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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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46 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Fuckin' punks a would be killer.  People should be calling for his head...but no one is.  Why?  I know why but I get banned if I say it here probably.

I know why and I'll say it.


If you say a black person was doing something wrong, in this case shooting up a school, then you'll be called a WAYCIST!!  

They can't blame the cops.  They didn't kill him.

They can't blame "The man" for holding him down.   The family is apparently well off and did not need

They can't blame Trump.   He's not here.


They could just report the news as it is, but......................well, racism.


What's the only other choice?  Radio silence.


But,  Silence is VIOLENCE, right?  so, are they choosing violence by NOT reporting this story?  


Quite a box the media has put themselves in, isn't it?  They've put themselves in the corner and they've taken their faithful viewers along with them.

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the first person I heard mention the newer letters a few years ago was Melissa Harris-Perry back when she had that msnbc show on the weekends...this was probably around 5 or 6 years ago... I instantly had to go look it up online to find out what the new expansion pack to the community was... I had never heard "Q" and all that; previously I just knew of it as LGBT, I think.


Interesting thing, that whole topic----so "pansexual" means a person that's open to anything, so I guess the term "bisexual" was too limiting? Maybe some have a problem with that since it infers that there's only 2 genders to be attracted to, perhaps?  If you happen to agree that there's only really 2 genders, then it seems like bisexual is the correct term for that "variant" of human and the term "pansexual" is seemingly unnecessary.  


hahaha sorry bisexual people----you people are "old hat" now, I guess.  Along with "regular" gay people, it appears you guys and gals are effectively old, outdated tech, like an Atari 2600.

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4 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

You pretty much hit the nail on the head.




See, im not a person of color so I'm afraid to say that stuff cause folk will think I'm racist and attack me.

I thought you were Messican? 


Anyway 2S= 2 Spirit. It's a native thing where they believe male and female are spirits and that some people are embodied by both. 


But LOL @ "2SLGBTQQIA+" Holy shit thats a lot of letters and symbols 😂

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I'm always wondering about when there's going to be a push to include the "P" for y'know....those people...that category that most are afraid to mention by name out loud.  You know it's bound to happen very soon, I bet.  It's going to be quite the juicy show of some infighting when it happens too... we'll all have a front-row seat for the show.


Oh this should be good for a laugh... these new generations of pro athletes need older male guidance more than ever before, I think...


Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, Maxx said:

So I pretty much posted the same thoughts on my fb and this dude came out being mad. Lol. He doesn't get how pop culture has power, he's a "it's just jokes" guy. I tried to explain to him how what people see on TV can affect how they view and interpret how the they interact in real life. 


It's hard to explain to people why someone like Dave can be good or bad. He has power through his words and we hope he tries to use it better. 


The idea he solely zoned in on the lgbtq is weird. But I'm curious of he's about to start a trend of comedians using them more or if it's just something only he can get away with. 

Entertainers DO have influence over people. Still, the amount of influence they have is overblown, and Dave Chappelle doesn't have as much influence as bigger celebs who are more of a household name. I have nothing to support either of those theories though. I just can't imagine Dave Chappelle impacting how someone treats LBGTQ+ folk. If he does, there are deeper problems there.


And as a comedian, it's something ONLY those in his echelon can get away with. Dave is a rich comedian with legend status who can still tour for the rest of his life (if he wants to).  He doesn't need any TV or Movie deals. Hell, he doesn't need to do any more specials. If any comedian of lesser status with something to lose tried honing in on the LBGTQ+ crowd like he did, they'd get hit in the pockets hard.

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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Because you realize this isn't Resetera. How many people have been banned on this forum? One? Like seriously. Misterbee has stepped in what 2 or 3 times. 

I honestly don't know what a resetera is, but I think I get your point.  Around here, people aren't thrown out the door for having the "Wrong" opinion.  There really aren't that many rules here so just go by them and you're cool.  That's one of the main reasons I like it here.  Things go all sideways a few times around here, but as you've said only one person that I can think of went so far that he got the boot.


This really isn't an update, but one youtuber has made a video about the kid who shot up the school.  Here goes.




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Watched "The Closer". People are again mad about something that they haven't seen. 


I do think he had a point to prove and made it very clear in the special regarding the whole "movement". His points were solid for the most part. I did think that he oversimplified a few things in order to make his point work (e.g., gender being a fact). 


That Space "joke" landed like a ton of bricks. He tried to make it work the second go and still didn't work out. 


People should have taken notice that he always address the person in the topic as they meant to be addressed or that it was always from a stance of empathy. People are making a mountain out of a mole hill for ad revenue. 


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Man, that's most every kid that shot up a school too...kid was bullied or whatevers.  So what makes it ok for him?  Nothing other than its not good for news and goes against everything the media is pumping out right now.  All them other fuckin' school shooters are either dead or locked away.  He needs to be locked away.  Before he runs.


p.s.  I wasn't worried about being banned.  I didn't want to argue with anyone and be called a racist.  So I let someone else say it.  And he did.

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2 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Entertainers DO have influence over people. Still, the amount of influence they have is overblown, and Dave Chappelle doesn't have as much influence as bigger celebs who are more of a household name. I have nothing to support either of those theories though. I just can't imagine Dave Chappelle impacting how someone treats LBGTQ+ folk. If he does, there are deeper problems there.


And as a comedian, it's something ONLY those in his echelon can get away with. Dave is a rich comedian with legend status who can still tour for the rest of his life (if he wants to).  He doesn't need any TV or Movie deals. Hell, he doesn't need to do any more specials. If any comedian of lesser status with something to lose tried honing in on the LBGTQ+ crowd like he did, they'd get hit in the pockets hard.

How much influence is prob overblown but I think of what I saw as a black person during the height of the Dave Chapelle show. I saw while people trying to sneak diss using the n word. I think about how white people would reference the show to me and try to use the n word family stuff. This is before everyone had access to the internet like now. I think of how those pockets of people are gonna be 3x as big as back then. 


I don't think stuff like his show will lead directly into straight up violence but I do think it will lead to confrontations between lgbtq and people who try to demean them as humans. It won't be an epidemic. But I'm already seeing on my timeline the people who don't even question anything Dave's saying are people to keep an eye on for the future. 

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Yeah, it's not that jokes aren't made in good fun or whatever, it's just that when comedy punches down at out-groups it makes actual haters a little less uncomfortable putting their own shit takes on the subject out there.


No reason to cancel Chappelle or anything, but there's plenty of other funny shit competing for my attention that's going to move ahead of that set on the list.

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49 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

The LGBTQ wants to be treated equally (as they should be) , well, that's what happened in The Closer. You gonna get roasted just like every other group does by Dave Chappelle, that's true equality. Ain't nobody safe from these jokes 😂

see, that's how I prefer comedy to be... I'd rather there NOT be certain groups or topics that are "sacred".  To me at's more potentially fun when there is nothing that is "taboo".


...heh, sheeeittt... imagine someone like Don Rickles, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, or any of the "GOATs" trying to do material today in 2021.  The resulting whine-fest online would be hilarious in itself 🤣  Throw Joan Rivers in too... you know she didn't tend to pull any punches either.  

Edited by MillionX
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13 hours ago, HD-Man said:

The LGBTQ wants to be treated equally (as they should be) , well, that's what happened in The Closer. You gonna get roasted just like every other group does by Dave Chappelle, that's true equality. Ain't nobody safe from these jokes 😂

This is what we all want. The main issue is he primarily targeted one group instead of hitting multiple subjects. It's been his main focus for two specials now and that's kinda fuckin weird. 

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6 minutes ago, Maxx said:

This is what we all want. The main issue is he primarily targeted one group instead of hitting multiple subjects. It's been his main focus for two specials now and that's kinda fuckin weird. 

U may be right but He has like dozens of specials tho where he talks about other stuff, more than once too, 2 "targeting" the LGBT out of dozens of specials doesn't seem weird to me, he targets many ppl. And his prior this special, his other was about George Floyd stuff so I'm not seeing a pattern here.


Seemed to me Dave only brought up the LGBT stuff cuz of what happened with DaBaby, basically its a recent situation that's currently still relevant. Honestly, they deserved some smoke for that, since DaBaby is a gangsta rapper who raps about killing, actually killed a guy and has disrespected/hit women before, but they overlooked all that and only wanted to take action when he said mean words about them, dude should've been canceled way before that


But I suppose when Twitter and the LGBT stop trying to cancel everybody, Chappelle won't talk about them anymore. But in summary, he's a comedian, ppl need to learn to take a joke

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6 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

U may be right but He has like dozens of specials tho where he talks about other stuff, more than once too, 2 "targeting" the LGBT out of dozens of specials doesn't seem weird to me, he targets many ppl. And his prior this special, his other was about George Floyd stuff so I'm not seeing a pattern here.


Seemed to me Dave only brought up the LGBT stuff cuz of what happened with DaBaby, basically its a recent situation that's currently still relevant. Honestly, they deserved some smoke for that, since DaBaby is a gangsta rapper who raps about killing, actually killed a guy and has disrespected/hit women before, but they overlooked all that and only wanted to take action when he said mean words about them, dude should've been canceled way before that


But I suppose when Twitter and the LGBT stop trying to cancel everybody, Chappelle won't talk about them anymore. But in summary, he's a comedian, ppl need to learn to take a joke

The George floyd stuff wasn't a real special to me. That was him getting shit off his chest... He wasn't doing any comedy for that, that was just him trying to figure out his feelings on stage. Literally wasn't a set, wasn't at comedy shows practicing. That shouldn't count as anything but someone who was venting. 


Dave's been on tour working material before the dababy situation happened. 

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Andrew Yang, best known for his quixotic campaigns for the Democratic presidential nomination and New York City mayor, is planning to launch a third party, according to a report by Politico. The reaction on Twitter, unsurprisingly, ranged from skeptical to outright sneering, with many noting the quick rise and ultimate flameout of his campaigns — plus the coordination with the release of his upcoming book.

Yang rose to prominence with the support of his enthusiastic supporters, informally calling themselves the “Yang Gang,” attracted by his creative campaign messaging that highlighted his business background and lack of political insider status, plus a series of policy proposals that didn’t perfectly check the box for either major political party. Ultimately, though, Yang was unable to get enough support in either of his campaigns, dropping out of the presidential race shortly after polls closed for the New Hampshire primary and conceding the mayoral primary in June.

Yang’s next step will reportedly include forming an independent political party, timed with the release of his third book, Forward: Notes on the Future of Our Democracy, scheduled for Oct. 5. From Politico:

It’s not clear what the name of Yang’s third party will be or how he plans to deploy it in 2022 or 2024. Yang and his team did not respond to requests for comment.

But the book’s publisher, Crown, did give some clues about the type of platform Yang may pursue. It writes that the book is an indictment of America’s “era of institutional failure” and will introduce “us to the various ‘priests of the decline’ of America, including politicians whose incentives have become divorced from the people they supposedly serve.”

Yang’s last book, The War on Normal People: The Truth About America’s Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future, raised his national profile and helped launch his presidential campaign. Twitter users seemed far less bullish in their expectations for this new tome.


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12 minutes ago, Maxx said:

This is what we all want. The main issue is he primarily targeted one group instead of hitting multiple subjects. It's been his main focus for two specials now and that's kinda fuckin weird. 

Not weird in the slightest. It's comedy. It's a hot subject matter. That's what comedy always hits on. Moreover he's dead on. The reaction to his special proves his point. Dave has talked shit about everyone for decades. The moment he mentions the LGBT community it becomes a problem. Him highlighting DaBaby killing someone and no one giving a fuck, and him making anti-LGBT comments and people wanting to cancel him embodies what he's saying.


What I want to know is how Dave is in the crosshairs and no one is talking about the white transgender woman writing a show from a black female perspective. It doesn't bother me personally. However I'm not from this current racist mindset, disguised as liberalism, that thinks people can only write about their own race and gender. As I mentioned before Dave crushes everybody. This situation reminds me of Isaac Hayes and South Park. He was cool when Trey and Matt made fun of everything, until it was something he was apart of (Scientology). Then he got offended. People can miss me with that mindset. This is exactly what Jaclyn Moore is doing. "I'm a big fan of Dave but sometimes...." In other words, like Isaac Hayes, she was cool with Dave making fun of everyone under the Sun until the target resembled her.


Give me Delorean so I can go back 20 years because fuck the times we are living in.

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2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Not weird in the slightest. It's comedy. It's a hot subject matter. That's what comedy always hits on. Moreover he's dead on. The reaction to his special proves his point. Dave has talked shit about everyone for decades. The moment he mentions the LGBT community it becomes a problem. Him highlighting DaBaby killing someone and no one giving a fuck, and him making anti-LGBT comments and people wanting to cancel him embodies what he's saying.


What I want to know is how Dave is in the crosshairs and no one is talking about the white transgender woman writing a show from a black female perspective. It doesn't bother me personally. However I'm not from this current racist mindset, disguised as liberalism, that thinks people can only write about their own race and gender. As I mentioned before Dave crushes everybody. This situation reminds me of Isaac Hayes and South Park. He was cool when Trey and Matt made fun of everything, until it was something he was apart of (Scientology). Then he got offended. People can miss me with that mindset. This is exactly what Jaclyn Moore is doing. "I'm a big fan of Dave but sometimes...." In other words, like Isaac Hayes, she was cool with Dave making fun of everyone under the Sun until the target resembled her.


Give me Delorean so I can go back 20 years because fuck the times we are living in.

It's not really dead on... If a white dudes primary material was about black people or Asian people it'd get the same reaction. Let's stop pretending like Dave is some powerful mage who predicted the reaction... That's a very no shit duh moment. 


The trans woman is a show runner not writer. They have black woman on the writing staff. 

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5 minutes ago, Maxx said:

The George floyd stuff wasn't a real special to me. That was him getting shit off his chest... He wasn't doing any comedy for that, that was just him trying to figure out his feelings on stage. Literally wasn't a set, wasn't at comedy shows practicing. That shouldn't count as anything but someone who was venting. 


Dave's been on tour working material before the dababy situation happened. 

A special is a special, he got on stage  and addressed a topic in front a crowd on camera for money. Comedy or not, it counts as a special, he could've vented on a podcast or something but he just wanted to vent but he didn't 


And I didn't say he didn't, I said he speaks on recent relevant topics. If by the time he drops another special, he will be speaking on whatever is that happens to be going on (minus the LGBT cuz he said he wouldn't anymore due to situations like what's goin on now, which he said would happen ) 


I don't think Chappelle hates the LGBT honestly, at worst he just wasn't used to seeing that lifestyle at first and had to adjust. I believe he admires their ability to work together and get shit done, but I think he's just sick of the cancel culture that seems to come in droves anytime u criticize them.


He was making a point that you can be an awful human being in every sense of the word and they'll ignore it, but if you utter a peep about them or defend anyone they dislike, they'll tear you down, to the point where his trans friend, one of their own mind you, committed suicide after they  jumped all over her, basically proving Chappelle's point.


If you want understanding, you have to also be willing to give it in return seems to be the thing he's getting at. But maybe I need to view it again incase I missed something, 




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5 minutes ago, Maxx said:

It's not really dead on... If a white dudes primary material was about black people or Asian people it'd get the same reaction. Let's stop pretending like Dave is some powerful mage who predicted the reaction... That's a very no shit duh moment. 


The trans woman is a show runner not writer. They have black woman on the writing staff. 

Nah fam, bad argument. White dudes don't get the leeway that black comedians do. Dave is a black man not a white man, so that really is immaterial to the situation at hand. Dave isn't the first black comedian to make jokes about the LGBT community. However he's one of the few comedians, in current times, that would dare continue to do so. The reality is this. Dave is rich. He doesn't need money. He doesn't have a boss. He works for himself. This gives him the ability to tell jokes about any person or group that he wants to. Dave pissed off the Twidiots last time. They tried to cancel him. Unlike most people he didn't buckle. So that just made them angrier and they are going to keep coming for him until he capitulates. And we all know Dave won't. 


Edit: Showrunner? Okay I was wrong about her being a writer. It doesn't change my overall point though. She is a white trans woman running a show with a black female perspective. The modern mentality says that's "wrong". It's bullshit but that's the rules they want to go by....when it's convenient.

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44 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Nah fam, bad argument. White dudes don't get the leeway that black comedians do. Dave is a black man not a white man, so that really is immaterial to the situation at hand. Dave isn't the first black comedian to make jokes about the LGBT community. However he's one of the few comedians, in current times, that would dare continue to do so. The reality is this. Dave is rich. He doesn't need money. He doesn't have a boss. He works for himself. This gives him the ability to tell jokes about any person or group that he wants to. Dave pissed off the Twidiots last time. They tried to cancel him. Unlike most people he didn't buckle. So that just made them angrier and they are going to keep coming for him until he capitulates. And we all know Dave won't. 


Edit: Showrunner? Okay I was wrong about her being a writer. It doesn't change my overall point though. She is a white trans woman running a show with a black female perspective. The modern mentality says that's "wrong". It's bullshit but that's the rules they want to go by....when it's convenient.

Uh? 90% of black shows got white producers/ white show runners... That's just Hollywood.  Unless you got Tyler perry money this is just how the industry works. 


I could honestly use any race for that example... Even if it's an Asian comedian who had a big platform on Netflix they would still catch flack if it was primarily about black people or gay people. 



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24 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Uh? 90% of black shows got white producers/ white show runners... That's just Hollywood.  Unless you got Tyler perry money this is just how the industry works. 


I could honestly use any race for that example... Even if it's an Asian comedian who had a big platform on Netflix they would still catch flack if it was primarily about black people or gay people. 



I guess you're counting Jewish as white. Lots of Jewish producers and showrunners. 

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Wether that's the intent or bot it still does. Irish people aren't white they are Irish. Italians aren't white they are Italian. 


But I find the term "white people" to be pretty shitty in general. It's almost always used as a pejorative to insult a group, bot include them, while outside of including them in the insult. 


Wether the intent is to erase them or bot, it does regardless because it lumps them in with everyone who has the same skin color as then as if we all share the same cultures and identities. Italians don't really like being called anything but Italian, very proud of it, but seems we ignore that and just call them white cuz it's easier or something. 


No matter the intent it just isn't a very good look to me to put so much emphasis on skin color all the time like this. It all just comes off as "Who cares how they feel, they are white" to me. 

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14 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

No matter the intent it just isn't a very good look to me to put so much emphasis on skin color all the time like this. It all just comes off as "Who cares how they feel, they are white" to me. 

Yeah, on a technical level the whole concept of race is pretty bullshit anyway.


But as someone who's mostly Irish and Italian by descent (and most of my great grand parents, and all of my great great gp, weren't born here), my older relatives were perfectly content to make it into the "white clubhouse".  They just got treated better that way here that way, particularly back then.


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2 hours ago, Serpent said:

I guess you're counting Jewish as white. Lots of Jewish producers and showrunners. 

The point still stands, it's not alot of black people in exec or producer roles in Hollywood on black shows unless you are Tyler perry who owns his own studio. 


So the idea a trans woman is working on a black show is dumb to use as some sorta negative. 

Edited by Maxx
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