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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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8 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I never played either of those. Might have to grab them, thanks.

Rondo of Blood is more akin to the OG formula, where you play through stages instead of having one large interconnecting area to explore.

But there are still some "interconnection" by having secret exists to certain stages that lead you to different paths towards the castle.


Symphony of the Night is the game that birthed the new formula that subsequent Castlevanias will had for the 2d entries on the Nintendo handhelds.

And the game that alongside Metroid formed the template for what is known as metroidvanias.


If you played any of the handheld Castlevanias and liked it/them, then you will very likely like this one as well.


Is one of those classic games that I play from start to end every couple of years alongside Castlevania Aria of Sorrow,, which are my 2 favorites of the Iga's Castlevanias.

(Would play order of Eclesia more but I don't have the hardware anymore to do so)


Oh, and the reason why they are coupled together is because is one of the few Castlevanias that is a direct sequel to another.

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Oh yes... more D4 commentary + footage


*Also---I noticed that one of the bonuses of pre-ordering the special editions for Diablo 4 is a few days of early access....hahaha there will be a LOT of people disappointed and pissed off there for sure; it's a near guarantee because we all know what will happen, considering this game suffers from "online-only-itis.  Everyone will be trying to log on at exactly the same time... servers will be fried.... = people WON'T be able to play at all....and then wonder why they hell they paid extra money for that in the first place.

In the good ol' days with "normal" games, where online-modes were simply a feature instead of being the whole goddamn thing... at least you'd still be able to play offline until they sorted the inevitable server problems out.  

Edited by MillionX
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So Ed has been doing periodic Q+A's on twitter where he's just been literally telling people to ask him anything for the past few months and he says he's been doing it to try to keep engagement while news has been slow.  He doesn't answer everything of course but some of the answers to some of the questions have been providing insight both into what the next game is and what to expect from it.  When someone asked him "When can we get hints on what the next game is going to be", he responded with "you've been getting them"


latest Ed Boon Q+A thread

Soooo if we're taking his answer to this question in context with everything else I've seen him say on twitter, seems to heavily imply that MK 12 is next.


Interesting answers picked out from latest Q+A



 Also some of his answers to questions have been pretty interesting




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6 minutes ago, iStu X said:

One might say it’s the Metroid of castlevania’s

Would you believe me if I told you I went on that rant today in a YouTube comment about Armored Core 6 and people being afraid it will be a "Souls-Like" ? 


Was all based on a description someone made of the footage of gameplay they saw where they described everything as "Soulsy" like that fucking means anything!!! 😆 

Edited by RSG3
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After these years and her son nearly starting the apocalypse to get to a fucking dragon, how the hell they going to explain her NOT being dead and not have it come off as bad?  Short of having her locked in a basement by Heihachi, I can't think of a way that isn't bad writing like the trope of her some how being in another dimension where she can see everything everyone she loves did but is suddenly freed.

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14 minutes ago, Wellman said:

After these years and her son nearly starting the apocalypse to get to a fucking dragon, how the hell they going to explain her NOT being dead and not have it come off as bad?  Short of having her locked in a basement by Heihachi, I can't think of a way that isn't bad writing like the trope of her some how being in another dimension where she can see everything everyone she loves did but is suddenly freed.

Which game are you referencing?

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Just finished Stray. It’s a fun, short game with a surprisingly interesting story. I enjoyed the verticality of the levels which was done better than any game I’ve played. The art direction and graphics were on point as well which pulls you into the world and wondering what happened. Of course being an annoying cat who just knocks things off a shelf was very entertaining. 

Oh, the use of the controller was also good with sounds from the speaker and lots of haptic feedback. 

Now I’m tempted to play Plague Tale though I never played the first one. I think this is the first time where I’ve played most of the games that were up for game of the year for lots of sites. 

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