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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Yeah so def getting all those amiibos cept for Steve and Alex.   They didn't announce a Sora amiibo but I wouldn't be surprised if they announce that later...I mean they gotta finish the set right?  


So this is the last surprise from Sakurai for some time it seems...I can only imagine the amount of BS that he had to go through to make Sora happen and it was probably worse than what he had to do to get Seph and arranged tracks since he not only had to deal with Squeenix he had to deal with Mouse.  It's been said before but I'll say it again...Smash fans don't deserve this guy.


Smash Ult has been selling and continues to sell amazingly well but looking into the future for this franchise this game is going to be something else in comparison to anything that comes before and after it.  I'm thinking maybe 20 or so years from now copies of this game with a Switch with all the DLC will probably become quite expensive cause I know it's going to be hard for Sakurai or anyone who may come after him when he retires to top the collaboration and effort that went into making this game a reality.  There will come a time that the game will no longer be sold and the DLC no longer accessible so unless someone manages to top this then I can easily see this game just steadily going up in price as the years go by.

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my initial thoughts for the future of smash bros is to just keep porting ultimate forward while upscaling it assuming they stay on positive terms with all the involved parties. now that they've given people all this good shit any casual fan is gonna riot once they start taking shit out for the next game. i often times hear people ask why normal fighting games don't have a smash ultimate style cast not realizing the balancing nightmare that would be.


if they truly don't give a fuck they can keep adding people to current cast as they port forward and the only one's who would complain are the competitive players. 

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

Sony is at it again, now removing paypal and credit card payments from the ps3 and psvita stores. 


That new CEO surely is a fucking turd, moving sony to retarded directions.

I mean this is just wishy washy. You are going to close those stores, then come back and say you listened and you won't close the stores, now you are just banning the primary way people can spend money on the store and will complain no one was buying stuff.


Granted I get they want to lighten their "load" of maintaining the servers and such but still this digital wallet requirement mess seems almost petty. 

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At this point, I'll take Waluigi just being playable in ANYTHING besides those sports games. He's such a blank state, Nintendo can go anywhere they want to with his character to make him interesting. 


Wario started out as just bad Mario but they developed him properly now he's my favorite Mario character. I'd like to see the same for Waluigi (if it's possible)  or atleast try 

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16 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

Not this again.



As someone who has been black his entire life, this is my response: Who the hell cares?

Look...I'm all for inclusiveness but I'm really not that offended by the lack of real life ethnic diversity in this game.  Nintendo doesn't really main franchises that specifically have races outside of white, asian, and an assortment of creatures unless it's a game that specially allows you to create a character like miis, animal crossing, and splatoon  (and I think Pokemon?...can't remember if there's a dark skinned character alt).  Can Nintendo have have maybe a bit more diversity in their IPs?  Sure that'd be awesome if they had game that had a hispanic character, a black character, or someone darker.  I think it was a definitely missed opportunity that they went with Twintelle instead of Min Min but I'm not about to try to shame the company over it because they're just trying to make great games.  They're not trying to push an agenda or anything and just make something fun that anybody can enjoy.  Maybe some time in the future they'll come up with an IP idea and choose to go outside of the box with their lead character but I'm really mad about this and I'm kind of really annoyed that people are trying to get mad for me on this when there's actual real equality issues to get pissed about.

Edited by Sonichuman
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8 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Does Dark Samus count? 👀

Someone mentioned her in the comments.  I da know I kinda file Dark Samus under "creature" because of what she really is.  Someone in the comments also mentioned Ganondorf and I forgot about him for a moment though he's not really black but he's really close to middle eastern.

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3 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Not this again.



As someone who has been black his entire life, this is my response: Who the hell cares?

I love how ratio'd that tweet is getting 😂 


Sad that even fictional worlds can't be free of the problems and issues we have in the real one these days. 

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18 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I love how ratio'd that tweet is getting 😂 


Sad that even fictional worlds can't be free of the problems and issues we have in the real one these days. 

I like how having pink puff balls, animals, fictional animals with elemental powers, aliens, squid kids, a robot and whatever a fuck isn't diverse enough. 

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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Someone mentioned her in the comments.  I da know I kinda file Dark Samus under "creature" because of what she really is.  Someone in the comments also mentioned Ganondorf and I forgot about him for a moment though he's not really black but he's really close to middle eastern.

Being a creature usually doesn't stop these types from racially coding them. The general consensus when it comes to Knuckles is that he's black because his quills is styled to resemble dreadlocks and often has hip hop music for his stages and theme.

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2 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Being a creature usually doesn't stop these types from racially coding them. The general consensus when it comes to Knuckles is that he's black because his quills is styled to resemble dreadlocks and often has hip hop music for his stages and theme.

Oh yeah I know Knux and Piccolo are both codified as being 'black' even though they aren't.    There isn't really anything that Dark Samus gives off personality or looks wise that even makes me think she'd be codified as such though.   That's just me.

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11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Thanks for this. 


Coincidentally, I tallied up my PS5 play time since last year. I'm around 100 hours. I put more time into Nier: Automata 🤣


My Switch has been getting the most action as of late. 

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5 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Not this again.



As someone who has been black his entire life, this is my response: Who the hell cares?

I mean as a long time Nintendo fan and natural born African American, once Twintelle beautiful brown self didn't make the cut and Rodin was an assist trophy, I kind of don't want to see one.


Mainly because after her you got Doc from Punch Out, who at best would be Little Mac clone and he sucks. The you got Anthony the black dude from Other M, that is it nothing else needs be said. After that you got Elma from Xenoblade Chronicles X but she technically don't count. I can't think of any other brown characters besides a few from Fire Emblem that seem to be tanned at least.


But given the selection in Nintendo and most Japanese games, outside of fighting and beat em up games not a whole lot of diverse leads.

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7 hours ago, Sonichuman said:


Yeah, but going with your example, how having a hispanic char, for example would make x or y game better?

I know i don't talk for all hispanics, but i am sure, most of us dont care that nintendo doesn't have hispanic chars, since is not really a pressing matter for most of us.

I know many people think representation is important, but for most of us is a 1st world problem.


No one here was ever bothered that movies/series/games from usa don't have hondurean/salvadorean/etc chars for example.

Case in point, latin america is a huge consumer of usa media, and you can see most people rejecting the modern more "diverse" renditions of old ips than the old ones that were less "diverse".

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5 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Yeah, but going with your example, how having a hispanic char, for example would make x or y game better?

I know i don't talk for all hispanics, but i am sure, most of us dont care that nintendo doesn't have hispanic chars, since is not really a pressing matter for most of us.

I know many people think representation is important, but for most of us is a 1st world problem.


No one here was ever bothered that movies/series/games from usa don't have hondurean/salvadorean/etc chars for example.

Case in point, latin america is a huge consumer of usa media, and you can see most people rejecting the modern more "diverse" renditions of old ips than the old ones that were less "diverse".

I had to read over my post again to make sure...I didn't say having a hispanic character or any character would  make any game better.  I said it would be awesome if they did.  I'm for diversity but what I don't want is shoehorned/forced diversity.  I want it to be natural instead of people feeling they are just checking a box because it may end up hampering the game if you are doing it just to do it.  I will say in the case of Smash the one character I will find the most odd that they didn't go with was Twintelle.  When she came out for Arms she was all the rage over the internet but they went with Min Min so I'm curious about the thought process on that decision.  Did they not want to nerf her ass in the transition or something?

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

  I will say in the case of Smash the one character I will find the most odd that they didn't go with was Twintelle.  When she came out for Arms she was all the rage over the internet but they went with Min Min so I'm curious about the thought process on that decision.  Did they not want to nerf her ass in the transition or something?

For the Arms character, I believe it was three things leading to Min Min being the representative.


1) I heard that Min Min was the Arms’s producer’s favorite so it’s possible that he asked Sakurai to have her be in. 

2) Min Min ended up winning the Party Crash Bash which was basically the in-game popularity contest. So picking her for Smash would make actual Arms fans happy.


3) Outside of the long arms gimmick all the Arms characters share, Min Min’s gimmicks were probably the best fit and unique for Smash. Her being able to kick and use lasers was probably more attractive to Sakurai compared to Twintelle fighting with her hair and slowing down time which is already done by Bayonetta. 

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So the Cotton Saturn Tribute is getting fixed! The president of City Connection was taking questions on twitter last night and people asked about the input lag and also how it will affect the upcoming Deathsmiles I + II port, he basically said Cotton will get some fixes and that Deathsmiles shouldn't have these problems since the different natures of the engines, the games themselves, etc. which is great news and it's also cool how open he's been with this.


I asked if the Cotton games and Deathsmiles would be coming to PC anytime soon and he replied with "We are planning to support many titles on steam, but we are not working on GOG or EPIC yet."


So good news for PC shmuppers too!

Edited by Abbachio
I don't know how to link twitter cos dumb
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Someone reversed Engineered the GBA Motherboard

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Developer Zekfoo has recently launched a github page for a reverse-engineered Game Boy Advance motherboard.  The design is based off the more streamlined GBA SP motherboard, but is a drop-in replacement for the original GBA motherboard.  The purpose of the design is to improve some of the shortcomings of the original, using mostly off-the-shelf parts;  You’ll still need the proprietary GBA chips to use it.  This is not going to be something made available fo purchase (at least not yet), but hopefully the project will eventually be open sourced.


Project Link:





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6 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Metroid Dread averaging around 8.5-10 in reviews. Not that I care cuz I was buying anyway but I suppose that is good news. Let's hope this leads to more traditional 2D Metroids in the future RGT85 being forced to play Balan Wonderworld

Sorry I had to. I'm looking forward to Dread cracking 3 million in sales and RGT85 having to trudge through the awful Balan Wonderworld for losing his sales bet. In his defense, he wants Dread to sell well, he just think it won't. Basically every Nintendo game release on Switch got a glow up. I don't think Dread will be different. Especially with our hard Nintendo is marketing it.

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Man, Overwatch is a great cast of characters there... it's really the only major point of appeal to me; most characters from there would've been cool as cameo appearances in random other games, imo... I imagine the most likely "star" to get cameos would be Tracer; they're all great character designs but she seems like the main "face" of that IP.


This week is kind of "a big fuckin deal" as ol' Sleepy Joe Biden might say... on top of Metroid Dread, I just remembered that the early access for Back 4 Blood should be around 10/8 or 10/9 I think...?  Then there's new OLED Switch this week as well.  All this right after recent releases of Death's Gambit, Steel Assault, the Actraiser remake AND Diablo 2!  Ridiculous.


D2--- I haven't put any real time into it just yet but I created a Druid as my first character.... definitely going all in on any kind of werewolf or werebear build....I might lean towards being a bear... what other game in history has ever let us be a "werebear", other than modded Skyrim? 😆  (*oh yeah... werebears are indeed a thing in that game too.  I first ran into some just randomly out there in the wilderness... it was "pack" of those guys all charging in to attack me in their bear forms... I had to unleash my vampire lord monster form to deal with them.)

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, Abbachio said:





So the Cotton Saturn Tribute is getting fixed! The president of City Connection was taking questions on twitter last night and people asked about the input lag and also how it will affect the upcoming Deathsmiles I + II port, he basically said Cotton will get some fixes and that Deathsmiles shouldn't have these problems since the different natures of the engines, the games themselves, etc. which is great news and it's also cool how open he's been with this.


I asked if the Cotton games and Deathsmiles would be coming to PC anytime soon and he replied with "We are planning to support many titles on steam, but we are not working on GOG or EPIC yet."


So good news for PC shmuppers too!

I'll believe it when I see it. They never fixed any past ports, and who knows what they feel is acceptable on input lag.

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4 hours ago, Abbachio said:





So the Cotton Saturn Tribute is getting fixed! The president of City Connection was taking questions on twitter last night and people asked about the input lag and also how it will affect the upcoming Deathsmiles I + II port, he basically said Cotton will get some fixes and that Deathsmiles shouldn't have these problems since the different natures of the engines, the games themselves, etc. which is great news and it's also cool how open he's been with this.


I asked if the Cotton games and Deathsmiles would be coming to PC anytime soon and he replied with "We are planning to support many titles on steam, but we are not working on GOG or EPIC yet."


So good news for PC shmuppers too!

This is great news to hear but I'm with Gasa. I'll believe it when I see it and she. I see it, I'll buy it. Good to hear tho, good lookin out. 


With that in mind I think you guys should take a look at a Shmup hit switch Recently called Crisis Wing. It's a pretty fun throw back to Truxtron/Tatsujin. 

Edited by RSG3
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