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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, iStu X said:

Amy Jo Johnson likely just wants nothing to do with it. 

Likely this. She's stated on a number of occasions that she doesn't want to be just recognized for power rangers and wants to distance herself from it if possible. She's used it a few times to promote other work, but would rather not. She cares a lot more about the people she worked with in the show than the show itself.


And Austin likely wouldn't have been brought back, even if the whole fraud thing didn't happen. He was getting pretty well known for his anti-vax views and going down the whole conspiracy theory road with Covid.

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8 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

What's Power Rangers?

something the younger gen watched.

i was too old to watch power rangers. but i had watched the jap show that og power rangers was using.

i never got the appeal of power rangers.

as someone who watched the og jap show whatever it was called, i never understood why they(tv execs) didnt just dub the og jap show instead of weirdly splicing american actors in present day with old jap action show.

but it worked. people liked it. 

i didnt but i had seen the original jap show as a kid so no.

tho i did watch a few eps of different era power rangers and found it entertaining, i wouldve just preferred to watch the original jap shit instead. so i didnt feel it.

my gen was battle of the planets.


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11 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

The variables is what pisses me off the most whenever the subject comes up because it really does feel like if a black guy dates outside of his race then the black women don't give a single fuck as to the circumstances that brought those 2 individuals together, they just assume that either the woman is in the relationship for "status points or to have a come up" or "it's a fetish" or the Black guy just hates Black women.  It's always these immediately right off the bat.  And look I'm not going to say there there are some relationships out there that have gotten together for some of those reasons, it'd be foolish for me to not even think that it's a possibility...but every damn relationship though?  We're not even going to entertain the idea that 2 people may actually just be into each other not because of the race they are but because they have similar interests and they just find each other attractive just because?  We're not even going to consider that maybe the people in the relationship just couldn't find people in their area who have similar interests to them and if they continued to just "wait for someone of their own race" that they'd risk dying alone?  We can't even consider that?

Does it work the same way if a black woman dates/marries a white guy? Do other black folks (men?) see it as her doing it for status or something like that, especially if she's exceptionally fine?

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3 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Does it work the same way if a black woman dates/marries a white guy? Do other black folks (men?) see it as her doing it for status or something like that, especially if she's exceptionally fine?

Some do but usually it's from the hoteps that will be the loudest about it but in a general sense it's no where near as loud when a black guy dates a white woman.  In general its more so bringing up the hypocrisy and pointing out how people are more supportive of the white guy dating the black woman vs the black guy dating the white woman (and to a lesser extent any other race of women) and the immediate response now is "IT'S NOT THE SAME THING".  Which is a whole nother avenue of frustration and bullshit.

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Ok just to clarify, I am joking about not knowing about Power Rangers given my age.


I liked Mighty Morphin', but my favorites are Jungle Fury and Dino Thunder. Super Sentai is ok, but I liked the American versions of Power Rangers! I think it's justified.


I had a bunch of Power Rangers games as a kid, and I cherish those memories! Just like Dragon Ball, Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man, TMNT and more, every Power Rangers show was important to me as a kid.

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11 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Black women can miss me wit dat bullshit. There's a certain type some black women like. And those black women are mad that the type they like, won't be faithful. 


But they can't walk away. No other type gives them that tingly feeling down there, and gets her emotions riled up. Keeping things spicy and fun.


TLDR: Some black women are frustrated because their type while unfaithful. Is an emotional Rollercoaster with good dic. So they can't leave him alone


The first thirty seconds = literally smh, but 0:31-0:59 sums up black women in general. 


Edited by hanzohattori12
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Man, getting laid too much is probably the least awful thing a cop has ever done wrong, but the internet is riding that woman harder than her coworkers did. While every guy that fucked her at work got off (ha!) with a warning and hasn't become internet famous over it 🙃


Meanwhile in Pittsburgh the police are under orders to resume conducting illegal traffic stops because "it improves morale".





Edited by Reticently
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There's an interview with Haim Saban where he talks about how he ended up owning half of Fox Kids and eventually deciding he should sell his share.

Saban: "They told me that they thought my share was worth half a billion, I told them that my share is worth two billion, let's sit down and talk."

Interviewer: "Yeah.  But half a billion dollars, that's a lot of money, I mean, wow."

Saban: "No, two billion is more."


And to resolve it he negotiated to sell the entire company to Disney for 5.3 billion.

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Vietnam Bans Tom Holland Film ‘Uncharted’ over Pro-CCP South China Sea Map



(AFP) Vietnam has banned a new Hollywood film starring Tom Holland over scenes with a map showing Beijing’s claims to the South China Sea, state media reported Saturday.

The action-and-adventure caper Uncharted shows a map featuring the so-called nine-dash line, which sets out Beijing’s expansive claims to the disputed waters, where Hanoi has rival claims.

Sony’s movie, starring Mark Walhberg, Antonio Banderas and Holland had been set for nationwide release on March 18.

“During the movie review, the National Evaluation and Classification Council discovered that the image of the nine-dashed line appeared in the movie,” director of Vietnam’s Department of Cinema Vi Kien Thanh told the state-controlled Zing news outlet. “Therefore, this movie will be banned from screening.”


On the film’s official Facebook page, Vietnamese users left comments decrying the map.

“Hoang Sa Truong Sa belongs to Vietnam!,” read one, referencing the contested Parcel and Spratly Islands.

The long-running issue has been closely contested in the film world.

In the 2018 romantic comedy “Crazy Rich Asians”, a scene featuring a designer bag with a map of the world showing the disputed South China Sea islands under Beijing’s control was cut in Vietnam.

A year later, Hanoi pulled the animated DreamWorks film “Abominable” from screens over the same issue, with Netflix also told to ditch episodes of its “Pine Gap” series last year over similar scenes.

The South China Sea is home to valuable oil and gas deposits and shipping lanes, and several of China’s neighbours have voiced concern that it was seeking to expand its reach.

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

...I feel like I'd want some context but I feel like there isn't?


Looks like Justin is visiting Japan. This is a popular muscle girl bar in Tokyo. It's pretty much exactly how it sounds! I wonder how his partner reacted to this...


If I didn't know he was married, I'd initially have thought that this was cringe, and then gradually accepted that it was cute. But I do know that he's married, so now I'm just weirded out.

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So, a few friends and I watched the first episode of Velma. It's really rough. Not so much the diversity casting (We really could care less) but rather the fact that you're watching the show and most of the characters are unlikable. Not for political reasons or anything, they are terribly written characters that have very little redeemable about them. They are selfish, shallow, and ignorant to how ridiculous of a situation they are in. The show is self-aware when it seems whimsical enough to do so, and fails to be when it really should be. If this was a child's cartoon, I wouldn't even be talking about this but... it's definitely an adult show, presumably made for adults. What kind of adults? I don't know. The diversity casting gets the uber conservative riled up and the portrayal of these characters kind of makes a mockery of the people I think this show is trying to attract as an audience.


At least I didn't pay to see it lul

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21 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

did velma try to convince scooby of how illogical it is for ghosts and ufos to exist? yunno to the talking dog.


As Darc said, no scooby in this. The first episode is about solving a murder than Velma was framed for, but then I think it's trying to explain that it's schizophrenia? Which is basically the lazy cop-out way they try to explain why all the characters are the way they are? There is a lot going on lol.

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5 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Fucking nightmare fuel my god. I am glad this has been exposed, as this demonstrates how the face of child predators knows no creed, race, or sexual orientation. These types of crimes are proof that capital punishment should have exceptions.

You know what this reminds me of? There has been a horrible trend in porn over the last few years to fetishize semi-incestuous situations. Step dads, step brothers, step sons. I know from friends that this trend has made appearances in heterosexual porn as well. I'm an extremely sex positive person but I can't help but feel that in the hands of stupid or dumb people, such fetishizations can quickly take a dark and non-consensual turn.

Edited by Daemos
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Gina's response (because I'm just finding out she's back on Twitter):

I can't help but wonder how much the fact that she's in a casino money family is propping her up. I bet 100% that if she wasn't wealthy already, she wouldn't have fucked up her Star Wars bag doing something so stupid. But that's just me. If I was relying on daddy's money now after having been in MMA and Disney properties, I'd cry myself to sleep.

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:


Gina's response (because I'm just finding out she's back on Twitter):

I can't help but wonder how much the fact that she's in a casino money family is propping her up. I bet 100% that if she wasn't wealthy already, she wouldn't have fucked up her Star Wars bag doing something so stupid. But that's just me. If I was relying on daddy's money now after having been in MMA and Disney properties, I'd cry myself to sleep.

That guy is getting dragged in the replies, but this is the best one imo 🤣🤣🤣



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