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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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7 hours ago, Sonichuman said:



This is the "special" shit I'm talking about. When you have an elevated need to feel special above everyone else, it can lead to being ensnared by wacky conspiracy theories like this.

Edited by axeman61
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Sometimes I wonder if schools are really that forgetful or just incompetent. 


I teach an after school karate program on Thursdays at a Jewish elementary school. I have this one kid who I thought was special needs. I still kinda do but English isn't his first language.. Hebrew is. And apparently other teachers who actually work here full time have trouble communicating with him. 


Maybe... I dunno tell this to the black instructor who might wanna know this info so he doesn't think the kids ignoring him on purpose. 

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The look of the show was immediately off-putting to me, I remember.  There's certain things that should remain animated, imo.  This allowed them to later have a crossover event with the Power Rangers, but I'd always rather the Turtles be cartoon characters....these characters just look too silly in live action to me....even though the concept is silly to begin with.

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11 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Yeah but what about China? Saudi ain't bringing in the money

China has been telling Disney to kick rocks all year. Shang Chi didn't get a release. Edit: Also they banned The Eternals director and even if the didn't their new policies banning "effeminate men" would get the movie blocked anyway.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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3 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Yeah for perceived racism. I'm curious if Disney really is taking the risk and not editing gay people out for China though

I edited my previous post. Chloe Zhao is persona non grata in China. Nothing they do will get it released there. They even censored her Oscar win. Some old interview from like 7 or 8 years ago had remarks that China didn't like.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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they wont land cuz they know we are too down for a jack move.

we killed God 2, 000 years ago. thats a rep you'll never live down in the galaxy. word spread. how no, when we advertise it on our gold chains. 

they wont land. not even for directions or gas. they know better.

planet earth is the ghetto of the galaxy. its why star wars is huge. tatooine is relatable cuz its the ghetto of luke's galaxy. we know the ghetto. we live there.

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Lookin down my TL at all the friends I know for a fact have driven home drunk after the club with a "Nigga really?" look on my face. Only difference between them and that football player who got drunk and had an accident that killed someone is pure luck but they don't see it


Easy to throw stones when you haven't been caught yet. And I'm not giving that football player a pass but just pointing out the hypocrisy. And the weekend will be here tommorow , those same mfers gonna go downtown and drink til their retarded then get behind the wheel

Edited by HD-Man
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I know there's really no point, but I got into an argument (or a debate) against my Chinese student last night.



"There is a double standard that the West applies to China with regard to human rights (double standard not stated), they focus on political and religious rights and ignore financial rights when discussing human rights. They have no idea how much better life is for the average person in China."



"Yeah, but compared to what? The reason Chinese people were so poor in the first place was because the government spent 30 years following Mao Zedong's economic lunacy; sending farmers to make steel in backyard furnaces (while starving 30 million people to death) during the "Great Leap Forward" and sending college students  to farm in the countryside during the "Cultural Revolution". The fact that their lives are improving now (mostly due to innovations/foreign direct investment from the West) is not a selling point of your terrible government. Even with their own measures of poverty alleviation, they simply changed the poverty line to ~$450 per YEAR, which is a joke of a poverty line."

(note: I am aware that for the vast majority of Chinese history peasants were quite poor and had no rights, but this is true of the entire rest of the world as well, and the Communist programs made things demonstrably worse)



"You cannot talk about the past when discussing the financial situation today!"




"Of course, comparing China to the US, the US is more wealthy. But compared to another developing country like India, China is doing quite well."


"Then don't compare it to the US. Compare it to Taiwan, which was also poor as dirt after WWII, is also Chinese people, and is now much wealthier and more developed than the mainland, has an excellent human rights record, is a democracy etc. They developed first because they didn't go through the "Great Leap Forward" and the "Cultural Revolution."

(note 2: I am aware that for about 30 years Taiwan was a pretty terrible dictatorship under the Chiang family. They still developed much faster.)



"You cannot compare a tiny country of 20 million to a giant country of 1.4 billion!"


It's a wonder if I don't lose this student. I was sick and in no mood for her apologist propoganda.

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25 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:






still funny



Apparently, someone said that acknowledging Indian land was also common in Woke valley:



Kinda.. They acknowledge shit was stolen but not in a condescending way from what I know. I think for the most part they will sign the petitions and will help fight but in the end woke left don't know what they technically can do

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