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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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4 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

And then you remember that 1 nigga alone made a hacked patch for  Bloodborne to run at 60fps on the ps4.

He has been posting videos on youtube of his hack.

Yeah, I saw that. Pretty cool stuff. Similar stuff has been done with Demon's Souls. 


What's hilarious is Sony wasn't even subtle about it. All the other Souls games jump from 30FPS to 60 through backwards compatability. Bloodborne is the only one locked at 30FPS.


Sony be like:


"You double dippin' on this game one way or another son! Wait, what? Bloodborne 2? Don't make me smack the fuck outcha'. Coming around asking for stupid shit. Better take this port and be happy, cuck. We'll see your dumbass in 6 months for  Uncharted 4: EXPLORATION EDITION"

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6 minutes ago, M A R T I A N said:

Yeah, I saw that. Pretty cool stuff. Similar stuff has been done with Demon's Souls. 


What's hilarious is Sony wasn't even subtle about it. All the other Souls games jump from 30FPS to 60 through backwards compatability. Bloodborne is the only one locked at 30FPS.


Sony be like:


"You double dippin' on this game one way or another son! Wait, what? Bloodborne 2? Don't make me smack the fuck outcha'. Coming around asking for stupid shit. Better take this port and be happy, cuck. We'll see your dumbass in 6 months for  Uncharted 4: EXPLORATION EDITION"

Maybe this is me being an optimist but perhaps BB2 is still happening and it will come with the BB1 4K/60fps remaster? 

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28 minutes ago, iStu X said:

The suspicion is that by the end of next year they’re going to release an enhanced PS5 port of BB with all dlc, some polish and have it be 4K/60fps. 

Ahh, I see. Well they would be pretty cool, and if I ever get a ps5 that's one of the first things I'd get like Bloodborne was when I got my ps4. 


Call me crazy but Im not sure I want a sequel. The game is pretty well contained as it is and while there are story elements that might be cool to see fleshed out, a spin-off would be better imo. Mutt be cool to see the rise and fall of the Ptumerians.

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2 hours ago, iStu X said:

if they did splinter up all the IP’s I’d definitely want WayForward to get stuff like Vectorman and Golden Axe. Whoever would buy the Atlus subsidiary should also try their damndest to get Shining Force. 

god. Why does Sega have so many good IP’s but are dead set on continually ruining Sonic 



Although their recent issues are only partially on them, Sammy Sega or however the company calls itself has mostly been surviving due to their arcade and game machines. That bitch 'Rona especially in the Asian countries where they know about and partially already did social distancing just about killed them especially in an anniversary year they probably had some live events that had to be scrapped.


Edit: But on the IP mismanagement, it seems like they just never found out how to capitalize on their popularity rather it was their overseas success or their local streaks in significant ways. 

Edited by Wellman
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1 hour ago, M A R T I A N said:

Finally sat down and watched it. 


Holy shit, he just kept hitting the nail on the head over and over. I can't believe I actually spent any time arguing about this game with people who didn't even play it, when there were so many good points like this to make. 


This was already one of my favorite games of the year and this video has just emboldened that sentiment for me. I had an incredible time with this game even knowing the huge spoilers beforehand and I was genuinely saddened to see a more complex type of storytelling lost on so many people. 


I need to do another playthrough sometime. The new "Realism" mode they added seemed pretty cool. Though the Hard mode that came with the game was already pretty challenging. 

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it would be nice if other companies bought the IPs --- new-era Altered Beast and Golden Axe would indeed be of interest to me.  A new Space Harrier would be good too.  I'm still bitter that "Planet Harriers" never got a chance because the DC died before it could become a reality.


On another note though...

HADES - I unlocked a fist/gauntlet weapon now; forgot what it's called but of course it's awesome.  The fight I just had with Megaera ended in such a cool way ---I remembered that I had "deflect" with the gauntlets, so when she got to the point of spamming energy projectiles.... I defeated her by punching several of them right back to her.  Delicious.


Yes, folks...don't resist it.  You need this game in your life.


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4 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

M$ going to M$, they are talking getting rid of the control panel in windows soon.


Bout to have alot of people switch over to Linux soon


People should have done that already. I've been stuck on w7 for years now, since I don't constantly get bullshit updates and bad UI (and creepy Cortana).

I just use w7 for games, Linux for literally everything else.

Game update: I'm still stuck in Cuphead, so I decided to just play DQ3 for a while. lol

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1 hour ago, KingTubb said:

@Volt @Genghis_Dong @TheInfernoman


streaming alien:isolation if y’all are bored, swing by:

If you're on by the time I get home with food I'll jump in for a bit...I was planning on streaming at 8pm (PST) for a bit myself. 


I'm Live on if anyone wants to chat or whatever. 


Edited by TheInfernoman
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5 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Mass Effect Legendary Edition coming spring 2021

I need to see more of what's included before I consider a day juan on this. ME2 and ME3 had a literal grip of MTX stuff that affected both story and multiplayer modes, if my memory is correct. Bioware burned me really bad as a customer with Anthem, to the point where I'm quite wary of anything put out by them.

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^more info on the upcoming Vampire Battle Royale game^... also on the worldofdarkness twitch channel, "Outstar" devoted about the whole hour on Thursday to a bit of info on it.  And ohhh yes, much to my is in 3rd person perspective!!!  Also, it is "free to play", most likely with cosmetics being their microtransactions....that's fine with me; just a shame it is more than likely online-only, of course.


They kinda answer one big question most fans had immediately after seeing the teaser--- the "Masquerade" itself (*the way a typical "battle royale" game plays out seems like it would throw that concept right out the window):


Is this really a Vampire: The Masquerade game? What about the masquerade?

Yes, it is – and masquerade is a very important aspect of it, as it should be! Masquerade functions in game as a mechanic, and you have to pay attention to it while exploring the streets of Prague. The game is based on Vampire: The Masquerade v5 and features more elements of being a vampire – including feeding, disciplines known from the TTRPG and Kindred’s mortal enemies from Second Inquisition and the Society of Saint Leopold. 

Edited by MillionX
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21 minutes ago, YourFavGrandpa said:

I need to see more of what's included before I consider a day juan on this. ME2 and ME3 had a literal grip of MTX stuff that affected both story and multiplayer modes, if my memory is correct. Bioware burned me really bad as a customer with Anthem, to the point where I'm quite wary of anything put out by them.

I don’t remember ME2 even having a multiplayer. If it did I definitely know it didn’t effect main game. 

I never finished ME3 since BioWare straight up lied when they said multiplayer won’t effect main game even though it 1000% did.  Hindsight I missed a major bullet due to how the story ended. 

T7 Season 4 trailer


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the odd thing with Black Desert... the combat I've seen looks sooo damn cool; it had my interest from the start just based on that.  ...but whenever I've seen people stream it live on Twitch, they're doing any and everything EXCEPT fighting...almost likely they're trying to make it look as boring as possible. (*or much like your average game journalist, these are all just people who are incapable of really showing off what a game has to offer in terms of the that 1 guy that will forever be remembered as the dude who had trouble on Cuphead's tutorial.)

Edited by MillionX
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18 hours ago, Scanman said:

People should have done that already. I've been stuck on w7 for years now, since I don't constantly get bullshit updates and bad UI (and creepy Cortana).

I just use w7 for games, Linux for literally everything else.

Game update: I'm still stuck in Cuphead, so I decided to just play DQ3 for a while. lol

I moved to win 10 out of necessity due work, but i put an open source firewall, freewall, and blocked all windows process so they arent getting telemetry from me, neither updating my system without my consent

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22 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Hoping its smoothed out for the full release

It’s weird the game played perfectly fine for me. I didn’t try 2 player but why would I? 

I didn’t have a single issue playing the game and didn’t even notice the frame rate dips outside of like, dramatic counters I guess you could call it or finishers. Which I expect from any Musou at this point. 


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22 minutes ago, iStu X said:

It’s weird the game played perfectly fine for me. I didn’t try 2 player but why would I? 

I didn’t have a single issue playing the game and didn’t even notice the frame rate dips outside of like, dramatic counters I guess you could call it or finishers. Which I expect from any Musou at this point. 


I noticed the dips but it didn't get in the way of me having fun with the game.

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