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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I just saw the leaked footage of the Uvalde massacre and I couldn't finish it. Just hearing the screams of those kids was too much.


I think the police who were in that school should be put to jail with a few getting fired and being forced to pay a fine to the families. That was fucking horrible on their part and they are accountable for what happened there. That shit is in infuriating. 

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Ohhh and speaking of people that are parasites....


oh, what happened to all that strength and independence?  Y'know... as time goes on, the more disgusted I get by them, tbh....always causing a scene, always being a problem for everyone at every possible situation, always an embarrassment.  I guess she didn't wear a hair bonnet "crown" this time since it happened to be her birthday and was thus a special occasion.  The day prior, she probably had that Jiffy-Pop Popcorn "crown" on all day, I bet.  


...that will continue with the upcoming generations, btw... they're starting them off as early as possible with the bonnets.  I've seen little girls running around in public with that ridiculous shit on, just like their mom, auntee, older sister, grandma, etc.

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Ok, that 2nd girl in the vid I posted...the one that was "the other woman", and when she found out the dude was married, she moved in with them and he made his wife sleep on the couch..??.

No way that's real, bruh....that HAS to be nothing but lies.  I think she's smiling because even she can't believe the other people on the panel are buying her bullshyte story.  For one, there's no way she could get away with all that with that caliber of looks.  There's no nice way to say it.  We all know that a lot of dudes have pitifully low standards, but come on now.  She's about 1 step up from Gabby Siddebe.  There's a LOT setting off the BS alert with that story.  If by some miracle that's real, it makes me wonder how the wife looks, if this guy apparently considered this woman an "upgrade" and worthy of moving into his maybe the wife is a 1.5 out of 10.


On another note entirely---one snack food that is really tough for me to resist is that sliced turkey... I made the mistake of buying a pack recently (Hillshire)... if I had no self-control I'd empty that whole box in 1 go.  I don't even require other stuff to be on the sandwich.. just the turkey on wheat bread....I could eat that all day.

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9 hours ago, HD-Man said:

This dude (the step-dad) got his stepson to call my phone from an unrecognizable number to try and see if I fucked his girl. This is some ghetto ass shit, I blocked like 3 numbers so far🤣

I got questions.  How exactly are they asking you?  This seems like some batshit crazy nonsense that a girl would do.

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2 hours ago, J-ride said:

I got questions.  How exactly are they asking you?  This seems like some batshit crazy nonsense that a girl would do.

So it was told to me recently that there exists an app that gives you fake numbers to use, so that's probably what he's doing as opposed to gettin others. Which makes this shit even more ridiculous 

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Oh it continues today---MLD is back with part 2 of that argument


*I had another dream about being a supernatural thing last night...this time it was like I could shift between human and "wraith" form, so I could pass through solid objects like a ghost while being invisible... I was also using that ability on a stealth/recon mission for some secret "agency".  Not quite as fun as being a vampire but it was cool.  They need to hurry up and invent a thing that will record dreams so you could preserve and watch them again later, like a movie.


edit---oh yeah, Horror Music World just posted another one:


Edited by MillionX
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Gentlemen.... it's time once again----oh ---Death Battle Cast appears to be a slightly different thing, I think...*yep; I guess this will just be live discussion...

I'm not even that familiar with either character but I just think the visual designs of them looks cool.


*big-time cheat day for lunch... large "ULTIMATE" Pepperoni.  It took an incredible amount of restraint to not just devour the entire pizza right away; I saved at least 3 pieces for tomorrow.

Edited by MillionX
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On 7/18/2022 at 4:36 PM, Phantom_Miria said:

I really like the style of this artist I found on Twatter.

It's definitely something with the way he/she draws the... Guns.


Yup. Definitely the guns.




I'm against these kind of drawings for some people. I think it feeds the fantasies of dudes and gives them desires for women who are way above their tier list and because of that they remain doing the hand. I think most of these nerd artists should consider the reality that their subscribers/followers are likely fat ugly guys so they should draw fat ugly girls in order for others to maintain a sense of reality.

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13 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

ups sucks. so does dhl. so does usps. the amazon delivery is better as long as its to amazon lockers.

Which they don't really do a lot of the time. I delivered to exactly one set of lockers, maybe two in the 36 months I worked as a delivery contractor for them.

Amazon, for their delivery operations; hires contractors in major cities to run those for them on a program called Flex. Same bullshit that Amazon does with micromanaging warehouse employees they do to their contractors. Miss the end of your block time or arrival time to the warehouse because of traffic too many times? You get booted off the platform with no chance to appeal. Happened to me, and before I opened my business a couple years ago I'd go into Dallas/Ft. Worth a few times a month and spend all day doing deliveries. I was bringing in an extra 4k every 45-60 days because I would be doing deliveries all day long from like 5am until 6 or 7 in the evening.

They also recently settled with the FTC over stealing tips from Flex contractors, and I got a nice check for about $1200 as a result.

Edited by YourFavGrandpa
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10 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


There was a fan...who premeditated bringing a fish to this game.  We don't how long the premeditation was but this fan got this fish and said "I'm throwing this shit at this MFer TODAY".  And this fan sat where they were with this fish and waited patiently for the right moment to chuck this fish lol. 


Also equally hilarious is this man getting hit bullseye in the face with this fish, looking at said fish that he was just hit with and then falling out like he had got punched in the face.  If it wasn't caught on camera in slow mo I'd have clapped for his acting.


Edit:  now I'm busting out laughing again cause this reminded me of when Hungrybox had a crab thrown at him.

Edited by Sonichuman
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28 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

What paid streaming services do you guys have right now?


I only have Disney Plus.




Youtube Music


Personally, I use YT Music the most, followed by Hulu and Netflix. D+ only comes in when there is a new show. Honestly, I need to cancel it. I just re-up when a new series launches.


Also, I miss Google Play Music. I found it was a much better service overall. I do appreciate that custom mixes/renditions of songs show up in the playlist with the current service. 

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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36 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:




Youtube Music


Personally, I use YT Music the most, followed by Hulu and Netflix. D+ only comes in when there is a new show. Honestly, I need to cancel it. I just re-up when a new series launches.


Also, I miss Google Play Music. I found it was a much better service overall. I do appreciate that custom mixes/renditions of songs show up in the playlist with the current service. 

I've never used Hulu.


What shows do you watch on there?

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Hulu has a pretty decent selection of anime, tv shows and documentaries.  They have the original dragon ball also which I took the time to watch last year.  My biggest gripe with hulu is the interface, I tend to login on computer and put everything I want to watch in my favorites.  Otherwise it is difficult to navigate compared to its original user interface.  The OG interface was slick, I miss it.

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Hulu is great, imo... and I have the cheapest version of it that has commercials (it's only something like 7 or 8 bucks a month)... I actually don't mind the commercials; it just makes it like the "good ol' days" of watching regular network television again, where tv commercial meant a break to check on something else for a second.  Anyway, recently I had been watching The Strain on there again, at least my favorite parts of the series... also I think Hulu was where I saw the rest of One Punch Man and Jujutsu Kaisen.... and Demon Slayer... since for some reason it doesn't appear that Netflix will ever get the rest of Demon Slayer beyond the first season.  I also watched a lot of Attack on Titan via Hulu.  The first movie I saw on there was The Arrival---the recent one featuring the lovely Amy Adams.

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

I think hitmen in general aren't real unless you have ridiculous amounts of money.  No one is risking that much prison time for the prices that regular people can afford.

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

What paid streaming services do you guys have right now?


I only have Disney Plus.

Things I have access to through our own sub or sharing:



Disney +



Amazon Prime


Hulu is useful for TV shows to catch uo on if we missed recording it or something.  I like The Rookie personally.

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