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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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3 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

This is one thing that I've never understood nor liked about the human race, and that is people who can see you're already having a bad time and want to do their part to make it worse.  They could easily leave you alone, and you probably asked them to, but no.  "Let's keep getting on the guy's back until he Hulks out on us."  I'm sorry people can't stop fucking with you at a time like this, but at least you know who not to deal with.  I hope hanging around here will at least ease the pain a little.  If so, We'll do what we can to keep you from tearing out your hair or anyone else's.



One of the individuals who did this is pretty prominent here but I have been assured several times over he will not exploit the things I've told him in confidence as others have in the last 3 months.  All he needs to do is reach back to me and we can have a discussion about this.  

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26 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Just order 2 double whoppers and say you want no Buns

Does BK still exist? All the ones I knew around me are gone. It feels like BK is the big burger joint that will die from COVID.


Gamestop was going to die but clung on, still, that disappearing would also not surprise me. Gaming is bigger now than ever before but Gamestop is on life support. 

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man, usually Collider has the problem of always being "too nice" to most movies and shows they talk about but they're kinda roasting this "Dear Evan Hansen"


I miss those days when I cared about their youtube channel; this was before they fired a lot of fan-favorite on-air talent and changed the general format a bit.  I kept up with some of the people that got dropped from their channel, like Perri Nemiroff, Roxy and her crew, and Kristian and the "SEN Live" crew. glad this work week is about to be over; I had quite a few evaluations to write up... that in itself is no big deal but the stressful thing is that of course there's 9,000 other things going on all at the same time... it's possible I may have to work a bit over the weekend just to get some of the things done, actually.  It's become a regular thing now that when I log out for the day, it isn't that much longer before I pass out into dreamland.... I'll have enough energy to fall asleep watching youtube videos, basically, nothing more.


ah, found some more "dark epic music" stuff here....


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2 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:




I only watched 45 seconds. Loved the JoJo Pillar Men style posing. I don't really comment on this stuff. I don't usually watch. But every JoJo fan NEEDs to see the posing. It will make your day. Sorry no comments on the rest, won't watch the rest lol. BUT POSING. POSING MAN. PILLAR MEN POSING!!!!!!

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Live action Bebop trailer tomorrow? If not, new poster for it.



Also for myself, I can’t believe it took me this long to realize that Ed isn’t in this series.

3 hours ago, Maxx said:

Lmfaooo wtf is even covid? So I went to a con this weekend and roomed with my friends 2 came back positive and 2 so far didn't catch anything. I'm getting tested tomorrow.. No symptoms but I was gonna do it anyways. Just so weird how we all were together like that and get wildly different results 

I have been taking no chances with this stupid virus. Hopefully you come back negative.  

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damnnn I'm late but here we go... Fresh & Fit got the legendary SKIPPY on the show, folks


Anticipation Popcorn GIF


edit---the LEGENDARY Bianca is on the panel tonight... woooo I'd eat the HELL out of that one... it looks like Nina is on too...two of the absolute finest girls they've had on there; I'm glad they are basically "regulars" now.

Edited by MillionX
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‘I’m Not Racist, I’m Just Studying:’ Video Shows White Students Forced Out of ASU ‘Multicultural Center’

A video appearing to show students harassing two white students in Arizona State University’s “multicultural center” has gone viral on social media. In the video, students off-camera appear to take offense to a laptop sticker reading, “Police Lives Matter,” before demanding the white students leave the multicultural center, proclaiming, “white is not a culture.”


“I’m not racist, I’m just studying,” one of the white students replied.

“You are racist, your sticker is racist — you can choose to be a police, I didn’t choose to be black,” the student argues. “You can choose to be a cop, you can choose to kill people with a badge, and you’re protecting that shit, which means that you’re racist.”

From there, the white student says that he is sorry, adding, “I wasn’t trying to offend you guys.”

“I know, but this offends us automatically, because these people kill people like me,” one student claims. “So you’re promoting our murderers.”

Then, the white student, who appears frustrated at this point, stands up and proclaims: “I pay the same fucking tuition as you! I’m working 60 hours a week while going to school, because my parents don’t just give me money!”



Edited by AriesWarlock
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45 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

‘I’m Not Racist, I’m Just Studying:’ Video Shows White Students Forced Out of ASU ‘Multicultural Center’

A video appearing to show students harassing two white students in Arizona State University’s “multicultural center” has gone viral on social media. In the video, students off-camera appear to take offense to a laptop sticker reading, “Police Lives Matter,” before demanding the white students leave the multicultural center, proclaiming, “white is not a culture.”


“I’m not racist, I’m just studying,” one of the white students replied.

“You are racist, your sticker is racist — you can choose to be a police, I didn’t choose to be black,” the student argues. “You can choose to be a cop, you can choose to kill people with a badge, and you’re protecting that shit, which means that you’re racist.”

From there, the white student says that he is sorry, adding, “I wasn’t trying to offend you guys.”

“I know, but this offends us automatically, because these people kill people like me,” one student claims. “So you’re promoting our murderers.”

Then, the white student, who appears frustrated at this point, stands up and proclaims: “I pay the same fucking tuition as you! I’m working 60 hours a week while going to school, because my parents don’t just give me money!”


If you click on that account, there's a pinned video of Joe Rogan talking about how great it is. You might know Joe Rogan as the anti-vaxxer that got COVID and claims to have cured it with ivermectin. 

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ha, so glad I didn't have to deal with or see any of that foolishness in my college days.  We were too busy having this thing called "fun and good times" in between actual classwork stuff.  At least for many of my generation... undergrad college years was about as awesome as it's shown to be in those movies of the 70s and 80s.  "Zany, raunchy hijinks!"  ensue pretty much from day 1 of freshman year.  I feel sorry for the current generation of college students.  Those guys and girls are cursed to endure a clearly inferior experience, imo.... it looks like something most are probably just wanting to finish up and get out of there asap.  That's a shame, really.

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11 minutes ago, MillionX said:

ha, so glad I didn't have to deal with or see any of that foolishness in my college days.  We were too busy having this thing called "fun and good times" in between actual classwork stuff.  At least for many of my generation... undergrad college years was about as awesome as it's shown to be in those movies of the 70s and 80s.  "Zany, raunchy hijinks!"  ensue pretty much from day 1 of freshman year.  I feel sorry for the current generation of college students.  Those guys and girls are cursed to endure a clearly inferior experience, imo.... it looks like something most are probably just wanting to finish up and get out of there asap.  That's a shame, really.

Probably today you'd get canceled for your foot fetish, or probably get caught going into Target with a hidden camera to get upskirt pictures/videos. And that's just the stuff I remember from you off the top of my head, I'm sure there was a lot more I forgot and a lot more you never posted about back then...

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I was looking up some of my favorite anime scenes again and noticed this one in recommended... AoT spoilers for those who never watched it, obviously...but goddamn that scene, man....

another fun perk I remember from college---all the free food.  There were so many events where that was part of the deal...and oh yeah, "free drinks and refreshments" were always the magic words to me.  I was the asshole that would pig out *and* store a bit of food for later... there was one time when I dropped off some food back at the dorm room...then came back to the same event for more.  No shame.

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oh yeah---great gaming memory... that of course also dates my generation as "officially old"....there was that 1 time one of the other guys on our floor brought the Saturn and Bomberman to the dorm lobby and hooked it up there... so we had 8-player Bomberman going on in the dorm lobby that day.  


sheeeitttt, then there was Goldeneye..fortunately I never had to spend anything on that (it's one of the very few n64 games that had my interest); my roommate was the one with N64 and Goldeneye, so there were many good times in that...the first time playing it there was 3 or 4 of us playing that game until around 3:00am... haha some of us had class that morning too but it was too fun to stop.


ohhhh and TWISTED METAL 2!  Y'know, it's actually been 25 years now for that game---I just looked it up; original release date was October 1996!  TM2 was one of my all-time favorites on PlayStation... in fact, it was one of my favorite games of all time just generally speaking.

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6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Im just tired of people trying to shame others in public oveer shit they know almost nothing about. They dont know anything about that kid or his beliefs. Maybe his dad or something is a cop and a good one so ACAB hits him personally because ACAB aint true.


Everyone tells everyone else to walk in someone elses shoes without doing it themselves.

I know a ton of people were quite upset after George Floyd (understatement...I know)  I could never say or agree with ACAB because its a generalization thats just as bad as any other.    Yeah there are shitty ass cops out there and cops that enable the shitty behavior of their peers but shitting on the cops that have nothing to do with the situation and have been potential allies has never sat well with me.  To me that's no dif than us (black people in general) being judged by the small % of us that don't contribute much to society.

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37 minutes ago, J-ride said:

I can't believe she put USE AND ABUSE ME PLZ on her profile.  That's hilarious, not going to lie, I at least respect her being upfront about it.  Several of my female coworkers have NO ONE NIGHT STANDS on their tinder profile which IMO is like going on grindr and stating that you are not into dudes.

Im mostly laughing at me refusing to believe she's 36. Aignt no fucking way 🤣🤣🤣

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13 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

‘I’m Not Racist, I’m Just Studying:’ Video Shows White Students Forced Out of ASU ‘Multicultural Center’

A video appearing to show students harassing two white students in Arizona State University’s “multicultural center” has gone viral on social media. In the video, students off-camera appear to take offense to a laptop sticker reading, “Police Lives Matter,” before demanding the white students leave the multicultural center, proclaiming, “white is not a culture.”


“I’m not racist, I’m just studying,” one of the white students replied.

“You are racist, your sticker is racist — you can choose to be a police, I didn’t choose to be black,” the student argues. “You can choose to be a cop, you can choose to kill people with a badge, and you’re protecting that shit, which means that you’re racist.”

From there, the white student says that he is sorry, adding, “I wasn’t trying to offend you guys.”

“I know, but this offends us automatically, because these people kill people like me,” one student claims. “So you’re promoting our murderers.”

Then, the white student, who appears frustrated at this point, stands up and proclaims: “I pay the same fucking tuition as you! I’m working 60 hours a week while going to school, because my parents don’t just give me money!”



That video was all kinds of hilarious 😂 That chick is gonna have a rough time out in the real world 

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