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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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sheeeittt, imagine making even half that at age 20... 75k, I'd live like a king, especially considering I've never been in a stupidly expensive place to live like NY or certain areas of CA.  Here, 75k  actually means something...even now.  Six figures? ...and if I was still 20 at the time?  Sheeeeitttttttt I'd live like a goddamn Emperor.

The Wire GIF


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I had to look it up again... that magical moment when Daquan reacted to edp texting a picture of his DOOKY to what he thought was a 13 year old...I time-stamped it here about 49:05 (whoah this was over a year ago now)

It kills me every time I've remembered or watched it again...literally every goddamn time. 

"he deadass sent a picture of his doodoo!!!"

The Office Lol GIF

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I mean really... imagine a dude apparently thinking it's "charming" to text a picture of his doody to someone he's trying to fuck.... like "yea, babygirl wut you doin'...?  I just dropped this fatass log a minute ago...take a look..."


I just did a few searches... and so far nothing recent comes up.  I'm still not sure how this dude was able to go on without getting caught up by police... it destroyed his online career basically but I've heard no updates lately.

Here's a recent vid I just noticed in a youtube search though:


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3 hours ago, MillionX said:

I had to look it up again... that magical moment when Daquan reacted to edp texting a picture of his DOOKY to what he thought was a 13 year old...I time-stamped it here about 49:05 (whoah this was over a year ago now)

It kills me every time I've remembered or watched it again...literally every goddamn time. 

"he deadass sent a picture of his doodoo!!!"

The Office Lol GIF

His reaction is funnier than the circumstance. Too good. 

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On 5/14/2022 at 8:30 PM, BB_Hoody said:

B. Earn 50k but through investments, royalties etc. Thus never have to work again.


If you older than 40. Then just pretend I'm asking 20 year old you.

I'm black, so speaking for most of us, we would go for B it sounds like a big step up from earning government support and milking the system.

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So when customers began contacting Mars Wrigley saying that the gummy versions of Skittles, Starburst, and Life Savers contained a “very thin metal strand” either embedded in the candy or loose in the bag, the company issued a voluntary recall for 13 products from these three brands.

According to the press release from Mars Wrigley, as of Friday, May 13, the company was not aware of any illnesses or injuries resulting from people eating the recalled candy—which was manufactured by a third party, and distributed in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Additionally, the company says it “will work with retailers to remove recalled products from store shelves.”



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Watch first trailer for new Predator movie, Prey

Prey serves as a prequel to the original Predator film



he first trailer for the latest film in the Predator series has landed, offering an intriguing glimpse into the next chapter of the franchise.


Titled Prey, the film serves as a prequel set three centuries before the events of the iconic 1987 original starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Here's what the official synopsis has to say on the film...




"Set in the Comanche Nation 300 years ago, Prey is the story of a young woman, Naru, a fierce and highly skilled warrior. She has been raised in the shadow of some of the most legendary hunters who roam the Great Plains, so when danger threatens her camp, she sets out to protect her people. The prey she stalks, and ultimately confronts, turns out to be a highly evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal, resulting in a vicious and terrifying showdown between the two adversaries."



Directed by Dan Trachtenberg, Prey will seek to breathe new life into a franchise which hasn't exactly had the best time of it in recent years (although we maintain that 2010's Predators was actually pretty cool!). In the trailer, Naru, played by Amber Midthunder, is seen legging it out of the woods pursued by a mysterious hunter before hiding with a member of her camp as an all-too-familiar laser target beams out of the mist at them. Shit, quite frankly, is about to go down.


Prey comes to to Hulu in the States on August 5. Release details for other territories are TBC. Watch the trailer below.



Edited by AriesWarlock
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23 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Put my headphones on at work. Depp's lawyer is killing Heard on cross. They may have to arrest her for homicide.

holy fucking shit, this cross-exam has taken SUCH a massive turn





Not only that but she basically admits EVERYTHING around this was for clout and ego. And now she's throwing everyone under the bus - the doctors are lying, the cops are lying, Johhny is lying, her sister taught JD to snort coke, and so on. Everyone around is to blame but she? Oh nah, ningen, she's a fucking ANGEL in comparison

Edited by PVL_93_RU
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The more I learn about this trial, the more I wonder why so many people (mostly women) are still trying to back Heard up. She's literally getting destroyed with proof and evidence but some peeps are STILL willing to turn a blind eye towards all of it.

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In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.


On June 28, 2022, the A-Team will be released as a complete  Bluray boxset in MURRICA!

It has been out in UK/Europe for a few years, but somehow took a bit longer to make it home.



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2 minutes ago, Lantis said:

The more I learn about this trial, the more I wonder why so many people (mostly women) are still trying to back Heard up. She's literally getting destroyed with proof and evidence but some peeps are STILL willing to turn a blind eye towards all of it.

I don't want to sound like an ignorant bigot but this is really starting to sound like a cultural thing in the west after years of public's indoctrination into SJW shit. You have to be either a fucking idiot, carry out an agenda, or be the most pathetic simp in the world to side with AH after everything that came out as a result of this trial


In an ideal world the outcome of the case would put an end to the mentality of believing all women and instantly cancelling every man as soon as just one allegation is revealed

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The reality is women have more rights and emotional support when it comes to relationship issues. The man is always the bad guy, no matter what he does. The Depp/Amber is the first of its kind and maybe a pin point on a needed paradigm shift because men have suffered through multiple mental issues because of the emotional abuse that happens when he has an issue with a woman he is emotionally involved with.

No one will side with him, some may sympathize but once they hear both sides of the story (and the woman is attractive) , she will have sympathy and the man is forced to tone down his emotions other wise he will get chastised. 

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11 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

and the man is forced to tone down his emotions other wise he will get chastised. 

I could never understand this


why is it that in modern times guys aren't allowed to show emotion? 

Oh stop worrying, grow a pair. Oh stop crying, you look like a pussy

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Even the simple act of complaining about something, as a man you're seen by other men and women as being a "whiny bitch" and you should shut up.  Men don't even really have the luxury of just complaining about anything.  We're just supposed to pretend everything is always fine.  It's one of the reasons I have regarded the human species to be a pathetic joke for most of my life, actually.


This Depp/Heard trial... I also love how it probably makes a LOT of people with white-knight tendencies uncomfortable or just afraid to even comment on it at all.


The more extreme one was of course the Jodi Arias and Casey Anthony trials.  I love how frustrated those people probably were while those famous trials were going on, getting all kinds of media coverage daily... ohhhh but I thought women were SUCH perfect, superior beings!  It's not just those easy examples though... the news of the past several years have plenty of examples to throw in their worthless faces in any argument.  "Believe all women!" ---oh... like in that Duke Lacrosse case?  Or what about the story of Brian Banks who spent time in prison on a false accusation?  Or that woman from Florida, Dalia Dippolito who was caught on camera by an undercover cop as she plotted to kill her husband and is now serving time for it? (the hired assassin always turns out to be an undercover cop, it seems)  People who believe women are some high standard of morality....that they should be above suspicion or even basic criticism... well, at least it's amusing they still believe such things, despite so much evidence to the contrary.

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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

The more I learn about this trial, the more I wonder why so many people (mostly women) are still trying to back Heard up. She's literally getting destroyed with proof and evidence but some peeps are STILL willing to turn a blind eye towards all of it.

Because it would be a world stage level proof that you can't "#believe all women" and "Women can't be abusers."



"Johnny winning this case is bad for women!!!"

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15 minutes ago, elliephil said:


Is this a real thing we are wasting our time with? Are we really going to go down this hole pretending that calling someone a 'cracker' is anything more than the funniest slur to call a white person ever? Lol

As a white person, I'll fight you if you call me a fucking cracker. Just sayin.

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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

The more I learn about this trial, the more I wonder why so many people (mostly women) are still trying to back Heard up. She's literally getting destroyed with proof and evidence but some peeps are STILL willing to turn a blind eye towards all of it.


Because believe all women, even if they are caught lying.

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39 minutes ago, elliephil said:


Is this a real thing we are wasting our time with? Are we really going to go down this hole pretending that calling someone a 'cracker' is anything more than the funniest slur to call a white person ever? Lol





Bro, when the #ShutpGringo2022 started, some butthurt idiots started saying that gringo was a slur 🤣

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2 hours ago, PVL_93_RU said:

I could never understand this


why is it that in modern times guys aren't allowed to show emotion? 

Oh stop worrying, grow a pair. Oh stop crying, you look like a pussy

Because we don't get the same support a woman does. Sure, your buddies will comfort you for a bit but there will be a time limit for us because our image of being a man is going to be effected in a negative way, in your eyes and theirs.  As a man, you are supposed to get over it after 3 months and if you don't you are seen as a loser who "can't" get a new girl.  No one would want to hear from your sadness over and over again, because you are a man. You are forced to swallow the pill of no closure and unfinished business, because if you try to even talk to the girl to let it out, anything you'll say will be held against you.

This is why men suffer from depression more because we always lose, we get emotionally abused and antagonized for free and we have a time limit to express our emotions.  Therapy is practically the best option, but the reality is therapy is fucking expensive and most of it is almost useless scam to be honest, you are actually better off just going to a priest and use the confession time just to have the opportunity to spill it with out getting charged over $150 for to talk for an hour. 


Edited by zatalcon3
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McDonald’s is ending operations in Russia and will be selling all of its approx 850 locations there to a local buyer. The decision to end 32 years of business in the country comes after McDonald’s temporarily closed its Russian restaurants in March 2022, which was due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The company’s CEO Chris Kempczinski reportedly wrote a message to employees, suppliers, and franchises, explaining that they can’t ignore the ‘humanitarian crisis’ going on.
‘This is a complicated issue that's without precedent and with profound consequences,’ Kempczinski said. ‘But it is impossible to ignore the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. And it is impossible to imagine the Golden Arches representing the same hope and promise that led us to enter the Russian market 32 years ago.’
McDonald’s is considered an iconic brand in Russia and a symbol of post-Cold War capitalism in its borders. Paul Musgrave, an assistant political science professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, said, ‘When McDonald's moved into the Soviet Union, it was part of a message of opening up and building trust and cooperation between Russia and the West. And now those avenues have all been closed off … And we're kind of standing in, symbolically at least, a new era of division between Russia and much of the rest of the world.’
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