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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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7 minutes ago, rukawa_kaede said:

i like the character basically a tan,short younger Vanessa with a dog. Her gameplay thou seems bland

I like her character design but hate it as an addition for GG.

She looks out of place, and her gameplay seems more like something you would see on KOF.

She kind of feels like a Kim clone.

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I'll admit it has become annoying to see GTA V *always* at or near the very top of the sales's the game that just won't die for some reason.  I wouldn't be surprised if seriously 15 years from now, GTA V is STILL in top 5 sales for the summer of 2035 on whatever # of PlayStation we're up to at that point.  The whole thing is just strange to me, because everything else tapers off at some, movies shows, etc... it always reaches a point where everyone who would be interested in the thing has seen and played it several times over already.


Meanwhile, in Amalur-- 

Zuul finally found the Scholia Arcana.  Naturally they accepted him to the initiation ritual right away since he's such a magical badass.  He's already ascended the ranks quickly and is now an "Adept".


Y'know, I never cared much for the "ice barrage" skill previously...I always focused on fire attacks, but the damage you can build up with ice in general is pretty ridiculous... Ice Barrage fires off 9 shards of the ice, which is further buffed by that skill above it, and buffed even further by skills on gear.  Currently, I've noticed my ice barrage doing about 99 damage per shot and that's just on non-critical hits.  On top of the damage, it's also useful in slowing down effect which is buffed by that skill above Ice alllll that damage; close to 1000 if they take all 9 hits, not even counting 1 or 2 of them being critical...and then they're slowed which sets them up for anything else you follow-up with... bruhhhhh 😄

ah, I always forget that "skill that's above ice barrage"---it is called "frost shackle"


...looking forward to the next few level-ups... when I get 70 points in Sorcery I can finally get into the top-rank skills, and ohhhh yeah I'm going for Meteor.  I remember in the original that shit was SO ridiculous... I'm talking about screen-wiping absolute devastation, man.... Biblical Armageddon levels of destruction unleashed on the enemies.  They have no chance against all this power.



Edited by MillionX
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People always say "Doesn't look like Guilty Gear" then I look at the old GG cast and wonder wtf they are talking about lol. Same happened with Ram and Elf. People 've like "They don't look like GG characters, she's wearing a wedding dress!!" And then I look over at the cross dresser in a nun outfit and have a small but healthy laugh lol. 


Even the characters they have in the roster aren't the ones who usually wear all the chains, buckles and shit anyway lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 minute ago, KingTubb said:

I was just joshing. I'm really loving the character designs in Strive. May and Faust's looks are on point. And GG is so unique that there isn't really a general design trope other than "Anime as fuck"

Wasn't aiming it at you specifically, more noting a funny trend whenever a new GG character is announced. That's all. 

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Just now, KingTubb said:

I was just joshing. I'm really loving the character designs in Strive. May and Faust's looks are on point. And GG is so unique that there isn't really a general design trope other than "Anime as fuck"

Have you seen the GG fans that try to deny the anime part? They want to think GG is all metal. Characters like Ram and Elf grind their gears as they break what they perceive GG to be. 

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4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Have you seen the GG fans that try to deny the anime part? They want to think GG is all metal. Characters like Ram and Elf grind their gears as they break what they perceive GG to be. 

I've always loved this idea. As if the old GG games are any less or more anime than Xrd. Those games have always had a wide and wild variety of different designs. Justice looks like a straight up Gundam dude, in the same game that has Bridget. 


Dudes fooling themselves. 

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I am such a sucker for retro style horror games. I am constantly trying to recapture my first moments with SH1... So it's no surprise this looks interesting to me, but I figured someone else might get a kick out of it. 


Haunted PS1 Demo Disk



From their official website description:


"Roused by the crackle of static, a lingering sense of dread crawls across the floor. You sit alone in your room. A dimly lit memory repeats in your head. 17 demos too horrible to describe keep you from your bed. Each one is a personally crafted nightmare. You've tried to tell others, no one understands. A CRT you don't remember owning flashes to life. Frozen in place you look upon the flickering screen to spy a dismal, bloodied scene. A cracked and faded jewel case sits close beside. A pale grey plastic box sits in front, emitting a low whirring noise. Will you take to the controller or let yourself be taken over?"


Seems like a cool little throwback to a lot of PS1 era stuff. I love the idea of making a game like this parodying those random demo discs that would come with gaming magazines, or even other games. It's got a really great style to it. Gonna check it out, possibly tonight. 


It's free on their website, by the way.


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