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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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I own P.N.03. The game was mid to be honest. I found it disappointing. The game play is/was odd and I never would have made a correlation between Vanessa Z. Schneider and Eve. I may be misreading the tweet. If it's just referencing the design okay, I can see it. However the action style of P.N.03 is nothing Stellar Blade.  P.N.03  was the least of the "Capcom 5" games that released. RE4, Viewtiful Joe, and Killer 7 all rank about it. Pour one out for Dead Phoenix though, I was really looking forward to that one back in the day.

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11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

own P.N.03. The game was mid to be honest. I found it disappointing. The game play is/was odd and I never would have made a correlation between Vanessa Z. Schneider and Eve.

That's cuz P.N.03 was more a proof of concept then a game imo. I honestly don't think that thing was finished. 


There's also a weird trend of comparing Stella Blade to anything with a females butt in yoyr face. I think that's where the majority of the Automata comparisons come from (besides the music) because they play nothing all. Just saw Yoko Taro tweet Stellar Blade is better then Automata and I mean maybe but aside from being action rpgs games they are nothing alike. 


This is like me comparing DMC to Sekiro. Are they both action games? Yea. Are they remotely similar action games? Fucking no lol. 


Honestly just want to game to come out so the conversation can advance lol. 

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48 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I own P.N.03. The game was mid to be honest. I found it disappointing. The game play is/was odd and I never would have made a correlation between Vanessa Z. Schneider and Eve. I may be misreading the tweet. If it's just referencing the design okay, I can see it. However the action style of P.N.03 is nothing Stellar Blade.  P.N.03  was the least of the "Capcom 5" games that released. RE4, Viewtiful Joe, and Killer 7 all rank about it. Pour one out for Dead Phoenix though, I was really looking forward to that one back in the day.

I enjoyed PN03 for the time but it has aged HORRIBLY. Nice asthetics though. 


Oddly enough the game would work well/better as a mobile game with how the controls/gameplay works. 

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I finished the Fallout show. It is good overall. Unique thing this show does compared to the games is it puts a big focus on how things were before the bombs hit.


It actually reveals Value tec intentions for the vaults. Robert House and Sinclair were in on the plan.


Now I have to look into if the TV series is canon because a lot of things here gel well with the games. The only element I disliked was Maximus. I hated his character. They did so much fucked up shit for the sake of his power fantasy



The fact that he always failed upwards just rubbed me the wrong way. The ending left me heated as he will be given credit for killing the NCR leader and restoring power to the city when he did none of that. He just happened to be there.

There's a lot to like for fans of the series and people just like post apocalypse shows

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55 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

8K... at 15 FPS. No thanks,  I'll take performance over fidelity every time. 

I'm honestly still happy with 1080p myself. My brother has a 4K TV in the same room as my 1080p tv and I can barely tell the different between the two screens. 


Except FF7 Rebirth, that looks better on my 1080p screen then it does his 4k. 

Edited by RSG3
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I just finished the 1st episode of Fallout.
TBH, I wasn't really interested on watching the series, at least not for now, but decided to give it a try cuz Walton Goggins is on it and I like him as an actor.


It is a really strong 1st episode.

I am completely hooked, and I hope that the series maintains this level on all episodes, because if it does, boy, it will be a good ride.

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With so many of you guys praising Fallout, I may give it a watch. I never been into the franchise. I've tried though. I bought Fallout 3 and NV during Steam sales, just didnt' grab me. That said too many people with usually disparate opinions online agree that it's good. Which gives me an X-Men 97 vibe.

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22 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Man I don't think I can express how much I don't care about 8K.  We can't even consistently get 4K 60 across "AAA" titles and you wanna try to throw 8K on the table?  Ya'll already complaining about the ballooning dev costs but sure whatever...

I don't give a shit about 4k due to the same reason you mention lol.

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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

With so many of you guys praising Fallout, I may give it a watch. I never been into the franchise. I've tried though. I bought Fallout 3 and NV during Steam sales, just didnt' grab me. That said too many people with usually disparate opinions online agree that it's good. Which gives me an X-Men 97 vibe.

My gf and I were supposed to watch it last weekend but we ended up watching Season 6 of Love is Blind




Edited by iStu X
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On 4/16/2024 at 12:40 PM, RSG3 said:

That's cuz P.N.03 was more a proof of concept then a game imo. I honestly don't think that thing was finished. 


It definitely felt like they were trying for something but got told to wrap a bow on it before the concept or game was fully formed. 


It was the first game of the Capcom 5 that actually were released for the GameCube and the most forgotten. 

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9 hours ago, iStu X said:

Don’t worry guys. Silk Song’s release date will be announced soon, I’m sure. 

I actually watched the Nintendo Indie and held out hope for a release date hahahaha. At least Hades 2 looks like it's shaping up well. They had a 3 hour stream of the game today.

Edited by JGreen
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17 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

@Sonerofirst live footage


Its funny, the game did not need a sequel but I'm still going to play the ever living shit out of it.


Edit: actually on second thought, I'm gonna do what i do with movies and just go in blind. With movies I've found that skipping trailers altogether makes watching them substantially funner. So in this case, I already know I wanna play it so best to dodge.


Thank you for looking out though, 🙏

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Deve and gamer "wants/needs" for all this super high end 4K 8K stuff is really concerning. Is it impressive? Yes. Do I need it? No, not really. Devs/pubs keep saying the cost of game making is going up yet who insists on crafting all these super high tech games that struggle to maintain consistency and end up having huge AF file sizes? 


To be completely honest, IDGAF about 4K in my games or TV shows.

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