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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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15 minutes ago, Edmund said:

 Wish the default control type is Classic instead of Modern. Got rekt playing my first ranked match because it was set to Modern by default.

Lmao that some epic bullshit

I've absolutely nothing against let barbarians and children having retarded controls, but for a SF game should not be the default setting 🤣


Send some wrong message imho

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7 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Lmao that some epic bullshit

I've absolutely nothing against let barbarians and children having retarded controls, but for a SF game should not be the default setting 🤣


Send some wrong message imho

That's why I kept beating this drum here. By the time SF7 rolls around the next generation might not even have Classic Controls and Modern will be the new face of competitive. Everyone is Smash now.

Keeping Modern as the default is so wrong on many levels, and IMO a peak into the undercurrent that drives development here.

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3 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Lmao that some epic bullshit

I've absolutely nothing against let barbarians and children having retarded controls, but for a SF game should not be the default setting 🤣


Send some wrong message imho

Personally I'm against the control scheme being called "modern". It gives the impression that it's the true control method.

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It should be called "simplified mode but we deliberately left some specials out and half of your normals to cuck you, just learn to do motions you fucking scrub".

I'm very glad to see that the modern controls is lacking some rather central special moves, like Juri's medium Fuha release, a move that's +8 on hit and lets her continue the combo into crMK, so I assume it's kinda crucial for her.


Speaking of modern control, what's that "Switch to Manual Control" thing that shows up when you're in the Modern Control part of the Command List? You access by pressing R3, but I don't know what's that supposed to mean.

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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

I'm gonna have to figure out "how to play SF again". I spent a lot of time with Bison. Is there anyone that plays "similar"? Otherwise, I'm gonna have to break out that flowchart again. 

No. No one can replace that hole in your chest where there used to be a PURPLE FLAMING HEART!

Now.... Hold my hand... And let us begin the summoning....


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Snuck a few matches in between doing work stuff so far today, and the game feels pretty good tbh.  I was mood to be pretty negative about it (just generally cranky today), but there isn't much to shit on so far. 


The characters definitely feel like they occupy a slightly smaller amount of screen real-estate  somehow relative to 5.  Makes me want to pick up a character with bigger buttons.

Edited by Reticently
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Some thoughts on the  Beta:


1. I have to get use to it but I'm feeling the Drive System. It's nice to have access to all of your tools right away, but at the same time,  you have to manage your resources properly as not to lose them.


2. Similar to all my time playing III, I find parrying to be nigh useless (but that's just me 😅).


3. Drive Impact is actually not as good as one might think. Is it spamable? Very. Is it good? Yes. Is it too good? Actually no. It is quite reactable. The only time it is very dangerous is when you or your opponent is stuck in the corner.


4. Now on to my major criticism - the characters feel a bit weighty. Not quite sluggish but almost like an MK character. The two I used the most so far are Guile & Ryu and both of them have that feeling. I played a couple with Jaime and Kimberly and they felt more snappy. So, the weigty feeling is probably on purpose.


5. Another design decision I'm neutral on is the seemingly lack of pressure. On one hand, it is easy to get out of a sticky situation thanks to most buttons being minus on block. On the other hand, the lack of button pressure has led to a lot of throw &  DI spam, so far.

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1 hour ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

I got lit the fukk up by some player named Dave Chappelle.


Cot damn. I need to lie down

maybe it really is dave. you never know. 

remember when jamie lee curtis went to evo dressed up as vega in cosplay. and cuz of the mask no one knew it was her.

it happens. for example, one of my sf4 online friends was some famous rock singer. i found out after sf5 dropped.

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Not gonna lie, guys





Eternity is kinda doing it for me


edit: I've played some matches online and it really feels great. But I'm getting some screentear whenever I move around, I don't think its making me drop frames but it is disorienting. Any cure for this? I'm still not very good at PCing

Edited by Jocelot
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Tekken is quite popular to younger generation to be honest.


Tekken 3 was just nostalgic because of the visuals advancement but Tekken 5 DR was ground breaking.


I was never been into Tekken, I just tried a few but never been someone who would pick up. I would enjoy SC more.


Most of those that I have been in 90s SF that are around my age or those that are older than me aren't into Fighting Games anymore either move to simple games or just lived there lives with simple entertainment. They might be in forties or higher


Most that left are into Mahvel Games like MVC2 late 90s or Y2K active generation of gamers when Counterstrike were just starting but this Y2K generation were never the young one in the mid and early 90s era arcade like COTA and SF2 heyday. 



Edited by Shakunetsu
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Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to play the beta. It looks like the game is too much for my current “setup” (literally just the most basic of laptops). I keep getting a crash after the title screen. The furthest I got was being able to make my avatar and even then it crashed when I tried to pick a lobby and running slow.

Oh well. I should have a solution by the time the game comes out. I hope you guys have a ton of fun with it. 

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4 hours ago, Jocelot said:



Not gonna lie, guys





Eternity is kinda doing it for me


edit: I've played some matches online and it really feels great. But I'm getting some screentear whenever I move around, I don't think its making me drop frames but it is disorienting. Any cure for this? I'm still not very good at PCing

Turning on v-sync will eliminate the screen tearing but it will introduce more latency. If you don't want additional lag the only other way to fix the problem is to play on a high refresh display.

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Thanks for the advice y'all, the screentearing issue is gone now. I think my monitor is pretty decent I got it around when SFV dropped. It's an Asus brand so it's made for lag free gaming. So I don't feel any latency because V-sync is on which is good. 


I've only played for a little bit but man I wish people stayed on cabinets longer, you get 1 win or they get 1 win and people seem to immediately dip out. 

Edited by Jocelot
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