thing as south park.


Its a joke about Palestine. I'd have to listen to it in context but there were other things going on with it too subtly. 👀

I think Steven Crowder tried at one point to be a comedian, but couldn't cut it. Now he's just another right-wing grifter.

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10 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:




This virus wasn't even that big of a threat until they juiced it up......................and then unleashed it upon the world?  




All of the deaths are on their hands.  Period.

Not addressing this to you specifically, but anyone who might be seeing what I'm missing.


The letter in that article doesn't explicitly confirm Gain-Of-Function research. What it seems to state is:


1.) They were studying two types of coronaviruses in the lab.

2.) One made the lab rats sicker, and the lab didn't report this.

3.) Both viruses were still genetically distant from COVID. I.E., the viruses they studied couldn't have produced COVID.


Is there something I'm missing here? I'm like 70% sure I'm not, because the only sites I see beating their chest over this as proof of GOF research are conservative sites (which I trust as far as I could throw Lizzo). Still, there's that 30%.

Edited by axeman61
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12 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:




This virus wasn't even that big of a threat until they juiced it up......................and then unleashed it upon the world?  




All of the deaths are on their hands.  Period.

It's Faux News  :coffee:

Sit down.

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Whoever is responsible for it, I'd be in favor of torturing them slowly on a world-wide broadcast so everyone can see it....then if only we could inject the corpse with something to bring them back to life, so we could continue slowly murdering these pieces of shit over and over again for the rest of time.  I'd have fun personally overseeing the festivities.  The world deserves that small level of satisfaction at the very least.  People could also be invited to piss, shit and vomit on them too.  If they happen to be religiously inclined, it could also be fun instructing them to pray to their God....and laugh as absolutely no divine intervention ever saves the day for them.

Edited by MillionX
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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Poachers have caused a shift in the evolution of elephants.


Currently happening with rattlesnakes in the South West. People keep killing the ones that rattle. So there is an advantage to the ones born without them. They still wave their tail, but they make no sound.


Humans turned a snake that will play you its maracas to avoid fights into one that aggressively twerks at you before biting. 

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5 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Not addressing this to you specifically, but anyone who might be seeing what I'm missing.


The letter in that article doesn't explicitly confirm Gain-Of-Function research. What it seems to state is:


1.) They were studying two types of coronaviruses in the lab.

2.) One made the lab rats sicker, and the lab didn't report this.

3.) Both viruses were still genetically distant from COVID. I.E., the viruses they studied couldn't have produced COVID.


Is there something I'm missing here? I'm like 70% sure I'm not, because the only sites I see beating their chest over this as proof of GOF research are conservative sites (which I trust as far as I could throw Lizzo). Still, there's that 30%.

just to make sure everyone's on the same page, here is the definition of gain-of-function.


since you don't trust right wing news sources, here's a left wing source.


That article was from May, so they knew a lot earlier than just now.


Now, the disease could've mutated all on it's own, but that isn't what happened.


the major things here is that he had been stopped once before because of the risks of something like COVID becoming a threat to people happening.   Apparently he did it anyway and then lied about it.  If they had just been honest (Or had not done the damn shit in the first place) a lot of this could've been avoided, if not all of it.


I wonder what pushed him to do it?  What made him so gung ho to make what should've been a far more harmless disease into this? 

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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2 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

also, thats fucked up about the baldwin shooting. homboy killed a girl. that cant be easy to sleep at night from that point on in your life. id be super depressed. like forever.

Yeah apparently there are photos of him in tears on set and just looking distraught. Gotta love photographers giving people there space in a trying time 👀

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6 minutes ago, MillionX said:

...that makes me wonder; how often is live ammunition on the set of a show or movie like that?  I figured it would/should be blanks, right... I'm not even sure why you'd use loaded firearms for real on set.

Blanks can still kill people. IIRC you have to be at least 20ft away from a gun firing blanks to avoid risk of injury.

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6 minutes ago, MillionX said:

...that makes me wonder; how often is live ammunition on the set of a show or movie like that?  I figured it would/should be blanks, right... I'm not even sure why you'd use loaded firearms for real on set.

No live rounds are ever used on set. It's blanks.. But blanks can kill at a close range. Sag union movies don't ever use live rounds. And apparently this was a freak accident 

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Ah, I just got the notification... looks like John Campea will be talking about that Alec Baldwin situation on his show today in a few minutes...


Ok, Midnight Mass spoiler stuff....I was just chatting with a friend about this yesterday... heh, 'cause you know I'm compelled to talk about this stuff...


Hell yeah I'd take the deal on vampirism in this show; I know, that's not a surprise, really....  but at first I was thinking "nah", since they don't appear to have any of the more interesting powers from other stories; no shapeshifting, flying, etc., but still... it at least gives you that baseline stuff of presumable immortality *and* it "fixes" any health problems you currently have...bringing you back to your "prime", best self physically.  The elder priest looked like he was somewhere between 75 and 80 years old...and comes back to town looking like a guy that's about 34 or 35....that doctor's mother was old and senile, and by the end she was in full possession of her mind and back to the prime version of herself... I didn't even recognize the character in the last few scenes, took a while to realize that's her....there was also the little girl that was paralyzed from the waist down being able to walk again, people no longer needing glasses to see, etc. etc.  Sheeeeittt, that's totally worth it just for all that, imo.  Any of you who take medication for something----imagine that you never have to take that medicine again...on top of being immortal now.  They also have an insane regeneration/healing factor, as we see the priest recover from being shot in the head.  Heh, it would seem foolish to turn this down but that's just could one not be hype for this situation?


Also, obviously they should've listened to Monsignor's plan and stayed in the church....they would've had that and any remaining buildings and basements as an option to hide from the sunrise later.  At the very end, they all had nowhere left to go.


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5 minutes ago, Sonero said:

How have you lot been? Most of y'all still not playing FGs?

Been on an RPG kick lately. Just beat Dark Deity (Fire Emblem like game) the other day and started another run. Since it's like a classic Fire Emblem game there is no grinding, so I want to try out some other characters. Need to get back to Cold Steel 2. Outside of that Metroid Dread and Destiny 2 have taken up my time.

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21 minutes ago, Sonero said:

How have you lot been? Most of y'all still not playing FGs?

I'm playing a "Flavor in Lacroix Sparkling Water" level of MK11. I used to play Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 fairly often until hackers finally got in and ruined everything. Sad thing is I'd still rather try to get good games in BO3 than to play any of the latest offerings. They have been on a 7-year losing streak in my eyes since Black Ops 3 hit in 2015. I'm counting Vanguard because I already know I'm avoiding it from the beta.



EDIT: 🤣 Just the first one:


Edited by axeman61
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