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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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First! I’ll repost what I posted right before it was closed 


So, Astria Ascending, a game I am very much looking forward to just unveiled its in-game pastime game called J-Ster. this is its trailer with very brief gameplay of it. 


The reason I am so excited for this and why I find it so cool is back in the mid to late 2000’s there was a game that played seemingly exactly how J-Ster does called Clout.


You used poker chips that represented monsters to battle each other. I don’t know if J-Ster will go crazy in-depth like Clout did with clan bonuses, unit bonuses, foundation locations, etc but I won’t be surprised if it does. 


I find it absolutely mind blowing and hilarious that a game I played for its brief life span has been seemingly reborn in a JRPG. 

Edited by iStu X
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Played some more Returnal last night. So far my first run has been my best. Made it to the boss of the first biome last night but I fucked the fight up and got my shit pushed in. 


I need to get the grappling hook so I can open up more areas for upgrades in the first biome to help set up better runs. But I have to beat the second biome boss in order to get the grappling hook. But I need the grappling hook to make the second boss easier to manage. But I can't get the grappling hook until I beat the second boss. This fucking game.

Edited by Chadouken
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:




matt left out a lot of shit that also hurt the reputation and chances of the game being successful. For instance one of the dev team live streams where developers were making fun of the player base about them wanting abc to fix or thinking xyz needs nerfed. It basically lead to the devs live on stream telling the entire community to stfu and just be happy they’re still working on it.

Edited by iStu X
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10 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Update on Blizzard situation, CEO sends out an email to employees about what's going on and how best to move forward


Blizzard co-founder chimes in

What's really messed up is that Mike Morhaime was the head of Blizzard when all this shit was going down/on. But the state of California is prob gonna do what we all have wanted to do to Activision (and Blizzard by proxy), and have not been able to do collectively; that being lightening the pockets of one Robert Kotick just a tiny bit. Seriously though, I hope they throw the fucking book at Activision.

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9 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Playing Immortal Fenyx Rising. Can't really seem to get into this one. The thing that pissed me off was that you don't have a "lock on" until you reach a certain point. I thought about throwing my controller.


Imma give it a couple more hours. At the moment, nothing pulls me into it.

I've been on the fence with that one. A buddy of mine liked it, but I've read mixed reviews. If I see it on sale sometime I might check it out. 

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ok yeah... I had a ton of the MS reward points so I got the Streets of Rage 4 dlc with that today....(ha, and I still have a lot left over)  I have only tried sor4-version Max and Shiva so far but BRUH.... Shiva is, unsurprisingly, THE SHIT.  This dude is combo-city, folks.  Just a little while ago, with a half-ass amount of effort I got an 80-hit combo on the screen....then there's that one move where you dash past someone and he stands in the cool pose as a flurry of hits get them about a half-second later.  That shit is DELICIOUS every time I see it.  He continues to be one of the most badass dudes in the history of the genre, imo.


Also---this content is actually on sale right now; it's only a slightly reduced price but it was like 6 bucks and change, something like that.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

My girl Daisy looking amazing. I always love when artists actually acknowledge the fact Daisy has an olive tone complexion. 

I think that her Mediterranean skin tone is what makes her my favorite over Peach and Rosalina.

Although I don't mind when an artists doesn't give her the more tanned look, since in certain official works, Nintendo also seems to forget about it 😅


What surprises me is that as far as i know, no one has taken it to the logical conclusion of doing art about her as a Gyaru/Kogal, with mostly only doing art about her being tanned.














Edited by Hecatom
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For anyone with $399 Steam Deck. Here are a couple of links to a 512GB SSD that fits the unit. The combined price is about the same as the 256GB model from Valve.


$140 ssd 2230&cm_re=m.2_ssd 2230-_-9SIANMWEEU2152-_-Product&quicklink=true




The second link require you to disassemble the unit, it has the same SSD as the first link inside and it's cheaper. There used to be 1TB version but I can't find it on Amazon anymore.


Edit: Found a link to the 1TB version. $230 bucks. So, combined cheaper than the the $650 version but with double the space. Solutions/Tuff nano?product_id=195

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

For anyone with $399 Steam Deck. Here are a couple of links to a 512GB SSD that fits the unit. The combined price is about the same as the 256GB model from Valve.


$140 ssd 2230&cm_re=m.2_ssd 2230-_-9SIANMWEEU2152-_-Product&quicklink=true




The second link require you to disassemble the unit, it has the same SSD as the first link inside and it's cheaper. There used to be 1TB version but I can't find it on Amazon anymore.


Edit: Found a link to the 1TB version. $230 bucks. So, combined cheaper than the the $650 version but with double the space. Solutions/Tuff nano?product_id=195

Nice sleuthing there. I see your Google-Fu is strong. 

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4 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Yeah Wolverine weighs IIRC 195lbs without Adamantium and 300lbs with it.

Yeah, and when we consider that his healing factor has allowed him to create a strength to move like if the skeleton is not there, then any punch by him, very likely will rupture organs and break bones like if it was nothing.

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19 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Yeah, and when we consider that his healing factor has allowed him to create a strength to move like if the skeleton is not there, then any punch by him, very likely will rupture organs and break bones like if it was nothing.

IIRC While the Adamantium greatly enhances his durability, everything else is better for him without it. Particularly his healing factor because his body is constantly trying to remove the Adamantium. With his it gone, he heals even faster. From a physical stand point, weighing a third less makes him faster and more agile.

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6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

IIRC While the Adamantium greatly enhances his durability, everything else is better for him without it. Particularly his healing factor because his body is constantly trying to remove the Adamantium. With his it gone, he heals even faster. From a physical stand point, weighing a third less makes him faster and more agile.

Totally true, but his healing factor allows him to not be hindered by the extra weight, since every muscle has been toned up t support the strain of having the skeleton.

Which is why when he doesnt have it, his agility becomes way above human and some super human metrics on the marvel universe.


He basically is always training his muscles and getting healed immediately from any damage, allowing to become even stronger each time.

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i guess i never really think about mario/link/kirby being tiny prob because nobody in their respective universes ever call attention to it despite them being clearly smaller than the other adult characters.


it wasn't till way later that  i realized all the adult men tower over adult link in ocarina of time and not just ganondorf.

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23 minutes ago, nickmanx5 said:

i guess i never really think about mario/link/kirby being tiny prob because nobody in their respective universes ever call attention to it despite them being clearly smaller than the other adult characters.


it wasn't till way later that  i realized all the adult men tower over adult link in ocarina of time and not just ganondorf.

Adult Link actually isn't really short in most incarnations...he's about average height.   Most of the NPCs/characters he talks to in the games he's in are about eye level with him. Beedle is definitely taller, King Hyrule is usually also a big boy in all his incarnations, and as you mentioned Ganondorf.  The only other notable NPC that that's a humanoid character that comes off the top of my head that was noticeably taller than him was Telma from TP.  I'm sure there's a few others but she sticks out for 'plot' reasons.

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2 hours ago, iStu X said:


angry x men GIF

Just want to also add to of what everyone else said in this gif is that this was also a sucker punch on top this so he has all of what you guys factored in with no preparation for it.   I'm trying to remember what Cyclops did prior that warranted this reaction...was this for leaving Morph behind?  Can't fully remember.  I do remember that Wolverine helps Cyclops with his convertible problem later.

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8 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I'm trying to remember what Cyclops did prior that warranted this reaction

At the time simply existing was enough for Logan. Now they’re super bisexual queens who share Emma, Jean and each other. 



Edited by iStu X
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10 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Just want to also add to of what everyone else said in this gif is that this was also a sucker punch on top this so he has all of what you guys factored in with no preparation for it.   I'm trying to remember what Cyclops did prior that warranted this reaction...was this for leaving Morph behind?  Can't fully remember.  I do remember that Wolverine helps Cyclops with his convertible problem later.

It was because he left Morph behind. Wolverine liked him. Only person who can make him laugh.

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19 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Adult Link actually isn't really short in most incarnations...he's about average height.   Most of the NPCs/characters he talks to in the games he's in are about eye level with him. Beedle is definitely taller, King Hyrule is usually also a big boy in all his incarnations, and as you mentioned Ganondorf.  The only other notable NPC that that's a humanoid character that comes off the top of my head that was noticeably taller than him was Telma from TP.  I'm sure there's a few others but she sticks out for 'plot' reasons.

I think he meant that Link was a left handed character, not that he was shorter

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