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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

So are we ready to come out and say the leftists win again as the dumbest of the spectrum now? Every single day, twitter just reminds us of a how insane and cringey these leftists are. 

I think mankind has 50-100 years left. Mostly everything will be AI, we will find ways to reproduce with AI and actual cybrogs while the rest of the pure humans are weak ass retards with colored hair and have surgically made private parts. 

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oh here too. It's funny how the left has 0 arguments when Muslims are the ones protesting against their shit. I hope the muslims respond the same way they did to the Danish cartoonist who made fun of Mohammad because it will be interesting to see how the left are going to voice out on that shit despite the irony they will get for being "islamaphobic" .

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Trump Takes Apparent Weight Dig at Chris Christie After Presidential Announcement




Former President Donald Trump appeared to take a potshot at former Chris Christie on Tuesday, shortly after the former New Jersey governor announced a run for president in New Hampshire.


In a growing field of candidates, Christie has been by far the most critical of Trump. During his announcement in Manchester, he said the country is “getting smaller.”


“And smaller in every way,” he said. “Smaller in the way we talk to each other. Smaller in the way we look at each other. Smaller in the things that we talk to each other about. Smaller in the issues that we cared enough to get angry about.”

Christie said former President Barack Obama and Trump bear much of the blame.


“Barack Obama made us smaller by dividing us and trying to make sure that his party was divided into smaller pieces so that he could lead the small pieces he wanted to,” he continued. “And Donald Trump made us smaller by dividing us even further and pitting one group against another, different groups pitted against different groups every day and by definition, making those groups smaller…”


Trump took to his Truth Social platform to slam the speech:



How many times did Chris Christie use the word SMALL? Does he have a psychological problem with SIZE? Actually, his speech was SMALL, and not very good. It rambled all over the place, and nobody had a clue of what he was talking about. Hard to watch, boring, but that’s what you get from a failed Governor (New Jersey) who left office with a 7% approval rating and then got run out of New Hampshire. This time, it won’t be any different!

Edited by AriesWarlock
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4 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Trump Takes Apparent Weight Dig at Chris Christie After Presidential Announcement




Former President Donald Trump appeared to take a potshot at former Chris Christie on Tuesday, shortly after the former New Jersey governor announced a run for president in New Hampshire.


In a growing field of candidates, Christie has been by far the most critical of Trump. During his announcement in Manchester, he said the country is “getting smaller.”


“And smaller in every way,” he said. “Smaller in the way we talk to each other. Smaller in the way we look at each other. Smaller in the things that we talk to each other about. Smaller in the issues that we cared enough to get angry about.”

Christie said former President Barack Obama and Trump bear much of the blame.


“Barack Obama made us smaller by dividing us and trying to make sure that his party was divided into smaller pieces so that he could lead the small pieces he wanted to,” he continued. “And Donald Trump made us smaller by dividing us even further and pitting one group against another, different groups pitted against different groups every day and by definition, making those groups smaller…”


Trump took to his Truth Social platform to slam the speech:


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22 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

it's already happening within. There's a lot more infighting within LGBTs than the public thinks. Of course much doesn't get out because then it would tarnish the idea that "love wins" and all that. 



It's absolute chaos! We're operating with all hands on dick right now. The Homo Elders of Yore have ordered an emergency Pink Council meeting where a final solution to those TQIA2S+ rebels is on the agenda... The gay agenda that is.

In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the United States of America will have to be reorganized into the first Fabulous Empire, for a safe and secure society of course.

We got this boys! Stand back and stand by.

Edited by Daemos
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18 hours ago, J-ride said:

The entire left is just a hodgepodge or grievance groups who can't agree on a single thing.  It wouldn't be hard to sow discord among them if the leaders of the right wing weren't full on fucking retarded.


9 hours ago, Red Rock Candy said:

Mainstream media won't cover him even though he's polling numbers larger than any other Dem.




Said this back in the day too. Everyone knows that the "republicans" and the "democrats" are just kayfabing us. Just like this debt ceiling deal. In the end and behind close doors, they both are laughing their asses off at us.


If you vote republican or if you vote democrat then you're a part of the problem. It's time for 3rd parties this time around. Who wants to see Trump/Biden 2?

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As much as I would love to for their to be an actual 3rd party, the reality at this moment is that if you vote for a 3rd party its almost no dif than not voting at all.  Until someone can come along and move the people while fighting against Donkey and Elephant constantly taking up all the space its just not feasible right now if people want to get at least someone as close to who they want vs someone who doesn't represent them at all.  Its just the unfortunate reality at the moment. 

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330 some-odd million people in the USA, it's pretty impractical to think that your ideal 100% candidate is going to be the one that wins the Presidency.


A 3rd party would be way more useful in the legislature anyway.  All we really need is enough 3rd party people in there that neither major party just automagically controls the whole thing by just being +1 on the rollcall. 

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11 minutes ago, Reticently said:

330 some-odd million people in the USA, it's pretty impractical to think that your ideal 100% candidate is going to be the one that wins the Presidency.


A 3rd party would be way more useful in the legislature anyway.  All we really need is enough 3rd party people in there that neither major party just automagically controls the whole thing by just being +1 on the rollcall. 



A third party Presidential candidate is DOA if they don't have members of their party in Congress. The Democrats and Republicans will band together to ensure their Presidency is a failure.

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3 minutes ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

General air quality alert or on the job specific? We've been getting this here at nola lately as well and the heat is kind of bad too.

Air quality alert. The wind is carrying the smoke from the forest fires happening in Canada to New York. The sky is orange and there is smoke everywhere. It's brutal being out here

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2 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

The only time both parties will glady work together...can't disrupt the status quo. 

Outside of 9/11, the most cooperative I've seen the Democrats and Republicans is when Ross Perot was running for President. They co-opted the hell out of his ideas and he still got a significant number of votes. A crazy amount for 3rd party candidate.

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8 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

As much as I would love to for their to be an actual 3rd party, the reality at this moment is that if you vote for a 3rd party its almost no dif than not voting at all.  Until someone can come along and move the people while fighting against Donkey and Elephant constantly taking up all the space its just not feasible right now if people want to get at least someone as close to who they want vs someone who doesn't represent them at all.  Its just the unfortunate reality at the moment. 

If everyone who ever said "I'd vote for a third party candidate if they had a chance of winning" actually did that, they might actually win.


The whole red state/blue state nonsense has basically ensured that voting doesn't matter for millions of people. If a state is reliably one or the other, then there are enough people voting for the majority party that your vote doesn't really matter whether you vote for that party or against it. The swing states are where people's individual votes matter the most anyway, but even NY and California elected Republicans back in the day, and Tennessee sent Al Gore to the Senate. Not sure any of that would happen today.

Edited by DoctaMario
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49 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

If everyone who ever said "I'd vote for a third party candidate if they had a chance of winning" actually did that, they might actually win.


The whole red state/blue state nonsense has basically ensured that voting doesn't matter for millions of people. If a state is reliably one or the other, then there are enough people voting for the majority party that your vote doesn't really matter whether you vote for that party or against it. The swing states are where people's individual votes matter the most anyway, but even NY and California elected Republicans back in the day, and Tennessee sent Al Gore to the Senate. Not sure any of that would happen today.

I understand the sentiment cause I had an associate at GS who pretty much said something similar and he pretty much says he's libertarian.    I think what Darc said pretty much hits the nail on the head on the main issue with the 3rd party candidates at the moment.  If the 3rd party can actually get seats in congress then the chance of a 3rd party actually making it to being president would go up exponentially...but right now?  I can't honestly vote for that party when I'm more concerned about making certain that certain people don't make it into office than the person that I truly want to be in the office...and that sucks a ton of ass but I'm playing game with the cards that have been dealt.

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58 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I understand the sentiment cause I had an associate at GS who pretty much said something similar and he pretty much says he's libertarian.    I think what Darc said pretty much hits the nail on the head on the main issue with the 3rd party candidates at the moment.  If the 3rd party can actually get seats in congress then the chance of a 3rd party actually making it to being president would go up exponentially...but right now?  I can't honestly vote for that party when I'm more concerned about making certain that certain people don't make it into office than the person that I truly want to be in the office...and that sucks a ton of ass but I'm playing game with the cards that have been dealt.

The two main parties know a lot of people hold the mindset that they're "wasting" their vote (nevermind the fact that you're essentially a pebble in a waterfall voting for the two major parties) voting for a 3rd party candidate, they don't any incentive to change their game.


And there's a certain status quo that both the Democrats and Republicans keep going, so I think if folks wanted their notes to matter, they'd stop rewarding the bad behavior of the two main parties.

Edited by DoctaMario
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‘I Have Struggled With My Weight for 20 Years’: Chris Christie Hits Back at Trump’s Taunts


Christie Says He’ll Do Better in 2024 Because He Can Now Hit Trump’s Actual Record: Didn’t Build Wall and ‘We Haven’t Gotten Our First Peso



New York looks like Mars


Edited by AriesWarlock
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