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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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So I have finally seen what all the hype is about with the classic movie The Thing.... I bought it a while ago in 4K, and oh yes... it was another incredible 4k experience.  I had only seen parts of this movie before.... so yeah I'm about 40 years late on this shit but that was definitely the best creature effects I've ever seen.  Now I'm wondering if people were puking in the theater when this was originally released, because that shit looked awesomely disgusting.  I loved every minute of it.  This deserves it's place as a classic.  


There was a videogame on the original Xbox of "The Thing"---I had it but didn't play it that much.


...and now it takes me right back to one of my favorite games of all time---Prototype....surely the developers of that were inspired by this, as "Alex Mercer" is very similar to that creature (though it's a virus created here; the movie Thing appears to be of alien origin)....and the great thing is how that games lets you be that creature.  "Mercer" (and later Sgt. Heller in part 2) can absorb people...then reshape his body to look like anyone...or anything....even altering his physical density to become more "armored" and resistant to damage.

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So I had to look it up... thinking surely there has to be certain limitations on what people can name their child; for years I kept thinking---surely you can't just get away with naming your son something like "Penis" or "Muthafucka Goddamn", things like that....... and yep:


While certain states have stricter naming laws, a few states, such as Kentucky, have none in place. Regardless of these relatively lenient naming regulations, there are still a handful of names that were ruled illegal by courts within the US. Some of these are listed below:

  • King
  • Queen
  • Jesus Christ
  • III
  • Santa Claus
  • Majesty
  • Misteri N*gger 🤣
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Messiah
  • @
  • 1069

I do wonder what kind of bizarre shit you can get away with though---like could someone name their son "Dookie Ball", or "Booger" like that dude's nickname from Revenge of the Nerds.... or "Pimp Juice", Dingleberry, Smegma, Scrotum-Face... or Yeast Infection, Pubes, Violence, Douchebag, Turd Ferguson, Slap-A-Ho, etc....and I see that Jesus Christ is listed here but what about Satan?


They also listed some specific ones banned in other countries:

  • Chief Maximus (New Zealand)
  • Robocop (Mexico)
  • Sex Fruit (New Zealand)
  • Linda (Saudi Arabia)
  • Snake (Malaysia)
  • Friday (Italy)
  • Islam (China)
  • Sarah (Morocco)
  • Osama bin Laden (Germany)
  • Metallica: (Sweden)
  • Prince William (France)
  • Devil (Japan)
  • Blue (Italy)
  • Circumcision (Mexico)
  • Quran (China)
  • Harriet (Iceland)
  • Cyanide (United Kingdom)
  • Monkey (Denmark)
  • Thor (Portugal)
  • 007 (Malaysia)
  • Griezmann Mbappe (France)
  • Talula Does the Hula from Hawaii (New Zealand)
  • Bridge (Norway)
  • Anal (New Zealand)
  • Nutella (France)
  • Wolf (Spain)
  • Tom (Portugal)
  • Camilla (Iceland)
  • Judas (Switzerland)
  • Duke (Australia)
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Knight Rider (1982) Bluray review.


Picture: Really good. The remastering job is great. Other than some occasional noise or fuzziness in certain night scenes, it looks awesome for a 40 yr old show.



Sound: It is a mono track played through two speakers. The dialogue/music/effects are clear, but there is no oomph to any loud sounds like explosions/engines revving etc. ON my setup, a few episodes are 10% quieter than others but that could be due to my equipment.    6.5/10


Extras: No extras at all sadly.  What's really bad is No subtitles. So if you're hard of hearing or English isnt your first language you're SOL.

This set is 4 standard bluray cases in a thin outer box. Each season is in one case and is made up of 4 discs. (2 discs are on each disc hub)   0/10


Misc:   A The double length (Knight of the Phoenix, Goliath, etc) episodes are presented as 95 minute movies with the exception of Knight of the Drones (S3 premiere) which is presented as 2 distinct episodes as it was in syndication. 


Content: The show as dated as it is, thrives due to 3 reasons imo.

1)The relationship between Mike and KITT

2) The vehicular stunts/KITT powers

3) the theme


IMO Seasons 2 and 3 are the best, then 1, then 4. The main thrust of the series in helping "the little guy" being crushed by corrupt people sets it apart form Bond/Mission Impossible.  S1 is a bit restrained and feels a bit more "country/1970's if that makes sense. Theme Composer Stu Phillips does the music for 1/2 the season before Don Peake comes into  score the remainder of the show.  His synthesizer/rock style is what I think of when I think about the show.


S2 and S3 increase the cheese by introducing Garth/Goliath and more technologically advanced nemeses like drone cars, lasers, etc. The show found its groove then.

S4 first half is decent, but its the second half that feels boring. Either the writers didnt care or the premise wore thin towards the end. S4 hasless turbo boosts and vehicle stunts and less of KITT's other "powers" too.


Episode highlights: 

All the season openers:   Knight of the Phoenix, Goliath, Knight of Drones, Knight of Juggernaut

Trust Doesn't Rust - Mr Feeny meets his evil twin Optimus Prime aka KARR

White Bird - Mike's old flame is in trouble

Knightmares- Mike loses his memory and thinks he's Michael Long the cop.

Goliath Returns - Mike's doppelganger and a previously shown villainess team up to kidnap a Swedish scientist

KITT vs KARR - rematch and the best music score of the series

Knight in Disgrace - Mike defects from the Foundation to work for a crimelord

Dead of Knight - Mike is poisoned and must get the antidote

Junkyard Dog - KITT is dropped into a pit of acid/toxic waste and must overcome his fear to face the enemy

Sky Knight - Superfly hiacks a plane with Bonnie and Michelangelo on it and traps the passengers in a doomsday compound set to explode!

Killer KITT - KITT is reprogrammed by a vengeful former FLAG employee to kill Mike

Scent of Roses - Mike decides to leave the foundation after being seriously wounded. (Not the official last episode but many consider to be the  true finale)


Overall:  7.5/10









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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:



Students in one Missouri school district will potentially undergo spanking with a paddle as a form of discipline this school year. The Cassville School District says it is bringing back old-school corporal punishment after the local school board approved the policy in June.

Read more:

the simpsons paddle GIFthe simpsons paddle GIFthe simpsons paddle GIF

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Well, today he covered the VtM topic of "diablerie"... one of the ultimate sins in the vampire world in World of Darkness:

I would imagine that at least in theory... the smart play would be to never pick a victim that is too far ahead of you in generation and power... 

I'd take small take someone that's merely 1 gen older....then get another one that is 1 generation older than the previous victim, and so on.  

Edited by MillionX
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7 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:



Students in one Missouri school district will potentially undergo spanking with a paddle as a form of discipline this school year. The Cassville School District says it is bringing back old-school corporal punishment after the local school board approved the policy in June.

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In the age of social media, having one of your boys film you getting spanked with a paddle and posting it online will be way worse than the actual punishment.

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28 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Posting children gettin spanked online might fall into the wrong hands, pedophiles probably rubbing their hands together menacingly like Birdman at the thought 


You will be surprised.

There is a rabbithole on youtube where indian women simulating to be teachers spank kids for the "pleasure" of the people on the comment section


The video below explains it, and funny enough Youtube thinks that should be age restricted, because that way it limits its reach instead of you know, actually adressing the issue that the video is exposing.



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19 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:



Students in one Missouri school district will potentially undergo spanking with a paddle as a form of discipline this school year. The Cassville School District says it is bringing back old-school corporal punishment after the local school board approved the policy in June.

Read more:

I'd be sure to let my kids teacher know, in the immortal words of Detective John Kimbal


"You hit the kid, I hit you."

Edited by RSG3
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