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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

man, that thing with the woman with 4 kids getting mad about the 1 guy not feeding all her kids....that really made the rounds... I noticed quite a few other people on facebook talking about it too.  Now that we've seen her, he obviously had some seriously low standards....probably was just hitting it because the opportunity was there and it was easy.  Dudes really should be a little more he's forever stuck in the quicksand, connected to this battleaxe forever, or at least until the 1 kid he has by her is an adult.  The kid is presumably little, so imagine being stuck to this situation for soooo many more years.... imagine dealing with all that because at one point in life you chose to settle for some easy trash from the gutter.



Yeah. I'm the last person who should be commenting on peoples' looks, but the makeup on her is Atlas trying to hold up the whole damn planet. I can tell that. There's NO fucking way I would hit that unless I was "it's this or living on the streets"-level desperate, and I've never even been with anybody.

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I'd also bet that hoodrat had a hair bonnet on in the original video.... with the way they are now, I'm a bit surprised she didn't have the hair bonnet "crown" on for her video... she actually put some effort into getting somewhat "presentable" for it.  That in itself is a good thing, actually... because thanks to the unfortunately common sight of the hair bonnets in public, I figured most of them stopped caring about how they look in public at this point.


Chicago PD---it's only recently that I've realized that the woman playing Erin's (Sophia Bush's character) mother is actually Markie Post.... former legendary tv sexpot from Night Court.


haha I love it---on this episode, Voight just wheeled this injured suspect out of the hospital in the middle of winter and dumped him into the snow to question him there.  Yeah, this is the best cop show.  Imagine the badass combo if you had Sgt. Voight and his team working with Jack Fuckin Bauer and CTU from 24.  Sheeeitttttttttt


Edited by MillionX
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3 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Eh, I think the Japanese theme was better. But I see they are not doing anything to censor Arshes Nei, good.

Yea they aint censoring shit this time around my man lol. The themes used now are more appropriate but all the naming conventions are named after 80s heavy metal bands and their songs. Coldrain are usually a bit too emo or post-hardcore or whateverthefuck that kinda bullshit is but I think this intro does the show justice. 

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so today i bought one of those new fangled lighters. the electric ones that are sorta like car cigarette lighters. sorta the same tech.

anywho. and it made me wonder why this metal coil heating by battery tech isnt in like cell phones. i'd pay good money to hit a button and a small coil pops out and heats up whatev i wanna burn. like u might need fire yunno not just flashlight from your phone. what if youre lost in the woods n need fire but got no matches or regular lighter. idk.

i smoke so i def need a light. instead of carrying an electric or gas lighter id rather my cell phone just have the small coil heated feature. 



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I actually don’t mind Little Caesars. It honestly gets an unnecessarily bad rap.

My friend and I use to call it street pizza. There was one night where we both ended up having horrible days for different reasons but we still wanted to hang out as planned. So when we got to my house after work around 9 we decided to just walk around my neighborhood and talk. 

We ended up walking around until almost 11pm. We were both hungry but didn’t feel like walking back to my house as it was about a 20 minute walk and The only thing in the area that was still open was Little Caesar’s which was also about to close. So we grabbed their last two pizzas, sat on their curb (they were in a strip mall type location), ate pizza and just talked til about 4am. 

So Everytime we hung out afterwords whenever and we were both broke we’d just be like “wanna get street pizza?”


Weird story no one cares about. But yeah. 😂

Edited by iStu X
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50 minutes ago, Seth Vega said:

You will never let it go, RSG3. 90 percent of the time, I ignore you, and you still rage on like a lamer

I'm not raging, I'm just telling you she probably doesn't care about you or anything. She's at the gym working out, if anything you're the one being weird looking at her over and over and reporting it to a bunch of strangers on the internet. 

Edited by RSG3
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So, I found the original Halloween on 4k early this's a 4k + blu-ray combo pack "collector's edition"...the 4k disc is a 2021 scan of the original negative blahblah = it looks awesome, of course.  It also has the usual extras you can expect since physical media still reigns supreme over the depressing "all streaming" future.


Best looking girl in this classic is Laurie's friend with the curly hair, Annie......played by Nancy Loomis.  She's the one who was walking around in t-shirt and panties for a few scenes, and there was a niiiiice shot of her ass there.  

*oh, looking her up just now I see she's also in The Fog, which I got on dvd as well; I just haven't watched that yet.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion--- as a kid, I thought Jason was the cooler horror icon.... though he looked silly at first with the pillow sack over his head; he didn't get the look everyone knows until part 3, whereas Michael was fully realized in his design right from the start.  It would be nice if someone took a better shot at making a story-based horror game with these characters (where you get to play as these monsters, of course)....y'know, instead of the multiplayer-focused stuff we got like Dead by Daylight and the modern Friday the 13th game.  The challenge there is that a story-based thing from their perspective doesn't have much to it, in game-terms... just a "kill all of these people." objective.

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35 minutes ago, J-ride said:

My favorite flavor was Bovinity Divinity and those bastards won't bring it back!

This was my favorite.




The Gobfather: Chocolate ice cream with fudge-covered almonds & a nougat swirl. 


Same situation, discontinued. In fact, I can't even find it in the flavor graveyard. I think they renamed it Chocolate Almond Nougat or some shit, and then discontinued it.

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@Seth VegaSorry bro i totally skimmed the last page and missed your weird psuedocreep observation of the chick whom am just totally guessing was minding her own business. Indeed tho, if a chick whom you deem worthy enough to post about is giving you those 'eyes' playboy then next time I suggest you just go and talk to her?


The world is a weird and complex place my friend, you might just end up getting your dick sucked. 👌 Chase those exp points bro, go and level up I have faith in you. 

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