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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Who the fuck would even get on onlyfans for just tame shit? There are already other platforms (like Patreon) for that. Am I missing something here? I know celebrities can command high dollar on onlyfans just posting regular shit, but that's it.


I've subscribed to a few onlyfans in the past. That platform is so trash from a user interface perspective that porn is the only thing that makes it tolerable.


Totally random though: when the pandemic started, there was some onlyfans chick (not a pornstar or anyone someone would know) who was saying subscribers should not get caught up in all the new girls that are going to come into the system. Only subscribe to new girls in their circle who have their OK. I remember reading that in disbelief, thinking "nobody's dick gives a fuck about your yelp reviews". But I can't find that at all nowadays. I wonder if I dreamed it. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

Edited by axeman61
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5 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

Who the fuck would even get on onlyfans for just tame shit? There are already other platforms (like Patreon) for that. Am I missing something here? I know celebrities can command high dollar on onlyfans just posting regular shit, but that's it.


I've subscribed to a few onlyfans in the past. That platform is so trash from a user interface perspective that porn is the only thing that makes it tolerable.

If you look at the official Twitter it's all promoting the SFW onlyfans. Plus I believe that in order to score more investors, they wanted to make themselves more brand friendly. Not that it matters anymore because the stigma is still there. It's Tumblr all over again.

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For real. Whether they meant it or not, their name is synonymous with smut now.


I don't see how they can sell a SFW onlyfans to investors, as there are other "get my exclusive content" venues if you're not sexually explicit. I also don't see how they can keep up their profits if they shun everyone doing explicit stuff. It's a lose-lose for them. But I don't know much about the platform outside of what I've seen. Maybe I'm saying "HA-HA!" over nothing.

Edited by axeman61
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4 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

One misses so many things by not being black.


Who is Kevin Samuels?

Another one of those "Man Coaches" who tells men and women what they should do to find someone, or be more successful in life.


the difference is Kevin Samuels is legit. His adivice is legit, and he gives no fucks and will tell you what he thinks. He is what Fresh & Fit pretend to be. No not "Alpha" because thats bullshit. Hes just a man who knows what he is is about and what he wants and how to get it and he will tell you how as well...but he wont be gentle about it.


I dont watch much of him, but what i have seen is real talk, and he pulls no punches with anyone. He's also always calm and logical. Has anyone seen this man lose his cool? Pretty sure he is in permanent cool mode.

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

Totally random though: when the pandemic started, there was some onlyfans chick (not a pornstar or anyone someone would know) who was saying subscribers should not get caught up in all the new girls that are going to come into the system. Only subscribe to new girls in their circle who have their OK. I remember reading that in disbelief, thinking "nobody's dick gives a fuck about your yelp reviews". But I can't find that at all nowadays. I wonder if I dreamed it. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

I can believe that. When beauty and sex is all a women as to offer she's not gonna like it when newer younger girls step in. She will gaslight the shit out of a guy to keep them around

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

How else would you describe what these dude do? lmao

Idk as I’ve literally never heard of him until today. I don’t follow really follow people/groups channels on YouTube/insta/Twitch. 

so whenever people here, Twitter, wherever  post drama about x channel or x people or x group I generally have no fucking clue what they’re  talking about (and I also don’t care to)

Edited by iStu X
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the only time I've seen Kevin get slightly heated is when he gets tired of a guest that's bullshitting, and he may tell them off a bit before cutting them right off the show....heh, a "light toasting" as old man Yammamoto in Bleach might say.


*On another note---Preach is actually in better shape than I thought.  He just has one of those "stocky" looks, kinda like that character "Ram-Man" from the old He-Man cartoon.

(*youtube being too damn crowded once again---right now I have Tommy Sotomayor going on in the background; he just went live...but I just got the notification that my honey Lacy Green is going live in 30 minutes...and I have 5 other tabs from youtube up right's like a tv where there is routinely a few hundred channels of awesome shit going on at the same time 24/7...I think AngryMan is live at the moment too.)


Now Jody's Corner got in on the latest drama going on between those "manosphere" channels.  yeahhh I can't get enough of this content and any latest developments in it.  

Naturally, people have been doing the research to find pics of Eric Preach's wife.  I've seen one picture that is apparently her....and yeah, it's.... most unfortunate if true.  There's no nice way to say that, really....Please be warned to prepare yourself for what you will see here:  


haha in comments I see one person that just posted about an hour ago asking if this is his wife.  I'd bet money Myron probably did the research and looked up a picture of her, specifically to be armed with that insult ready to go. 😆


Whenever I see this sort of thing I have to wonder... if perhaps she looked much better a long time ago when they were courting, and if the guy feels trapped, or what...?  Or... maybe he just has a certain preference/attraction that a lot of other dudes would consider to be "bad taste"?  There's many interesting variables and what-ifs there--- perhaps  there was some health issue that unfortunately resulted in huge weight gain, and she eventually just let herself go..?  

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Kevin Samuels warned chicks about OnlyFans, they didn't listen. Subway will still be hiring, I know they're extra pissed at him now for predicting this. He just made a post about it too, gay slurs imminent 😂



I don't fuck with Kevin Samuels, but he did call it. I remember that shit vividly as one of the few F & F clips I did catch. I wonder how shook that one dumbass who basically said she can do OF until she's 70 is right now.

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er..i lost my account log in info. dont matter. i just made a new account.

first off. i know im late to the game but. i wanna say this.

it really irks me that biden gave the victory to the taliban.

i saw the 9/11 attacks 20 years ago outside my window.

and i cant believe that 50 nations, the world coalition, couldnt destroy 80,000 illiterate sheep herders.


and that biden. who im 100% sure is senile. essentially surrendered to the taliban. pathetic.

i remember 20 years ago when the spokesman for the taliban. said that they were gonna win the war against the 50 nations that declared war against them.

20 years ago, i laughed. i lol'ed.


i gotta hold that L.


so, we went from an egomaniacal president trump, to a senile delusional buffoon. great. is there anyone..anyone in washington that is at least somewhat competent? 




lol at onlyfans chicks going broke. 




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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

Well well... so this other one actually appears to feature He-Man... 

Check out that like/dislike ratio though... heh, I think this has unfortunately been poisoned by the existence of the Kevin Smith "Masters of the Universe" that came out recently.

Not gonna stop us from Watching it. People. Wanna be butt hurt over a series they never cared about til people tried to use a woke narrative that the show isn't about. 

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3 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

er..i lost my account log in info. dont matter. i just made a new account.

first off. i know im late to the game but. i wanna say this.

it really irks me that biden gave the victory to the taliban.

i saw the 9/11 attacks 20 years ago outside my window.

and i cant believe that 50 nations, the world coalition, couldnt destroy 80,000 illiterate sheep herders.


and that biden. who im 100% sure is senile. essentially surrendered to the taliban. pathetic.

i remember 20 years ago when the spokesman for the taliban. said that they were gonna win the war against the 50 nations that declared war against them.

20 years ago, i laughed. i lol'ed.


i gotta hold that L.


so, we went from an egomaniacal president trump, to a senile delusional buffoon. great. is there anyone..anyone in washington that is at least somewhat competent? 




lol at onlyfans chicks going broke. 




I agree with what you said, but we really don't do politics talk here.  People's feels get involved.


As far as Onlyfans goes, this may be unfortunate, but it was not unforeseen.  



Hey girls.  You hear your phone ringing?  That's the future...........and Kevin Called it.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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yeah I am definitely intrigued enough to check this one out....heh, I have a suspicion they probably went for that visual style since that's the look Fortnite happens to be sporting, which has been insanely popular with the younger demographic for a while now.  If it's a hit I wouldn't be surprised if the characters show up as "special guests" in that game would be easy since the character designs and general aesthetic already matches.


...on another note---That reveal of what Preach's wife looks like has spawned so many questions now.  One thing I just remembered is that he happens to also be a fraternity guy... Kappa Alpha Psi, if I recall.   Membership in one of the popular social frats naturally boosts the hell out of your general appeal to the ladies, at least inside the context of college/university.  If he pledged that during the undergrad years... how did he not land some serious hotness to commit to?  It could also be that he was, but in those college days he was also in the "ho phase" of life and just hooking up with various groupies, just having could be that.  Maybe the guy just has strange taste, e.g.--he may just naturally be a "chubby chaser".  It's fun to speculate.


...oh yeah, for the uninitiated--- it's indeed that serious when you pledge one of the frats, at least in your average "mostly black people" university (typically an "HBCU").  The upgrade it does for a guy's level of female attention is an interesting thing to see.  One of my only regrets from the college years is that I did NOT pledge anything.  My roommate became part of one (Phi Beta Sigma) and he was occasionally trying to get me on board with them.  Naturally that is not the only reason one should do it but it's one hell of an interesting "perk" to consider.  YES, you can go from being a guy most girls barely notice to suddenly having girls go out of their way to meet and hang out with you...especially when unveiled as one of the newest members.  Some probably would not admit it (due to a certain level of machismo/ego issues a lot of guys have), but I'm not the only one that has seen this over and over again where some of the finest girls in college tend to throw themselves at your average "frat boy".


edit--ha, that brings back some memories... there was another frat I was interested in  (Omega) but at my school, they were banned at the time; I think they had been in trouble with the hazing thing...or it may have been something else; I forgot.  I would've had an easier route with my roommate's frat or possibly my cousin's frat (Alpha) since I had that family connection there.


MLD showed a picture that appears to be her at the end of his show yesterday...I time-stamped the moment:


Edited by MillionX
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4 hours ago, MillionX said:

...on another note---That reveal of what Preach's wife looks like has spawned so many questions now.  One thing I just remembered is that he happens to also be a fraternity guy... Kappa Alpha Psi, if I recall.   Membership in one of the popular social frats naturally boosts the hell out of your general appeal to the ladies, at least inside the context of college/university.  If he pledged that during the undergrad years... how did he not land some serious hotness to commit to?  It could also be that he was, but in those college days he was also in the "ho phase" of life and just hooking up with various groupies, just having could be that.  Maybe the guy just has strange taste, e.g.--he may just naturally be a "chubby chaser".  It's fun to speculate.


...oh yeah, for the uninitiated--- it's indeed that serious when you pledge one of the frats, at least in your average "mostly black people" university (typically an "HBCU").  The upgrade it does for a guy's level of female attention is an interesting thing to see.  One of my only regrets from the college years is that I did NOT pledge anything.  My roommate became part of one (Phi Beta Sigma) and he was occasionally trying to get me on board with them.  Naturally that is not the only reason one should do it but it's one hell of an interesting "perk" to consider.  YES, you can go from being a guy most girls barely notice to suddenly having girls go out of their way to meet and hang out with you...especially when unveiled as one of the newest members.  Some probably would not admit it (due to a certain level of machismo/ego issues a lot of guys have), but I'm not the only one that has seen this over and over again where some of the finest girls in college tend to throw themselves at your average "frat boy".


1.) Are people even sure that's his wife? All I've seen to "prove" this is one picture of them together in what could be just a "taking a picture" pose, at what looks like a club. Thing is, both of them are comedians from what I've read. Maybe they just know or are cool with each other.


2.)  What does pledging a frat have to with picking up ladies? What's the juice you get after you've pledged a frat? Hell, what does a frat even do for you?

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31 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

1.) Are people even sure that's his wife? All I've seen to "prove" this is one picture of them together in what could be just a "taking a picture" pose, at what looks like a club. Thing is, both of them are comedians from what I've read. Maybe they just know or are cool with each other.


2.)  What does pledging a frat have to with picking up ladies? What's the juice you get after you've pledged a frat? Hell, what does a frat even do for you?

If you go to her IG, there are no pics of them together. It looks like they're just comedian friends.

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oh yeah, it is specifically in the undergrad years --that is when the fraternity status has the power.  After that point in life it doesn't hold so much weight anymore, socially speaking....still, it's definitely a boon. ...ha, a boon for poon, one might say.  It's like any other social status thing, really... like in high school if you happen to be on the school basketball or football team.  There's guys that get play they would more than likely *not* get if they were just a "regular" student, not involved with anything.


edit--oh and it has to be one of the main/popular ones, of course-- Alpha, Kappa, Omega, Sigma, ...and I suppose the younger organization Iotas....I guess. 😆

Edited by MillionX
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35 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

I think the hospitality and retail industry are about to see massive employment gains. 

Think about how bad retail and hospitality are as poverty traps if someone with decidedly average looks can make better money occasionally rubbing one out on webcam.


Now I'm suddenly wondering if the OnlyFans thing is going to lead to move people being on food stamps and welfare 🙃

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