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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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WB and Megabee Productions present...


Young Justice: Outsiders




Million as Beast Boy

Hawkingbird as Blue Beetle

Maxx as Static

Pertho as Geo-force

Infernoman as El dorado (Kid who looks like Spike from Cowboy Bebop)

Gimpy as Cyborg

Dangerous J as Forager

RSG as Superboy


Darc Requiem  as Kaldurahm

Starhammer as Black Lightning

Optimus124 as Batman

Alphacharlie as Guy Gardner

MisterB as Dick Grayson/Nightwing



The Light

Razor as Lex Luthor

Camacho as Vandal Savage

Stuart Hayden as Klarion the Witch Boy

Faltimar as Bane

Jodi Arias as Dr Helga Jace

Darksakul as Count Vertigo

Hecatom as Deathstroke

DoctaMario as Baron Bedlam

Aries Warlock as Lobo











Edited by DangerousJ
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16 hours ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

Oh.  Did they get death sentences during their court appearances?

Nope.  that happened later on in Kenosha.


13 hours ago, MillionX said:

so the first episode of Jeanie is on right now, on AntennaTV.  there's a scene where she just has one of his shirts on pants!  That's amazing they got away with this in 1965 prime-time tv.  Damn her legs look incredible too.  Heh, it's funny how the guy constantly downplays Jeanie's advances.... she's ridiculously hot, has seemingly unlimited magical abilities (*I'd get her to grant me powers, and conjure up tons of money so we're rich), and she fell in love with him at first sight.  Bruh, WHAT is the downside there?  It doesn't get any better than that.  Sheeeeittt.... Barbara Eden still ranks as one of the finest blondies ever to be on television, imo.

*ah, Tony was engaged at the time so that explains some of that awkwardness... but really, normal human girl can't compete with Jeanie.  That fiancee would've got the boot asap once I got with Jeanie.

*random tidbit trivia info---Jeanie didn't speak English right away; Tony got frustrated and was like "I wish you spoke English..." and just like that, the wish was granted and she was speaking English so they could understand each other.


Currently on Decades though--- a "Riptide" marathon.  I'm not sure how that series sneaked past me.  It was on around the mid-80s, and I had never heard of it until recently when seeing it on these networks that specialize in old shows.


random thing I saw someone post on instagram---"No social media, phone, computer or tv for 2 months, and you get 2 million dollars.  Could you do it?"  Sheeeeeeitttttt that's "All too easy." as Shao Kahn said.  This did not exclude Nintendo Switch or PS Vita or other portable systems that do not require a television so....yeah.

Yes.  Barbara Eden in a bikini was definitely worth watching.  


LOL.  That reminds me of the "Battle of the TV witches" thing from a while back.  Even though she isn't a witch, Jeanie is the ONLY one who would've been able to give Samantha any trouble and even then it would almost certainly come down to speed and preparedness.  I think Genies were pretty well liked and didn't have to deal with the persecution and other horrors that a witch had to deal with, so unless I'm wrong combat experience goes to the witch.  Also:  A genie has a big fat weakness called the bottle/lamp they live in.  A witch can jump between areas and dimensions.  A genie?  Yeah, you need help to get out of the bottle.   If the witch knew this and encased it, the game is most likely over.  


Yeah, I'm starting to think that they aren't getting around Sam.  It's a good thing they never really pissed her off on that show or there might have been a whole lot of,"Deleted Scenes" if you know what I mean.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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this reminds me... on the other end of the witch/magic tier list---the lovely ladies of CW's The Secret Circle.  They were fine...but SO terribly weak.  They needed to be together holding hands and chanting incantations for their magic to be worth a damn...and even then, none of it was anywhere close to the reality-bending nonsense that Samantha and Jeanie can do.


Secret Circle is what first gave us Jessica Parker Kennedy and Shelley Hennig, so it had that going for it at also featured Phoebe Tonkin before she appeared as "Haley" on Vampire Diaries/Originals....and the classic Natasha Henstridge! 

Shelley Hennig went on to be a regular on later seasons of Teen Wolf.

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Lol at Hecatom goin thru old posts negging shit. I got negged for saying exceptions to a rule don't change the norm, which is actually factual. Yea, there's a super small chance my black ass could possibly go to a protest with a machine gun in broad view with a heavy police presence, pop a mfer and walk away unscathed.....but highly unlikely 😂

Edited by HD-Man
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hey yo.  

What would be a good up to date phone to get?  As much as I would rather not, I'm going to drag myself into the modern age and get a good cell phone.  Any advice would be appreciated, but one deal breaker is these weak ass phones that break easily.  Nah man, fuck paying some $1200 for a glorified CB that'll crack if I drop it.  

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1 hour ago, Deadly_Raver said:

hey yo.  

What would be a good up to date phone to get?  As much as I would rather not, I'm going to drag myself into the modern age and get a good cell phone.  Any advice would be appreciated, but one deal breaker is these weak ass phones that break easily.  Nah man, fuck paying some $1200 for a glorified CB that'll crack if I drop it.  

Easy Recommendation- Pixel 6


MKBHD Review - Note that he reviews the 6 and 6 Pro



Almost a month in, possibly the best smartphone I've owned. Easily the best value since my Nexus 6P.


edit - 


With Black Friday sales happening now, Some places have the phone for less than retail. MSRP is $599. 


Another really solid contender is the Pixel 5a. Note that with the 6 out currently, the $200 difference isn't that large of a gap based on performance. If you are on a budget, that's another really solid option.  

Edited by OPTIMUS124
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So, I hit up the tv/movie section at the walmart again and couldn't resist it... I got the I Dream of Jeanie complete series on dvd... but a bonus---I also spotted a special collector's edition of Dark Shadows! ...and it was only 10 bucks!  Even though I enjoyed the movie a lot more than the old series so far... the "Collector" side of my brain took over and I HAD to have this.  It still amazes me that in 2021, the tv/movie section of this particular store is this good.  I also spotted VOLTRON the original series!  Yeah, that's next.  Also, the Death Note blu-ray is actually cheaper now at just 15 bucks!  I'll have to get that as well, while I still can (*I still doubt this will last, since physical media is being phased out everywhere in favor of streaming in this dumbass world.)  I also saw the old He-Man series... that show wasn't that great but for the sake of nostalgia and "buying back my childhood" I will probably get that too, eventually.  They also still have that collection of "Spectacular Spiderman".


woooo they got some good tracks in this one


Edited by MillionX
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WATCH: LeBron Throws an Elbow that Leads the NBA World to Lose Its Collective Mind

Almost exactly 17 years after the infamous Malice at the Palace, the Detroit Pistons found themselves in another brawl, this one caused by a vicious LeBron James elbow.

James was ejected early in the second half during the Lakers 121-116 in Detroit after a brutally hard foul on Pistons center Isaiah Stewart. The incident occurred as both players jockeyed for the rebound off a free throw attempt as James struck Stewart with a vicious elbow.


Stewart immediately dropped to the ground and as soon as he bounced back up, the center displayed a face full of blood and a desperate desire for revenge. The 20-year-old had to be held back on multiple occasions by several players as he repeatedly attempted to fight his way toward the Los Angeles Lakers star. Stewart looked like a defensive end as he dodged and fought his way through obstacles toward James.


Ultimately, both players remained separated and were quickly ejected. Stewart was initially called for a loose ball foul on the play, but after officials reviewed the incident, James was handed a flagrant foul 2, causing him to be ejected. Stewart was also ejected after receiving two technical fouls. James’ teammate Russell Westbrook received one technical foul after squaring up to fight and getting deemed more of an instigator than a peacemaker.


“Everyone in the league knows LeBron’s not a dirty guy,” Lakers forward Anthony Davis said after the game in defense of his teammate. “In fact when he knew he hit him, as soon as he did it, he looked back at him like, ‘Oh, my bad. I didn’t try to do it.'”

James may not have built a reputation for being a dirty player throughout his 19-year career, but Stewart certainly appeared to view the forearm swipe he received from the NBA superstar a dirty play Sunday night.


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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

WATCH: LeBron Throws an Elbow that Leads the NBA World to Lose Its Collective Mind

Almost exactly 17 years after the infamous Malice at the Palace, the Detroit Pistons found themselves in another brawl, this one caused by a vicious LeBron James elbow.

James was ejected early in the second half during the Lakers 121-116 in Detroit after a brutally hard foul on Pistons center Isaiah Stewart. The incident occurred as both players jockeyed for the rebound off a free throw attempt as James struck Stewart with a vicious elbow.


Stewart immediately dropped to the ground and as soon as he bounced back up, the center displayed a face full of blood and a desperate desire for revenge. The 20-year-old had to be held back on multiple occasions by several players as he repeatedly attempted to fight his way toward the Los Angeles Lakers star. Stewart looked like a defensive end as he dodged and fought his way through obstacles toward James.


Ultimately, both players remained separated and were quickly ejected. Stewart was initially called for a loose ball foul on the play, but after officials reviewed the incident, James was handed a flagrant foul 2, causing him to be ejected. Stewart was also ejected after receiving two technical fouls. James’ teammate Russell Westbrook received one technical foul after squaring up to fight and getting deemed more of an instigator than a peacemaker.


“Everyone in the league knows LeBron’s not a dirty guy,” Lakers forward Anthony Davis said after the game in defense of his teammate. “In fact when he knew he hit him, as soon as he did it, he looked back at him like, ‘Oh, my bad. I didn’t try to do it.'”

James may not have built a reputation for being a dirty player throughout his 19-year career, but Stewart certainly appeared to view the forearm swipe he received from the NBA superstar a dirty play Sunday night.


It wasn't an elbow but it was definitely a hammer fist to the face and the look on his face afterwards definitely says intent.  He's looking dead at him and his face doesn't soften, it actually get more intense after the connection.  I mean if people are saying he didn't mean to do it then this video is not in his favor.

Edited by Sonichuman
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You can tell ppl didn't really look at the replays, it was definitely some type of backfist, backhand LeBron hit with, not an elbow. And as a Bron fan, he definitely knew what he was doing, he's smart not to admit on national tv, he'd catch a hella fine or suspension lol, honestly he probably still will catch all that, deservedly so.


Bron's best move is to apologize to Stewart and cover all medical expenses, could've taken dudes eye out with that bs

Edited by HD-Man
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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

"Everyone in the league knows LeBron’s not a dirty guy,” Lakers forward Anthony Davis said after the game in defense of his teammate. “In fact when he knew he hit him, as soon as he did it, he looked back at him like, ‘Oh, my bad. I didn’t try to do it.'”

This is damage control 101. It doesn't matter if it was intentional or not. It was clearly an excessive use of force that could have seriously hurt the other player and is definitely not a part of ball. You're a professional and gotta act like one. I don't get how you can defend this.


I know they gotta protect his reputation, especially when you get a flagrant in Detroit, but cmon man.

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21 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Yeah and the flip side of that is that Korra isn't really all that strong even in her own setting, and takes a bunch of straight L's to characters whose powers on paper are strictly worse than hers.

Korra as a series basically puts her at 0 mentally so she can grow over time with her powers. That's why she loses to those people.. She doesn't have the experience that storm has. 

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Korra would lose at the start of the season then just randomly power up and win at the end.

LBJ went full dirty, with this and his supporting Chinese human rights violations, we know what LeBron is all about. Jordan had gambling issues and was an ass to teammates sometimes, but LeBron is straight up a complete puke. Also fuck anyone that thinks LBJ is the second greatest, let alone greatest, KAJ is clearly better than him and arguable the GOAT anyway.

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4 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I watched the first episode of Netflix Cowboy Bebop, I actually liked it. Dude playing Jet is spot on, Spike isn't bad either other than the fact he should've been played by someone younger. 


I'm sure they'll somehow ruin this show soon enough tho 😂

I have 2 more eps left and then I'll give full impressions and criticisms.  Overall still liking it but the main things I still don't like mostly centers around Vicious.  Show still has some of random cringey moments but the show still feels like Cowboy Bebop with the changes made.  Jet is still the best character and that hasn't changed since ep.1. for me.

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9 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I have 2 more eps left and then I'll give full impressions and criticisms.  Overall still liking it but the main things I still don't like mostly centers around Vicious.  Show still has some of random cringey moments but the show still feels like Cowboy Bebop with the changes made.  Jet is still the best character and that hasn't changed since ep.1. for me.

I'm NOT feeling what I've seen of Vicious, he just doesn't give me that same vibe, and his actor just doesn't seem to fit the character. They definitely couldve chose better there 

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10 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

That Bron situation is familiar too, provoking someone to violence after you clearly started the altercation then gettin away with it all of it due to technicalities and preferential treatment.


You know how your sounding about the Rittenhouse case? Just like those women in Maury that still claim some dude is the father after the DNA test says they're wrong. No matter how clear as day the evidence is, it won't change your mind.


That little BLM supporting 18 year old may have shot 3 people in self defense, but he clearly aimed Cupid's arrow straight at your heart.

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4 minutes ago, Sonero said:


You know how your sounding about the Rittenhouse case? Just like those women in Maury that still claim some dude is the father after the DNA test says they're wrong. No matter how clear as day the evidence is, it won't change your mind.


That little BLM supporting 18 year old may have shot 3 people in self defense, but he clearly aimed Cupid's arrow straight at your heart.

I mean technically Kyle is not guilty after looking at the case, I actually agree with you, but he definitely ain't innocent in provoking that shit and it was definitely preferential treatment and unprofessionalism in that trial regardless 


And Kyle was in pics with Proud Boys flashing that supremacy hand sign bragging about what he did, but crying crocodile tears, so the jury is out on him supporting BLM or being a remotely decent person. Just making a comparison how the energy between that and Bron ain't quite the same 🤷🏾‍♂️

Edited by HD-Man
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17 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Seems like a stupid comparison to me since we don't know he provoked anybody. 


Unless you've seen something i havent.  Just being somewhere while armed is not provocation. 

I saw video of what looked like Kyle using a fire extinguisher on a dumpster fire that the chomo and his comrades had started at a gas station. I guess that counts as provocation?

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1 hour ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

So Google really did remove the dislike counter. It's stupid for a data company to remove such a useful data point. . . but feelings I guess.



I learned with how the algorithm worked even if you got dislikes, it's still counted as an interaction and does bring more attention to your video. I never cared if i get hate on any video i make, i stand by what i say and will take any attention i receive

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I'm NOT feeling what I've seen of Vicious, he just doesn't give me that same vibe, and his actor just doesn't seem to fit the character. They definitely couldve chose better there 

Vicious doesn't get any better imo.  Not through the eps I've watched so far.  How they handled the coup was decent and they dragged an actor I was NOT expecting into this show four Vicious coup  and I was like "They dragged you into this for this role?"



I need someone to put the testicle quote up on youtube.  I cannot believe they had to get that man to say that and say it as straight as possible.  They'd have to fire my ass cause I wouldn't have been able to stop laughing.

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