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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I know I linked to an article yesterday but I'll link another. As a Virginian, I remember them sugarcoating the fuck out of Robert E. Lee and saying the Civil War was primarily about states rights. It's about time this clown shoes bull shit gets washed away. Too bad my mom had to work on a based named after the bastard for 35 years and one of my best friends still has serve on military bases named for him and his treasonous brethren.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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44 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Dude I worked with yesterday tested positive for covid. I literally cannot afford to miss work right now. For fucks sake, I hope I test negative tommorow, I do NOT need this shit sickness on top of this other shit right now🤦🏾‍♂️

Does your job not offer COVID sick pay? Or some sort of FMLA related COVID pay?

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4 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

What was the best fight in Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie? I think my fav is the Chun vs Vega Fight. It predated the bad match up for Vega long before we had frame data, flow charts and what not. Say what you want about the tracks used for the dub version but when UItra started playing when Vega dropped down, that was lit AF.



The only answer is Chun vs. Claw. 

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2 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

Nearly 2 years into this COVID-19 pandemic and people STILL choose sickness and death over looking out for themselves and others. 



There are plenty of covid zealots who've cheered at people who aren't vaxed dying, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Covid's definitely taught me there are a lot of terrible people around today or at least people who get wet acting terrible just because.

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Speaking of which Biden just issued hella Covid vaccine mandates. Took me a second to come around but I'm officially I'm pro-vaccine. However I'm anti-mandate, if that's even possible.


I want ppl to make an informed decision with their doctor to get it but I don't want them essentially forced to get something into their bodies they're not comfortable with or lose their jobs


But, for some positive news, I'm am glad my mother now has the go ahead to get the vaccine from her doctor

Edited by HD-Man
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17 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Um how concerned should we be about federal employees possibly striking over this mandate?



Like we're talking SO many aspects of everyday life getting fucked. Air travel, government assistance such as EBT, etc. 

Yikes, I didn't even consider a strike from federal. Shit might get REAL soon 😬

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People complaining about the matrix being woke is fucking hilarious. I find the idea of it being a story about trans experience being revisionist history as weird when it's very clear the story has always had multiple fucking layers to it.. But someone the trans idea is where it's too much? 

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Speaking of which Biden just issued hella Covid vaccine mandates. Took me a second to come around but I'm officially I'm pro-vaccine. However I'm anti-mandate, if that's even possible.


I want ppl to make an informed decision with their doctor to get it but I don't want them essentially forced to get something into their bodies they're not comfortable with or lose their jobs


But, for some positive news, I'm am glad my mother now has the go ahead to get the vaccine from her doctor

I value vaccines but like you I'm anti mandate. My concerns are giving law enforcement more excuses to "enforce" things like this...I don't think I need to go into more detail as to how this may get abused...

Edited by TheInfernoman
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do you consider the three paul verhoeven movies, robocop, total recall, and starship troopers, to be a holy trilogy like me? cuz damn when you watch those three movies back to back, its soo goood. all three have that same satirical dry humor mixed with over the top 80s explicit violence. sick. but fun. like the internet of 15 years ago lol

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Speaking of which Biden just issued hella Covid vaccine mandates. Took me a second to come around but I'm officially I'm pro-vaccine. However I'm anti-mandate, if that's even possible.


I want ppl to make an informed decision with their doctor to get it but I don't want them essentially forced to get something into their bodies they're not comfortable with or lose their jobs


But, for some positive news, I'm am glad my mother now has the go ahead to get the vaccine from her doctor

Mandate is for federal workers not citizens

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if i directed robocop i woulda had robocop do nothing but have a desk job. he would just type on a typewriter and file stuff away in police cabinets all day. then go home. for 1 hour 20 minutes lol.


btw. know what blows me away? that robocop 2 was directed by the same guy that directed empire strikes back. irvin kershner.

he tried copying pasting verhoeven's saucy style..but it didnt work out. failed. 

but he did succeed copying lucas style for esb

Link to comment would The Matrix have been some kind of trans person allegory?  I just thought of it as cool sci-fi action more than likely inspired by that concept of the "Plato's cave" allegory if anything...with of course some inspiration taken from religion and mythology/folklore, etc. a lot of stories.  (*Or----is it a self-aggrandizing fantasy of these people wishing to think they are the truly "awakened" ones, while the rest of the world took the blue-pill and remain asleep in the Matrix? 😆  This wouldn't surprise me if that's the case.)

...and wasn't it much later when the Wachowski siblings transitioned anyway?  I forgot whenever that was.


anyway, time for even more legendary Don Rickles material:


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Yaya Abdul Mateen sure is getting plum roles -Black Manta, Candyman,and now young Morpheus in Matrix 4.






I have no interest in Matrix 4.  I liked the original film,but thought 2/3 were mixed bags. 

The main appeal of the films was bullet time ,but unfortunately other film studios ran it into the ground for the next 4-5 years after the first film came out.

I can't believe it's been 18 years since the last film came out.


One thing I give them credit for was a diverse cast in a sci Fi movie.

At the time, I was surprised to see multiple black characters instead of just 1.



Edited by DangerousJ
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3 hours ago, MillionX said: would The Matrix have been some kind of trans person allegory?  I just thought of it as cool sci-fi action more than likely inspired by that concept of the "Plato's cave" allegory if anything...with of course some inspiration taken from religion and mythology/folklore, etc. a lot of stories.  (*Or----is it a self-aggrandizing fantasy of these people wishing to think they are the truly "awakened" ones, while the rest of the world took the blue-pill and remain asleep in the Matrix? 😆  This wouldn't surprise me if that's the case.)

...and wasn't it much later when the Wachowski siblings transitioned anyway?  I forgot whenever that was.




I don't get it either.  I don't think there is any real trans allegory over theses films and the people who want it to be are trying to make it that way and the people who hate the LGBTQ+ community are just getting easy baited.


The wachowskis didn't become trans until well after the trilogy...  I think one did it first and then the other followed suit shortly after.


*does a quick search online*....Welll...apparently one of the Wachowskis in an interviews a year ago says that it is a trans metaphor now


Well...I guess if its coming from 'word of god' then it has to be acknowledged then.

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22 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Its funny Darksakul brings up the Nazis and teaching history, we have a shit load of Holocaust deniers these days. Bet you a decent chunk of that is because most Nazi bullshit was destroyed so you can't see it with your own two eyes making it far far easier to deny the existance of.

Auschwitz is still there.  Holocaust denial has nothing to do with a lack of evidence or remembrance.


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13 hours ago, iStu X said:

Or some sort of FMLA related COVID pay?

Places may or may not offer CoVid sick pay, but actual FMLA doesn't pay you anything- it just keeps you from getting fired for being away from work for a few months.


11 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Um how concerned should we be about federal employees possibly striking over this mandate?

Not like, super concerned.  Every so often the whole government shuts down because Republicans throw a budget hissy fit, and life goes on.  If there was a strike, it wouldn't even be all the employees because probably at least half of them would rather that their unvaxxed coworkers weren't sitting in an office with them brewing up variants to try and bust through their vaccines.


4 hours ago, MillionX said: would The Matrix have been some kind of trans person allegory?

The Matrix has always been a bunch of concepts ripped off from other sci-fi and stitched together with really awesome action scenes.  Reading into it too much as an allegory is always going to be a mistake- whatever it "means" to a person is just going to be a reflection of something they already thought.  


Case in point:




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Free Medium Chicken Gyro Sub at Firehouse Subs


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AMC stock is back in the 50 dollar range! Currently 51.33. New high for the day! According to the DD done by others. Hedge funds that are shorting the stock. Are having liquidity issues. They are running out of ammo and strugling to suppress the price.


The squeeze could very well be happening this month! Or at the longest? Before the year ends. Get your shares guys! 50 dollars is gonna look like a steal when this goes off!

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12 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

Forget their laughable education programs,

I know right, it's almost like there should be alternate places one can go to to gather information instead of just one fucking option huh? 


3 hours ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

Auschwitz is still there.  Holocaust denial has nothing to do with a lack of evidence or remembrance.


Then I guess it's a good thing I never said ALL of it was gone then huh? 

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4 hours ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

Auschwitz is still there.  Holocaust denial has nothing to do with a lack of evidence or remembrance.

And there tons of photographs and documentation, and various artifacts from the time. 


We don't need statues to remember whi Nazis are, we don't need statues for the confederates ether. Battle fields are still there, you can still find relics of the time, bayonets, unexploded ordnance, millions of photos and documents, uniforms, flags, ect from that time period.


We don't need a confederate commander on a pedestal. 

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y'know, that reminds me, with the Holocaust deniers and other such folk---- no matter what major event it is... even if there's plenty of pictures and video footage proving the thing happened, there's always conspiracy types that think any given real event in history was somehow a fake.  


Just watch what happens whenever/if aliens formally make their appearance in the world... I'm talking about ships in full view of everyone in various areas of the world at once.  Just a few years later, assuming we survived whatever happened next.... there would be people that swear that was all a hoax "just like the supposed moon landing" and the "alleged 09/11 attacks", the JFK assassination, etc.

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sheeeittt... seems like a common mentality with a LOT of women in modern society... they don't want to ever be "obligated" to do anything, really....especially nothing concerning a man....always with that "I shouldn't HAVE to _____, _____, or _____." x100000.... like ok what the fuck are you even good for then? a goddamn tv that doesn't even show picture or play the audio...or a game system that doesn't actually play any games OR apps.... just a useless muthafucka sitting there taking up space in a living room for no goddamn reason.  More of them need their bum ass put out on the sidewalk like the rest of the useless junk that no longer serves a purpose in the house then if that's going to be the case.  It's already a given that MOST of them aren't going to cook or even care enough to try and learn to do so, or clean or do anything else...if they ALSO aren't fuckin then what the hell is the point?  Get the boot like Jazz on a Fresh Prince episode, bitch:

Will Smith GIF


...right there...that's their cue for the infamous "WHO HURT YOU?" and all that, of course. 😆

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I remember asking a male friend like 10 years ago who was getting married.


Does she 




--suck a mean dick?


She needs to be proficient in 2/3 of those categories before you move forward.

(He said 2/3 so i guess it went well)


Also, the other person should have similar dietary habits to you.

MY ex was great but she would never cook meat/fish/eggs. 

I could manage that for a few days but not my whole life.





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