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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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8 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Konami is gotta Konami.


The game will launch in a demo state, some mechanics and animations won't be ready at launch, game modes will be paid DLC, you can pre-order lootboxes. Konami determined to be the fucking worst.

Gonna be honest, outside the dumb thing of preordering loot boxes, having extra game modes be paid dlc is not really a bad idea, IF priced fairly. 


Before this rebranding, PES was already doing something similar. 

Where you had access to play online with the free version, but only with the national teams. 


If you wanted to play with clubs, create custom teams, play tournaments/cups, etc then you would need to buy the complete game. 


If done well, you could give the option to the players to buy the game modes they want. 


I have not kept with modern pes games or this new iteration of konamis football game. 

But seeing that they have lootboxes, i assume they have some ultimate team mode now. 


So, if you take someone like me, who would only be interested on the clubs (assuming that the free mode is still national teams) having the option to just buy the clubs and cups mode only at lower price than a full game is not a bad thing, specially if it means having the updates to teams after that without having to buy a new game via seasons a la live service, same as any new improvements that would be usually only available on a new game. 


Imo, is not really a bad thing to give players the option to just purchase what they want. 


Also, they announcing that the game is not at full state is not a bad thing either, since it helps player know what to expect, and with a 0 fee entry, people can tune in, see what the game has to offer at base level, and let them decide if what they see is worth to dip in. 


People only see it as a negative because is konami, yes they suck, and many times the negativity they get is well deserved, but in this case, i think people are just overreacting because oitrage is the norm this days. 


Kind of reminds me when Activision added some small mtx to ctr, people were moaning about it, that they were ruining the game, but in the end they smounted to nothing. 


Side note. 


I used to be a PES pro tournament player here in my country, mostly when i was studying in my university. 


I jumped ship around 2014 because rl stuff forced me and my friends to not be able to participate on the scene or even play casually. 

Edited by Hecatom
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6 hours ago, MillionX said:

so I finally looked up some builds for Borderlands 3...


One thing I have really disliked about BL3 is that they are WAAY too eager to nerf builds which really does cut down the fun and replayablity of that game.  After I had the 3rd or 4th build I moved to got nerfed into the ground I just lost interest in playing.  The Siren from BL1 is still stupid broken to this day and no one ever bothered to nerf her.

Edited by J-ride
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ohoooo the person who wrote this article decided to bring up this old stigma for some reason

...right away I knew there was really 2 possible categories of people the writer would be from:

  1. Baby Boomer generation
  2. Women

^#2 is of course less likely since an increasing number of them have gotten into it as of the past 25 years or so.....but it turns out to have been a woman that wrote this...ha, I would actually have lost money if betting on this since my guess was that it was a boomer....well, unless she also happens to be a boomer and it counts either way 😆  (*edit--aha, from what I've just seen online she appears to be 30-something)


Oddly enough, my Dad might be one of the only boomers out there that was also a least for a while; he hasn't played anything since the mid 90s when he had a Saturn (*mainly just for a basketball game that had his attention for a while).  I'm wondering about the demographics now---it would be interesting to see the stats on just how many guys are *not* from the baby-boomer gen who are NOT into gaming.  I'd bet it's quite a small number.  Everyone (guys especially) from Gen-X and younger grew up right at the perfect time where gaming became a big deal as a new form of entertainment.  I've only known of one peer who wasn't a gamer....heh, just that one guy.  All these years later and it still hits me as a very odd thing.  It's not like he was from a poor family that couldn't afford gaming systems either... he just had no interest in that.  To me that's as bizarre as someone saying "yeah I'm just not into watching movies or tv shows....there's not even 1 that I like."   People would think "what's wrong with this person?"



meanwhile, in Borderlands 3---I still haven't finished the story just yet; it's tough to care about what's going on in this one, really...and the main villains are just quite a let-down...there's something annoyingly stale about them.  At least the visual design for them is good, and I like the concept that they can siphon/steal powers.

Edited by MillionX
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3 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Same here. The release of it caught off guard. If I hear good things I'm buying it

I probably won't rush to get it because I'm trying to play through HZD and I know if I get a new game I'll take a break from that.  And Metroid comes out in a couple weeks too.  


But yeah I want to see some reviews too but I'm pretty sure I will get it.  I mainly just want to hear the length of it in reviews.

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11 hours ago, MillionX said:

ohoooo the person who wrote this article decided to bring up this old stigma for some reason

...right away I knew there was really 2 possible categories of people the writer would be from:

  1. Baby Boomer generation
  2. Women

^#2 is of course less likely since an increasing number of them have gotten into it as of the past 25 years or so.....but it turns out to have been a woman that wrote this...ha, I would actually have lost money if betting on this since my guess was that it was a boomer....well, unless she also happens to be a boomer and it counts either way 😆  (*edit--aha, from what I've just seen online she appears to be 30-something)


Oddly enough, my Dad might be one of the only boomers out there that was also a least for a while; he hasn't played anything since the mid 90s when he had a Saturn (*mainly just for a basketball game that had his attention for a while).  I'm wondering about the demographics now---it would be interesting to see the stats on just how many guys are *not* from the baby-boomer gen who are NOT into gaming.  I'd bet it's quite a small number.  Everyone (guys especially) from Gen-X and younger grew up right at the perfect time where gaming became a big deal as a new form of entertainment.  I've only known of one peer who wasn't a gamer....heh, just that one guy.  All these years later and it still hits me as a very odd thing.  It's not like he was from a poor family that couldn't afford gaming systems either... he just had no interest in that.  To me that's as bizarre as someone saying "yeah I'm just not into watching movies or tv shows....there's not even 1 that I like."   People would think "what's wrong with this person?"


I have to imagine she wrote that for clicks. But even so, I can't stomach most of the new movies that get released so that medium is one I rarely seek out, and while I do enjoy some sports, you're passively taking them in rather than having an effect on the outcome of the game. To me, video games are the best of both worlds where you not only potentially get a great story, but you also have an effect on how it rolls out. You have an effect on which team wins the World Cup if you're playing a FIFA game.


Parents being able to relate to and interact with their kids via games is something that will probably make the relationship between them better, unlike the old days where dad came home, read the paper and couldn't relate to his kids in any way. People who say things like she's saying are like women that don't give head, you have to do a double take and try to wrap your head around the fact that somewhere, they're still making this model.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Bloodrayne--- sheeeeitttt, that was a tough fight there... there's some things in this game where the margin for error is ridiculously slim.  It took a while but I finally got past chapter 11 and the boss battle there.  Before this dude "Kagan" you have to fight a ton of enemies while he stands up there magically electrifying  random areas of the room.  I'm not even sure what you have to do other than take guaranteed damage when he electrifies the whole ground area.  That lasts for quite some time, so I doubt you can even evade it by jumping on the heads of enemies...fortunately that last attempt, this only happened one time, and there was enemies to feed on to regain health before the real fight began.  The levels at this point are pretty much hell now.  Y'know, I'm not really a fan of hellish platforming shit... I'd rather the difficulty be more related to the action and what kind of fights you're getting into.  Most of that last level was huge stretches of the acid that instantly kills you if you fall in there.

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I played Deathloop, finally, for a bit last night.  Its pretty cool so far.  The loop stuff is neat.  Think I basically got through the intro/tutorial part of the game last night.  Gonna play a bit more today.  Wanna get some sweet powers.


I got an early access early beta thing for Synthetik 2 so I been playing that a little.  Synthetik is like my favorite game so course I'm gonna wanna play 2.  But I dont like 2 so much in its current state.  The game releases in EA in November, so not long from now, and I don't think it will be much changed by then.  Maybe in a year or two it will be great to me like the first one is.  I'm just sad cause I know 1 will die out when 2 drops and I wont have anyone to play co-op with anymore.

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11 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I played Deathloop, finally, for a bit last night.  Its pretty cool so far.  The loop stuff is neat.  Think I basically got through the intro/tutorial part of the game last night.  Gonna play a bit more today.  Wanna get some sweet powers.

I've been playing Deathloop and I'm loving it so far.  The banter between Julianna and Colt is fucking hilarious.  The game feels like a 1960's James Bond psychedelic Groundhog's Day.  It's a little on the easy side so far, as far as combat and staying alive goes. But putting together the leads and figuring out how to make the Visionaries appear in different places so far has been fun as hell.  Following the Arsenal Leads is dope, too because you get good gear and powers.

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

Another Wata auction scam, this time a Sonic cartigde, sold for 430k bucks. 


Even Yuji Naka is calling it a scam




As a Sonic Fan I will definitely put it out for the record that S1 is nowhere near woth that amount sealed.  I don't know who in their right mind would really try to pay that but its pretty ridiculous.  Can't wait to see what crazy price they're gonna try to put on S2, S3 and S&K.

Edited by Sonichuman
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Another article showing that the PS5 internal drive isn't that special.  Using a relatively slow nvme gen 4.0 SSD makes a difference of only seconds in loading times.  Good news if you want to bump up your PS5's storage and don't want to overspend for a compatible SSD.

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1 hour ago, misterBee said:


Another article showing that the PS5 internal drive isn't that special.  Using a relatively slow nvme gen 4.0 SSD makes a difference of only seconds in loading times.  Good news if you want to bump up your PS5's storage and don't want to overspend for a compatible SSD.

Love how even arstechnica is literally just sourcing Digital Foundry lol

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1 hour ago, misterBee said:


Another article showing that the PS5 internal drive isn't that special.  Using a relatively slow nvme gen 4.0 SSD makes a difference of only seconds in loading times.  Good news if you want to bump up your PS5's storage and don't want to overspend for a compatible SSD.

I'd be wary of getting a below spec drive. Games aren't really hitting the PS5 SSD that hard now. The only game that remotely does is Ratchet & Clank. You are leaving yourself open to having future issues for $50 at most.

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