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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Singaporean not Japanese and that wasn't my point. The point was the inconsistency of Twitter. The people that normal pitch a fit about this sort of thing haven't said a word. They are like the SFIV fans in Twitch Chat during SFV events. They are frauds.  

Absolutely, there's an incredible amount of "fake nerds" in the Twittersphere.


I wonder how they'll handle Julia, if they include her at all. Another problem with anime to live action adaptations is that a 26 episode anime story is just not meant to be a 2.5 hour movie, kind of the same thing that happens with book to movie adaptations (I'm looking at -you-, shitty Ender's Game movie!).

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ohhhhh AngryMan actually went on about THIS topic... heh, he loves talking about "uncomfortable" topics lately, and I'm lovin' it 👍

bit of a shame that I'm sure 98% of "my peoples" don't want to hear any of that, especially about this subject....most will just let pure raw emotion guide their "argument" on this, most likely...ultimately falling back on ad hominem attacks and cliched "bumper sticker" slogans like "cut da check." (*....probably "so I can get them new Jordans and a new car...with rims.", right?)

*edit---timestamped now---forgot he takes a while to get to it sometimes

Edited by MillionX
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11 hours ago, Scanman said:

shitty Ender's Game movie

Orson Scott Card is an anthropomorphic bag of dick's, so I am perfectly fine waiting until after he's dead for a decent movie adaptation.


The original short story for Ender's Game is a lot more streamlined than the novel anyway, so it probably makes a ton more sense to base any movie script off of that instead.

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Of course...because this is just what Hollywood casting does these days 😆... "Dr. Cody" was a man....until now, of course: 

..but there's no agendas or tokenization going on... nah it would be silly to assume such things.


It's not a glaring game-breaker, of course, but this sort of thing continues to be amusing to me.  It's fun to speculate about future revisions to the endless line of remakes and reboots the entertainment industry keeps pumping out (since it's also easier to just redo old stuff instead of coming up with anything new.)


Future Dukes of Hazzard - except the confederate flag symbol is now a pride flag, and Bo and Luke Duke are now 2 pansexual women of color, despite still being named "Bo and Luke".  Also, their car is now a Nissan Leaf...perhaps it's named "The Justice Ginsberg" or "The First Lady", something like that.  One of the bad guys is still a bumbling idiot police officer though, but now his reasoning for hassling them is good ol' fashioned bigotry....they murder him in the first 10 minutes of episode 1 though.


Future Near Dark remake - now all the vampire characters are of course female, and they go from town to town feeding on any man they see....all male characters are written to be horrible people that deserve to be killed and drained dry by these "empowered, stunning and brave" lady-vamps....and there's no real major threat to them, they just keep killing dudes and eventually the movie ends, perhaps with Destiny Child's "I'm a Survivor!" song playing as the credits roll.



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oh yeah, the reparations video ruffled some feathers, so of course AM is going in on that shit again right now today

Drama Popcorn GIF


it's quite annoying they took Hogan Family off... I guess they just rotate their shows eventually... this weekend, Hazel was in the place of Hogan Family 😞 Also... no more Different Strokes or Facts of Life this weekend!  On the bright side, they brought back Mork and Mindy though

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School irritated me from day 1.... yeah I'm talkin' first day of kindergarten.  One day I was a carefree kid playing in the house all day...then all of a sudden I have to go to this other place for about 7 hours a day with other kids I don't really want to hang with....and with no toys or television in the mix....and with disgusting cafeteria food....already I was thinking "aye this some bullshit, man...the hell is this?"


I started to like or *tolerate* school later in 1st grade onwards though....but then in junior high it would turn to a deep-seated hatred though... I would come to despise my peers at that time...the origin of my opinion that most humans tend to be trash in one way or another, always keep your expectations of other people extremely low....and never fully trust anyone.  High school was significantly better, and of course college was far superior to that.



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i had to buy a new phone. but soon realized what use to be so much fun in the past has become a drag now due to the fact..i hate these damn humongous camera bumps.

how did this become a fad? shivers.

all these modern phones back sides look ugly as sin. not to mention i dont want wobbly balance when i lay my phone flat on a table. i ended up buying a phone model from a couple years ago. the samsung s10e

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heh, that is the reason a buddy and I used to watch Rodeo events whenever it was on tv... hoping to see something go wrong.  Looking back I realize it was naive to think they would show something like a dude being gored on tv if the event was not actually "Live" though....actually, even if it was Live there's always that delay most networks and radio stations ran with just in case.  Anyway, it was funny to see the rodeo clowns get knocked around like ragdolls at least.  Sometimes they'd show a dude get trampled.


There's not a high enough price to get me to ever participate in such a thing, btw... I'd rather not be anywhere near a bull if I can help it, unless I have a loaded shotgun, and I doubt even that can stop them fast enough when the shit hits the fan....always better to be safe than sorry; I don't trust situations involving large dangerous animals.  We've all seen those "When Animals Attack" specials on Fox back in the day.

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I heard about this from Roxy Striar mentioning it on her show a few days ago....


...there's no first I was suspicious if it was even real.  This dude quit a $100k job for a gamble on following a dream?


The legendary Wu-Tang said it best in that song---Cash Rules Everything Around Me.  There's no way in hell I'd quit a 6 figure job for a longshot "chance" at something.  It's just a strange concept to me when you consider how important a good job/career is in life, especially for young men fresh out of college.


It raises some other questions---I am curious about just what job that was where he was in the 6-figure club already at just 22 years old.  (**edit---aha; he's a welder, apparently) That kind of salary at such a young age... you've already WON at the game of life, imo.... at least in most areas of this country, you should be living like a goddamn king on that kind of salary...especially if you aren't yet bogged down by those financial black holes known as "children", or marriage.  I'm all about maintaining stability so life can be easy for as long as possible.


*edit---an "Alice" marathon is on Antenna today.  Linda Lavin was so damn cute in those early seasons; and that New Yorker accent catches my attention every time....well here we go: Fuck/Marry/Kill time then... I'd likely marry Alice, fuck Vera...and sorry to the ever-sassy southern belle Flo, she dies.  

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Most likely, yeah I'd say so... unless I decide to be some young honey's "sugar daddy" later, I guess.... fully aware that she's only there for whatever money/resources I can spoil her with, really...and she's likely to cheat the first chance she gets.  I know of that movie but oddly enough I've never seen Uncle Buck.  


...or perhaps I'd be some foreign girl's shot at a green card "permanent resident" status; there might be that option as well.  Actual "love" seems like a foolish, imaginary thing, imo.  The relation between men and women seems to be irreversibly broken and dysfunctional in modern times.  

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24 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Do you think you'll be alone forever, Million?


edit - not trying to be mean but reading some of your posts reminds me of a part in Uncle Buck.


edit 2 - really for while now I've thought of you as a skinny black Uncle Buck...but you got a job.

Million's not entirely wrong with the post he made. Minus the opinion he has regarding children and marriage, he's pretty much spot on.

Also, the person who dropped a 100k/yr job just for a chance to work for one of the Paul brothers needs to be bitchslapped, repeatedly and with as much force as possible.

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