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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Let's not forget though, Chappelle HAS been cancelled (albeit temporarily) on the corporate level. It seems nobody outside of Netflix wants to fuck with him until this controversy is DEAD dead. He doesn't need to be in any movies or TV shows though. He's always relied on standup and the considerable wealth he already has.


But I hope cancelling shit is getting weaker though. I theorized a while back that it's unsustainable because most people are rolling their eyes at it at this point, and even "cancellers" will grow over time and realize that shit wasn't cool. There will always be losers who stay on that train, but it'll get to a point where only those truly deserving (think people who did crimes) will get cancelled.


Ironically though, I want this guy to get cancelled just for being horrendously unfunny.



Jim Breuer was in Half Baked with Dave Chappelle, and if this is him, I can see why I haven't heard of that name in a while. Even outside of the fact he's just regurgitating conservative talking points, all those noises and shit are just annoying.

Edited by axeman61
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it's a shame that franchise faded away... I had the Gamecube version...but sadly only 2 or 3 people at best (1 of which is someone who is terrible at damn near every game, tbh) to play against though.


I have to admit, it will be one hell of a delicious "TOLD YA SO." moment if I happen to be proven right eventually regarding the ongoing practical joke that is the Joe Biden presidency.  There's certain friends and family I keep telling "there's NO way this guy does all 4 years."  He's living proof that there should be an upper age limitation on who is even eligible for that job.  I think a lot are sadly in denial because they always vote democrat for life, no questions asked.  C'mon, I'd say you can see a difference between the Joe of 2021 and the VP Joe in the Obama years.  The guy is barely there....looks like a nursing home resident that just needs to lay down and take it easy at this point.

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I know it's just social media and probably not a big deal, but I have a pet peeve about ppl stealing my material.


Then when I confront them they act like it's not a big deal even tho they intentionally went through various lengths to make sure I received none of the credit, which also shows they knew what they were doing the entire time


I'm sure I'm making a deal of nothing, but plagiarism and stealing credit from anyone bothers me. Create your own stuff, it'll be much more satisfying to see succeed when you actually did the work yourself 

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I was watching another one of those old "commercial block" vids I've seen on youtube lately... and I noticed Burn Cycle from CD-i is in this one here (time-stamped at about 13:09):

I'm one of perhaps 20 people in the world that even remembers that game and the terrible system it was son.


Oh this is another good one from 1988 -89...though a bit long... I tend to skim thru for ones I actually recognize

haha, there's a commercial for "Crispy Critters" cereal... nah I don't remember that shit at all... funny that the main character speaking is a Jimmy Durante impression (the big-nose "a cha cha cha cha!!!" guy from way back)... my generation is the last group of people that would recognize that.

Edited by MillionX
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21 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Ironically though, I want this guy to get cancelled just for being horrendously unfunny.



Jim Breuer was in Half Baked with Dave Chappelle, and if this is him, I can see why I haven't heard of that name in a while. Even outside of the fact he's just regurgitating conservative talking points, all those noises and shit are just annoying.

I thought he'd been playing QB for the Bengals the past couple of years...

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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10 hours ago, HD-Man said:

It's definitely not porn, perv. 🤣

That's not what I was thinking.  Don't lump me in with all the degenerate scum on the internets.

I think its hilarious that people consider it "stealing" if you use a meme they made and they'll get mad.  Like, big fuckin' deal.  took you 10 minutes to make that shit.


Its not memes you're talking about is it?

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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Dude said something that was lowkey racist like "He doesn't deserve to be at the top, he should be grateful for what he was given and that's he's even gettin paid" in reference to black employee, I told him it sounds a bit racist, fam. Mfer responds  "Too bad I'm mixed", which means fuck all 😂


EDIT: now he's over-explaining himself after I left it alone 😂

Edited by HD-Man
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None spoiler feelings on the Matrix Resurections:


I liked Matrix Resurections.  I think people saying it's the worst thing ever or its horrible is overblown personally.  I actually liked a lot of the meta stuff even though I think they may have went overboard with it, dug the callbacks, and I think the pacing is better than Revolutions.  Action isn't mindblowing but its serviceable and I dig getting another peak into this world and what happened afterwards.  Only real big problem I have is I feel the ending was a bit anti climactic.  The action is going and going and then I expect it to crescendo and it just kinda ends.  Hoping they'll do another one answer more questions but currently there aren't any plans.  I'll take some extended universe pieces somewhere like an anime or something and be perfectly fine but its pretty clear that they left it in a manner that if someone wants to attempt continue it without the Wachowskis then they can.


Again I wasn't expecting this movie to get anywhere near the first Matrix.  The first Matrix is a masterpiece of cinema...a movie that sent ripples through out the film industry and made filmmakers rethink how action sequences could be shot and nothing in over the past 20 years has had that type of reverberating rippling effect like that  (If you beg to differ than please comment on that cause I'll admit maybe it's something I missed but I have yet to see anything that has had an effect on cinema like the first matrix has had since its release).  I kept my expectations in check for this and it didn't exceed but met it.  I'm actually rewatching the movie again on HBO Max to catch things that I may have missed.  I still have some questions about things but we'll never know at this point if they'll ever get answered.




Adding a few other things after rewatching this.  I really like the colors in this movie in comparison to the other films.  I still like what they did for the original films color coded wise with Green hue being in the the simulation and Blue being in the real but with the new matrix system the colors really pop now.  Especially apparently through Morpheus's clothes (not a fan of the first thing he was wearing cause good god that suit was loud af) and Bugs' hair.


I did not like that cover of "Wake Up" at the end of this movie.  It was making my ears hurt the longer it went on in the theater during the credits and I could feel my face twisting up when it got to the screaming "Wake Up" part of the track.  I'm still trying to figure out what group they picked to do this cover but yeah...completely not feeling it at all.

Found out it was Brass Against...which is funny since I had come across this cover before and listened to it and thought it was ok.  Could possibly be the way they were cutting it in the credits.  She still can't do the screaming part well though...not enough oomph in her voice for it imo.


Speaking of music, the music for this movie wasn't really memorable but when thing I can appreciate is that they did make some nods to Don Davis' score here and there.  There was some moments where I could hear some specifically some influences of "Navras" here and there, more so in how the piano sounds in some of the tracks.

Edited by Sonichuman
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50 minutes ago, MillionX said:

ha, I randomly looked up "Elliot Rodger" on instagram, and yeah, there's people that have Elliot Rodger pages up, as I figured. 

^that clip when he was jammin' in the car to Whitney Houston. 😆


Oh yeah I'll be checking back on them from time to time....what a character there....

I saw a movie on Netflix and put it on in the background called "Fuck-It List" and it's such a weird movie. It's about a kid who goes viral for coming up with a bucket list of morally suspect things he wishes he could of done earlier (but didn't at the time to focus on normal things, like school, work, etc)  like setting stuff on fire, being a dick to people, and a whole bunch of other shenanigans like stealing dad's car and driving away angry. This inspires other kids to act out and start their own "Fuck-It" lists, making the protag a celebrity irl.


The main actor kid (who everyone is supposed to like) reminded me of Elliot Rodger. Rich, entitled, "gifted", living in rich suburban California. Requires helicopter parenting throughout the film despite being *so* awesome.


The movie is painfully unaware of how stupid this concept is and how it makes the viewer not really identify with someone I *think* we are supposed to root for. It's basically a rehash of the "grass is always greener on the other side" thing but a board room of boomers at the studio thought adding a social media aspect to it would make it seem more relatable.


Just a bunch of self-pity and melodrama, kind of like Elliot Rodger. Minus the murders. Really weird movie. If you like cringe movies, this one's for you.

Edited by elliephil
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Elliot forever stands out as quite the strange case to me... 


Either he was just bad to a spectacular degree when it comes to women or just basis social skills....or he wasn't really trying so hard like he would've claimed.  Typically, there's a lot of other things that can make up for a dude that's lacking in personality, and it appears he had all of that going on:

  • -a certain "look", generally speaking---we've all seen dudes that are 1000x worse off in the looks department.
  • -Some sense of style from what I'm hearing at least...and the pictures I remember he seemed to have an eye for what kind of look to assemble for himself.  Again; we've all seen people who are far worse off in this category as well.  Thanks to all the money, he could afford the designer clothes too.
  • -A new car; BMW if I recall..?
  • -a close connection to the tv/movie industry, thanks to his Dad's successful career.  This dude had actual "red carpet premiere" access!  This is such a top-rank card to play, folks.....HOW do you still fail when you have access to red carpet premieres?  Imagine, using this powerful tech when you're still young --- "...yeahhhhh so there's a red carpet event for that new movie Avatar....want to go? "

...astounding that a guy had such things going in his favor, but still couldn't make something happen with this. 🤣

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I wrote this status as a joke and then the comparisons kept happening lmfao. They are really similar and came out around the same time. 


Harry Potter is just magic naruto.

Dumbledore= 3rd hokage
Big three Harry, hermoine, ron=naruto, sauske, sakura

Magic houses=clans

Magic schools= ninja academies 

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

Edited by Maxx
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9 hours ago, MillionX said:

Elliot forever stands out as quite the strange case to me... 


Either he was just bad to a spectacular degree when it comes to women or just basis social skills....or he wasn't really trying so hard like he would've claimed.  Typically, there's a lot of other things that can make up for a dude that's lacking in personality, and it appears he had all of that going on:

  • -a certain "look", generally speaking---we've all seen dudes that are 1000x worse off in the looks department.
  • -Some sense of style from what I'm hearing at least...and the pictures I remember he seemed to have an eye for what kind of look to assemble for himself.  Again; we've all seen people who are far worse off in this category as well.  Thanks to all the money, he could afford the designer clothes too.
  • -A new car; BMW if I recall..?
  • -a close connection to the tv/movie industry, thanks to his Dad's successful career.  This dude had actual "red carpet premiere" access!  This is such a top-rank card to play, folks.....HOW do you still fail when you have access to red carpet premieres?  Imagine, using this powerful tech when you're still young --- "...yeahhhhh so there's a red carpet event for that new movie Avatar....want to go? "

...astounding that a guy had such things going in his favor, but still couldn't make something happen with this. 🤣

Eliot Roger is a picture perfect example of how far personality goes. He had all the things you mentioned going for him but was apparently such a spaz that he still couldnt get girls, and yet you also see guys who are fun, funny, or just have a good personality in general but none of the other shit have all manners of success.

shooting star psa GIF

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