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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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4 hours ago, MillionX said:

this brought back memories...

oh yeah, I saw it on opening weekend too...  the hype level in the theater crowd was insane.  The marketing for this thing was perfection; we didn't know what the deal was going in, and the movie was sold exactly that way, with Morpheus' infamous line used in one of the trailers-- "One cannot be....told what the Matrix is.  You have to see it for yourself..."


Mannnnn....when that first action scene hit featuring Trinity when she jumped up and we all saw bullet-time for the first time, and she kicked ass, ran on the walls and all that... the crowd went "HOLY SHIT!" wild and even applause when the scene ended.  To say it was awesome would be an understatement.  Everyone's mind got blown all at the same time; it was good times.

Same here.  Me and a buddy went to watch it and it was so good that we jumped up, grabbed tickets and watched it back to back.  Good Good Times.

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The first matrix movie was incredible, but the sequels just really felt like a missed opportunity to do something great.  When your main character has GODLIKE power it becomes really silly to have any villain be much of a foil for them.  I think the same issue applies to high fantasy books when the heroes get way too powerful, silly things have to happen so that the heroes have something to do. 

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3 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy also had the potential to be the Star Wars for a new generation, and they fucked that up too.

No it never had that potential. Even if it was good, it was a sequel to an existing IP. The Matrix was a new IP. It wasn't borrowing an IP from the prior generation. 

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2 hours ago, Chadouken said:

The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy also had the potential to be the Star Wars for a new generation, and they fucked that up too.

I think they reached the audience they were aiming for. Wasn't it one of those "woke" things? Prior to the ST I'd often see mainstream media/culture mock Star Wars fans as Autistic nerdy incel dudes. And after that trilogy, it was all "Star Wars is cool, it's by women, for women, about women". I think these attitudes are toxic but what I hate more than that is when people gaslight and insist none of this stuff is there. Nothing annoys me more than people that gaslight. 

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14 minutes ago, Serpent said:

it was all "Star Wars is cool, it's by women, for women, about women". I think these attitudes are toxic but what I hate more than that is when people gaslight and insist none of this stuff is there. Nothing annoys me more than people that gaslight. 

That's a pretty broad take. Admittingly the story tried to become more "diverse" but it was more of "this ain't my Star Wars so I must hate it" than anything else. Anything that shifted away from the status quo seemed to be branded as "woke". I think people forgot how much rage a black stormtrooper created in online threads circa 2015.   


. . . and that whole "The Force is Female" was a Nike campaign. Kathleen Kennedy wore a shirt and Mike Zeroh and others of that ilk latched on to it as a statement of the franchise. 


Now we got the D+ shows and the "Fandom Menace" has eaten itself. Interesting to see how the tide has turned. 

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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This is highly hypocritical of me to say, but it feels like there are too many superhero movies/TV shows in existence.


While I love superhero movies/tv, I sometimes feel there's too much to watch and that I have missed out on so much other stuff.


When MCU started in 2008, there were 1-2 films a year. This year there are 4 (Some of that is due to COVID)

Plus, broadcast shows, various streaming only shows, direct to video stuff, games, and of course actual comics....


I wonder if there will be a turning point and they will fade in popularity like Westerns after 10 -20 years?

Probably not.




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3 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

This is highly hypocritical of me to say, but it feels like there are too many superhero movies/TV shows in existence.


While I love superhero movies/tv, I sometimes feel there's too much to watch and that I have missed out on so much other stuff.


When MCU started in 2008, there were 1-2 films a year. This year there are 4 (Some of that is due to COVID)

Plus, broadcast shows, various streaming only shows, direct to video stuff, games, and of course actual comics....


I wonder if there will be a turning point and they will fade in popularity like Westerns after 10 -20 years?

Probably not.




I think it's probably already fading. Every generation kind of wants their own thing. We've been on the comics kick for pretty much an entire gen now, the next gen is growing up and they're going to embrace something that they feel is more catered to them.


I hope it's video game movies. Because I can get along for more well done video game movies like Sonic the Hedgehog was. I want a wave of those. Maybe a good Super Mario Bros, a Metroid, Zelda, Pokemon, I mean there's a whole bunch if there are writers and directors that are really willing to get into it and write good stories. 

Edited by Serpent
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1 minute ago, Serpent said:

I think it's probably already fading. Every generation kind of wants their own thing. We've been on the comics kick for pretty much an entire gen now, the next gen is growing up and they're going to embrace something that they feel is more catered to them.


I hope it's video game movies. Because I can get along for more well down video game movies like Sonic the Hedgehog was. I want a wave of those. Maybe a good Super Mario Bros, a Metroid, Zelda, Pokemon, I mean there's a whole bunch if there are writers and directors that are really willing to get into it and write good stories. 

The next VG movie that had a pretty good chance of being good is in fact the Super Mario movie that's coming.  Illumination is doing it and Miyamoto is involved.

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1 minute ago, Sonichuman said:

I am hoping that Super Mario is both good and a financial success because if it is that opens the door to their other IPs.  I need a good LoZ and a good Metroid movie.  I also think an F-Zero movie could be done really well.  F-Zero would need a really good budget to be done properly though.

I’d rather Zelda and Metroid be limited series. 

I want F-Zero to be Nintendo’s speed racer 

Edited by iStu X
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I guess when you look at the 80's mainstream action/sci fiIt blockbusters


You had:




Mad Max










Back to the Future


Lethal Weapon

Die Hard

Karate Kid


and many more Im forgetting...


It feels like creativity was at a peak in those decades or Filmmakers  now are more risk averse





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53 minutes ago, Serpent said:

I think it's probably already fading. Every generation kind of wants their own thing. We've been on the comics kick for pretty much an entire gen now, the next gen is growing up and they're going to embrace something that they feel is more catered to them.

Completely agree. Give it time, what ever is hot to the kids now will be the thing in the future. 


53 minutes ago, Serpent said:


I hope it's video game movies. Because I can get along for more well done video game movies like Sonic the Hedgehog was. I want a wave of those. Maybe a good Super Mario Bros, a Metroid, Zelda, Pokemon, I mean there's a whole bunch if there are writers and directors that are really willing to get into it and write good stories. 

My issue with video games movies are that many of the source games have the same production value as an actual movie. 

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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2 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

It feels like creativity was at a peak in those decades or Filmmakers  now are more risk averse

That's because there were far less need to rely on established IPs to carry a movie. Thus many ideas need to be original or you have nothing. Hollywood has gotten even more lazy relying on comics to carry things now. After infinity war ended, I felt that was my end to marvel. I won't count out other films/comics/characters buuut...I could use something new again.


Give me Genndy doing a Metroid or Zelda series a la Samurai Jack style. After seeing Primal, you can even push the envelope more with the brutal way Samus fights space pirates or watching Link slash his way through a Lynel.

Edited by TheInfernoman
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they found that missing girls body.

bet u...the govt found it by gps tracking her last cell phone transmissions.


no one gets LOST in this cell phone google maps age.

except the people from the tv show.


edit: plus bloodhounds. those are necessary no matter how good gps is.

thanks doggies.

2nd edit:

at least the dogs in govt are competent. more than i can say for washington.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

they found that missing girls body.

bet u...the govt found it by gps tracking her last cell phone transmissions.


no one gets LOST in this cell phone google maps age.

except the people from the tv show.


She was found in Wyoming and I'm not sure if you have ever been there but there are huge stretches of that state with very few people so cell coverage is sparse.  I always found it odd the female van lifers would talk about camping alone and I thought it was probably not the best idea to broadcast that fact.

Edited by J-ride
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3 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Just heard about this story on The Breakfast Club, bf definitely killed her. Dude lawyered up and dipped out before the police could get to him. If he didn't kill her directly he atleast was indirectly involved 

This case is a cluster fuck. When he came home without her and wouldn't talk to the cops, I think just about everyone thought he killed her. I understand that they likely didn't have enough to arrest him, but how was he not under surveillance? Dude is a "person of interest" and  was able to just dip out? It's a really bad look. 


Honestly it's really bad look all around. There were two domestic violence incidents before she disappeared, in both she attacked him and he didn't retaliate. The police just let it slide. They just separated them for a day and let them be on their way. That situation just seemed ripe for something awful to happen. I mean when the cops pulled them over the second time, they hit the curb because she yanked the wheel. Relationship screamed toxic. It was a matter of time before one of them ended up seriously hurt or worse. I honestly wonder if they'd both be alive right now if the roles were reversed in both incidents.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

This case is a cluster fuck. When he came home without her and wouldn't talk to the cops, I think just about everyone thought he killed her. I understand that they likely didn't have enough to arrest him, but how was he not under surveillance? Dude is a "person of interest" and  was able to just dip out? It's a really bad look. 


Honestly it's really bad look all around. There were two domestic violence incidents before she disappeared, in both she attacked him and he didn't retaliate. The police just let it slide. They just separated them for a day and let them be on their way. That situation just seemed ripe for something awful to happen. I mean when the cops pulled them over the second time, they hit the curb because she yanked the wheel. Relationship screamed toxic. It was a matter of time before one of them ended up seriously hurt or worse. I honestly wonder if they'd both be alive right now if the roles were reversed in both incidents.

Oh wow, those were details unknown to me. Sounding like a very Chris Brown and Rihanna scenario. They definitely should've separated before things got to this point. Now one life is gone and the other will soon be in prison or possibly commit suicide 


Word in the stretts is, dude is hiding out down HERE in my city. Somebody gave him a ride 🤯

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1 minute ago, HD-Man said:

Oh wow, those were details unknown to me. Sounding like a very Chris Brown and Rihanna scenario. They definitely should've separated before things got to this point. Now one life is gone and the other will soon be in prison or possibly commit suicide 


Word in the stretts is, dude is hiding out down HERE in my city. Somebody gave him a ride 🤯

Yeah they have body cam footage of when the police pulled them over out there. Relationship seemed like a powder keg, floating in gasoline, near a lantern.

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

This case is a cluster fuck. When he came home without her and wouldn't talk to the cops, I think just about everyone thought he killed her. I understand that they likely didn't have enough to arrest him, but how was he not under surveillance? Dude is a "person of interest" and  was able to just dip out? It's a really bad look. 


Honestly it's really bad look all around. There were two domestic violence incidents before she disappeared, in both she attacked him and he didn't retaliate. The police just let it slide. They just separated them for a day and let them be on their way. That situation just seemed ripe for something awful to happen. I mean when the cops pulled them over the second time, they hit the curb because she yanked the wheel. Relationship screamed toxic. It was a matter of time before one of them ended up seriously hurt or worse. I honestly wonder if they'd both be alive right now if the roles were reversed in both incidents.

When people during blm talked about having social workers with the police or handle non violent situations this is why. Anyone with half a brain can recognize from the body cam this was absolutely not a good situation. And I bet the cops saw it as a emotional women and some dumb young kids in a spat. They don't view it as potentially domestic violence. He doesn't look the steriotype of it plus the age it's just bad. 

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