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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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17 minutes ago, Chadouken said:


I'm definitely laughing at that dude, but at this point I'm thinking he might have had a relapse into addiction or has legit mental illness. That's putting a damper on things.


Not THAT much of a damper, because I'm still enjoying him making a damn fool of himself. But I wonder if the next thing he does will have me like "just get this man some help".

Edited by axeman61
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I love just sitting back and thinking up more examples of how that saying "honesty is the best policy" is pure bullshit...


Let's say you would like to enjoy a relationship with a black american woman...BUT:

  • Maybe you're an atheist...or perhaps you believe that God may actually exist but happens to be a vicious, evil entity.  Or...maybe you just don't care to attend church at all and view that as a waste of a perfectly good Sunday.  It's a day you could've been watching sports or playing a video game, working out or whatever else.
  • You think reparations, at least this far removed from the actual era of slavery, are a foolish concept that will never happen.  You think the people who deserved reparations are the ones who were actually enslaved, as opposed to anyone that is alive today in 2021.

Would it be wise to be HONEST on your opinions about these things while dating American black women, and hoping for any kind of connection?  Nope.  Your chances would go to absolute zero immediately with a good 99.99999999% of them, guaranteed.  If you're going to "be real" about an opposing point of view on these things then you may as well write off this entire category of women and not even bother to waste time trying.

Edited by MillionX
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it's quite a vague memory at this point, but for me it was either Superman 3 or Return of the that ancient summer of 1983....maybe even Empire Strikes Back though that was much earlier in '80... I remember I could barely stand the visual of the Emperor's face.  It was disturbing because it looked like if a pile of oatmeal was a living creature and had a "face"...for me, this was a combo of scary and disgusting.


...and so the first movie-based toys I remember getting were tiny die-cast metal figures (very small; they are only about an inch tall, like something you might use for a board game) of the main characters from Return of the Jedi... I *think* I still have some of them.  The Darth Vader one was my favorite.

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5 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

My bro told me bout this arcade at Cumberland Mall in Atlanta. Dude, they got a Tatsunoko vs Capcom, KoF13, BlazBlue, Tekken 7, Virtua Fighter 5 AND MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2 cabinet. I don't want to leave, arcades are extinct where I live 🤯

They have a few good ones up here around Nashville too. The guy who runs them is an old ST player, and the one he runs out in Smyrna is quite possibly the best arcade I've ever been to in terms of the sheer number and rarity of machines they have, but they also have a location in one of the malls too. Nashville even has a few barcades around town, one that used to have some cheap drinks and good machines there. 

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oh yeah, and Batman in 1989 was the first time I saw a movie twice while it was still in theaters.  My favorite theaters back in ye olden times were "Mall of Memphis" I've mentioned before, and another spot called the Highland Quartet mall... I think the Quartet was where I first saw The Lost Boys.


ohhhhhh this brings back memories!!!

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12 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

What was the first movie you guys recall seeing in the theatre?


For me , it was 1989 Tim Burton Batman. 

Eddie Murphy's raw.  In all honesty I spent my time outside playing the arcade games until I ran out of quarters and then I tried to find my mom in there, but to no avail.  I finally ended up waiting until she came out.  If that counts, then yeah.


" the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit."  

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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that reminds me... for a long time I considered Spiderman 2 as the greatest comic book/superhero film.  In terms of the "grand spectacle", it set a new standard for what this kind of movie can be.


My current favorite is a bit of a controversial pick, I admit--- Man of Steel.  Actually it's close between that and Avengers Infinity War.  ...and now, as I remember how great it was to see those "GOAT" status ones in a theater with the usual hyped theater crowd on a debut weekend... it's a sad thing that future generations of people won't know about that.  The movie theater experience is more than likely going to be a relic of the past very soon... the kids that are born to Gen Z probably will have no basis of comparison to what it was like to see Captain America be the one to catch Mjolnir, or when Superman took off the first time and later when he fought the 3 Kryptonians... or the first action scenes in The Matrix, etc. etc.  Those kids in the future would be just listening to old stories of "grandpa" telling them what it was like to see movies at this thing called the "theater" on the premiere weekend.

Edited by MillionX
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I'm not going to bash anyone's taste, but I caught Man of Steel in the theater with friends, and I stepped out to take a phone call from my then girlfriend of 8 years who I was in the middle of bitterly breaking up with.


And I tried to keep her on the phone longer just to buy time before I had to go back in and watch any more of that movie, lol. 


My favorite comic book superhero movie is probably Deadpool for sheer fun, followed by Logan for being extremely well made.

Edited by Reticently
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Most disappointing superhero film...note this is a different thing than "worst", imo ---I'd say that's actually Wonder Woman 84.... I had some expectations here, and that one ended up taking a surprising turn for the worse.... I don't think most people had any reason to expect it being bad either; it probably took most by surprise, considering how good the first one was.


There's a long list of things for absolute worst though...typically lower-budget or just old shit like Steel or Meteor Man....or Batman & Robin though I'm sure that wasn't in the "low budget" category.  At least with those, there was no surprise... just one glance at a trailer and some preview pics and you know to keep your expectations low with those 😆  Actually I still haven't even seen Batman & Robin.... I remember back in the day and it was a regular topic of conversation with another friend and fellow Batman fan at the time, and we were both wondering and lamenting "WHAT the hell are they doing?!  What is this nonsense?!"  Naturally when it finally hit theaters we knew to stay far away.... I certainly wasn't going to spend money watching that.


y'know, 1 thing I never did was sneak into a movie... I always figured that with my luck...I'd be that one dude that actually gets caught and ends up "in trouble" for that shit.  My luck stat is 0%, I would've had no chance in getting away with it.


movie memorabilia ---just randomly came to mind... I probably still have the 3d glasses from Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare.  

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Worst CBM  for me: Batman and Robin.  Also, it's  the worst film I've ever seen in my life.


Best: X-men :Days of Future Past. The Dark Knight is only a hair underneath bc I am a long term X-men fanboy.

Both are really dramas (crime drama/sci fi drama and the action isnt mind boggling.)




Spider-man 2 was awesome for me and if Spider-verse not come out , would be the best Spidey movie definitively.

I have them tied in my rankings.



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