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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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ha, that's kind of ridiculous to look down his nose at such a "horrible" picture.  Men and women tend to have different interests in life and career, it's that goddamn simple.  Some people don't seem to like this "wild" idea that men and women, boys and girls...tend to be different.  It's not like that's a horrible injustice that should be "fixed".  There's not going to be a perfectly equal # of women and men interested in software engineer or game design as a career path.


haha and I see that he's already, as usual from what I hear, intent on blocking anyone that might disagree with him.  Oh wow how open-minded, this guy. 🤣

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

Jason Schreier has fanned some flames for this tweet



i find situations like this interesting. it might just be me but as a black guy if i go somewhere and i dont at least see one of my Latino brothers i automatically start thinking "i dunno about this where all the other niggas at? im bout to get the hell outta here" and maybe people thinking  like that is  why you don't have more diversity.


well that and i assume game development skews more white/asian. 

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on a side note that picture reminds me of a time i was riding with my friend and this idiot didn't put any gas in his car so we wind up on the side of the road.  it was close to midnight and keep in mind this is two black dudes in rural georgia. so we start walking and come upon a church and we see cars so there must be people. we look through the window nothing but country white folk and we look at each other this man say" hell naw let's keep walking"

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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Jason Schreier has fanned some flames for this tweet



Man, is this kind of shit that shows that most of the time is about agenda with those people.

Software development is still a vastly male dominated industry and by a wide margin.


Just seeing the replies on that tweet, is no wonder that fucker has people blocked.

That way is an echo chamber where people will agree with such stupid take like that, and he avoids being ratioed and eaten alive for posting stupid shit.


This is why i never read jason articles on the sites he works but the way machine 🤣

Edited by Hecatom
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2 hours ago, nickmanx5 said:

i find situations like this interesting. it might just be me but as a black guy if i go somewhere and i dont at least see one of my Latino brothers i automatically start thinking "i dunno about this where all the other niggas at? im bout to get the hell outta here" and maybe people thinking  like that is  why you don't have more diversity.


well that and i assume game development skews more white/asian. 

We have sites like github, that is a repository for software development, and we have metrics for most of that stuff by regions.

IIRC, USA, S.D in general, not just gaming involves like 94% male.


It is one of those situations where is just what it is, where for the time of commitment you have to do, you usually see mostly men flocking into this field.

And is not like the pigs on the replies of that tweet think, that there is something inherent that prevents other groups into dabbing into it.

Since now more than ever, is very easy to jump into it, since you have multiple places where you can learn.


In general, software development is a field where you have to make a lot, and i mean a lot of sacrifices, time, personal life, money, health, etc, and not just because the jobs, but because you have to keep updating your skillset, otherwise you are at the risk of becoming obsolete, so you have to spend part of your free time studying, specially on fields where new technologies are being introduced on regular basis.


Also, game development is a small portion of the whole thing, and most of the time, is one where unless you own the studio, you have way less return from your sacrifice.

Just look at how many stories you find across the whole industry about crunch, is something that happens everywhere.


You rarely have the luxury of time when it comes to S.D., since your clients are always asking stuff for yesterday.


Just to give you an idea, in my university, only like 3 to 5 people graduate from my career, which is Engineering on System Development and Computational Science, with only 1 woman graduating in the last 6 years.

At the beginning you have a good amount of people entering on the career, with hundreds of people of both sexes, but by the middle you only have active like 30.


I remember that there were times where it was only me and other 2 dudes on class, and due the low numbers, we had to keep together for a lot of classes so we could have them opened for us, since the university had as a special clause for our career, to open a class for a minimum of 3, and at times, they had to just open for 1, like it happened to me in more than one occasion.


By the middle of the career, you see most people either migrating to more easy Engineering careers on the technology fields that are more on the administrative side, or just move to other stuff like Industrial Engineering careers or Financial careers because you start getting a taste of the kind of sacrifices you will make early on, and while it sounds all fancy, the reality is that coding is not for everyone, it involves a lot of critical thinking and at times you can end throwing away a lot of your work because ther are changes made to the project that made your work useless, not to mention, that actually coding with good practices is not easy, it requires a special kind of mindset that most people don't have.


I am not saying is the norm, but i know that it not only happens on my university or even my country.


Then add the particular phenomenon/dynamic between countries like USA and the industry of S.D. where you see a lot of the work being hired overseas or down the continent, with each day most of it being done by people on india, oceania, latin america, etc.


With the advent of the internet the whole industry has become way more competitive than before, which in turns has made more sacrifices to be needed.

And like i said before, game development is the one that pays less.


Between making games and doing software for Salesforce, for example, why would anyone choose the former, lol

Specially when working for game companies most of the time involves working at cities that are extremely expensive most of the time diminishing even more your earnings.


I for example, studied S.D. because i wanted to make games, but between not being a reasonable career path in my country 21 years ago (Fuck i am old), and seeing how the standards for the industry are, i noped from that idea even way before i graduated lol.




And for the record of race.

I am a latino (which is a culture, not a race) who is a mix of native, spaniard and black based on my immediate genealogical tree, and on a more in the past i have jew and arab as well, to give a context that is not just whites and asians.

Edited by Hecatom
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4 hours ago, Hecatom said:


To think there was a time i could play WoW almost daily and enjoy it. 


I haven't touched the game in a very   long time and have no intention to do so. The old team is gone and so is the spark that made WoW the enjoyable experience it once was.  


I did however follow the game on various sites from time to time and Blizzard has implemented so many chore like systems into the game that you could easily confuse it with a second job not a video game. Frankly i am surprised it still has as many users as it currently does.

Edited by Skort
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Just now, Skort said:

Blizzard has implemented so many chore like systems into the game that you could easily confuse it with a second job not a video game. Frankly i am surprised it still has as many users as it currently does.

Is something that can turn me off from a lot of games.

Now days games want you to log in daily, by implementing quotas like daily missions and weekly missions that in the long run can burn you out.



I am not against them, since there have been games that it has worked well for me, but mostly because i do enjoy the gameplay loop.

For example Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled, that i played daily while the grand prixes were going on, but it was because the missions could be done in less than 20 mins, and the majority could be done just by playing the game normally, and if you were descent at the game, you could unlock what it was supposed to last a month in just a little more than a week.


But then there are other games where it feels intrusive on the normal gameplay loop, and that is when i can't really get behind it.


Destiny 1 was a game where i didn't mind all that stuff, since i could ignore it and just play the game with my friends, but by Desttiny 2, everything felt a chore, it didn't help that the gameplay loop was both stale and somehow way worse than what D1 was when they released 2.



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26 minutes ago, Skort said:

I did however follow the game on various sites from time to time and Blizzard has implemented so many chore like systems into the game that you could easily confuse it with a second job not a video game. Frankly i am surprised it still has as many users as it currently does.

You have WoW classic to thank for that. It restored a lot of the old systems and areas that the game use to have. Players who were turned off by the new shit came flocking back. Twitch viewership for WoW skyrocketed and there were more players playing classic than new WoW

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Why would I spend time and money developing a new game when I can sell you a 10 year old one for full price....and you'll buy it!!!


Now excuse me, I have a lunch meeting with Todd Howard. We are brainstorming how to sell you the same games at full price for the next 20 years bwahahahahahahahahahaha

Is Nintendo a joke to you? 

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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

Is Nintendo a joke to you? 

I guess? I mean you say this shit and yet I still see fans asking for easier access to Nintendo's back catalogue, they have a pretty glaring hole in their catalogue right now in that they have a brand new Metroid coming out, first one in like 10 years and yet there is almost no easy way to play any of them today on their hardware. They have HD ports of Zelda games they for some fucking reason still haven't ported to Switch and it's Zeldas God damn Anniversary. 


So kind of yes, they are, at least on this sibject. Nintendo doesn't support their old software half as well as they should to the point it actually hurts them by making it hard to break into their storied history of software. 


Bundling 3 amazing Mario games together for the first time ever really isn't the same as "Here is Skyrim again...BUT WITH VR!!!" and "Here is GTAV but with First Person Mode!!!" 


I get you're joking and I'm taking this joke a little too seriously but they honestly aren't the same to me. Nintendo's still putting out tons of new Software while Rockstar hasn't done much but add shit to their online modes for GTAV and RDR2 and Bethesdas idea of doing something new seems to be taking Fallout 4 and making the Wasteland an online lobby and a really bad one at that. Starfield gonna be running on the same horse shit engine Bethesda has been limping along on for the last 20 years. 


I dunno man they don't strike me as remotely the same. If anything Nintendo needs to release MORE old shit on their new hardware. My girlfriend is about done with LA Remake and it would be nice to be able to just buy ALttP on her Switch since she loves her Switch but no gotta buy stupid ass online or have play on my SNES Mini or some shit. Almost every Zelda game should be on the Switch there isn't much excuse. Same for Metroid. How you gonna grab new Metroid fans with a game claiming to wrap up 30 years of narrative and yet no one can play any of those previous 30 years of software without jumping through hoops? Fucking dumb. 

Edited by RSG3
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Level 7 G

9 minutes ago, PussyStuffer said:


dragonball fighterz recently went full rainbow edition on everyone.



Level 7 Gohan is the only one in the game with THAT level of freedom to do whatever he wants.    The essentially gave him the turbo mode mod that's been rolling around when he reaches 7.

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