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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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15 hours ago, Hecatom said:


My son is absolutely like this and it's pretty hilarious.  He didn't cry once the entire time he was a baby.  He understood that's not a good look and he's not a bitch.  The other day he cut in front of 8 kids to go into his class first because he didn't want to stop to say goodbye to me, HE HAD SHIT TO DO!!! 


I respect the #SigmaGrindSet

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The cost of living steadily raising.... what foolishness. 


I suppose the bright side of obtaining a Sag Aftra isn't out of my reach given my own credits so far, considering my bookings for gigs this year. Didn't expect to go back this field, but regular jobs don't provide me with this level of relaxation and security. Guess I'll see where it takes me this time.

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On 8/28/2022 at 11:20 PM, VirginDefiler said:

tom, sarah, and linda being banned names is just plain weird.

i wonder if you name your kid THX1138 if george lucas would sue you or not. or lets get ready to rumble, if micheal buffer sues you, or not. prob not.

names that arent banned but can get sued for copyright. g.i.joe. mcdonalds, etc

You got to have to look at the culture and legal climate in each country.

Iceland for example, you can only pick names from a list of appropriate names as the way the Icelandic language is, you can't properly conjugate Non-icelandic names in Icelandic. 


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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

This irrelevant-to-right-wing pipeline is so sad and yet hilarious to see. Gina's career was dead before it started, and Rob saying he's willing to "lose it all" is like me saying I'm willing to breathe air. Shit already happened, man.

I think the reason you start seeing less relevant celebs espousing more right wing beliefs is because Hollywood essentially makes it known that if you want to work, you have to pay lip service to all the whack job culty shit the bosses want them to and if these folks are on a downward trajectory just because, they can speak to their true beliefs. Has to be kind of freeing not having to pretend to give a shit about things just because some movie producer says you should if you want to make a living.

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

This irrelevant-to-right-wing pipeline is so sad and yet hilarious to see. Gina's career was dead before it started, and Rob saying he's willing to "lose it all" is like me saying I'm willing to breathe air. Shit already happened, man.


Cares about his kids.


All in on the party that denies Climate Change.



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Y'know... thinking about some celebs that may be bullshitting about what they are in terms of sexuality...I wonder if Ms. Leslie from Batwoman would be one?  I recall that after CW and Ruby Rose parted ways... they were public about what type of actress they wanted as a replacement there for the newer Batwoman character....they intended to *only* hire a woman of color who also happened to be lgbtq.  Once you know that right from the start... it would be easy enough to just lie and claim "Yeah, I'm pansexual." so you could get in there.  There's bound to be famous people...especially actors that are wanting that next gig.  It's the perfect crime since no one will ever ask you to prove the shit.  ...and hell yeah I'd do it too.  With "pansexual" or bisexual status would be easy to still have relationships going on with the opposite sex due to the nature of what those terms mean (*well, until the far left decides to change the definitions like they seem to enjoy doing in hopes of winning an argument or shifting some goal posts when necessary) 

It would be funny if there was only a way to prove would need psychic powers or some device to read minds to see who's lying about it....there's the lie-detector test but most people would scoff at the results whenever it doesn't fit their narrative anyway. 


It wouldn't surprise me if Janice Dickinson decides to "come out" as pansexual or demisexual or whatever at some point to gain some relevance again.   All these famous people probably laugh their asses off behind the scenes with their closest friend, I bet... like "...annnnnd they bought it!  You believe this shit?  Free publicity; it's too easy with this."


*one potential problem though is the'd have to make sure your announcement isn't overshadowed by some huge entertainment news, like if a beloved old actor or musician happened to pass away that same day....or whenever Disney finally reveals which black actress will be Jean Grey, or a trailer for the future Blade film is released, etc.

Edited by MillionX
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How many formerly "straight" actors/actresses are tangibly getting more roles and/or status than they would have if they didn't come out as LGBTQ+ though? Ellen Page switched to Elliot Page years ago, and I didn't see a huge uptick in the roles he got. That's the only example I can think of right now besides Catilyn Jenner, who's not even really an actor. Catilyn got a big uptick in status, but that's because she's part of the Kardashian empire more than anything else.

Edited by axeman61
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There's also that saying----"no such thing as bad publicity"...and of course they'd prefer to keep the media and people in general talking.  I wonder how many people would still be talking about Demi Lovato as much if she didn't change her pronouns about a year or 2 ago....and then more recently she was in the entertainment news once again for changing back to "she/her" (and from what I hear... conveniently coinciding with a new album apparently?)?  No one asks you to prove such a thing...and even if they did it's not really provable anyway since it's just a matter of "I'm ____ now."  If Ms. Leslie was "just" a regular actress not really identifying as anything, apparently she would not have gotten that part as the 2nd Batwoman on that show, since that lgbtq status is specifically what CW was looking addition to narrowing it down to the person being a black woman.... so from her perspective it would make sense to hatch that gameplan to get ahead---"hmm...ok well I guess I'll identify as pan or something, then I increase my chances to get this starring role in a primetime show......"  In that kind of scenario, it would not be in your best interest to tell the truth and say "nah, actually I'm heterosexual."


...then there's the reluctance to criticize certain groups as well, so it doubles as a layer of protection (on top of the privilege that's already in place just by being an actor) for when you fuck up.  There's the big example right now of Ezra took a LOT for him to even start getting in any kind of real trouble.  Imagine if anyone else that was just known as a "regular"/cisgender dude was caught on video assaulting a woman as the *first* weird thing we find out about him... that guy would quickly get dropped from any current and upcoming projects and would have a tough time getting work for at least the next several years, on top of the legal consequences for assaulting someone.  Around that same time, btw... that guy that played Elongated Man on The Flash show was quickly fired because of some bad tweets from his past.  That's understandable to fire him over that... but it raises some suspicion when you have another WB/DC star that's caught on camera assaulting a person, and that's apparently fine and goes unaddressed (at least publicly)...and that same person goes on to continually do random crazy shit later.  It seems to only be addressed now because this person just kept getting worse and increasingly dangerous as time went on.  It actually would not surprise me if in the near future it pops up in the news that Ezra is also suspected of murdering someone.

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10 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I think the reason you start seeing less relevant celebs espousing more right wing beliefs is because Hollywood essentially makes it known that if you want to work, you have to pay lip service to all the whack job culty shit the bosses want them to and if these folks are on a downward trajectory just because, they can speak to their true beliefs. Has to be kind of freeing not having to pretend to give a shit about things just because some movie producer says you should if you want to make a living.

Social media algorithms have proven if you can get people mad, it'll increase your engagement. It's a pretty solid strategy. 





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6 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I don't know if this is staged or not but holy shit.  If it's not staged this is one of the dumbest bitches on Earth.  I only think that there's a possibility of it not being staged cause of how people acted and if this is staged then bravo.

The fact that it isn't ridiculously over the top make it more believable. Once Black Twitter is on the case, we'll find out the truth in under 48hrs. 

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16 minutes ago, Sonero said:


how did this broad not recognize her man's car?




Does that mean that her side dude ordered the uber?


Pretending that it is a real video, he asks her, why do you think this is a rental, refering to the car, as if he rented a car to caught her on the act.

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3 hours ago, Hecatom said:



ohhh "this gonna be good" as the usual gifs/memes say... you all know I definitely looking forward to see how much of a disaster this will be....and of course all the "anti-woke" youtubers are licking their chops to see what kind of gold we got here like

Birdman Rubbing Hands GIF


Good times will be had for all, I'm sure. 😆


edit---except those who are for some silly reason expecting accurate, good-quality adaptations of things, of course...  there's never any reason to have high hopes for that.  Occasionally there's an awesome fluke/surprise like Castlevania but that's the exception to the rule.

Edited by MillionX
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Can't wait for people to discover Bioshock is a tale of the dangers of unchecked Capitalism and the dangers of rampant uncontrolled individuality. 


Basically Bioshock criticizes almost every major thing America stands for. I can't wait for the loosers to come put of the woodwork claiming to be huge Bioshock fans and then turns out they hate what Bioshock is about and stands for and always has since day 1.


It's gonna be "Star Trek has gone woke!!!" All over again. 


Which is too bad because it's a Netflix live action adaptation meaning there will be plenty of legit issues to hammer on but doubt they will be when you can cry about the game calling Elon Musk levels of rampant individualism poison to a Socioty even as we literally watch the games Asop play out in real time in our real lives.  

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Alright, this might the most disgusting thing Trump has ever done.

They really need to lock that fucker up for this, this is too much!


Like, what the fuck?

You could have elected a perfectly normal war criminal, some neoliberal ghoul who wants to privatize potable war, an octogenarian old fuck with Alzheimer, maybe even a woman of color, but the guy that eats pizza from the crust first?


Is this the guy you gave the nuclear codes?


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6 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

Because she is probably applying for male roles when she is actually a girl. She doesn't look like a man at all regardless of changes she made. We shouldn't acknowledge lying bullshit because people want so. 

Stop being a bigot bro.


Also, you are on the thinnest of ice.  If ANYONE has another serious complaint about you the IP ban is coming.


Final Ultra Super Last Warning Turbo.

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43 minutes ago, misterBee said:

Also, you are on the thinnest of ice.  If ANYONE has another serious complaint about you the IP ban is coming.


Final Ultra Super Last Warning Turbo.

I don't get why i'm doing something that bad that deserves warning or ip ban. Most of the people who have been complaining are those who have frequently attacked me for whatever indifferent views I have, ever since SRK. They, such as RSG, repeatedly use shit such as "retard", "mother fucker" and other forms of insults at me, but now that they can't have anything to own me with they are complaining to you, playing the victim, and making all sorts of drama because they want me down. 

How come poking fun with fat ugly girls warrants a warning while going "retard", "fuck you.." etc for expressing different views that don't align to leftist pop culture doesn't?

Edited by zatalcon3
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Oh yeah I'm confident they'll find a way to screw up Bioshock....I'll take a shot, because this is always fun:


like changing the time period to modern day (or something nostalgic but recent, like the 1993), and perhaps changing the main character to a 13-year old super-genius 7th grade girl that invented the plasmids.  Her dad, uncle, male best friend (who is hopelessly friendzoned; he also has no chance since she's gay anyway, duh) or older brother would be a companion....but it would become obvious that character is only there specifically to be the buffoon that she has to save and emphasize how superior she is.  Then they swap the Little Sisters for Little Brothers instead that have to be saved.  Also, the soundtrack is now all rap music....and it takes place on a school field trip to a museum, instead of an underwater city of Rapture.  Rapture is just the name of the museum the class went to on this trip.  


The writers also nearly forgot to add the splicers, so towards the end there's an action scene where they must escape a small group of them for a minute or so.  While they're running away, as she carries her 'male bestie" on her back because he fainted... she figures out how to invent the gun from Portal, so she turns around and fires 1 portal at the ground in front of them, then another one in the sky right above it, so the splicers get caught in a loop of falling into the ground portal and back down from the sky portal to the ground over and over again so they can escape.

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47 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Gotta love the hypocrisy. 🤣



37 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

That thread is wild. 

Hell yeah man.  The responses a fucking crazy.  Black Women coming out of the woodwork and defending her response to this on some "this ain't the same and ya'll ain't ready to have this conversation"  GTFOH.  No let's have this conversation.  PLEASE explain to me how this is different.


They don't wanna see the hypocrisy at all and unfortunately I have a relative who apparently has straight up said "that people need to date their own" and I just came to grips recently thinks the same way and it bothers TF outta me.  I'm lightskinned as a motherfucker  and most of my family is super light skinned including my sister and my relative.  What kind of room do we have at all to be think and say shit like this when if people didn't mix WE WOULDN'T FUCKING EXIST.  Fucking blows my mind.

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