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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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That Monster Rancher least the original...was the only turn-based videogame I actually enjoyed.  I loved the concept so much that I looked past that "flaw" in the design. 😆... I still kept thinking "mannnn this would be so much better if the battles could be real-time tho..."  I was instantly addicted to acquiring as many new monsters as possible.  This was the real "gotta catch 'em all!" thing for me at that time... the concept of getting new monsters from any CD was interesting and fun.  Since it was the 90s, this meant most people already had a ton of monsters to get just from their music collection and whatever else you had.  I think even those AOL discs worked too....haha, the good ol' days before regular "DLC" became a thing which could be so easily exploited by companies.


There was a Monster Rancher cartoon at some point on Saturday mornings, but I never watched it.


Oh and yeah I was hyped for that Midnight Suns game....UNTIL I saw it is apparently ...a "tactical rpg".

angry jason terry GIF

Edited by MillionX
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4 hours ago, DoctaMario said:
12 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I'll probably use the kicks, I'm not terribly confident with my parrying.

Parrying the Silver Knights is actually really really easy. The window for it is just huge on them for some reason. My pro tip for parrying is dont try to parry the weapon. Try to parry their hand holding the weapon. The hand gets to you before the blade does but the blade can still be parried at that point. Its a bit harder with their thrusts and the like, but most of their attacks are super easy to parry. After the Archer the Silver Knights will be the normal enemies going forward for this region and its the area i trained my parry up my first time through the game, these guys are imo the best enemies in the game to learn it on.


Kicking is also really effective tho, not trying to talk you out of that strat lol. Just letting you know in DS1 Parry is more intimidating then it looks, the window is quite large.

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Fortnite is most likely the main reason i will never see another Unreal Tournament game ever again. 


From a business stand point i understand why Epic will push with Fortnite from now on, but i can't accept the fact that i will never see another entry in one of the best FPS series ever made because people enjoy their costume buying simulator battle royale.


At least EPIC's huge success with Fortnite allowed them to build UE 5 that is an incredible engine from what i used it so far.

Edited by Skort
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33 minutes ago, Skort said:

 Played the first and it kicked my ass on some bosses. It was quite an enjoyable game actually.

you should stream it!


Btw, since you like Contra-style games, check out Valfaris 🤘




3 hours ago, iStu X said:

Hell yeah monster rancher remakes. Gimme all the creature based rpg’s




I played the first game, I could never get the blue Phoenix even though I had that Michael Jackson disc!! Probably because it was printed in another country? It only produced the regular phoenix 😔

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20 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:


I played the first game, I could never get the blue Phoenix even though I had that Michael Jackson disc!! Probably because it was printed in another country? It only produced the regular phoenix 😔

The GBA monster ranchers were my go to since you didn’t need to do stuff like that. You could just write random things on an in-game keyboard and based on the words it’d generate a monster. 


my dumb ass in 9th grade wrote pussy slayer and got a giant pink golem. I was so proud of me lol

Edited by iStu X
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47 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

Blizzard will be changing McCree’s name in Overwatch.



Ok so...I don't think anyonr knew McCree was named after a Blizz employee let alone one involved in the scandal.  This feels preeeeettty unnecessary but if this helps heal people at the company who have been wronged then ok.  Otherwise I feel this is a pretty shit gesture in general and even attempt to call this a bandaid would be an insult to bandaids.  I mean at the end of the day their major actions (not incredibly small ones like this)  moving forward is what is going to matter in the long run and that is gonna take time.  All they gotta do is not be shit bags and everything else will fall into place....pretty simple.

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1 minute ago, Hawkingbird said:

I don't even know why the 80s Turtles are in All Star Brawl. They predate the sale to Nick.

I can see two reasons why.


1) Despite being made before Nick brought them, they are probably the most recognizable form of the Turtles. From the kids who watched them in the 80s to the kids who saw them in those crossovers with the other TMNT shows, everyone vaguely interested in the series would know and recognize them.


2) Or what’s most likely is that since 80s turtles were pretty much palette swaps with differently colored headbands, it’s easier to include all of them without having to make four different models.

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The Nick turtles show acknowledges the past turtles TV shows and comics as alternate universes. And since Nickelodeon owns them all I suppose they think the best choice is the turtles most people have most nostalgia for. Even though that generation is probably pushing 40 and probably stopped playing video games. So I don't know who Nickelodeon is aiming for with that choice!!!

Edited by AriesWarlock
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The Avatar nerd in me was easily able to recognize some of the new stages shown off. One of them was the Spirit World. Specifically based on the Korra’s 2nd Season with Raava, Vaatu, and the tree being in the background.





Another stage I saw was the rooftops of Omashu. It appears that the mailing system is going to be a stage hazard. It also has a cameo with the Cabbage Man and his cart.





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ah, so I made 2 of my new Mii characters to be used later in Smash... sadly the character limit makes it so I need to cut those names short-- Crappy Pappy and Count Crapula are in my roster now, right next to Doodoo McGoo and another I named "Puubes" 😆 Ohhhh no I won't ever get tired of this.  It would be great if more games included the mii characters so I could use them in more than just Smash and Mario Kart.... I'm still kinda on the fence about Miitopia since that's another game unfortunately cursed by turn-based combat.


Casey Jones would be a cool choice as a playable character in that turtles game... the more the better, imo... I'd throw Slash in there too...the ultimate for any beatemup like that would be to play as villain characters too... I'd want to go through as Baxter Stockman, Rocksteady or Bebop, etc. etc.

Edited by MillionX
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y'know, at this point I should just expect this shit whenever a Warhammer video game pops up... 


from that description on the gametrailers channel-- "Check out the full cinematic trailer for the upcoming turn-based tactical RPG..."  

...such an awesome IP, and to date there has been exactly two good/decent pure-action games made out of that shit....what the fuck ever man it's best I just give up on it.

smh GIF


haha on another note imagine if you let certain American devs take a shot at this franchise in videogame form... they'd ride a certain bandwagon and of course a lesbian black female character will be the lead since representation and ideological agendas are far more important than entertainment and fun these days. 🤣  We're gradually reaching that point where "cisgender" dudes are not allowed to be featured heroes anymore.

Edited by MillionX
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1 minute ago, MillionX said:

y'know, at this point I should just expect this shit whenever a Warhammer video game pops up... 


from that description on the gametrailers channel-- "Check out the full cinematic trailer for the upcoming turn-based tactical RPG..."  

...such an awesome IP, and to date there has been exactly two good/decent pure-action games made out of that shit....what the fuck ever man it's best I just give up on it.

smh GIF


embrace the turn based legion we have the best soundtracks and you can eat cereal while you play!

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4 minutes ago, MillionX said:

y'know, at this point I should just expect this shit whenever a Warhammer video game pops up... 


from that description on the gametrailers channel-- "Check out the full cinematic trailer for the upcoming turn-based tactical RPG..."  

...such an awesome IP, and to date there has been exactly two good/decent pure-action games made out of that shit....what the fuck ever man it's best I just give up on it.

smh GIF


Warhammer is a tabletop RPG. Turn based is the most faithful adaption they can give the material.

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It's VGM Friday time!   Doing 2 posts this friday.  First post will be DMC focused to celebrate that series' 20th anniversary AND NMH since the 3rd game is finally getting released today.








One of the memorable trailers/intro for this game that featured music from the game that played at the idle title screen.

Of course gotta have the amazing trailer that featured this track. KYRIEEEEEEEEE!!!!

original.   Trailer 1 and Trailer 2 that featured this track that seemed to set the internet ablaze with its fire.  I still can't get enough of this track to be honest.  Anytime it comes up on my playlist I end up playing it at least 2 more times.

originalIntro for this game is still great.

Am I the only one that this track sort of reminds them of Marilyn Manson's "Killing Strangers"?  My mind always wonders to that scene in John Wick when this track shows up on my playlist.  OH wow...I just looked in the comments for this track aaaand apparently I am in fact not the only one lol.





"Not "Eye of the Tiger""

I'm very wishy washy on this track but I know a lot of people love it.



Edit: also reviews for NMH3 seem to have been hitting at exactly 12 this morning.

Edited by Sonichuman
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