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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Man the Alan Wake 2 trailer is fucking sick. Think that knight have been the beat in show. Saw so many cool things in it if you know about Alan Wake and Remedies shared universe. I spotted "Max Payne" immediately. 

Stupid question, I know Wake and Control are connected, but is Max Payne somehow connected too?

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20 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Stupid question, I know Wake and Control are connected, but is Max Payne somehow connected too?

Ok so it's a little complicated, but Rockstar owns Max Payne, not Remedy, but there is a very similar character in the Wake Universe named Alex Casey. Alex is the main character of a series of detective novels written by Alan Wake in universe and Alex has basically the same back story as Max, like they are exactly the same dude, Basically Max Payne 1&2 are Alan Wake Books. So the entire Bright Falls Lake Phenomenon is artists who drown in the lake have their art become reality. Alan Wake is trapped in Brightfalls Lake when he jumped in to rescue his wife who fell into the lake. Alan is trying to write his way out of the lake, subsequently Alex Casey has escape Alan Wakes books and become a real person. There are documents in Control talking about Alex having shown up at The Federal Bureau of Control looking for information about Alan and Brightfalls.


Now here's the real Max Payne connection. Max's face in the first Max Payne game was famously a model of his writers face Sam Lake. 




Max was also voiced by James McCaffery.


Now go watch that Alan Wake 2 trailer again and tell me if you spot anyone, and if you spot that someone does the voice narrating at the time sound....familiar?

Edited by RSG3
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So now some of the same people who were trying to call Tears of the Kingdom $70 DLC to BotW are trying to say that Spiderman 2 and to some extension Dad of War Ragnarok  are DLC to the games that came before it.


Yeah...tweets aren't embedding for some reason right now.

Edited by Sonichuman
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4 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

So now some of the same people who were trying to call Tears of the Kingdom $70 DLC to BotW are trying to say that Spiderman 2 and to some extension Dad of War Ragnarok  are DLC to the games that came before it.


Yeah...tweets aren't embedding for some reason right now.

Back in the old days DLC was called an expansion pack. Even so I didn't hesitate to pay 70 for TotK because IMO it's worth it. Game is amazing. It's fun, and despite me not liking open world games, this one works for me. 


 Just don't go telling this man about Madden/Cod 🤣

Edited by TheInfernoman
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6 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

Back in the old days DLC was called an expansion pack. Even so I didn't hesitate to pay 70 for TotK because IMO it's worth it. Game is amazing. It's fun, and despite me not liking open world games, this one works for me. 


 Just don't go telling this man about Madden/Cod 🤣

Spiderman takes place in NY city, and people are mad it still takes place in NYC.


Dad of War Rag takes place in Viking Lands, still takes place in Viking Lands. People are all of the sudden mad about Viking land.



Zelda takes place in Hyrule, the sqeuil takes place in the same hyrule after shit goes sideways, devs added a sky map and a under world map, tons of new enemies and power up. People mad it's still Hyrule despite getting a bigger game with obvious changes to the world map. 


God, don't let anyone see the original Super Mario 2 (a.k.a. the Lost Levels) as it uses the same tiles and sprites as the original 

Edited by DarkSakul
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20 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

No one with a working brain could call Ragnarok DLC or even insinuate Spider-Man 2 will be DLC when it's not out yet.


They're just trying to get clicks.


Sadly, there are a lot of smooth brain individuals that think that way, since they think that a game should be always new assets.

It doesn't matter if the game brings a lot of new stuff to the table.
If they see reused assets then it is not worth being called a sequel.



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I'm aware that there's always some contingent that really thinks whatever silly shit the shit-stirrer says. But that doesn't mean the shit-stirrer is any less full of shit when he says it. If that makes sense.


Most people with functional brains understand that there may be re-used places/assets in a sequel, and anyone who claims otherwise is either stupid or dying for attention. On this particular case, I'm willing to believe it's more the latter than the former.

Edited by axeman61
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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

No one with a working brain could call Ragnarok DLC or even insinuate Spider-Man 2 will be DLC when it's not out yet.


They're just trying to get clicks.

It's alot of Xbots wanting to fan the  flames of the Console War up agian. 


They tell us how amazing gamebpass is as a value but get mad the PS5 and Switch is getting sequels to games that got released in their consoles while the Xbox yet to have a hit this generation 

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41 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

It's alot of Xbots wanting to fan the  flames of the Console War up agian. 


They tell us how amazing gamebpass is as a value but get mad the PS5 and Switch is getting sequels to games that got released in their consoles while the Xbox yet to have a hit this generation 

Now that you mention it, I can see that. It's laughable and pathetic, but I can see it.


Damn, man, XBox really lost that war outside of this Gamepass stuff. Like, E3 2013 was bad, but all would have been forgiven if they put out some great exclusives besides Gears of War and Halo. But I don't hear fanfare from anything they have besides those two series.

Edited by axeman61
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22 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Now that you mention it, I can see that. It's laughable and pathetic, but I can see it.


Damn, man, XBox really lost that war outside of this Gamepass stuff. Like, E3 2013 was bad, but all would have been forgiven if they put out some great exclusives besides Gears of War and Halo. But I don't hear fanfare from anything they have besides those two series.

Oh and Forza, the 3rd of the Holy Trinity of mediocrity. 


I do hope that the New Spider-Man, Tears of the Kingdom and Final Fantasy 16 are the trend for AAA titles moving forwards.

All being/been delayed for bug fixes and extra polish. ToTK been done for a year already, all that time was spend on polish. 

FF16 promises no Day One patches. 

All single player games with no micro transactions. 



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43 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Now that you mention it, I can see that. It's laughable and pathetic, but I can see it.


Damn, man, XBox really lost that war outside of this Gamepass stuff. Like, E3 2013 was bad, but all would have been forgiven if they put out some great exclusives besides Gears of War and Halo. But I don't hear fanfare from anything they have besides those two series.


And the kicker is that they ran those series to the ground as soon as the og developers left the series.

Halo under 343i is absolute dog shit, and the retcons they have done to the series are pathetic.


Dunno why is it, but Xbox cultivated a playerbase that outside those series tends to ignore whatever deviates from Halo, Gears, COD and Madden/Fifa.


They had a banger with Sunset Overdrive and it went nowhere. They basically killed the game by doing nothing to promote it.

They have Killer Instinct and didn't do anything to keep it alive. The game is basically the only reason why I have a Xbone, and despite being really good, the game was merely a bleep in the scene, for casuals, enthusiasts and hardcores.


They recently had a hit with Hi Fi Rush, which I have seen some random vids poping on my timeline on youtube where xbox fanboys try to paint it as a huge dunk over sony, specifically due Forespoken and that Sony fans are mad about it.



I am sure most ps5 owners tend to own multiple platforms nowdays, and since gamepass is such a deal, most probably have a PS5 a Switch and a pc with gamepass.

I played it on my laptop, since it was a stream only on the lolboxone, and in no way I would stream an action game, lol.



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16 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

You know they won't be. Activision and EA have enough success farting out bad, MTX-filled Call of Duty and Sports games (respectively) that devs will try to ape their success for years to come.


I can't believe I am saying this, but EA has surprisingly started doing solid single player games again.

Not to mention the surprise that was Wild Hearts, which, granted is mostly a Team Ninja game with EA publishing, but still, some years ago, we would have never thought of EA doing it, lol.


BTW, I am 100% sure that the weakest point of the game is due EA influence.

The armor sets are kind of lame, specially compared to MonHun, where you have variety of Cool, Sexy, Historically inspired, etc.

Meanwhile WH armors are mostly japanese clothes inspired, which by itself wouldn't be a problem if not because they all look like were made with the intent to be unsexy, specially because there are armors that you know would had shown more skin, yet they have the default underwear showing all the time, which clashes hardly with the aesthetic that the game and armors have.


If you compare them with the Armors in Nioh or Toukiden they pale in comparison in options and variety.

Which is the only real complain I have about the game, since the gameplay loop is really fun, but part of the appeal of the Slayer Games is that you push forward because you want cooler equipment, is not just a matter of being optimal, but also looking good.


Is all about the fashion, and when the best looking armor I can get is basically being a fisherman it kills a little the impetus for killing the monsters, lol.

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Yes, maybe they've started doing SP good again, I don't know. But the real money makers are still the sports games where they can pimp out lootboxes.


Activision, with Call of Duty, found another path with Cosmetic MTX out the ass that people are actually paying many more times the game price for. All this while the actual quality of the games have been dropping like a rock.


It's much more likely that devs, or publishers nudging devs, are going the MTX route rather than making good games. They take a while, and you can shit out these MTX-fests every year. Think of how long it took to get the anticipated games coming out this year. TOTK released how many years after BOTW? MK1 (really MK12) is coming out 4 years after MK11. Spider-Man 2 is 3-4 years away from 1 IIRC. But Call of Duty's sales for one year will probably eclipse most of those games.

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y'know... back when Dante's Inferno was a new game...I remember that it's actually the first fairly mainstream game, at least that I've played that actually shows a character dick.  It's when you fight Satan as the grand final battle.  I was just wondering if anyone happened to be live-streaming this game on twitch when it was the latest new thing....what happened there when they got to the fight with Satan, live on stream.....and here you have a final boss that happens to have his junk flopping around for all to see.  I'll have to look that up and see some reactions now.... 'cause I'm sure that's a problem if you're a twitch streamer and the game you're live-streaming just happens to show a penis out of nowhere like that, in clear view 😆


*I remember watching someone stream Last of Us 2, and youtube seemed to have no problem with it when he got to the part with the sex scene.

Edited by MillionX
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BTW, I have to say that I am kinda surprised that less than favorable reception towards Foamstars.

I think it looks potentially good.


I assume that is because people are jumping to the conclusion that is Splatoon at home, but if the trailer is showcasing mechanics, one thing that immediately put its apart of being just a knockoff is that the foam changes terrain height as more foam is being poured in the area.


That alone, if is a mechanic, is something that can be really interesting, IMO.


Plus the art direction looks great.



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42 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

BTW, I have to say that I am kinda surprised that less than favorable reception towards Foamstars.

I think it looks potentially good.


I assume that is because people are jumping to the conclusion that is Splatoon at home, but if the trailer is showcasing mechanics, one thing that immediately put its apart of being just a knockoff is that the foam changes terrain height as more foam is being poured in the area.


That alone, if is a mechanic, is something that can be really interesting, IMO.


Plus the art direction looks great.



 I don't have anything seriously negative to say about the game personally cause at least the game actually showed what it was about better than most of the games in the showcase.  The game is doing its own take/influence on Splatoon which is fine.  Splatoon is a fun game so someone taking something and making doing a spin on that really shouldn't be a negative especially if it ends up being fun.

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

BTW, I have to say that I am kinda surprised that less than favorable reception towards Foamstars.

I think it looks potentially good.


I assume that is because people are jumping to the conclusion that is Splatoon at home, but if the trailer is showcasing mechanics, one thing that immediately put its apart of being just a knockoff is that the foam changes terrain height as more foam is being poured in the area.


That alone, if is a mechanic, is something that can be really interesting, IMO.


Plus the art direction looks great.



I'm not surprised at the reception. If this was on a Nintendo Direct, I don't think it would be so negative. A lot PS and Xbox hardcores have narrow minded view of gaming. They'll turn their nose up at things that aren't the typical "mature" fare. It's part of the reason I was surprised that Hi-Fi Rush was received so well.

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