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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 4/27/2021 at 4:02 PM, JHDK said:

A revolution is the only way, at this point.


All we really need is enough people who are willing to stand together in unity, and demand the changes.


We don't need to be violent, even - we just go Gandhi on them and refuse to comply with their economic stranglehold.


What are they going to do?


Starve us all?


THAT will lead to violence.


And it would be 100% on them.


But, then again, the current system is violence against us.


So it is really 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other... EXCEPT for the fact that revolution is the only way we shall possibly effect a positive change for the poor.




Fuck the Boomers. They got ALL the welfare benefits, then kicked away the ladder, and blamed, and continue to blame us for not being able to "work hard like they did", when we are afforded none of the factors that allowed THEM to prosper in the first place.


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on the witchcraft front---you know who was lame though..? Those girls from the cw show "The Secret Circle".  They could only cast spells of any significance if they were together....I don't think any of them could do anything serious alone.  ...and of course they also had to chant the incantations, usually while being close enough to hold hands with each other....haha that shit was lame, but damn the girls were hot.  


*note--this show is where I first saw the lovely Phoebe Tonkin, who went on to be Hayley the wolf and later hybrid on Vampire Diaries/Originals...she also had a little more meat on those bones back then.  That show also featured Shelley Hennig, who went on to be part of the mtv version Teen Wolf...that girl was smokin'.


That new-era Teen Wolf seemed more interesting than the original 80s movie and cartoon, of course (*it's kind of an unfair comparison since this was a series that went several seasons)...but I never got that far with it... I only tuned in for the hot girls, really.  There was a redhead smoke-show on there too.


*edit--that breakdown vid--- I didn't even finish watching it...because I was already sure where that was going....more proof that MOST human beings are sadistic scum that should ideally be exterminated from this planet.  This is something I learned the hard way back in junior high school days....I got to a point rather quickly of despising my peers, constantly daydreaming of how wonderful it would be to torture them....haha, and look at that... the hatred grew to a point of turning me into the exact thing I just described a few sentences ago... one cruel, sadistic son of a cruelty would not be without reason at least.

Edited by MillionX
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Some people are about to become a bit healthier whether they want to or not


Biden Administration Takes Heat After FDA’s Ban on Menthols Announced: ‘Weird Way to Target Low Income Tobacco Users’



The US Food and Drug Administration announced its plan to ban menthol-flavored cigarettes and all flavored cigars on Thursday.

“Banning menthol—the last allowable flavor—in cigarettes and banning all flavors in cigars will help save lives, particularly among those disproportionately affected by these deadly products,” Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock said in a statement. “With these actions, the FDA will help significantly reduce youth initiation, increase the chances of smoking cessation among current smokers, and address health disparities experienced by communities of color, low-income populations, and LGBTQ+ individuals, all of whom are far more likely to use these tobacco products.”

The goal of the ban is to “launch us on a trajectory toward ending tobacco-related disease and death in the U.S.” and “significantly reduce disease and death” from flavored tobacco products.

Mitch Zeller, director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, also cited health equity as an aim of the ban, noting that “compared to non-Hispanic White smokers, significantly fewer Black smokers support long-term quitting and Black smokers are more likely to die of tobacco-related disease than White smokers.”

“One study suggests that banning menthol cigarettes in the U.S. would lead an additional 923,000 smokers to quit, including 230,000 African Americans in the first 13 to 17 months after a ban goes into effect,” the FDA statement added.

Notably, the regulations only apply to manufacturers, importers, retailers, and distributors, so no individuals would face charges or consequences due to the ban.

Despite the Biden administration’s intentions, talking heads and pundits from both sides of the aisle were quick to criticize the ban, the ACLU warning that it could have “serious racial justice implications.”



Somebody said menthols are banned in Canada. Is it true @Mattatsu ?




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Leave the fucking smokes alone you many assholes. Christ my brother is going to be an absolute fucking asshole for a while if this shit goes through. 


They have no fucking clue what impact banning people's smokes will have on community units. When my brother or my dad or shit anyone I know who smokes doesn't have theirs they become huge dick heads because they are craving and can't feed it. Fucking horse shit. Leave us the fuck alone and start passing REAL reform. MEANINGFUL reform. 


Stupid assholes. 

Edited by RSG3
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52 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

I am fine with cigarettes being banned.

Hell withdrawal symptoms are gone in about 3 days.

Also if you are still a dick head after a week, news flash you were always a dick head. 

Naw. That aint it bro. But you do you. 

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1 hour ago, Emptyeyes said:

Oh my god. Many of the elders and younger in my apartment building will lose control of themselves if this passes and it's bad enough that the people here thrive off of manipulation or robbery for money to buy drugs and alcohol. Banning menthol cigarettes will worsen things.

😂😂😂 where do you live??


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17 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

😂😂😂 where do you live??


New Orleans East. It's bad here. There was a murder here not too far off on the 6th floor (I'm on the 5th floor) and someone beat an elder with a pistol later on. One of us had to call help for him, because he was bleeding alot from his head. *Sigh* The occasional fights or potential ones break out. That's why I'm generally all to myself here. Overdose deaths occurs here, people steal your clothes if you don't stay in the laundry room downstairs, and security is just starting again. The police and medical support are tired of coming over here from what I've heard. 


I'm kind of drunk, sadly. I apologize for the errors. LOL.

Edited by Emptyeyes
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HOLD on... 

so a picture of EDP with his ex was posted at some point, and Daquan found it.... what in the hell?!?  HOW?! This has spawned even more questions in my mind now...

*or maybe it's not....I have doubts... no way he snagged somethin' like that for real...

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, Reticently said:

I'd be okay with banning cigarettes.


But just banning menthol?  Really?  Like the flavor of menthol is why people don't give up smoking, and kids are getting hooked because of that yum yum menthol flavor?

In one word:   NO.


I've seen a very small version of what would happen if they tried to make a whole group of people go cold turkey and this country can't handle that.  Once upon a time back in my Navy days,  The captain tried to end smoking by not allowing smoke breaks.  The ship's demeanor changed overnight, no pun intended.  Way more arguments over little things, people getting far too aggressive and confrontational, lines being crossed, and in some cases, crosses being thrown from the left and the right.  three days of that and the ban on smoking ended, never to return.  I can only imagine them trying that on a city-wide level.  There would be some GTA nonsense going down inside of 48 hours.  The whole country?   Yeah, I'll pack my bags.  In fact, Forget the bags.  I'm outta here and I'll try to salvage what I can somewhere else.

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late night Antenna TV--- they started showing Designing Women lately...there was some underrated hotness to be seen here as well....the main one being one Annie Potts, who most will remember as the snarky secretary for the Ghostbusters back in the day.  Annie was HOT, imo.  I remember being disappointed to find out that she didn't really have the stereotypical NY sounding voice. (*interesting... quick internet research tells me she was born right here in Nashville!)


..and yeah, I would've pounced Dixie Carter too.. pretty damn cute despite being an older lady.....but Annie was definitely the top pick.


up next-- Murphy Brown though = 👎 I've never been a fan of that one.  Candace in her younger days could get it but that show never appealed to me in any way.

Edit--oh...but Faith Ford though! Damn....


Meanwhile, on Decades network though---The Honeymooners!  Yeah, I was probably the only person from my generation watching this ancient classic on a regular would be on in the early afternoons in syndicated timeslots when I was a kid.  ...and yeah, I thought Alice was a cute one; I'd pounce that without question.


random funny shit from the old era of the internet--- I remember seeing an ebay listing for Britney Spears' Fart.  Someone was actually trying to sell that back in the day...this was around 98 or 99, I think....haha I should've taken a snapshot of that.  I forgot how much they were asking for it or what type of container was holding it, but there was some bids.

Edited by MillionX
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11 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Once upon a time back in my Navy days,  The captain tried to end smoking by not allowing smoke breaks.  The ship's demeanor changed overnight, no pun intended.

That happens often. 

I was on a ship that did something similar, smoking was banned period 
Cigarettes were considered contraband and the captain had the cigarettes removed from the ship's store too. 

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10 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Are those the only videos that the pentagon has?


Former director in the pentagon: no. Those were probably the least  compelling videos.  And in some videos you see an object about 50 feet away from the cockpit



That is Captain Underpants' Thong Jet. What is wrong with the youth of today?

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2 hours ago, JHDK said:



It makes an odd sort of sense.


Brittany Spears' farts have to be better than what got her platinum.

She got big because she did what she was told. Max Martin made his bones on those first couple records which were essentially solo records for him that she sang and had her name on and part of deals like hers are just shutting up and doing what they tell you . 

Edited by DoctaMario
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On 4/26/2021 at 6:51 PM, iStu X said:

A lot people sleep on how incredibly dangerous hippos are. Theyre super territorial and have some of the most power jaws on earth. Not to mention despite how big they are they’re exceptional at hunting by way of having great ways to camouflage themselves. 

they also love sweet potatoes. Which is cool 

Not to mention they are fast as hell and great swimmers. Usain Bolt can't outrun a hippo. The average person is screwed. Especially if they get caught in the water. Hungry Hungry Hippos tried to warn us. We didn't listen.

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9 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Not to mention they are fast as hell and great swimmers. Usain Bolt can't outrun a hippo. The average person is screwed. Especially if they get caught in the water. Hungry Hungry Hippos tried to warn us. We didn't listen.

It surprises me that there are people who don't know how dangerous hippos can be.  They are the original masters of the resting bitch face.  They walk around with a look like,"Fucking with me WILL be fatal to your health.  The same ending will happen if I fuck with you, and just so you know, I'm thinking about it.  Always." These days when you can google damn near anything, this should no longer be a surprise to anyone.


Speaking of danger, It looks like there's a snag in the PSN store right now.  Today's the 30th, but there is no option to download R-Type final 2.  I should be hull deep in space corpses, but I'm still stuck in the hangar awaiting orders.  c'mon PSN.  I gots the money, now lemme at 'em!!

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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A shame that our species doesn't appear to have what it takes to defeat a pandemic situation... partly because of reluctance to hurt some people's feelings, or be seen as xenophobic.  The only possible way to even have a chance is to shutdown incoming travel from all sources....otherwise, let's say a person from whatever place you just shut down just goes to Canada first, or Mexico, or whatever other place you apparently ignored... then comes here from there....looks like an easy loophole to me right there.  You're not being fully serious unless you shut it all one gets in from anywhere.


...and even that is just a situation that MAYBE works....because by the time something like that has been implemented, people have already been traveling freely up to that everything is already compromised anyway.  People should understand the reality that there IS no hope with that particular situation.  It's guaranteed checkmate on the entire species when another pandemic happens that has a seriously high mortality rate, because as a species we're too dumb to learn from the past, and too chickenshit to do what is necessary in certain dire situations.  If the end happens in my lifetime, I could at least be happy with the "TOLD YA SO." moment when it all comes crashing down.

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21 minutes ago, MillionX said:

It's guaranteed checkmate on the entire species when another pandemic happens that has a seriously high mortality rate, because as a species we're too dumb to learn from the past, and too chickenshit to do what is necessary in certain dire situations. 

I said something similar a while back. This pandemic has really shown me that we are not collectively as smart as we think we are. People that were proud to post on the upcoming binge-watch of all eight seasons of GoT and all of Netflix somehow all of a sudden have to travel and be in all the spaces. 

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It surprises me that they haven't covered this classic already...

On another note--- here's another Vampire lore-dump no one asked for but I'm givin' it to ya anyway---the Sabbat:


I've actually not read much on this faction until now; they're generally written up as "the bad guys" of vampire society....even though all vamps are technically "the bad guys".  This reminds me that the player character in the *hopefully not canceled* Bloodlines 2 is more the likely the result of Sabbat shenanigans...since you are recently turned via a "mass embrace" event.  

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56 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

Elon is more like he finds the in game exploits and manages to stay one step ahead of the patch updates while most others are trying to play the game fair. Lesson is knowing the game is rigged like a casino slot and just gotta tip the odds in your favor however you can! 

No matter WHAT you may think of him, there needs to be heavy futures betting on the exact magnitude of "completely fucked up his newest son, X AE A-XII, is going to turn out.


Because his name is fucking X AE A-XII.


Like, first name X, middle name AE A-XII.


Space included.


Malcom wept.


And K9999 doesn't hate himself quite so much anymore.

Edited by JHDK
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